diff --git a/vwowrla.core/resources/encounters.edn b/vwowrla.core/resources/encounters.edn index f1e602d..2e0b374 100644 --- a/vwowrla.core/resources/encounters.edn +++ b/vwowrla.core/resources/encounters.edn @@ -187,6 +187,61 @@ + ;; NAXXRAMAS + ; TODO: verify these + + "Patchwerk" {:entities {"Patchwerk" {:count 1}}} + + "Grobbulus" {:entities {"Grobbulus" {:count 1} + "Sewage Slime" {:cannot-trigger? true}}} + + "Gluth" {:entities {"Gluth" {:count 1}}} + + "Thaddius" {:entities {"Thaddius" {:count 1} + "Feugen" {:count 1} + "Stalagg" {:count 1}}} + + "Noth the Plaguebringer" {:entities {"Noth the Plaguebringer" {:count 1}}} + + "Heigan the Unclean" {:entities {"Heigan the Unclean" {:count 1} + "Mutated Grub" {:cannot-trigger? true} + "Eye Stalk" {:cannot-trigger? true}}} + + "Loatheb" {:entities {"Loatheb" {:count 1}}} + + "Anub'Rekhan" {:entities {"Anub'Rekhan" {:count 1} + "Crypt Guard" {:count 2}}} + + "Grand Widow Faerlina" {:entities {"Grand Widow Faerlina" {:count 1} + "Naxxramas Worshipper" {:count 4} + "Naxxramas Follower" {:count 2}}} + + "Maexxna" {:entities {"Maexxna" {:count 1}}} + + "Instructor Razuvious" {:entities {"Instructor Razuvious" {:count 1} + "Death Knight Understudy" {:count 4}}} + + "Gothik the Harvester" {:entities {"Gothik the Harvester" {:count 1} + "Unrelenting Trainee" {:cannot-trigger? true} + "Unrelenting Death Knight" {:cannot-trigger? true} + "Unrelenting Rider" {:cannot-trigger? true} + "Spectral Trainee" {:cannot-trigger? true} + "Spectral Death Knight" {:cannot-trigger? true} + "Spectral Rider" {:cannot-trigger? true} + "Spectral Horse" {:cannot-trigger? true}}} + + "The Four Horsemen" {:entities {"Highlord Mograine" {:count 1} + "Thane Korth'azz" {:count 1} + "Lady Blaumeux" {:count 1} + "Sir Zeliek" {:count 1}}} + + "Sapphiron" {:entities {"Sapphiron" {:count 1}}} + + "Kel'Thuzad" {:entities {"Kel'Thuzad" {:count 1} + "Guardian of Icecrown" {:cannot-trigger? true}}} + + + ;; WORLD BOSSES "Azuregos" {:entities {"Azuregos" {:count 1}}}