Extra error handling, hash fix, and new concurrency support.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# Notes
## Note 1
There is one hash stored per view signature. If a view is refreshed, a hash of
its data is checked against the previous data and if they match it is not sent
out. Otherwise it is sent out and the hash is replaced. On subscription, we
also store a hash of the view data, but only if it doesn't exist. This is important
because if we always stored it, the following situation would be a problem.
u1 - subscribes v1, hash is stored
p1 - updates data requiring v1 to be updated
u2 - subscribes v1, hash is stored
t1 - update thread runs and decides v1 needs to be updated because of the hint
supplied by p1, however, the hash is now the same because of u2 and no
refresh is sent out to u1.
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
(ns views.core
[java.util.concurrent ArrayBlockingQueue TimeUnit])
[views.protocols :refer [IView id data relevant?]]
[plumbing.core :refer [swap-pair!]]
[clojure.tools.logging :refer [debug]]))
[clojure.tools.logging :refer [debug error]]))
;; The view-system data structure has this shape:
@ -18,19 +20,22 @@
;; Each hint has the form {:namespace x :hint y}
(def refresh-queue (ArrayBlockingQueue. 500))
(defn subscribe-view!
[view-system view-sig subscriber-key data-hash]
(-> view-system
(update-in [:subscribed subscriber-key] (fnil conj #{}) view-sig)
(update-in [:subscribers view-sig] (fnil conj #{}) subscriber-key)
(assoc-in [:hashes view-sig] data-hash)))
(update-in [:hashes view-sig] #(or % data-hash)))) ;; see note #1
(defn subscribe!
[view-system namespace view-id parameters subscriber-key]
(if-let [view (get-in @view-system [:views view-id])]
(let [vdata (data view namespace parameters)]
(swap! view-system subscribe-view! [namespace view-id parameters] subscriber-key (hash vdata))
((get @view-system :send-fn) subscriber-key [[view-id parameters] vdata]))))
(if-let [view (get-in @view-system [:views view-id])]
(let [vdata (data view namespace parameters)]
(swap! view-system subscribe-view! [namespace view-id parameters] subscriber-key (hash vdata))
((get @view-system :send-fn) subscriber-key [[view-id parameters] vdata])))))
(defn remove-from-subscribers
[view-system view-sig subscriber-key]
@ -58,12 +63,10 @@
[view-system hints [namespace view-id parameters :as view-sig]]
(let [v (get-in @view-system [:views view-id])]
(if (relevant? v namespace parameters hints)
(let [vdata (data v namespace parameters)
hdata (hash vdata)]
(when-not (= hdata (get-in @view-system [:hashes view-sig]))
(doseq [s (get-in @view-system [:subscribers view-sig])]
((:send-fn @view-system) s [[view-id parameters] vdata]))
(swap! view-system assoc-in [:hashes view-sig] hdata))))))
(if-not (.contains ^ArrayBlockingQueue refresh-queue view-sig)
(when-not (.offer ^ArrayBlockingQueue refresh-queue view-sig)
(error "refresh-queue full, dropping refresh request for" view-sig))
(debug "already queued for refresh" view-sig)))))
(defn subscribed-views
@ -91,15 +94,37 @@
[last-update min-refresh-interval]
(Thread/sleep (max 0 (- min-refresh-interval (- (System/currentTimeMillis) last-update)))))
(defn worker-thread
"Handles refresh requests."
(fn []
(when-let [[namespace view-id parameters :as view-sig] (.poll ^ArrayBlockingQueue refresh-queue 60 TimeUnit/SECONDS)]
(let [view (get-in @view-system [:views view-id])
vdata (data view namespace parameters)
hdata (hash vdata)]
(when-not (= hdata (get-in @view-system [:hashes view-sig]))
(doseq [s (get-in @view-system [:subscribers view-sig])]
((:send-fn @view-system) s [[view-id parameters] vdata]))
(swap! view-system assoc-in [:hashes view-sig] hdata)))
(catch Exception e
(error "error refreshing:" namespace view-id parameters
"e:" e "msg:" (.getMessage e)))))
(defn update-watcher!
"A single threaded view update mechanism."
[view-system min-refresh-interval]
[view-system min-refresh-interval threads]
(swap! view-system assoc :last-update 0)
(.start (Thread. (fn [] (let [last-update (:last-update @view-system)]
(if (can-refresh? last-update min-refresh-interval)
(refresh-views! view-system)
(wait last-update min-refresh-interval))
(if (can-refresh? last-update min-refresh-interval)
(refresh-views! view-system)
(wait last-update min-refresh-interval))
(catch Exception e (error "exception in views e:" e "msg:"(.getMessage e))))
(dotimes [i threads] (.start (Thread. ^Runnable (worker-thread view-system)))))
(defn hint
"Create a hint."
Reference in a new issue