2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
package bwapi ;
import bwapi.* ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.Collection ;
import java.util.List ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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The abstract Game class is implemented by BWAPI and is the primary means of obtaining all game state information from Starcraft Broodwar . Game state information includes all units , resources , players , forces , bullets , terrain , fog of war , regions , etc .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public class Game {
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the set of all teams / forces . Forces are commonly seen in Use Map Settings game types and some others such as Top vs Bottom and the team versions of game types . Returns Forceset containing all forces in the game .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public List < Force > getForces ( ) {
return getForces_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the set of all players in the match . This includes the neutral player , which owns all the resources and critters by default . Returns Playerset containing all players in the game .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public List < Player > getPlayers ( ) {
return getPlayers_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the set of all accessible units . If Flag : : CompleteMapInformation is enabled , then the set also includes units that are not visible to the player . Note Units that are inside refineries are not included in this set . Returns Unitset containing all known units in the game .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public List < Unit > getAllUnits ( ) {
return getAllUnits_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the set of all accessible Mineral Fields in the game . Returns Unitset containing Mineral Fields
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public List < Unit > getMinerals ( ) {
return getMinerals_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the set of all accessible Vespene Geysers in the game . Returns Unitset containing Vespene Geysers
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public List < Unit > getGeysers ( ) {
return getGeysers_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the set of all accessible neutral units in the game . This includes Mineral Fields , Vespene Geysers , and Critters . Returns Unitset containing all neutral units .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public List < Unit > getNeutralUnits ( ) {
return getNeutralUnits_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the set of all Mineral Fields that were available at the beginning of the game . Note This set includes resources that have been mined out or are inaccessible . Returns Unitset containing static Mineral Fields
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public List < Unit > getStaticMinerals ( ) {
return getStaticMinerals_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the set of all Vespene Geysers that were available at the beginning of the game . Note This set includes resources that are inaccessible . Returns Unitset containing static Vespene Geysers
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public List < Unit > getStaticGeysers ( ) {
return getStaticGeysers_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the set of all units owned by the neutral player ( resources , critters , etc . ) that were available at the beginning of the game . Note This set includes units that are inaccessible . Returns Unitset containing static neutral units
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public List < Unit > getStaticNeutralUnits ( ) {
return getStaticNeutralUnits_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the set of all accessible bullets . Returns Bulletset containing all accessible Bullet objects .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public List < Bullet > getBullets ( ) {
return getBullets_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the Force interface object associated with a given identifier . Parameters forceID The identifier for the Force object . Returns Force interface object mapped to the given forceID . Return values nullptr if the given identifier is invalid .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public Force getForce ( int forceID ) {
return getForce_native ( pointer , forceID ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the Player interface object associated with a given identifier . Parameters playerID The identifier for the Player object . Returns Player interface object mapped to the given playerID . Return values nullptr if the given identifier is invalid .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public Player getPlayer ( int playerID ) {
return getPlayer_native ( pointer , playerID ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the Unit interface object associated with a given identifier . Parameters unitID The identifier for the Unit object . Returns Unit interface object mapped to the given unitID . Return values nullptr if the given identifier is invalid .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public Unit getUnit ( int unitID ) {
return getUnit_native ( pointer , unitID ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves a Unit interface object from a given unit index . The value given as an index maps directly to Broodwar ' s unit array index and matches the index found in replay files . In order to use this function , CompleteMapInformation must be enabled . Parameters unitIndex The unitIndex to identify the Unit with . A valid index is 0 < = unitIndex & 0x7FF < 1700 . Returns Unit interface object that matches the given unitIndex . Return values nullptr if the given index is invalid .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public Unit indexToUnit ( int unitIndex ) {
return indexToUnit_native ( pointer , unitIndex ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the Region interface object associated with a given identifier . Parameters regionID The identifier for the Region object . Returns Region interface object mapped to the given regionID . Return values nullptr if the given ID is invalid .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public Region getRegion ( int regionID ) {
return getRegion_native ( pointer , regionID ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the GameType of the current game . Returns GameType indicating the rules of the match . See also GameType
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public GameType getGameType ( ) {
return getGameType_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the current latency setting that the game is set to . Latency indicates the delay between issuing a command and having it processed . Returns The latency setting of the game , which is of Latency : : Enum . See also Latency : : Enum Todo : Change return type to Latency : : Enum without breaking everything .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public int getLatency ( ) {
return getLatency_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the number of logical frames since the beginning of the match . If the game is paused , then getFrameCount will not increase . Returns Number of logical frames that have elapsed since the game started as an integer .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public int getFrameCount ( ) {
return getFrameCount_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the maximum number of logical frames that have been recorded in a replay . If the game is not a replay , then the value returned is undefined . Returns The number of logical frames that the replay contains .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public int getReplayFrameCount ( ) {
return getReplayFrameCount_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the logical frame rate of the game in frames per second ( FPS ) . Example : BWAPI : : Broodwar - > setLocalSpeed ( 0 ) ; // Log and display the best logical FPS seen in the game static int bestFPS = 0; bestFPS = std::max(bestFPS, BWAPI::Broodwar->getFPS()); BWAPI::Broodwar->drawTextScreen(BWAPI::Positions::Origin, "%cBest: %d GFPS\nCurrent: %d GFPS", BWAPI::Text::White, bestFPS, BWAPI::Broodwar->getFPS()); Returns Logical frames per second that the game is currently running at as an integer. See also getAverageFPS
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public int getFPS ( ) {
return getFPS_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the average logical frame rate of the game in frames per second ( FPS ) . Returns Average logical frames per second that the game is currently running at as a double . See also getFPS
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public double getAverageFPS ( ) {
return getAverageFPS_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the position of the user ' s mouse on the screen , in Position coordinates . Returns Position indicating the location of the mouse . Return values Positions : : Unknown if Flag : : UserInput is disabled .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public Position getMousePosition ( ) {
return getMousePosition_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the state of the given mouse button . Parameters button A MouseButton enum member indicating which button on the mouse to check . Returns A bool indicating the state of the given button . true if the button was pressed and false if it was not . Return values false always if Flag : : UserInput is disabled . See also MouseButton
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean getMouseState ( MouseButton button ) {
return getMouseState_native ( pointer , button ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the state of the given keyboard key . Parameters key A Key enum member indicating which key on the keyboard to check . Returns A bool indicating the state of the given key . true if the key was pressed and false if it was not . Return values false always if Flag : : UserInput is disabled . See also Key
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean getKeyState ( Key key ) {
return getKeyState_native ( pointer , key ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the top left position of the viewport from the top left corner of the map , in pixels . Returns Position containing the coordinates of the top left corner of the game ' s viewport . Return values Positions : : Unknown always if Flag : : UserInput is disabled . See also setScreenPosition
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public Position getScreenPosition ( ) {
return getScreenPosition_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Moves the top left corner of the viewport to the provided position relative to the map ' s origin ( top left ( 0 , 0 ) ) . Parameters x The x coordinate to move the screen to , in pixels . y The y coordinate to move the screen to , in pixels . See also getScreenPosition
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void setScreenPosition ( int x , int y ) {
setScreenPosition_native ( pointer , x , y ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Moves the top left corner of the viewport to the provided position relative to the map ' s origin ( top left ( 0 , 0 ) ) . Parameters x The x coordinate to move the screen to , in pixels . y The y coordinate to move the screen to , in pixels . See also getScreenPosition
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void setScreenPosition ( Position p ) {
setScreenPosition_native ( pointer , p ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Pings the minimap at the given position . Minimap pings are visible to allied players . Parameters x The x coordinate to ping at , in pixels , from the map ' s origin ( left ) . y The y coordinate to ping at , in pixels , from the map ' s origin ( top ) .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void pingMinimap ( int x , int y ) {
pingMinimap_native ( pointer , x , y ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Pings the minimap at the given position . Minimap pings are visible to allied players . Parameters x The x coordinate to ping at , in pixels , from the map ' s origin ( left ) . y The y coordinate to ping at , in pixels , from the map ' s origin ( top ) .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void pingMinimap ( Position p ) {
pingMinimap_native ( pointer , p ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks if the state of the given flag is enabled or not . Note Flags may only be enabled at the start of the match during the AIModule : : onStart callback . Parameters flag The Flag : : Enum entry describing the flag ' s effects on BWAPI . Returns true if the given flag is enabled , false if the flag is disabled . See also Flag : : Enum Todo : Take Flag : : Enum as parameter instead of int
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean isFlagEnabled ( int flag ) {
return isFlagEnabled_native ( pointer , flag ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Enables the state of a given flag . Note Flags may only be enabled at the start of the match during the AIModule : : onStart callback . Parameters flag The Flag : : Enum entry describing the flag ' s effects on BWAPI . See also Flag : : Enum Todo : Take Flag : : Enum as parameter instead of int
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void enableFlag ( int flag ) {
enableFlag_native ( pointer , flag ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the set of accessible units that are on a given build tile . Parameters tileX The X position , in tiles . tileY The Y position , in tiles . pred ( optional ) A function predicate that indicates which units are included in the returned set . Returns A Unitset object consisting of all the units that have any part of them on the given build tile .
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public List < Unit > getUnitsOnTile ( int tileX , int tileY ) {
return getUnitsOnTile_native ( pointer , tileX , tileY ) ;
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Retrieves the set of accessible units that are on a given build tile . Parameters tileX The X position , in tiles . tileY The Y position , in tiles . pred ( optional ) A function predicate that indicates which units are included in the returned set . Returns A Unitset object consisting of all the units that have any part of them on the given build tile .
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public List < Unit > getUnitsOnTile ( TilePosition tile ) {
return getUnitsOnTile_native ( pointer , tile ) ;
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Retrieves the set of accessible units that are in a given rectangle . Parameters left The X coordinate of the left position of the bounding box , in pixels . top The Y coordinate of the top position of the bounding box , in pixels . right The X coordinate of the right position of the bounding box , in pixels . bottom The Y coordinate of the bottom position of the bounding box , in pixels . pred ( optional ) A function predicate that indicates which units are included in the returned set . Returns A Unitset object consisting of all the units that have any part of them within the given rectangle bounds .
