Added hashing to prevent duplicate full refresh views from being sent out. Computes full refresh view updates in parallel.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(defproject views "0.4.9"
(defproject views "0.5.0"
:description "You underestimate the power of the SQL side"
:url ""
@ -85,9 +85,11 @@
(persist/unsubscribe-all! persistence namespace subscriber-key)))
;; The two below functions get called by vexec!/with-view-transaction
;; The below functions get called by vexec!/with-view-transaction
(persistence [this] (:persistence config))
;; Deprecate this? It's just a call to persistence.
(subscribed-views [this namespace]
;; Table name optimization not yet worked through the library.
(persist/view-data (:persistence config) namespace "fix-me"))
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
[ :refer [debug]]
[views.db.deltas :as vd]
[views.db.util :refer [with-retry retry-on-transaction-failure]]
[views.subscribed-views :refer [subscribed-views broadcast-deltas]]))
[views.subscribed-views :refer [subscribed-views broadcast-deltas persistence]]))
(defmacro with-view-transaction
"Like with-db-transaction, but operates with views. If you want to use a
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
- broadcast-deltas takes ... ."
[{:keys [db schema base-subscribed-views templates namespace deltas] :as conf} action-map]
(let [subbed-views (subscribed-views base-subscribed-views namespace)
transaction-fn #(vd/do-view-transaction schema db subbed-views action-map templates)]
transaction-fn #(vd/do-view-transaction (persistence base-subscribed-views) namespace schema db subbed-views action-map templates)]
(if deltas ;; inside a transaction we just collect deltas and do not retry
(let [{:keys [new-deltas result-set]} (transaction-fn)]
(swap! deltas #(conj % new-deltas))
@ -4,12 +4,14 @@
[clojure.string :refer [split]]
[ :as j]
[ :refer [debug error]]
[clojure.core.reducers :as r]
[honeysql.core :as hsql]
[honeysql.helpers :as hh]
[views.db.load :as vdbl]
[views.db.checks :as vc]
[views.db.honeysql :as vh]
[views.db.util :refer [log-exception serialization-error?]]))
[views.db.util :refer [log-exception serialization-error?]]
[views.persistence.core :refer [view-hash update-hash!]]))
;; Terminology and data structures used throughout this code
@ -213,24 +215,66 @@
(fn [view-deltas]
(if (coll? view-deltas)
(map #(assoc % :refresh-set refresh-set) view-deltas)
[{:refresh-set refresh-set}])))
(mapv #(merge % refresh-set) view-deltas)
(defn calculate-refresh-sets*
"Compute all the refresh views in parallel."
[db templates refresh-only-views]
(let [reducefn (fn ([] [])
([a b]
(conj a {:view-sig (:view-sig b)
:refresh-set (get (vdbl/initial-view db (:view-sig b) templates (:view b)) (:view-sig b))})
(catch SQLException e
(conj a {:view-sig (:view-sig b) :sql-exception e}))
(catch Exception e
(conj a {:view-sig (:view-sig b) :exception e})))))]
(r/fold 1 concat reducefn refresh-only-views)))
(defn filter-by-hash
"Remove any views with hashes that haven't changed, else update the hash and keep the view."
[persistence namespace refresh-sets]
(fn [rs]
(let [hash-value (hash (:refresh-set rs))]
(if (not= (view-hash persistence namespace (:view-sig rs)) hash-value)
(do (update-hash! persistence namespace (:view-sig rs) hash-value) true))))
(defn first-serialization-error
(some #(if-let [e (:sql-exception %)] (and (serialization-error? e) e)) refresh-sets))
(defn some-exception
(or (:sql-exception rs) (:exception rs)))
;; Exceedingly ugly code.
(defn look-for-exceptions
"Because exceptions in threads get buried, we have to look through the results to check for
serialization errors or other exceptions. We must bubble any serialization exception up."
(if (some #(some-exception %) refresh-sets)
(if-let [e (first-serialization-error refresh-sets)]
(throw e)
(doseq [rs refresh-sets :when (some-exception rs)]
(error "error computing refresh-set for" (:view-sig rs))
(when-let [e (some-exception rs)] (log-exception e)))
(throw (some some-exception refresh-sets))))
(defn calculate-refresh-sets
"For refresh-only views, calculates the refresh-set and adds it to the view's delta update collection."
