move actual view refresh processing to new fn to make testing easier
This commit is contained in:
@ -243,6 +243,20 @@
[last-update min-refresh-interval]
(Thread/sleep (max 0 (- min-refresh-interval (- (System/currentTimeMillis) last-update)))))
(defn do-view-refresh!
[{:keys [namespace view-id parameters] :as view-sig}]
(if (collect-stats?) (swap! statistics update-in [:refreshes] inc))
(let [view (get-in @view-system [:views view-id])
vdata (data view namespace parameters)
hdata (hash vdata)]
(when-not (= hdata (get-in @view-system [:hashes view-sig]))
(doseq [subscriber-key (get-in @view-system [:subscribers view-sig])]
(send-view-data! subscriber-key view-sig vdata))
(swap! view-system assoc-in [:hashes view-sig] hdata)))
(catch Exception e
(error e "error refreshing:" namespace view-id parameters))))
(defn refresh-worker-thread
"Returns a refresh worker thread function. A 'refresh worker' continually waits for
refresh requests and when there is one, handles it by running the view, getting the view
@ -251,19 +265,9 @@
(let [^ArrayBlockingQueue refresh-queue (:refresh-queue @view-system)]
(fn []
(when-let [{:keys [namespace view-id parameters] :as view-sig} (.poll refresh-queue 60 TimeUnit/SECONDS)]
(when-let [view-sig (.poll refresh-queue 60 TimeUnit/SECONDS)]
(trace "worker running refresh for" view-sig)
(if (collect-stats?) (swap! statistics update-in [:refreshes] inc))
(let [view (get-in @view-system [:views view-id])
vdata (data view namespace parameters)
hdata (hash vdata)]
(when-not (= hdata (get-in @view-system [:hashes view-sig]))
(doseq [subscriber-key (get-in @view-system [:subscribers view-sig])]
(send-view-data! subscriber-key view-sig vdata))
(swap! view-system assoc-in [:hashes view-sig] hdata)))
(catch Exception e
(error e "error refreshing:" namespace view-id parameters))))
(do-view-refresh! view-sig))
(catch InterruptedException e))
(if-not (:stop-workers? @view-system)
Reference in a new issue