add option to shutdown fns to allow blocking until threads finish

This commit is contained in:
Gered 2016-05-26 13:24:23 -04:00
parent c75cf6abbc
commit 41edaf8665

View file

@ -311,18 +311,24 @@
(defn stop-update-watcher!
"Stops threads for the views refresh watcher and worker threads."
[& [wait-for-threads?]]
(trace "stopping refresh watcher and workers")
(let [worker-threads (:workers @view-system)
watcher-thread (:refresh-watcher @view-system)
threads (->> worker-threads
(cons watcher-thread)
(remove nil?))]
(swap! view-system assoc
:stop-refresh-watcher? true
:stop-workers? true)
(if-let [^Thread refresh-watcher (:refresh-watcher @view-system)]
(.interrupt refresh-watcher))
(doseq [^Thread worker-thread (:workers @view-system)]
(.interrupt worker-thread))
(doseq [^Thread t threads]
(.interrupt t))
(if wait-for-threads?
(doseq [^Thread t threads]
(.join t)))
(swap! view-system assoc
:refresh-watcher nil
:workers nil))
:workers nil)))
(defn logger-thread
"Returns a logger thread function. A logger periodically writes view system
@ -358,12 +364,13 @@
(defn stop-logger!
"Stops the logger thread."
[& [wait-for-thread?]]
(trace "stopping logger")
(let [^Thread logger-thread (:logger @statistics)]
(swap! statistics assoc :stop? true)
(if-let [^Thread logger (:logger @statistics)]
(.interrupt logger))
(swap! statistics assoc :logger nil))
(if logger-thread (.interrupt logger-thread))
(if wait-for-thread? (.join logger-thread))
(swap! statistics assoc :logger nil)))
(defn hint
"Create a hint."
@ -472,9 +479,9 @@
(defn shutdown!
"Shuts the view system down, terminating all worker threads and clearing
all view subscriptions and data."
[& [wait-for-threads?]]
(trace "shutting down views sytem")
(stop-update-watcher! wait-for-threads?)
(if (:logging? @view-system)
(stop-logger! wait-for-threads?))
(reset! view-system {}))