was intended for some browserchannel stuff where jetty-async was needed,
but i'm probably going to be moving on to websockets / httpkit for my
own personal projects now anyway, so definitely don't need this in
the meantime.
- removed IE8-support stuff. IE9 is the minimum target now
- use Reagent's copy of React instead of including our own
- use CLJSJS Bootstrap dependency (though we must include the css stuff)
- remove local JS externs stuff, the CLJSJS dependencies take care of it
- remove lein-ring. focus on uberjar builds only (no war support now)
while also allowing easy swapping out of standard jetty for
jetty-async (thus, removal of lein-ring which does not support this)
- "downgrade" to clojure/tools.logging. mainly out of preference for
having logging work with dependencies using older logging solutions
"out of the box" and using plain old log4j configuration