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public List < Unit > getUnitsInRectangle ( int left , int top , int right , int bottom ) {
return getUnitsInRectangle_native ( pointer , left , top , right , bottom ) ;
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Retrieves the set of accessible units that are in a given rectangle . Parameters left The X coordinate of the left position of the bounding box , in pixels . top The Y coordinate of the top position of the bounding box , in pixels . right The X coordinate of the right position of the bounding box , in pixels . bottom The Y coordinate of the bottom position of the bounding box , in pixels . pred ( optional ) A function predicate that indicates which units are included in the returned set . Returns A Unitset object consisting of all the units that have any part of them within the given rectangle bounds .
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public List < Unit > getUnitsInRectangle ( Position topLeft , Position bottomRight ) {
return getUnitsInRectangle_native ( pointer , topLeft , bottomRight ) ;
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Retrieves the set of accessible units that are within a given radius of a position . Parameters x The x coordinate of the center , in pixels . y The y coordinate of the center , in pixels . radius The radius from the center , in pixels , to include units . pred ( optional ) A function predicate that indicates which units are included in the returned set . Returns A Unitset object consisting of all the units that have any part of them within the given radius from the center position .
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public List < Unit > getUnitsInRadius ( int x , int y , int radius ) {
return getUnitsInRadius_native ( pointer , x , y , radius ) ;
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Retrieves the set of accessible units that are within a given radius of a position . Parameters x The x coordinate of the center , in pixels . y The y coordinate of the center , in pixels . radius The radius from the center , in pixels , to include units . pred ( optional ) A function predicate that indicates which units are included in the returned set . Returns A Unitset object consisting of all the units that have any part of them within the given radius from the center position .
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public List < Unit > getUnitsInRadius ( Position center , int radius ) {
return getUnitsInRadius_native ( pointer , center , radius ) ;
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Returns the last error that was set using setLastError . If a function call in BWAPI has failed , you can use this function to retrieve the reason it failed . Returns Error type containing the reason for failure . See also setLastError , Errors
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public Error getLastError ( ) {
return getLastError_native ( pointer ) ;
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Sets the last error so that future calls to getLastError will return the value that was set . Parameters e ( optional ) The error code to set . If omitted , then the last error will be cleared . Return values true If the type passed was Errors : : None , clearing the last error . false If any other error type was passed . See also getLastError , Errors
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean setLastError ( ) {
return setLastError_native ( pointer ) ;
public boolean setLastError ( Error e ) {
return setLastError_native ( pointer , e ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the width of the map in build tile units . Returns Width of the map in tiles . See also mapHeight
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public int mapWidth ( ) {
return mapWidth_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the height of the map in build tile units . Returns Height of the map in tiles . See also mapHeight
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public int mapHeight ( ) {
return mapHeight_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the file name of the currently loaded map . Returns Map file name as std : : string object . See also mapPathName , mapName Todo : : Note on campaign files .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public String mapFileName ( ) {
return mapFileName_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the full path name of the currently loaded map . Returns Map file name as std : : string object . See also mapFileName , mapName Todo : : Note on campaign files .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public String mapPathName ( ) {
return mapPathName_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the title of the currently loaded map . Returns Map title as std : : string object . See also mapFileName , mapPathName
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public String mapName ( ) {
return mapName_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Calculates the SHA - 1 hash of the currently loaded map file . Returns std : : string object containing SHA - 1 hash . Note Campaign maps will return a hash of their internal map chunk components ( . chk ) , while standard maps will return a hash of their entire map archive ( . scm , . scx ) . Todo : : Note on replays .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public String mapHash ( ) {
return mapHash_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks if the given mini - tile position is walkable . Note This function only checks if the static terrain is walkable . Its current occupied state is excluded from this check . To see if the space is currently occupied or not , then see getUnitsInRectangle . Parameters walkX The x coordinate of the mini - tile , in mini - tile units ( 8 pixels ) . walkY The y coordinate of the mini - tile , in mini - tile units ( 8 pixels ) . Returns true if the mini - tile is walkable and false if it is impassable for ground units .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean isWalkable ( int walkX , int walkY ) {
return isWalkable_native ( pointer , walkX , walkY ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks if the given mini - tile position is walkable . Note This function only checks if the static terrain is walkable . Its current occupied state is excluded from this check . To see if the space is currently occupied or not , then see getUnitsInRectangle . Parameters walkX The x coordinate of the mini - tile , in mini - tile units ( 8 pixels ) . walkY The y coordinate of the mini - tile , in mini - tile units ( 8 pixels ) . Returns true if the mini - tile is walkable and false if it is impassable for ground units .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean isWalkable ( WalkPosition position ) {
return isWalkable_native ( pointer , position ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Returns the ground height at the given tile position . Parameters tileX X position to query , in tiles tileY Y position to query , in tiles Returns The tile height as an integer . Possible values are : 0 : Low ground 1 : Low ground doodad 2 : High ground 3 : High ground doodad 4 : Very high ground 5 : Very high ground doodad
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public int getGroundHeight ( int tileX , int tileY ) {
return getGroundHeight_native ( pointer , tileX , tileY ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Returns the ground height at the given tile position . Parameters tileX X position to query , in tiles tileY Y position to query , in tiles Returns The tile height as an integer . Possible values are : 0 : Low ground 1 : Low ground doodad 2 : High ground 3 : High ground doodad 4 : Very high ground 5 : Very high ground doodad
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public int getGroundHeight ( TilePosition position ) {
return getGroundHeight_native ( pointer , position ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks if a given tile position is buildable . This means that , if all other requirements are met , a structure can be placed on this tile . This function uses static map data . Parameters tileX The x value of the tile to check . tileY The y value of the tile to check . includeBuildings ( optional ) If this is true , then this function will also check if any visible structures are occupying the space . If this value is false , then it only checks the static map data for tile buildability . This value is false by default . Returns boolean identifying if the given tile position is buildable ( true ) or not ( false ) . If includeBuildings was provided , then it will return false if a structure is currently occupying the tile .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean isBuildable ( int tileX , int tileY ) {
return isBuildable_native ( pointer , tileX , tileY ) ;
public boolean isBuildable ( int tileX , int tileY , boolean includeBuildings ) {
return isBuildable_native ( pointer , tileX , tileY , includeBuildings ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks if a given tile position is buildable . This means that , if all other requirements are met , a structure can be placed on this tile . This function uses static map data . Parameters tileX The x value of the tile to check . tileY The y value of the tile to check . includeBuildings ( optional ) If this is true , then this function will also check if any visible structures are occupying the space . If this value is false , then it only checks the static map data for tile buildability . This value is false by default . Returns boolean identifying if the given tile position is buildable ( true ) or not ( false ) . If includeBuildings was provided , then it will return false if a structure is currently occupying the tile .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean isBuildable ( TilePosition position ) {
return isBuildable_native ( pointer , position ) ;
public boolean isBuildable ( TilePosition position , boolean includeBuildings ) {
return isBuildable_native ( pointer , position , includeBuildings ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks if a given tile position is visible to the current player . Parameters tileX The x value of the tile to check . tileY The y value of the tile to check . Returns boolean identifying the visibility of the tile . If the given tile is visible , then the value is true . If the given tile is concealed by the fog of war , then this value will be false .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean isVisible ( int tileX , int tileY ) {
return isVisible_native ( pointer , tileX , tileY ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks if a given tile position is visible to the current player . Parameters tileX The x value of the tile to check . tileY The y value of the tile to check . Returns boolean identifying the visibility of the tile . If the given tile is visible , then the value is true . If the given tile is concealed by the fog of war , then this value will be false .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean isVisible ( TilePosition position ) {
return isVisible_native ( pointer , position ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks if a given tile position has been explored by the player . An explored tile position indicates that the player has seen the location at some point in the match , partially revealing the fog of war for the remainder of the match . Parameters tileX The x tile coordinate to check . tileY The y tile coordinate to check . Return values true If the player has explored the given tile position ( partially revealed fog ) . false If the tile position was never explored ( completely black fog ) . See also isVisible
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean isExplored ( int tileX , int tileY ) {
return isExplored_native ( pointer , tileX , tileY ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks if a given tile position has been explored by the player . An explored tile position indicates that the player has seen the location at some point in the match , partially revealing the fog of war for the remainder of the match . Parameters tileX The x tile coordinate to check . tileY The y tile coordinate to check . Return values true If the player has explored the given tile position ( partially revealed fog ) . false If the tile position was never explored ( completely black fog ) . See also isVisible
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean isExplored ( TilePosition position ) {
return isExplored_native ( pointer , position ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks if the given tile position has Zerg creep on it . Parameters tileX The x tile coordinate to check . tileY The y tile coordinate to check . Return values true If the given tile has creep on it . false If the given tile does not have creep , or if it is concealed by the fog of war .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean hasCreep ( int tileX , int tileY ) {
return hasCreep_native ( pointer , tileX , tileY ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks if the given tile position has Zerg creep on it . Parameters tileX The x tile coordinate to check . tileY The y tile coordinate to check . Return values true If the given tile has creep on it . false If the given tile does not have creep , or if it is concealed by the fog of war .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean hasCreep ( TilePosition position ) {
