{ ;; MOLTEN CORE "Lucifron" {:entities {"Lucifron" {:count 1} "Flamewaker Protector" {:count 2}}} "Magmadar" {:entities {"Magmadar" {:count 1}}} "Gehennas" {:entities {"Gehennas" {:count 1} "Flamewaker" {:count 2}}} "Garr" {:entities {"Garr" {:count 1} "Firesworn" {:count 8}}} "Baron Geddon" {:entities {"Baron Geddon" {:count 1}}} "Shazzrah" {:entities {"Shazzrah" {:count 1}}} "Sulfuron Harbinger" {:entities {"Sulfuron Harbinger" {:count 1} "Flamewaker Priest" {:count 4}}} "Golemagg the Incinerator" {:entities {"Golemagg the Incinerator" {:count 1} "Core Rager" {}}} "Majordomo Executus" {:entities {"Majordomo Executus" {:ignore-interactions-with ["Ragnaros"] :ignore-skills ["Summon Ragnaros"]} "Flamewaker Healer" {:count 4} "Flamewaker Elite" {:count 4}} :trigger-on-damage? true :trigger-on-debuff? true} "Ragnaros" {:entities {"Ragnaros" {:count 1 :ignore-interactions-with ["Majordomo Executus"]} "Son of Flame" {:cannot-trigger? true}} :trigger-on-damage? true :trigger-on-debuff? true} ;; ONYXIA "Onyxia" {:entities {"Onyxia" {:count 1}}} ;; BLACKWING LAIR "Razorgore the Untamed" {:entities {"Razorgore the Untamed" {:count 1} "Grethok the Controller" {:count 1} "Blackwing Guardsman" {:count 2} "Blackwing Legionnaire" {:cannot-trigger? true} "Blackwing Mage" {:cannot-trigger? true} "Death Talon Dragonspawn" {:cannot-trigger? true}}} "Vaelastrasz the Corrupt" {:entities {"Vaelastrasz the Corrupt" {:count 1}}} "Broodlord Lashlayer" {:entities {"Broodlord Lashlayer" {:count 1}}} "Firemaw" {:entities {"Firemaw" {:count 1}}} "Ebonroc" {:entities {"Ebonroc" {:count 1}}} "Flamegor" {:entities {"Flamegor" {:count 1}}} "Chromaggus" {:entities {"Chromaggus" {:count 1}}} "Nefarian" {:entities {"Nefarian" {:count 1} "Lord Victor Nefarius" {} "Black Drakonid" {:cannot-trigger? true} "Blue Drakonid" {:cannot-trigger? true} "Bronze Drakonid" {:cannot-trigger? true} "Chromatic Drakonid" {:cannot-trigger? true} "Green Drakonid" {:cannot-trigger? true} "Red Drakonid" {:cannot-trigger? true} "Bone Construct" {:cannot-trigger? true}}} ;; ZUL'GURUB "High Priestess Jeklik" {:entities {"High Priestess Jeklik" {:count 1}}} "High Priest Venoxis" {:entities {"High Priest Venoxis" {:count 1} "Razzashi Cobra" {:count 4}}} "High Priestess Mar'li" {:entities {"High Priestess Mar'li" {:count 1} "Witherbark Speaker" {:count 1} "Spawn of Mar'li" {:cannot-trigger? true} "Spider" {:cannot-trigger? true}}} "Bloodlord Mandokir" {:entities {"Bloodlord Mandokir" {:count 1} "Ohgan" {}}} "High Priest Thekal" {:entities {"High Priest Thekal" {:count 2} "Zealot Zath" {:count 1} "Zealot Lor'Khan" {:count 1} "Zulian Guardian" {:cannot-trigger? true} ; technically these should be able to trigger the encounter start, ; but enemies with the same name are also located throughout ZG "Zulian Tiger" {:cannot-trigger? true}}} "High Priestess Arlokk" {:entities {"High Priestess Arlokk" {:count 1} "Zulian Prowler" {:cannot-trigger? true}}} "Jin'do the Hexxer" {:entities {"Jin'do the Hexxer" {:count 1} "Brain Wash Totem" {:cannot-trigger? true} "Powerful Healing Ward" {:cannot-trigger? true} "Shade of Jin'do" {} "Sacrificed Troll" {:cannot-trigger? true}}} "Hakkar" {:entities {"Hakkar" {:count 1}}} "Gahz'ranka" {:entities {"Gahz'ranka" {:count 1}}} "Hazza'rah" {:entities {"Hazza'rah" {:count 1} "Nightmare Illusion" {:cannot-trigger? true}}} "Gri'lek" {:entities {"Gri'lek" {:count 1}}} "Renataki" {:entities {"Renataki" {:count 1}}} "Wushoolay" {:entities {"Wushoolay" {:count 1}}} ;; RUINS OF AHN'QIRAJ (AQ20) ; TODO: verify these "Kurinnaxx" {:entities {"Kurinnaxx" {:count 