
253 lines
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#ifndef PICOC_H
#define PICOC_H
#include <stdarg.h>
/* configurable options */
#define HEAP_SIZE 2048 /* space for the heap and the stack */
#define GLOBAL_TABLE_SIZE 397 /* global variable table */
#define FUNCTION_STORE_MAX 200 /* maximum number of used-defined functions and macros */
#define STACK_MAX 10 /* maximum function call stack depth */
#define PARAMETER_MAX 10 /* maximum number of parameters to a function */
#define LOCAL_TABLE_SIZE 11 /* maximum number of local variables */
#define STRUCT_TABLE_SIZE 11 /* maximum number of struct/union members */
#define LARGE_INT_POWER_OF_TEN 1000000000 /* the largest power of ten which fits in an int on this architecture */
#define ARCH_ALIGN_WORDSIZE sizeof(int) /* memory alignment boundary on this architecture */
/* handy definitions */
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
#ifndef min
#define min(x,y) (((x)<(y))?(x):(y))
#define LOG10E 0.43429448190325182765
#ifndef PATH_MAX
#define PATH_MAX 1024
#define ISVALUETYPE(t) (((t)->Base == TypeInt) || ((t)->Base == TypeFP) || ((t)->Base == TypeString))
struct Table;
/* lexical tokens */
enum LexToken
TokenNone, TokenEOF, TokenEndOfLine,
TokenIdentifier, TokenIntegerConstant, TokenFPConstant, TokenStringConstant, TokenCharacterConstant,
TokenOpenBracket, TokenCloseBracket,
TokenAssign, TokenPlus, TokenMinus, TokenAsterisk, TokenSlash,
TokenEquality, TokenLessThan, TokenGreaterThan, TokenLessEqual, TokenGreaterEqual,
TokenSemicolon, TokenComma, TokenDot,
TokenArrow, TokenAmpersand,
TokenLeftBrace, TokenRightBrace,
TokenLeftSquareBracket, TokenRightSquareBracket,
TokenLogicalAnd, TokenLogicalOr, TokenArithmeticOr, TokenArithmeticExor, TokenUnaryExor, TokenUnaryNot,
TokenAddAssign, TokenSubtractAssign,
TokenIncrement, TokenDecrement,
TokenIntType, TokenCharType, TokenFloatType, TokenDoubleType, TokenVoidType, TokenEnumType,
TokenLongType, TokenSignedType, TokenShortType, TokenStructType, TokenUnionType, TokenUnsignedType, TokenTypedef,
TokenDo, TokenElse, TokenFor, TokenIf, TokenWhile, TokenBreak, TokenSwitch, TokenCase, TokenDefault, TokenReturn,
TokenHashDefine, TokenHashInclude
/* string type so we can use source file strings */
typedef struct _Str
int Len;
const char *Str;
} Str;
/* lexer state - so we can lex nested files */
struct LexState
int Line;
const char *Pos;
const char *End;
const Str *FileName;
/* function definition - really just where it is in the source file */
struct FuncDef
Str Source;
Str FileName;
int StartLine;
/* values */
enum BaseType
TypeVoid, /* no type */
TypeInt, /* integer */
TypeFP, /* floating point */
TypeChar, /* a single character - acts like an integer except in machine memory access */
TypeString, /* a constant source text string with C string emulation */
TypeFunction, /* a function */
TypeMacro, /* a macro */
TypePointer, /* a pointer */
TypeArray, /* an array of a sub-type */
TypeStruct, /* aggregate type */
TypeUnion, /* merged type */
TypeEnum, /* enumated integer type */
TypeType /* a type (eg. typedef) */
struct ValueType
enum BaseType Base; /* what kind of type this is */
int ArraySize; /* the size of an array type */
int Sizeof; /* the storage required */
Str Identifier; /* the name of a struct or union */
struct ValueType *FromType; /* the type we're derived from (or NULL) */
struct ValueType *DerivedTypeList; /* first in a list of types derived from this one */
struct ValueType *Next; /* next item in the derived type list */
struct Table *Members; /* members of a struct, union or enum */
struct ArrayValue
unsigned int Size; /* the number of elements in the array */
void *Data; /* pointer to the array data */
struct PointerValue
struct Value *Segment; /* array or basic value which this points to, NULL for machine memory access */