return hasCreep_native ( pointer , position ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks if the given pixel position is powered by an owned Protoss Pylon for an optional unit type . Parameters x The x pixel coordinate to check . y The y pixel coordinate to check . unitType ( optional ) Checks if the given UnitType requires power or not . If ommitted , then it will assume that the position requires power for any unit type . Return values true if the type at the given position will have power . false if the type at the given position will be unpowered .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean hasPowerPrecise ( int x , int y ) {
return hasPowerPrecise_native ( pointer , x , y ) ;
public boolean hasPowerPrecise ( int x , int y , UnitType unitType ) {
return hasPowerPrecise_native ( pointer , x , y , unitType ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks if the given pixel position is powered by an owned Protoss Pylon for an optional unit type . Parameters x The x pixel coordinate to check . y The y pixel coordinate to check . unitType ( optional ) Checks if the given UnitType requires power or not . If ommitted , then it will assume that the position requires power for any unit type . Return values true if the type at the given position will have power . false if the type at the given position will be unpowered .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean hasPowerPrecise ( Position position ) {
return hasPowerPrecise_native ( pointer , position ) ;
public boolean hasPowerPrecise ( Position position , UnitType unitType ) {
return hasPowerPrecise_native ( pointer , position , unitType ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks if the given tile position if powered by an owned Protoss Pylon for an optional unit type . Parameters tileX The x tile coordinate to check . tileY The y tile coordinate to check . unitType ( optional ) Checks if the given UnitType will be powered if placed at the given tile position . If omitted , then only the immediate tile position is checked for power , and the function will assume that the location requires power for any unit type . Return values true if the type at the given tile position will receive power . false if the type will be unpowered at the given tile position .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean hasPower ( int tileX , int tileY ) {
return hasPower_native ( pointer , tileX , tileY ) ;
public boolean hasPower ( int tileX , int tileY , UnitType unitType ) {
return hasPower_native ( pointer , tileX , tileY , unitType ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks if the given tile position if powered by an owned Protoss Pylon for an optional unit type . Parameters tileX The x tile coordinate to check . tileY The y tile coordinate to check . unitType ( optional ) Checks if the given UnitType will be powered if placed at the given tile position . If omitted , then only the immediate tile position is checked for power , and the function will assume that the location requires power for any unit type . Return values true if the type at the given tile position will receive power . false if the type will be unpowered at the given tile position .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean hasPower ( TilePosition position ) {
return hasPower_native ( pointer , position ) ;
public boolean hasPower ( TilePosition position , UnitType unitType ) {
return hasPower_native ( pointer , position , unitType ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks if the given tile position if powered by an owned Protoss Pylon for an optional unit type . Parameters tileX The x tile coordinate to check . tileY The y tile coordinate to check . unitType ( optional ) Checks if the given UnitType will be powered if placed at the given tile position . If omitted , then only the immediate tile position is checked for power , and the function will assume that the location requires power for any unit type . Return values true if the type at the given tile position will receive power . false if the type will be unpowered at the given tile position .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean hasPower ( int tileX , int tileY , int tileWidth , int tileHeight ) {
return hasPower_native ( pointer , tileX , tileY , tileWidth , tileHeight ) ;
public boolean hasPower ( int tileX , int tileY , int tileWidth , int tileHeight , UnitType unitType ) {
return hasPower_native ( pointer , tileX , tileY , tileWidth , tileHeight , unitType ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks if the given tile position if powered by an owned Protoss Pylon for an optional unit type . Parameters tileX The x tile coordinate to check . tileY The y tile coordinate to check . unitType ( optional ) Checks if the given UnitType will be powered if placed at the given tile position . If omitted , then only the immediate tile position is checked for power , and the function will assume that the location requires power for any unit type . Return values true if the type at the given tile position will receive power . false if the type will be unpowered at the given tile position .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean hasPower ( TilePosition position , int tileWidth , int tileHeight ) {
return hasPower_native ( pointer , position , tileWidth , tileHeight ) ;
public boolean hasPower ( TilePosition position , int tileWidth , int tileHeight , UnitType unitType ) {
return hasPower_native ( pointer , position , tileWidth , tileHeight , unitType ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks if the given unit type can be built at the given build tile position . This function checks for creep , power , and resource distance requirements in addition to the tiles ' buildability and possible units obstructing the build location . Note If the type is an addon and a builer is provided , then the location of the addon will be placed 4 tiles to the right and 1 tile down from the given position . If the builder is not given , then the check for the addon will be conducted at position . Parameters position Indicates the tile position that the top left corner of the structure is intended to go . type The UnitType to check for . builder ( optional ) The intended unit that will build the structure . If specified , then this function will also check if there is a path to the build site and exclude the builder from the set of units that may be blocking the build site . checkExplored ( optional ) If this parameter is true , it will also check if the target position has been explored by the current player . This value is false by default , ignoring the explored state of the build site . Returns true indicating that the structure can be placed at the given tile position , and false if something may be obstructing the build location .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean canBuildHere ( TilePosition position , UnitType type , Unit builder ) {
return canBuildHere_native ( pointer , position , type , builder ) ;
public boolean canBuildHere ( TilePosition position , UnitType type ) {
return canBuildHere_native ( pointer , position , type ) ;
public boolean canBuildHere ( TilePosition position , UnitType type , Unit builder , boolean checkExplored ) {
return canBuildHere_native ( pointer , position , type , builder , checkExplored ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks all the requirements in order to make a given unit type for the current player . These include resources , supply , technology tree , availability , and required units . Parameters type The UnitType to check . builder ( optional ) The Unit that will be used to build / train the provided unit type . If this value is nullptr or excluded , then the builder will be excluded in the check . Returns true indicating that the type can be made . If builder is provided , then it is only true if builder can make the type . Otherwise it will return false , indicating that the unit type can not be made .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean canMake ( UnitType type ) {
return canMake_native ( pointer , type ) ;
public boolean canMake ( UnitType type , Unit builder ) {
return canMake_native ( pointer , type , builder ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks all the requirements in order to research a given technology type for the current player . These include resources , technology tree , availability , and required units . Parameters type The TechType to check . unit ( optional ) The Unit that will be used to research the provided technology type . If this value is nullptr or excluded , then the unit will be excluded in the check . checkCanIssueCommandType ( optional ) TODO fill this in Returns true indicating that the type can be researched . If unit is provided , then it is only true if unit can research the type . Otherwise it will return false , indicating that the technology can not be researched .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean canResearch ( TechType type , Unit unit ) {
return canResearch_native ( pointer , type , unit ) ;
public boolean canResearch ( TechType type ) {
return canResearch_native ( pointer , type ) ;
public boolean canResearch ( TechType type , Unit unit , boolean checkCanIssueCommandType ) {
return canResearch_native ( pointer , type , unit , checkCanIssueCommandType ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks all the requirements in order to upgrade a given upgrade type for the current player . These include resources , technology tree , availability , and required units . Parameters type The UpgradeType to check . unit ( optional ) The Unit that will be used to upgrade the provided upgrade type . If this value is nullptr or excluded , then the unit will be excluded in the check . checkCanIssueCommandType ( optional ) TODO fill this in Returns true indicating that the type can be upgraded . If unit is provided , then it is only true if unit can upgrade the type . Otherwise it will return false , indicating that the upgrade can not be upgraded .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean canUpgrade ( UpgradeType type , Unit unit ) {
return canUpgrade_native ( pointer , type , unit ) ;
public boolean canUpgrade ( UpgradeType type ) {
return canUpgrade_native ( pointer , type ) ;
public boolean canUpgrade ( UpgradeType type , Unit unit , boolean checkCanIssueCommandType ) {
return canUpgrade_native ( pointer , type , unit , checkCanIssueCommandType ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Prints text to the screen as a notification . This function allows text formatting using Text : : Enum members . The behaviour of this function is the same as printf , located in header cstdio . Note That text printed through this function is not seen by other players or in replays . Parameters format Text formatting . See std : : printf for more information . Refrain from passing non - constant strings directly in this parameter . . . . The arguments that will be formatted using the given text formatting . See also Text : : Enum , std : : printf
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void printf ( String cstr_format ) {
printf_native ( pointer , cstr_format ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Sends a text message to all other players in the game . The behaviour of this function is the same as std : : printf , located in header cstdio . Note In a single player game this function can be used to execute cheat codes . Parameters format Text formatting . See std : : printf for more information . Refrain from passing non - constant strings directly in this parameter . See also sendTextEx , std : : printf
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void sendText ( String cstr_format ) {
sendText_native ( pointer , cstr_format ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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An extended version of Game : : sendText which allows messages to be forwarded to allies . The behaviour of this function is the same as std : : printf , located in header cstdio . Parameters toAllies If this parameter is set to true , then the message is only sent to allied players , otherwise it will be sent to all players . format Text formatting . See std : : printf for more information . Refrain from passing non - constant strings directly in this parameter . See also sendText , std : : printf
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void sendTextEx ( boolean toAllies , String cstr_format ) {
sendTextEx_native ( pointer , toAllies , cstr_format ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks if the current client is inside a game . Returns true if the client is in a game , and false if it is not .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean isInGame ( ) {
return isInGame_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks if the current client is inside a multiplayer game . Returns true if the client is in a multiplayer game , and false if it is a single player game , a replay , or some other state .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean isMultiplayer ( ) {
return isMultiplayer_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks if the client is in a game that was created through the Battle . net multiplayer gaming service . Returns true if the client is in a multiplayer Battle . net game and false if it is not .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean isBattleNet ( ) {
return isBattleNet_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks if the current game is paused . While paused , AIModule : : onFrame will still be called . Returns true if the game is paused and false otherwise See also pauseGame , resumeGame