1}}} "General Rajaxx" {:entities {"General Rajaxx" {:count 1} "Captain Qeez" {} "Captain Drenn" {} "Captain Xurrem" {} "Major Yeggeth" {} "Major Pakkon" {} "Colonel Zerran" {} "Swarmguard Needler" {:cannot-trigger? true} "Qiraji Warrior" {:cannot-trigger? true}}} "Moam" {:entities {"Moam" {:count 1}}} "Buru the Gorger" {:entities {"Buru the Gorger" {:count 1}}} "Ayamiss the Hunter" {:entities {"Ayamiss the Hunter" {:count 1}}} "Ossirian the Unscarred" {:entities {"Ossirian the Unscarred" {:count 1}}} ;; TEMPLE OF AHN'QIRAJ (AQ40) ; TODO: verify these ; this is almost certainly wrong, as he splits into 2 every 25% (do the splits have the same name?) "The Prophet Skeram" {:entities {"The Prophet Skeram" {:count 1}}} "Silithid Royalty" {:entities {"Lord Kri" {:count 1} "Princess Yauj" {:count 1} "Vem" {:count 1}}} "Battleguard Sartura" {:entities {"Battleguard Sartura" {:count 1} "Sartura's Royal Guard" {:count 3}}} "Fankriss the Unyielding" {:entities {"Fankriss the Unyielding" {:count 1} "Spawn of Fankriss" {} "Vekniss Hatchling" {:cannot-trigger? true}}} "Viscidus" {:entities {"Viscidus" {:count 1}}} "Princess Huhuran" {:entities {"Princess Huhuran" {:count 1}}} "Twin Emperors" {:entities {"Emperor Vek'lor" {:count 1} "Emperor Vek'nilash" {:count 1} "Qiraji Scarab" {:cannot-trigger? true} "Qiraji Scorpion" {:cannot-trigger? true}}} "Ouro" {:entities {"Ouro" {:count 1}}} "C'Thun" {:entities {"C'Thun" {:count 1} "Claw Tentacle" {} "Eye Tentacle" {} "Giant Claw Tentacle" {:cannot-trigger? true} "Giant Eye Tentacle" {:cannot-trigger? true} "Flesh Tentacle" {:cannot-trigger? true}}} ;; NAXXRAMAS ; TODO: verify these "Patchwerk" {:entities {"Patchwerk" {:count 1}}} "Grobbulus" {:entities {"Grobbulus" {:count 1} "Sewage Slime" {:cannot-trigger? true}}} "Gluth" {:entities {"Gluth" {:count 1}}} "Thaddius" {:entities {"Thaddius" {:count 1} "Feugen" {:count 1} "Stalagg" {:count 1}}} "Noth the Plaguebringer" {:entities {"Noth the Plaguebringer" {:count 1}}} "Heigan the Unclean" {:entities {"Heigan the Unclean" {:count 1} "Mutated Grub" {:cannot-trigger? true} "Eye Stalk" {:cannot-trigger? true}}} "Loatheb" {:entities {"Loatheb" {:count 1}}} "Anub'Rekhan" {:entities {"Anub'Rekhan" {:count 1} "Crypt Guard" {:count 2}}} "Grand Widow Faerlina" {:entities {"Grand Widow Faerlina" {:count 1} "Naxxramas Worshipper" {:count 4} "Naxxramas Follower" {:count 2}}} "Maexxna" {:entities {"Maexxna" {:count 1}}} "Instructor Razuvious" {:entities {"Instructor Razuvious" {:count 1} "Death Knight Understudy" {:count 4}}} "Gothik the Harvester" {:entities {"Gothik the Harvester" {:count 1} "Unrelenting Trainee" {:cannot-trigger? true} "Unrelenting Death Knight" {:cannot-trigger? true} "Unrelenting Rider" {:cannot-trigger? true} "Spectral Trainee" {:cannot-trigger? true} "Spectral Death Knight" {:cannot-trigger? true} "Spectral Rider" {:cannot-trigger? true} "Spectral Horse" {:cannot-trigger? true}}} "The Four Horsemen" {:entities {"Highlord Mograine" {:count 1} "Thane Korth'azz" {:count 1} "Lady Blaumeux" {:count 1} "Sir Zeliek" {:count 1}}} "Sapphiron" {:entities {"Sapphiron" {:count 1}}} "Kel'Thuzad" {:entities {"Kel'Thuzad" {:count 1} "Guardian of Icecrown" {:cannot-trigger? true}}} ;; WORLD BOSSES "Azuregos" {:entities {"Azuregos" {:count 1}}} "Lord Kazzak" {:entities {"Lord Kazzak" {:count 1}}} ;; DRAGONS OF NIGHTMARE "Lethon" {:entities {"Lethon" {:count 1}}} "Emeriss" {:entities {"Emeriss" {:count 1}}} "Ysondre" {:entities {"Ysondre" {:count 1}}} "Taerar" {:entities {"Taerar" {:count 1} "Shade of Taerar" {:cannot-trigger? true}}} }