union s {
unsigned int Offset; /* index into an array */
void *Memory; /* machine memory pointer for raw memory access */
} Data;
union AnyValue
unsigned char Character;
short ShortInteger;
int Integer;
double FP;
Str String;
struct ArrayValue Array;
struct PointerValue Pointer;
struct LexState Lexer;
struct ValueType *Typ;
struct Value
struct ValueType *Typ;
union AnyValue *Val;
char MustFree;
/* hash table data structure */
struct TableEntry
Str Key;
struct Value *Val;
struct Table
short Size;
struct TableEntry *HashTable;
/* stack frame for function calls */
struct StackFrame
struct LexState ReturnLex; /* how we got here */
struct Table LocalTable; /* the local variables and parameters */
struct TableEntry LocalHashTable[LOCAL_TABLE_SIZE];
/* globals */
extern struct Table GlobalTable;
extern struct LexState FunctionStore[FUNCTION_STORE_MAX];
extern int FunctionStoreUsed;
extern struct Value *Parameter[PARAMETER_MAX];
extern int ParameterUsed;
extern struct StackFrame Stack[STACK_MAX];
extern int StackUsed;
extern struct Value *ReturnValue;
extern struct ValueType IntType;
extern struct ValueType CharType;
extern struct ValueType StringType;
extern struct ValueType FPType;
extern struct ValueType VoidType;
extern struct ValueType FunctionType;
extern struct ValueType MacroType;
extern Str StrEmpty;
/* str.c */
void StrToC(char *Dest, int DestSize, const Str *Source);
void StrFromC(Str *Dest, const char *Source);
int StrEqual(const Str *Str1, const Str *Str2);
int StrEqualC(const Str *Str1, const char *Str2);
void StrPrintf(const char *Format, ...);
void vStrPrintf(const char *Format, va_list Args);
/* picoc.c */
void Fail(const char *Message, ...);
void ProgramFail(struct LexState *Lexer, const char *Message, ...);
void ScanFile(const Str *FileName);
/* table.c */
void TableInit(struct Table *Tbl, struct TableEntry *HashTable, int Size);
int TableSet(struct Table *Tbl, const Str *Key, struct Value *Val);
int TableGet(struct Table *Tbl, const Str *Key, struct Value **Val);
/* lex.c */
void LexInit(struct LexState *Lexer, const Str *Source, const Str *FileName, int Line);
enum LexToken LexGetToken(struct LexState *Lexer, union AnyValue *Value);
enum LexToken LexGetPlainToken(struct LexState *Lexer);
enum LexToken LexPeekToken(struct LexState *Lexer, union AnyValue *Value);
enum LexToken LexPeekPlainToken(struct LexState *Lexer);
void LexToEndOfLine(struct LexState *Lexer);
/* parse.c */
void ParseInit(void);
int ParseExpression(struct LexState *Lexer, struct Value **Result, int RunIt);
void Parse(const Str *FileName, const Str *Source, int RunIt);
/* type.c */
void TypeInit();
int TypeSizeof(struct ValueType *Typ);
void TypeParse(struct LexState *Lexer, struct ValueType **Typ, Str *Identifier);
/* intrinsic.c */
void IntrinsicInit(struct Table *GlobalTable);
void IntrinsicGetLexer(struct LexState *Lexer, int IntrinsicId);
void IntrinsicCall(struct LexState *Lexer, struct Value *Result, struct ValueType *ReturnType, int IntrinsicId);
/* heap.c */
void HeapInit();
void *HeapAllocStack(int Size);
void HeapPushStackFrame();
int HeapPopStackFrame();
void *HeapAlloc(int Size);
void HeapFree(void *Mem);
/* variable.c */
void VariableInit();
void *VariableAlloc(struct LexState *Lexer, int Size);
struct Value *VariableAllocValueAndData(struct LexState *Lexer, int DataSize);
struct Value *VariableAllocValueAndCopy(struct LexState *Lexer, struct Value *FromValue);
struct Value *VariableAllocValueFromType(struct LexState *Lexer, struct ValueType *Typ);
void VariableDefine(struct LexState *Lexer, const Str *Ident, struct Value *InitValue);
int VariableDefined(Str *Ident);
XXX void VariableGet(struct LexState *Lexer, Str *Ident, struct Value *Val, struct Value **LVal);
void VariableStackFrameAdd(struct LexState *Lexer);
#endif /* PICOC_H */