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean isPaused ( ) {
return isPaused_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Checks if the client is watching a replay . Returns true if the client is watching a replay and false otherwise
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean isReplay ( ) {
return isReplay_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
Pauses the game . While paused , AIModule : : onFrame will still be called . See also resumeGame
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void pauseGame ( ) {
pauseGame_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
Resumes the game from a paused state . See also pauseGame
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void resumeGame ( ) {
resumeGame_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Leaves the current game by surrendering and enters the post - game statistics / score screen .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void leaveGame ( ) {
leaveGame_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Restarts the match . Works the same as if the match was restarted from the in - game menu ( F10 ) . This option is only available in single player games . Todo : return a bool indicating success , document error code for invalid state
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void restartGame ( ) {
restartGame_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Sets the number of milliseconds Broodwar spends in each frame . The default values are as follows : Fastest : 42ms / frame Faster : 48ms / frame Fast : 56ms / frame Normal : 67ms / frame Slow : 83ms / frame Slower : 111ms / frame Slowest : 167ms / frame Note Specifying a value of 0 will not guarantee that logical frames are executed as fast as possible . If that is the intention , use this in combination with setFrameSkip . Bug : Changing this value will cause the execution of Use Map Settings scenario triggers to glitch . This will only happen in campaign maps and custom scenarios ( non - melee ) . Parameters speed The time spent per frame , in milliseconds . A value of 0 indicates that frames are executed immediately with no delay . Negative values will restore the default value as listed above . See also setFrameSkip , getFPS
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void setLocalSpeed ( int speed ) {
setLocalSpeed_native ( pointer , speed ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Issues a given command to a set of units . This function automatically splits the set into groups of 12 and issues the same command to each of them . If a unit is not capable of executing the command , then it is simply ignored . Parameters units A Unitset containing all the units to issue the command for . command A UnitCommand object containing relevant information about the command to be issued . The Unit interface object associated with the command will be ignored . Returns true if any one of the units in the Unitset were capable of executing the command , and false if none of the units were capable of executing the command .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean issueCommand ( List < Unit > units , UnitCommand command ) {
return issueCommand_native ( pointer , units , command ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the set of units that are currently selected by the user outside of BWAPI . This function requires that Flag : : UserInput be enabled . Returns A Unitset containing the user ' s selected units . If Flag : : UserInput is disabled , then this set is always empty . See also enableFlag
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public List < Unit > getSelectedUnits ( ) {
return getSelectedUnits_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the player object that BWAPI is controlling . Returns Pointer to Player interface object representing the current player . Return values nullptr if the current game is a replay . Example usage void ExampleAIModule : : onStart ( ) { if ( BWAPI : : Broodwar - > self ( ) ) BWAPI : : Broodwar - > sendText ( " Hello, my name is %s. " , BWAPI : : Broodwar - > self ( ) - > getName ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ; }
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public Player self ( ) {
return self_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the Player interface that represents the enemy player . If there is more than one enemy , and that enemy is destroyed , then this function will still retrieve the same , defeated enemy . If you wish to handle multiple opponents , see the Game : : enemies function . Returns Player interface representing an enemy player . Return values nullptr If there is no enemy or the current game is a replay . See also enemies
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public Player enemy ( ) {
return enemy_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves the Player interface object representing the neutral player . The neutral player owns all the resources and critters on the map by default . Returns Player interface indicating the neutral player .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public Player neutral ( ) {
return neutral_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves a set of all the current player ' s remaining allies . Returns Playerset containing all allied players .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public List < Player > allies ( ) {
return allies_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves a set of all the current player ' s remaining enemies . Returns Playerset containing all enemy players .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public List < Player > enemies ( ) {
return enemies_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Retrieves a set of all players currently observing the game . An observer is defined typically in a Use Map Settings game type as not having any impact on the game . This means an observer cannot start with any units , and cannot have any active trigger actions that create units for it . Returns Playerset containing all currently active observer players
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public List < Player > observers ( ) {
return observers_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Sets the size of the text for all calls to drawText following this one . Parameters size ( optional ) The size of the text . This value is one of Text : : Size : : Enum . If this value is omitted , then a default value of Text : : Size : : Default is used . Example usage void ExampleAIModule : : onFrame ( ) { // Centers the name of the player in the upper middle of the screen BWAPI::Broodwar->setTextSize(BWAPI::Text::Size::Large); BWAPI::Broodwar->drawTextScreen(BWAPI::Positions::Origin, "%c%c%s", BWAPI::Text::Align_Center, BWAPI::Text::Green, BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->getName().c_str() ); BWAPI::Broodwar->setTextSize(); // Set text size back to default } See also Text::Size::Enum
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void setTextSize ( ) {
setTextSize_native ( pointer ) ;
public void setTextSize ( bwapi . Text . Size . Enum size ) {
setTextSize_native ( pointer , size ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawText ( bwapi . CoordinateType . Enum ctype , int x , int y , String cstr_format ) {
drawText_native ( pointer , ctype , x , y , cstr_format ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawTextMap ( int x , int y , String cstr_format ) {
drawTextMap_native ( pointer , x , y , cstr_format ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawTextMap ( Position p , String cstr_format ) {
drawTextMap_native ( pointer , p , cstr_format ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawTextMouse ( int x , int y , String cstr_format ) {
drawTextMouse_native ( pointer , x , y , cstr_format ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawTextMouse ( Position p , String cstr_format ) {
drawTextMouse_native ( pointer , p , cstr_format ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawTextScreen ( int x , int y , String cstr_format ) {
drawTextScreen_native ( pointer , x , y , cstr_format ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawTextScreen ( Position p , String cstr_format ) {
drawTextScreen_native ( pointer , p , cstr_format ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Draws a rectangle on the screen with the given color . Parameters ctype The coordinate type . Indicates the relative position to draw the shape . left The x coordinate , in pixels , relative to ctype , of the left edge of the rectangle . top The y coordinate , in pixels , relative to ctype , of the top edge of the rectangle . right The x coordinate , in pixels , relative to ctype , of the right edge of the rectangle . bottom The y coordinate , in pixels , relative to ctype , of the bottom edge of the rectangle . color The color of the rectangle . isSolid ( optional ) If true , then the shape will be filled and drawn as a solid , otherwise it will be drawn as an outline . If omitted , this value will default to false .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawBox ( bwapi . CoordinateType . Enum ctype , int left , int top , int right , int bottom , Color color ) {
drawBox_native ( pointer , ctype , left , top , right , bottom , color ) ;
public void drawBox ( bwapi . CoordinateType . Enum ctype , int left , int top , int right , int bottom , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawBox_native ( pointer , ctype , left , top , right , bottom , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawBoxMap ( int left , int top , int right , int bottom , Color color ) {
drawBoxMap_native ( pointer , left , top , right , bottom , color ) ;
public void drawBoxMap ( int left , int top , int right , int bottom , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawBoxMap_native ( pointer , left , top , right , bottom , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawBoxMap ( Position leftTop , Position rightBottom , Color color ) {
drawBoxMap_native ( pointer , leftTop , rightBottom , color ) ;
public void drawBoxMap ( Position leftTop , Position rightBottom , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawBoxMap_native ( pointer , leftTop , rightBottom , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawBoxMouse ( int left , int top , int right , int bottom , Color color ) {
drawBoxMouse_native ( pointer , left , top , right , bottom , color ) ;
public void drawBoxMouse ( int left , int top , int right , int bottom , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawBoxMouse_native ( pointer , left , top , right , bottom , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawBoxMouse ( Position leftTop , Position rightBottom , Color color ) {
drawBoxMouse_native ( pointer , leftTop , rightBottom , color ) ;
public void drawBoxMouse ( Position leftTop , Position rightBottom , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawBoxMouse_native ( pointer , leftTop , rightBottom , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawBoxScreen ( int left , int top , int right , int bottom , Color color ) {
drawBoxScreen_native ( pointer , left , top , right , bottom , color ) ;
public void drawBoxScreen ( int left , int top , int right , int bottom , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawBoxScreen_native ( pointer , left , top , right , bottom , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawBoxScreen ( Position leftTop , Position rightBottom , Color color ) {
drawBoxScreen_native ( pointer , leftTop , rightBottom , color ) ;
public void drawBoxScreen ( Position leftTop , Position rightBottom , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawBoxScreen_native ( pointer , leftTop , rightBottom , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Draws a triangle on the screen with the given color . Parameters ctype The coordinate type . Indicates the relative position to draw the shape . ax The x coordinate , in pixels , relative to ctype , of the first point . ay The y coordinate , in pixels , relative to ctype , of the first point . bx The x coordinate , in pixels , relative to ctype , of the second point . by The y coordinate , in pixels , relative to ctype , of the second point . cx The x coordinate , in pixels , relative to ctype , of the third point . cy The y coordinate , in pixels , relative to ctype , of the third point . color The color of the triangle . isSolid ( optional ) If true , then the shape will be filled and drawn as a solid , otherwise it will be drawn as an outline . If omitted , this value will default to false .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawTriangle ( bwapi . CoordinateType . Enum ctype , int ax , int ay , int bx , int by , int cx , int cy , Color color ) {
drawTriangle_native ( pointer , ctype , ax , ay , bx , by , cx , cy , color ) ;
public void drawTriangle ( bwapi . CoordinateType . Enum ctype , int ax , int ay , int bx , int by , int cx , int cy , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawTriangle_native ( pointer , ctype , ax , ay , bx , by , cx , cy , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawTriangleMap ( int ax , int ay , int bx , int by , int cx , int cy , Color color ) {
drawTriangleMap_native ( pointer , ax , ay , bx , by , cx , cy , color ) ;
public void drawTriangleMap ( int ax , int ay , int bx , int by , int cx , int cy , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawTriangleMap_native ( pointer , ax , ay , bx , by , cx , cy , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawTriangleMap ( Position a , Position b , Position c , Color color ) {