[deltas db templates refresh-only-views]
(fn [d {:keys [view-sig view] :as rov}]
(let [refresh-set (get (vdbl/initial-view db view-sig templates view) view-sig)]
(update-in d [view-sig] (update-deltas-with-refresh-set refresh-set)))
;; report bad view-sig on error
(catch Exception e
(error "error refreshing view" view-sig)
(log-exception e)
(throw e))))
[persistence namespace deltas db templates refresh-only-views]
(let [refresh-sets (->> (calculate-refresh-sets* db templates refresh-only-views)
(filter-by-hash persistence namespace))]
(fn [d rs] (update-in d [(:view-sig rs)] (update-deltas-with-refresh-set rs)))
(defn format-deltas
"Removes extraneous data from view delta response collections.
@ -264,7 +308,7 @@
The function returns a hash-map with :result-set and :new-deltas collection values.
:new-deltas contains :insert-deltas, :delete-deltas, and :refresh-set values, as well
as the original :view-sig the deltas apply to."
[schema db all-views action templates]
[persistence namespace schema db all-views action templates]
(j/with-db-transaction [t db :isolation :serializable]
(let [filtered-views (filterv #(vc/have-overlapping-tables? action (:view %)) all-views)
{full-refresh-views true normal-views nil} (group-by :refresh-only? filtered-views)
@ -272,5 +316,5 @@
table (-> action vh/extract-tables ffirst)
pkey (get-primary-key schema table)
{:keys [views-with-deltas result-set]} (perform-action-and-return-deltas schema t need-deltas action table pkey)
deltas (calculate-refresh-sets (format-deltas views-with-deltas) t templates full-refresh-views)]
deltas (calculate-refresh-sets persistence namespace (format-deltas views-with-deltas) t templates full-refresh-views)]
{:new-deltas deltas :result-set result-set})))
@ -24,13 +24,8 @@
the template config map, and the view-map itself.
and returns a result-set for the new-views with post-fn functions applied to the data."
[db new-view templates view-map]
(->> view-map
(view-query db)
(into [])
(post-process-result-set new-view templates)
(hash-map new-view))
(catch Exception e
(error "when computing initial-view for" new-view)
(log-exception e)
(throw e))))
(->> view-map
(view-query db)
(into [])
(post-process-result-set new-view templates)
(hash-map new-view)))
@ -17,6 +17,12 @@
"Unsubscribes the subscriber with key 'subscriber-key' from ALL views
in namespace 'namespace'.")
(update-hash! [this namespace view-sig hash-value]
"Updates the data has for the view.")
(view-hash [this namespace view-sig]
"Returns the latest data has for the view.")
(view-data [this namespace table-name]
"Return all the view data that references a table name in a namespace.")
@ -49,6 +49,14 @@
(swap! subbed-views
(fn [sv] (update-in sv [namespace] ns-unsubscribe-all! subscriber-key))))
[this namespace view-sig hash-value]
(swap! subbed-views assoc-in [namespace view-sig :hash] hash-value))
[this namespace view-sig]
(get-in @subbed-views [namespace view-sig :hash]))
(view-data [this namespace table]
;; We don't yet use table name as an optimization here.
(map :view-data (vals (get @subbed-views namespace))))
@ -7,5 +7,6 @@
(disconnect [this disconnect-request])
;; DB interaction
(persistence [this])
(subscribed-views [this namespace])
(broadcast-deltas [this deltas namespace]))
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
(subscribed-views [this namespace]
(persist/view-data @memory default-ns nil))
(persistence [this] @memory)
(broadcast-deltas [this new-deltas namespace]
(reset! received-deltas new-deltas)))
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
(defn dvt-helper
([all-views action] (dvt-helper all-views action vf/templates))
([all-views action templates]
(vd/do-view-transaction vschema vf/db all-views action templates)))
(vd/do-view-transaction vf/persistence :default-ns vf/vschema vf/db all-views action templates)))
(use-fixtures :each (vf/database-fixtures!))
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
[ :as j]
[honeysql.core :as hsql]
[edl.core :refer [defschema]]
[ :as dg]))
[ :as dg]
[views.persistence.memory :refer [new-memory-persistence]]))
(defn sql-ts
([ts] (java.sql.Timestamp. ts))
@ -18,6 +19,8 @@
(defschema vschema db "public")
(def persistence (new-memory-persistence))
(defn clean-tables!
(doseq [t (map name tables)]
Reference in a new issue