drawTriangleMap_native ( pointer , a , b , c , color ) ;
public void drawTriangleMap ( Position a , Position b , Position c , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawTriangleMap_native ( pointer , a , b , c , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawTriangleMouse ( int ax , int ay , int bx , int by , int cx , int cy , Color color ) {
drawTriangleMouse_native ( pointer , ax , ay , bx , by , cx , cy , color ) ;
public void drawTriangleMouse ( int ax , int ay , int bx , int by , int cx , int cy , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawTriangleMouse_native ( pointer , ax , ay , bx , by , cx , cy , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawTriangleMouse ( Position a , Position b , Position c , Color color ) {
drawTriangleMouse_native ( pointer , a , b , c , color ) ;
public void drawTriangleMouse ( Position a , Position b , Position c , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawTriangleMouse_native ( pointer , a , b , c , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawTriangleScreen ( int ax , int ay , int bx , int by , int cx , int cy , Color color ) {
drawTriangleScreen_native ( pointer , ax , ay , bx , by , cx , cy , color ) ;
public void drawTriangleScreen ( int ax , int ay , int bx , int by , int cx , int cy , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawTriangleScreen_native ( pointer , ax , ay , bx , by , cx , cy , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawTriangleScreen ( Position a , Position b , Position c , Color color ) {
drawTriangleScreen_native ( pointer , a , b , c , color ) ;
public void drawTriangleScreen ( Position a , Position b , Position c , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawTriangleScreen_native ( pointer , a , b , c , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Draws a circle on the screen with the given color . Parameters ctype The coordinate type . Indicates the relative position to draw the shape . x The x coordinate , in pixels , relative to ctype . y The y coordinate , in pixels , relative to ctype . radius The radius of the circle , in pixels . color The color of the circle . isSolid ( optional ) If true , then the shape will be filled and drawn as a solid , otherwise it will be drawn as an outline . If omitted , this value will default to false .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawCircle ( bwapi . CoordinateType . Enum ctype , int x , int y , int radius , Color color ) {
drawCircle_native ( pointer , ctype , x , y , radius , color ) ;
public void drawCircle ( bwapi . CoordinateType . Enum ctype , int x , int y , int radius , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawCircle_native ( pointer , ctype , x , y , radius , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawCircleMap ( int x , int y , int radius , Color color ) {
drawCircleMap_native ( pointer , x , y , radius , color ) ;
public void drawCircleMap ( int x , int y , int radius , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawCircleMap_native ( pointer , x , y , radius , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawCircleMap ( Position p , int radius , Color color ) {
drawCircleMap_native ( pointer , p , radius , color ) ;
public void drawCircleMap ( Position p , int radius , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawCircleMap_native ( pointer , p , radius , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawCircleMouse ( int x , int y , int radius , Color color ) {
drawCircleMouse_native ( pointer , x , y , radius , color ) ;
public void drawCircleMouse ( int x , int y , int radius , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawCircleMouse_native ( pointer , x , y , radius , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawCircleMouse ( Position p , int radius , Color color ) {
drawCircleMouse_native ( pointer , p , radius , color ) ;
public void drawCircleMouse ( Position p , int radius , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawCircleMouse_native ( pointer , p , radius , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawCircleScreen ( int x , int y , int radius , Color color ) {
drawCircleScreen_native ( pointer , x , y , radius , color ) ;
public void drawCircleScreen ( int x , int y , int radius , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawCircleScreen_native ( pointer , x , y , radius , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawCircleScreen ( Position p , int radius , Color color ) {
drawCircleScreen_native ( pointer , p , radius , color ) ;
public void drawCircleScreen ( Position p , int radius , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawCircleScreen_native ( pointer , p , radius , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
Draws an ellipse on the screen with the given color . Parameters ctype The coordinate type . Indicates the relative position to draw the shape . x The x coordinate , in pixels , relative to ctype . y The y coordinate , in pixels , relative to ctype . xrad The x radius of the ellipse , in pixels . yrad The y radius of the ellipse , in pixels . color The color of the ellipse . isSolid ( optional ) If true , then the shape will be filled and drawn as a solid , otherwise it will be drawn as an outline . If omitted , this value will default to false .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawEllipse ( bwapi . CoordinateType . Enum ctype , int x , int y , int xrad , int yrad , Color color ) {
drawEllipse_native ( pointer , ctype , x , y , xrad , yrad , color ) ;
public void drawEllipse ( bwapi . CoordinateType . Enum ctype , int x , int y , int xrad , int yrad , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawEllipse_native ( pointer , ctype , x , y , xrad , yrad , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawEllipseMap ( int x , int y , int xrad , int yrad , Color color ) {
drawEllipseMap_native ( pointer , x , y , xrad , yrad , color ) ;
public void drawEllipseMap ( int x , int y , int xrad , int yrad , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawEllipseMap_native ( pointer , x , y , xrad , yrad , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawEllipseMap ( Position p , int xrad , int yrad , Color color ) {
drawEllipseMap_native ( pointer , p , xrad , yrad , color ) ;
public void drawEllipseMap ( Position p , int xrad , int yrad , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawEllipseMap_native ( pointer , p , xrad , yrad , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawEllipseMouse ( int x , int y , int xrad , int yrad , Color color ) {
drawEllipseMouse_native ( pointer , x , y , xrad , yrad , color ) ;
public void drawEllipseMouse ( int x , int y , int xrad , int yrad , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawEllipseMouse_native ( pointer , x , y , xrad , yrad , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawEllipseMouse ( Position p , int xrad , int yrad , Color color ) {
drawEllipseMouse_native ( pointer , p , xrad , yrad , color ) ;
public void drawEllipseMouse ( Position p , int xrad , int yrad , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawEllipseMouse_native ( pointer , p , xrad , yrad , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawEllipseScreen ( int x , int y , int xrad , int yrad , Color color ) {
drawEllipseScreen_native ( pointer , x , y , xrad , yrad , color ) ;
public void drawEllipseScreen ( int x , int y , int xrad , int yrad , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawEllipseScreen_native ( pointer , x , y , xrad , yrad , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawEllipseScreen ( Position p , int xrad , int yrad , Color color ) {
drawEllipseScreen_native ( pointer , p , xrad , yrad , color ) ;
public void drawEllipseScreen ( Position p , int xrad , int yrad , Color color , boolean isSolid ) {
drawEllipseScreen_native ( pointer , p , xrad , yrad , color , isSolid ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
Draws a dot on the map or screen with a given color . Parameters ctype The coordinate type . Indicates the relative position to draw the shape . x The x coordinate , in pixels , relative to ctype . y The y coordinate , in pixels , relative to ctype . color The color of the dot .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawDot ( bwapi . CoordinateType . Enum ctype , int x , int y , Color color ) {
drawDot_native ( pointer , ctype , x , y , color ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawDotMap ( int x , int y , Color color ) {
drawDotMap_native ( pointer , x , y , color ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawDotMap ( Position p , Color color ) {
drawDotMap_native ( pointer , p , color ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawDotMouse ( int x , int y , Color color ) {
drawDotMouse_native ( pointer , x , y , color ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawDotMouse ( Position p , Color color ) {
drawDotMouse_native ( pointer , p , color ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawDotScreen ( int x , int y , Color color ) {
drawDotScreen_native ( pointer , x , y , color ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawDotScreen ( Position p , Color color ) {
drawDotScreen_native ( pointer , p , color ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
Draws a line on the map or screen with a given color . Parameters ctype The coordinate type . Indicates the relative position to draw the shape . x1 The starting x coordinate , in pixels , relative to ctype . y1 The starting y coordinate , in pixels , relative to ctype . x2 The ending x coordinate , in pixels , relative to ctype . y2 The ending y coordinate , in pixels , relative to ctype . color The color of the line .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawLine ( bwapi . CoordinateType . Enum ctype , int x1 , int y1 , int x2 , int y2 , Color color ) {
drawLine_native ( pointer , ctype , x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 , color ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawLineMap ( int x1 , int y1 , int x2 , int y2 , Color color ) {
drawLineMap_native ( pointer , x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 , color ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawLineMap ( Position a , Position b , Color color ) {
drawLineMap_native ( pointer , a , b , color ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawLineMouse ( int x1 , int y1 , int x2 , int y2 , Color color ) {
drawLineMouse_native ( pointer , x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 , color ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawLineMouse ( Position a , Position b , Color color ) {
drawLineMouse_native ( pointer , a , b , color ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawLineScreen ( int x1 , int y1 , int x2 , int y2 , Color color ) {
drawLineScreen_native ( pointer , x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 , color ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
This is an overloaded member function , provided for convenience . It differs from the above function only in what argument ( s ) it accepts .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void drawLineScreen ( Position a , Position b , Color color ) {
drawLineScreen_native ( pointer , a , b , color ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
Retrieves the maximum delay , in number of frames , between a command being issued and the command being executed by Broodwar . Note In Broodwar , latency is used to keep the game synchronized between players without introducing lag . Returns Difference in frames between commands being sent and executed . See also getLatencyTime , getRemainingLatencyFrames
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public int getLatencyFrames ( ) {
return getLatencyFrames_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
Retrieves the maximum delay , in milliseconds , between a command being issued and the command being executed by Broodwar . Returns Difference in milliseconds between commands being sent and executed . See also getLatencyFrames , getRemainingLatencyTime
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public int getLatencyTime ( ) {
return getLatencyTime_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
Retrieves the number of frames it will take before a command sent in the current frame will be executed by the game . Returns Number of frames until a command is executed if it were sent in the current frame . See also getRemainingLatencyTime , getLatencyFrames
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public int getRemainingLatencyFrames ( ) {
return getRemainingLatencyFrames_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
Retrieves the number of milliseconds it will take before a command sent in the current frame will be executed by Broodwar . Returns Amount of time , in milliseconds , until a command is executed if it were sent in the current frame . See also getRemainingLatencyFrames , getLatencyTime
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public int getRemainingLatencyTime ( ) {
return getRemainingLatencyTime_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
Retrieves the current revision of BWAPI . Returns The revision number of the current BWAPI interface . Note This function is considered thread - safe .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public int getRevision ( ) {
return getRevision_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
Retrieves the debug state of the BWAPI build . Returns true if the BWAPI module is a DEBUG build , and false if it is a RELEASE build . Note This function is considered thread - safe .
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean isDebug ( ) {
return isDebug_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
Checks the state of latency compensation . Returns true if latency compensation is enabled , false if it is disabled . See also setLatCom
* /
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean isLatComEnabled ( ) {
return isLatComEnabled_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
Changes the state of latency compensation . Latency compensation modifies the state of BWAPI ' s representation of units to reflect the implications of issuing a command immediately after the command was performed , instead of waiting consecutive frames for the results . Latency compensation is enabled by default . Parameters isEnabled Set whether the latency compensation feature will be enabled ( true ) or disabled ( false ) . See also isLatComEnabled .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void setLatCom ( boolean isEnabled ) {
setLatCom_native ( pointer , isEnabled ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
Checks if the GUI is enabled . The GUI includes all drawing functions of BWAPI , as well as screen updates from Broodwar . Return values true If the GUI is enabled , and everything is visible false If the GUI is disabled and drawing functions are rejected See also setGUI
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean isGUIEnabled ( ) {
return isGUIEnabled_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
Sets the rendering state of the Starcraft GUI . This typically gives Starcraft a very low graphical frame rate and disables all drawing functionality in BWAPI . Parameters enabled A boolean value that determines the state of the GUI . Passing false to this function will disable the GUI , and true will enable it . Example Usage : void ExampleAIModule : : onStart ( ) { // Make our bot run thousands of games as fast as possible! Broodwar->setLocalSpeed(0); Broodwar->setGUI(false); } See also isGUIEnabled
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void setGUI ( boolean enabled ) {
setGUI_native ( pointer , enabled ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
Retrieves the Starcraft instance number recorded by BWAPI to identify which Starcraft instance an AI module belongs to . The very first instance should return 0 . Returns An integer value representing the instance number . Note This function is considered thread - safe .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public int getInstanceNumber ( ) {
return getInstanceNumber_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
Retrieves the Actions Per Minute ( APM ) that the bot is producing . Parameters includeSelects ( optional ) If true , the return value will include selections as individual commands , otherwise it will exclude selections . This value is false by default . Returns The number of actions that the bot has executed per minute , on average .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public int getAPM ( ) {
return getAPM_native ( pointer ) ;
public int getAPM ( boolean includeSelects ) {
return getAPM_native ( pointer , includeSelects ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
Changes the map to the one specified . Once restarted , the game will load the map that was provided . Changes do not take effect unless the game is restarted . Parameters mapFileName A string containing the path and file name to the desired map . Return values true if the function succeeded and has changed the map . false if the function failed , does not have permission from the tournament module , failed to find the map specified , or received an invalid parameter .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean setMap ( String cstr_mapFileName ) {
return setMap_native ( pointer , cstr_mapFileName ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
Sets the number of graphical frames for every logical frame . This allows the game to run more logical frames per graphical frame , increasing the speed at which the game runs . Parameters frameSkip Number of graphical frames per logical frame . If this value is 0 or less , then it will default to 1 . See also setLocalSpeed
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void setFrameSkip ( int frameSkip ) {
setFrameSkip_native ( pointer , frameSkip ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
Checks if there is a path from source to destination . This only checks if the source position is connected to the destination position . This function does not check if all units can actually travel from source to destination . Because of this limitation , it has an O ( 1 ) complexity , and cases where this limitation hinders gameplay is uncommon at best . Parameters source The source position . destination The destination position . Return values true if there is a path between the two positions false if there is no path
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean hasPath ( Position source , Position destination ) {
return hasPath_native ( pointer , source , destination ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
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Sets the alliance state of the current player with the target player . Parameters player The target player to set alliance with . allied ( optional ) If true , the current player will ally the target player . If false , the current player will make the target player an enemy . This value is true by default . alliedVictory ( optional ) Sets the state of " allied victory " . If true , the game will end in a victory if all allied players have eliminated their opponents . Otherwise , the game will only end if no other players are remaining in the game . This value is true by default .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean setAlliance ( Player player , boolean allied ) {
return setAlliance_native ( pointer , player , allied ) ;
public boolean setAlliance ( Player player ) {
return setAlliance_native ( pointer , player ) ;
public boolean setAlliance ( Player player , boolean allied , boolean alliedVictory ) {
return setAlliance_native ( pointer , player , allied , alliedVictory ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
In a game , this function sets the vision of the current BWAPI player with the target player . In a replay , this function toggles the visibility of the target player . Parameters player The target player to toggle vision . enabled ( optional ) The vision state . If true , and in a game , the current player will enable shared vision with the target player , otherwise it will unshare vision . If in a replay , the vision of the target player will be shown , otherwise the target player will be hidden . This value is true by default .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean setVision ( Player player ) {
return setVision_native ( pointer , player ) ;
public boolean setVision ( Player player , boolean enabled ) {
return setVision_native ( pointer , player , enabled ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
Retrieves current amount of time in seconds that the game has elapsed . Returns Time , in seconds , that the game has elapsed as an integer .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public int elapsedTime ( ) {
return elapsedTime_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
Sets the command optimization level . Command optimization is a feature in BWAPI that tries to reduce the APM of the bot by grouping or eliminating unnecessary game actions . For example , suppose the bot told 24 Zerglings to Burrow . At command optimization level 0 , BWAPI is designed to select each Zergling to burrow individually , which costs 48 actions . With command optimization level 1 , it can perform the same behaviour using only 4 actions . The command optimizer also reduces the amount of bytes used for each action if it can express the same action using a different command . For example , Right_Click uses less bytes than Move . Parameters level An integer representation of the aggressiveness for which commands are optimized . A lower level means less optimization , and a higher level means more optimization . The values for level are as follows : 0 : No optimization . 1 : Some optimization . Is not detected as a hack . Does not alter behaviour . Units performing the following actions are grouped and ordered 12 at a time : Attack_Unit Morph ( Larva only ) Hold_Position Stop Follow Gather Return_Cargo Repair Burrow Unburrow Cloak Decloak Siege Unsiege Right_Click_Unit Halt_Construction Cancel_Train ( Carrier and Reaver only ) Cancel_Train_Slot ( Carrier and Reaver only ) Cancel_Morph ( for non - buildings only ) Use_Tech Use_Tech_Unit The following order transformations are applied to allow better grouping : Attack_Unit becomes Right_Click_Unit if the target is an enemy Move becomes Right_Click_Position Gather becomes Right_Click_Unit if the target contains resources Set_Rally_Position becomes Right_Click_Position for buildings Set_Rally_Unit becomes Right_Click_Unit for buildings Use_Tech_Unit with Infestation becomes Right_Click_Unit if the target is valid 2 : More optimization by grouping structures . Includes the optimizations made by all previous levels . May be detected as a hack by some replay utilities . Does not alter behaviour . Units performing the following actions are grouped and ordered 12 at a time : Attack_Unit ( Turrets , Photon Cannons , Sunkens , Spores ) Train Morph Set_Rally_Unit Lift Cancel_Construction Cancel_Addon Cancel_Train Cancel_Train_Slot Cancel_Morph Cancel_Research Cancel_Upgrade 3 : Extensive optimization Includes the optimizations made by all previous levels . Units may behave or move differently than expected . Units performing the following actions are grouped and ordered 12 at a time : Attack_Move Set_Rally_Position Move Patrol Unload_All Unload_All_Position Right_Click_Position Use_Tech_Position 4 : Aggressive optimization Includes the optimizations made by all previous levels . Positions used in commands will be rounded to multiples of 32 . High Templar and Dark Templar that merge into Archons will be grouped and may choose a different target to merge with . It will not merge with a target that wasn ' t included .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public void setCommandOptimizationLevel ( int level ) {
setCommandOptimizationLevel_native ( pointer , level ) ;
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/ * *
Returns the remaining countdown time . The countdown timer is used in Capture The Flag and Use Map Settings game types . Example usage : void ExampleAIModule : : onStart ( ) { // Register a callback that only occurs once when the countdown timer reaches 0 if ( BWAPI::Broodwar->getGameType() == BWAPI::GameTypes::Capture_The_Flag || BWAPI::Broodwar->getGameType() == BWAPI::GameTypes::Team_Capture_The_Flag ) { BWAPI::Broodwar->registerEvent([](BWAPI::Game*){ BWAPI::Broodwar->sendText("Try to find my flag!"); }, // action [](BWAPI::Game*){ return BWAPI::Broodwar->countdownTimer() == 0; }, // condition 1); // times to run (once) } } Returns Integer containing the time (in game seconds) on the countdown timer.
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public int countdownTimer ( ) {
return countdownTimer_native ( pointer ) ;
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/ * *
Retrieves the set of all regions on the map . Returns Regionset containing all map regions .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public List < Region > getAllRegions ( ) {
return getAllRegions_native ( pointer ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
Retrieves the region at a given position . Parameters x The x coordinate , in pixels . y The y coordinate , in pixels . Returns Pointer to the Region interface at the given position . Return values nullptr if the provided position is not valid ( i . e . not within the map bounds ) . Note If the provided position is invalid , the error Errors : : Invalid_Parameter is set . See also getAllRegions , getRegion
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public Region getRegionAt ( int x , int y ) {
return getRegionAt_native ( pointer , x , y ) ;
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/ * *
Retrieves the region at a given position . Parameters x The x coordinate , in pixels . y The y coordinate , in pixels . Returns Pointer to the Region interface at the given position . Return values nullptr if the provided position is not valid ( i . e . not within the map bounds ) . Note If the provided position is invalid , the error Errors : : Invalid_Parameter is set . See also getAllRegions , getRegion
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public Region getRegionAt ( Position position ) {
return getRegionAt_native ( pointer , position ) ;
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/ * *
Retrieves the amount of time ( in milliseconds ) that has elapsed when running the last AI module callback . This is used by tournament modules to penalize AI modules that use too much processing time . Return values 0 When called from an AI module . Returns Time in milliseconds spent in last AI module call .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public int getLastEventTime ( ) {
return getLastEventTime_native ( pointer ) ;
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/ * *
Sets the state of the fog of war when watching a replay . Parameters reveal ( optional ) The state of the reveal all flag . If false , all fog of war will be enabled . If true , then the fog of war will be revealed . It is true by default .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public boolean setRevealAll ( ) {
return setRevealAll_native ( pointer ) ;
public boolean setRevealAll ( boolean reveal ) {
return setRevealAll_native ( pointer , reveal ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
/ * *
Retrieves a basic build position just as the default Computer AI would . This allows users to find simple build locations without relying on external libraries . Parameters type A valid UnitType representing the unit type to accomodate space for . desiredPosition A valid TilePosition containing the desired placement position . maxRange ( optional ) The maximum distance ( in tiles ) to build from desiredPosition . creep ( optional ) A special boolean value that changes the behaviour of Creep Colony placement . Return values TilePositions : : Invalid If a build location could not be found within maxRange . Returns A TilePosition containing the location that the structure should be constructed at .
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public TilePosition getBuildLocation ( UnitType type , TilePosition desiredPosition , int maxRange ) {
return getBuildLocation_native ( pointer , type , desiredPosition , maxRange ) ;
public TilePosition getBuildLocation ( UnitType type , TilePosition desiredPosition ) {
return getBuildLocation_native ( pointer , type , desiredPosition ) ;
public TilePosition getBuildLocation ( UnitType type , TilePosition desiredPosition , int maxRange , boolean creep ) {
return getBuildLocation_native ( pointer , type , desiredPosition , maxRange , creep ) ;
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/ * *
Calculates the damage received for a given player . It can be understood as the damage from fromType to toType . Does not include shields in calculation . Includes upgrades if players are provided . Parameters fromType The unit type that will be dealing the damage . toType The unit type that will be receiving the damage . fromPlayer ( optional ) The player owner of the given type that will be dealing the damage . If omitted , then no player will be used to calculate the upgrades for fromType . toPlayer ( optional ) The player owner of the type that will be receiving the damage . If omitted , then this parameter will default to Broodwar - > self ( ) . Returns The amount of damage that fromType would deal to toType . See also getDamageTo
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public int getDamageFrom ( UnitType fromType , UnitType toType , Player fromPlayer ) {
return getDamageFrom_native ( pointer , fromType , toType , fromPlayer ) ;
public int getDamageFrom ( UnitType fromType , UnitType toType ) {
return getDamageFrom_native ( pointer , fromType , toType ) ;
public int getDamageFrom ( UnitType fromType , UnitType toType , Player fromPlayer , Player toPlayer ) {
return getDamageFrom_native ( pointer , fromType , toType , fromPlayer , toPlayer ) ;
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/ * *
Calculates the damage dealt for a given player . It can be understood as the damage to toType from fromType . Does not include shields in calculation . Includes upgrades if players are provided . Note This function is nearly the same as getDamageFrom . The only difference is that the last parameter is intended to default to Broodwar - > self ( ) . Parameters toType The unit type that will be receiving the damage . fromType The unit type that will be dealing the damage . toPlayer ( optional ) The player owner of the type that will be receiving the damage . If omitted , then no player will be used to calculate the upgrades for toType . fromPlayer ( optional ) The player owner of the given type that will be dealing the damage . If omitted , then this parameter will default to Broodwar - > self ( ) . Returns The amount of damage that fromType would deal to toType . See also getDamageFrom
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2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
public int getDamageTo ( UnitType toType , UnitType fromType , Player toPlayer ) {
return getDamageTo_native ( pointer , toType , fromType , toPlayer ) ;
public int getDamageTo ( UnitType toType , UnitType fromType ) {
return getDamageTo_native ( pointer , toType , fromType ) ;
public int getDamageTo ( UnitType toType , UnitType fromType , Player toPlayer , Player fromPlayer ) {
return getDamageTo_native ( pointer , toType , fromType , toPlayer , fromPlayer ) ;
private static Map < Long , Game > instances = new HashMap < Long , Game > ( ) ;
private Game ( long pointer ) {
this . pointer = pointer ;
private static Game get ( long pointer ) {
if ( pointer = = 0 ) {
return null ;
Game instance = instances . get ( pointer ) ;
if ( instance = = null ) {
instance = new Game ( pointer ) ;
instances . put ( pointer , instance ) ;
return instance ;
private long pointer ;
private native List < Force > getForces_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native List < Player > getPlayers_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native List < Unit > getAllUnits_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native List < Unit > getMinerals_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native List < Unit > getGeysers_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native List < Unit > getNeutralUnits_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native List < Unit > getStaticMinerals_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native List < Unit > getStaticGeysers_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native List < Unit > getStaticNeutralUnits_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native List < Bullet > getBullets_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native Force getForce_native ( long pointer , int forceID ) ;
private native Player getPlayer_native ( long pointer , int playerID ) ;
private native Unit getUnit_native ( long pointer , int unitID ) ;
private native Unit indexToUnit_native ( long pointer , int unitIndex ) ;
private native Region getRegion_native ( long pointer , int regionID ) ;
private native GameType getGameType_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native int getLatency_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native int getFrameCount_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native int getReplayFrameCount_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native int getFPS_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native double getAverageFPS_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native Position getMousePosition_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native boolean getMouseState_native ( long pointer , MouseButton button ) ;
private native boolean getKeyState_native ( long pointer , Key key ) ;
private native Position getScreenPosition_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native void setScreenPosition_native ( long pointer , int x , int y ) ;
private native void setScreenPosition_native ( long pointer , Position p ) ;
private native void pingMinimap_native ( long pointer , int x , int y ) ;
private native void pingMinimap_native ( long pointer , Position p ) ;
private native boolean isFlagEnabled_native ( long pointer , int flag ) ;
private native void enableFlag_native ( long pointer , int flag ) ;
2015-07-12 09:35:38 -04:00
private native List < Unit > getUnitsOnTile_native ( long pointer , int tileX , int tileY ) ;
private native List < Unit > getUnitsOnTile_native ( long pointer , TilePosition tile ) ;
private native List < Unit > getUnitsInRectangle_native ( long pointer , int left , int top , int right , int bottom ) ;
private native List < Unit > getUnitsInRectangle_native ( long pointer , Position topLeft , Position bottomRight ) ;
private native List < Unit > getUnitsInRadius_native ( long pointer , int x , int y , int radius ) ;
private native List < Unit > getUnitsInRadius_native ( long pointer , Position center , int radius ) ;
2015-02-10 10:47:28 -05:00
private native Error getLastError_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native boolean setLastError_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native boolean setLastError_native ( long pointer , Error e ) ;
private native int mapWidth_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native int mapHeight_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native String mapFileName_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native String mapPathName_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native String mapName_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native String mapHash_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native boolean isWalkable_native ( long pointer , int walkX , int walkY ) ;
private native boolean isWalkable_native ( long pointer , WalkPosition position ) ;
private native int getGroundHeight_native ( long pointer , int tileX , int tileY ) ;
private native int getGroundHeight_native ( long pointer , TilePosition position ) ;
private native boolean isBuildable_native ( long pointer , int tileX , int tileY ) ;
private native boolean isBuildable_native ( long pointer , int tileX , int tileY , boolean includeBuildings ) ;
private native boolean isBuildable_native ( long pointer , TilePosition position ) ;
private native boolean isBuildable_native ( long pointer , TilePosition position , boolean includeBuildings ) ;
private native boolean isVisible_native ( long pointer , int tileX , int tileY ) ;
private native boolean isVisible_native ( long pointer , TilePosition position ) ;
private native boolean isExplored_native ( long pointer , int tileX , int tileY ) ;
private native boolean isExplored_native ( long pointer , TilePosition position ) ;
private native boolean hasCreep_native ( long pointer , int tileX , int tileY ) ;
private native boolean hasCreep_native ( long pointer , TilePosition position ) ;
private native boolean hasPowerPrecise_native ( long pointer , int x , int y ) ;
private native boolean hasPowerPrecise_native ( long pointer , int x , int y , UnitType unitType ) ;
private native boolean hasPowerPrecise_native ( long pointer , Position position ) ;
private native boolean hasPowerPrecise_native ( long pointer , Position position , UnitType unitType ) ;
private native boolean hasPower_native ( long pointer , int tileX , int tileY ) ;
private native boolean hasPower_native ( long pointer , int tileX , int tileY , UnitType unitType ) ;
private native boolean hasPower_native ( long pointer , TilePosition position ) ;
private native boolean hasPower_native ( long pointer , TilePosition position , UnitType unitType ) ;
private native boolean hasPower_native ( long pointer , int tileX , int tileY , int tileWidth , int tileHeight ) ;
private native boolean hasPower_native ( long pointer , int tileX , int tileY , int tileWidth , int tileHeight , UnitType unitType ) ;
private native boolean hasPower_native ( long pointer , TilePosition position , int tileWidth , int tileHeight ) ;
private native boolean hasPower_native ( long pointer , TilePosition position , int tileWidth , int tileHeight , UnitType unitType ) ;
private native boolean canBuildHere_native ( long pointer , TilePosition position , UnitType type , Unit builder ) ;
private native boolean canBuildHere_native ( long pointer , TilePosition position , UnitType type ) ;
private native boolean canBuildHere_native ( long pointer , TilePosition position , UnitType type , Unit builder , boolean checkExplored ) ;
private native boolean canMake_native ( long pointer , UnitType type ) ;
private native boolean canMake_native ( long pointer , UnitType type , Unit builder ) ;
private native boolean canResearch_native ( long pointer , TechType type , Unit unit ) ;
private native boolean canResearch_native ( long pointer , TechType type ) ;
private native boolean canResearch_native ( long pointer , TechType type , Unit unit , boolean checkCanIssueCommandType ) ;
private native boolean canUpgrade_native ( long pointer , UpgradeType type , Unit unit ) ;
private native boolean canUpgrade_native ( long pointer , UpgradeType type ) ;
private native boolean canUpgrade_native ( long pointer , UpgradeType type , Unit unit , boolean checkCanIssueCommandType ) ;
private native void printf_native ( long pointer , String cstr_format ) ;
private native void sendText_native ( long pointer , String cstr_format ) ;
private native void sendTextEx_native ( long pointer , boolean toAllies , String cstr_format ) ;
private native boolean isInGame_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native boolean isMultiplayer_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native boolean isBattleNet_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native boolean isPaused_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native boolean isReplay_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native void pauseGame_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native void resumeGame_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native void leaveGame_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native void restartGame_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native void setLocalSpeed_native ( long pointer , int speed ) ;
private native boolean issueCommand_native ( long pointer , List < Unit > units , UnitCommand command ) ;
private native List < Unit > getSelectedUnits_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native Player self_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native Player enemy_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native Player neutral_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native List < Player > allies_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native List < Player > enemies_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native List < Player > observers_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native void setTextSize_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native void setTextSize_native ( long pointer , bwapi . Text . Size . Enum size ) ;
private native void drawText_native ( long pointer , bwapi . CoordinateType . Enum ctype , int x , int y , String cstr_format ) ;
private native void drawTextMap_native ( long pointer , int x , int y , String cstr_format ) ;
private native void drawTextMap_native ( long pointer , Position p , String cstr_format ) ;
private native void drawTextMouse_native ( long pointer , int x , int y , String cstr_format ) ;
private native void drawTextMouse_native ( long pointer , Position p , String cstr_format ) ;
private native void drawTextScreen_native ( long pointer , int x , int y , String cstr_format ) ;
private native void drawTextScreen_native ( long pointer , Position p , String cstr_format ) ;
private native void drawBox_native ( long pointer , bwapi . CoordinateType . Enum ctype , int left , int top , int right , int bottom , Color color ) ;
private native void drawBox_native ( long pointer , bwapi . CoordinateType . Enum ctype , int left , int top , int right , int bottom , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawBoxMap_native ( long pointer , int left , int top , int right , int bottom , Color color ) ;
private native void drawBoxMap_native ( long pointer , int left , int top , int right , int bottom , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawBoxMap_native ( long pointer , Position leftTop , Position rightBottom , Color color ) ;
private native void drawBoxMap_native ( long pointer , Position leftTop , Position rightBottom , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawBoxMouse_native ( long pointer , int left , int top , int right , int bottom , Color color ) ;
private native void drawBoxMouse_native ( long pointer , int left , int top , int right , int bottom , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawBoxMouse_native ( long pointer , Position leftTop , Position rightBottom , Color color ) ;
private native void drawBoxMouse_native ( long pointer , Position leftTop , Position rightBottom , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawBoxScreen_native ( long pointer , int left , int top , int right , int bottom , Color color ) ;
private native void drawBoxScreen_native ( long pointer , int left , int top , int right , int bottom , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawBoxScreen_native ( long pointer , Position leftTop , Position rightBottom , Color color ) ;
private native void drawBoxScreen_native ( long pointer , Position leftTop , Position rightBottom , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawTriangle_native ( long pointer , bwapi . CoordinateType . Enum ctype , int ax , int ay , int bx , int by , int cx , int cy , Color color ) ;
private native void drawTriangle_native ( long pointer , bwapi . CoordinateType . Enum ctype , int ax , int ay , int bx , int by , int cx , int cy , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawTriangleMap_native ( long pointer , int ax , int ay , int bx , int by , int cx , int cy , Color color ) ;
private native void drawTriangleMap_native ( long pointer , int ax , int ay , int bx , int by , int cx , int cy , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawTriangleMap_native ( long pointer , Position a , Position b , Position c , Color color ) ;
private native void drawTriangleMap_native ( long pointer , Position a , Position b , Position c , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawTriangleMouse_native ( long pointer , int ax , int ay , int bx , int by , int cx , int cy , Color color ) ;
private native void drawTriangleMouse_native ( long pointer , int ax , int ay , int bx , int by , int cx , int cy , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawTriangleMouse_native ( long pointer , Position a , Position b , Position c , Color color ) ;
private native void drawTriangleMouse_native ( long pointer , Position a , Position b , Position c , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawTriangleScreen_native ( long pointer , int ax , int ay , int bx , int by , int cx , int cy , Color color ) ;
private native void drawTriangleScreen_native ( long pointer , int ax , int ay , int bx , int by , int cx , int cy , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawTriangleScreen_native ( long pointer , Position a , Position b , Position c , Color color ) ;
private native void drawTriangleScreen_native ( long pointer , Position a , Position b , Position c , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawCircle_native ( long pointer , bwapi . CoordinateType . Enum ctype , int x , int y , int radius , Color color ) ;
private native void drawCircle_native ( long pointer , bwapi . CoordinateType . Enum ctype , int x , int y , int radius , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawCircleMap_native ( long pointer , int x , int y , int radius , Color color ) ;
private native void drawCircleMap_native ( long pointer , int x , int y , int radius , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawCircleMap_native ( long pointer , Position p , int radius , Color color ) ;
private native void drawCircleMap_native ( long pointer , Position p , int radius , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawCircleMouse_native ( long pointer , int x , int y , int radius , Color color ) ;
private native void drawCircleMouse_native ( long pointer , int x , int y , int radius , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawCircleMouse_native ( long pointer , Position p , int radius , Color color ) ;
private native void drawCircleMouse_native ( long pointer , Position p , int radius , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawCircleScreen_native ( long pointer , int x , int y , int radius , Color color ) ;
private native void drawCircleScreen_native ( long pointer , int x , int y , int radius , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawCircleScreen_native ( long pointer , Position p , int radius , Color color ) ;
private native void drawCircleScreen_native ( long pointer , Position p , int radius , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawEllipse_native ( long pointer , bwapi . CoordinateType . Enum ctype , int x , int y , int xrad , int yrad , Color color ) ;
private native void drawEllipse_native ( long pointer , bwapi . CoordinateType . Enum ctype , int x , int y , int xrad , int yrad , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawEllipseMap_native ( long pointer , int x , int y , int xrad , int yrad , Color color ) ;
private native void drawEllipseMap_native ( long pointer , int x , int y , int xrad , int yrad , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawEllipseMap_native ( long pointer , Position p , int xrad , int yrad , Color color ) ;
private native void drawEllipseMap_native ( long pointer , Position p , int xrad , int yrad , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawEllipseMouse_native ( long pointer , int x , int y , int xrad , int yrad , Color color ) ;
private native void drawEllipseMouse_native ( long pointer , int x , int y , int xrad , int yrad , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawEllipseMouse_native ( long pointer , Position p , int xrad , int yrad , Color color ) ;
private native void drawEllipseMouse_native ( long pointer , Position p , int xrad , int yrad , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawEllipseScreen_native ( long pointer , int x , int y , int xrad , int yrad , Color color ) ;
private native void drawEllipseScreen_native ( long pointer , int x , int y , int xrad , int yrad , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawEllipseScreen_native ( long pointer , Position p , int xrad , int yrad , Color color ) ;
private native void drawEllipseScreen_native ( long pointer , Position p , int xrad , int yrad , Color color , boolean isSolid ) ;
private native void drawDot_native ( long pointer , bwapi . CoordinateType . Enum ctype , int x , int y , Color color ) ;
private native void drawDotMap_native ( long pointer , int x , int y , Color color ) ;
private native void drawDotMap_native ( long pointer , Position p , Color color ) ;
private native void drawDotMouse_native ( long pointer , int x , int y , Color color ) ;
private native void drawDotMouse_native ( long pointer , Position p , Color color ) ;
private native void drawDotScreen_native ( long pointer , int x , int y , Color color ) ;
private native void drawDotScreen_native ( long pointer , Position p , Color color ) ;
private native void drawLine_native ( long pointer , bwapi . CoordinateType . Enum ctype , int x1 , int y1 , int x2 , int y2 , Color color ) ;
private native void drawLineMap_native ( long pointer , int x1 , int y1 , int x2 , int y2 , Color color ) ;
private native void drawLineMap_native ( long pointer , Position a , Position b , Color color ) ;
private native void drawLineMouse_native ( long pointer , int x1 , int y1 , int x2 , int y2 , Color color ) ;
private native void drawLineMouse_native ( long pointer , Position a , Position b , Color color ) ;
private native void drawLineScreen_native ( long pointer , int x1 , int y1 , int x2 , int y2 , Color color ) ;
private native void drawLineScreen_native ( long pointer , Position a , Position b , Color color ) ;
private native int getLatencyFrames_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native int getLatencyTime_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native int getRemainingLatencyFrames_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native int getRemainingLatencyTime_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native int getRevision_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native boolean isDebug_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native boolean isLatComEnabled_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native void setLatCom_native ( long pointer , boolean isEnabled ) ;
private native boolean isGUIEnabled_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native void setGUI_native ( long pointer , boolean enabled ) ;
private native int getInstanceNumber_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native int getAPM_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native int getAPM_native ( long pointer , boolean includeSelects ) ;
private native boolean setMap_native ( long pointer , String cstr_mapFileName ) ;
private native void setFrameSkip_native ( long pointer , int frameSkip ) ;
private native boolean hasPath_native ( long pointer , Position source , Position destination ) ;
private native boolean setAlliance_native ( long pointer , Player player , boolean allied ) ;
private native boolean setAlliance_native ( long pointer , Player player ) ;
private native boolean setAlliance_native ( long pointer , Player player , boolean allied , boolean alliedVictory ) ;
private native boolean setVision_native ( long pointer , Player player ) ;
private native boolean setVision_native ( long pointer , Player player , boolean enabled ) ;
private native int elapsedTime_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native void setCommandOptimizationLevel_native ( long pointer , int level ) ;
private native int countdownTimer_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native List < Region > getAllRegions_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native Region getRegionAt_native ( long pointer , int x , int y ) ;
private native Region getRegionAt_native ( long pointer , Position position ) ;
private native int getLastEventTime_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native boolean setRevealAll_native ( long pointer ) ;
private native boolean setRevealAll_native ( long pointer , boolean reveal ) ;
private native TilePosition getBuildLocation_native ( long pointer , UnitType type , TilePosition desiredPosition , int maxRange ) ;
private native TilePosition getBuildLocation_native ( long pointer , UnitType type , TilePosition desiredPosition ) ;
private native TilePosition getBuildLocation_native ( long pointer , UnitType type , TilePosition desiredPosition , int maxRange , boolean creep ) ;
private native int getDamageFrom_native ( long pointer , UnitType fromType , UnitType toType , Player fromPlayer ) ;
private native int getDamageFrom_native ( long pointer , UnitType fromType , UnitType toType ) ;
private native int getDamageFrom_native ( long pointer , UnitType fromType , UnitType toType , Player fromPlayer , Player toPlayer ) ;
private native int getDamageTo_native ( long pointer , UnitType toType , UnitType fromType , Player toPlayer ) ;
private native int getDamageTo_native ( long pointer , UnitType toType , UnitType fromType ) ;
private native int getDamageTo_native ( long pointer , UnitType toType , UnitType fromType , Player toPlayer , Player fromPlayer ) ;