79 lines
3.6 KiB
79 lines
3.6 KiB
(ns views.sql.vexec-tests
[clojure.java.jdbc :as jdbc]
[views.core :as views]))
(def redefs-called (atom {}))
(defn ->redef-fn
[name & [return-value]]
(fn [& args]
(swap! redefs-called assoc name (vec args))
(defn vexec-redefs-fixture [f]
(reset! redefs-called {})
[jdbc/query (->redef-fn :jdbc/query :jdbc/query-return-value)
jdbc/execute! (->redef-fn :jdbc/execute! :jdbc/execute!-return-value)
views/put-hints! (->redef-fn :views/put-hints!)]
(use-fixtures :each clear-query-cache-fixture reset-test-view-system-fixture vexec-redefs-fixture)
(deftest vexec-runs-query-and-puts-hints
(let [sqlvec ["INSERT INTO example (field1, field2, field3) VALUES ('test', 'N', NULL)"]
result (vexec! test-view-system test-db sqlvec)]
(is (= [test-db sqlvec] (:jdbc/execute! @redefs-called)))
(is (= :jdbc/execute!-return-value result))
(is (= [test-view-system [(views/hint nil #{:example} hint-type)]]
(:views/put-hints! @redefs-called)))))
(deftest vexec-runs-query-with-returning-clause
(let [sqlvec ["INSERT INTO example (field1, field2, field3) VALUES ('test', 'N', NULL) RETURNING *"]
result (vexec! test-view-system test-db sqlvec)]
(is (= [test-db sqlvec] (:jdbc/query @redefs-called)))
(is (= :jdbc/query-return-value result))
(is (= [test-view-system [(views/hint nil #{:example} hint-type)]]
(:views/put-hints! @redefs-called)))))
(deftest namespace-is-passed-along-to-hints-via-vexec
(let [sqlvec ["INSERT INTO example (field1, field2, field3) VALUES ('test', 'N', NULL)"]
result (vexec! test-view-system test-db sqlvec {:namespace :foobar})]
(is (= [test-db sqlvec] (:jdbc/execute! @redefs-called)))
(is (= :jdbc/execute!-return-value result))
(is (= [test-view-system [(views/hint :foobar #{:example} hint-type)]]
(:views/put-hints! @redefs-called)))))
(deftest manually-provided-hints-to-vexec-are-passed-to-views-system
(let [sqlvec ["INSERT INTO example (field1, field2, field3) VALUES ('test', 'N', NULL)"]
result (vexec! test-view-system test-db sqlvec [:foo :bar])]
(is (= [test-db sqlvec] (:jdbc/execute! @redefs-called)))
(is (= :jdbc/execute!-return-value result))
(is (= [test-view-system [(views/hint nil #{:foo :bar} hint-type)]]
(:views/put-hints! @redefs-called)))))
(deftest manually-provided-hints-to-vexec-also-requires-specifying-returning-option
(let [sqlvec ["INSERT INTO example (field1, field2, field3) VALUES ('test', 'N', NULL) RETURNING *"]
result (vexec! test-view-system test-db sqlvec [:foo :bar])]
; means jdbc/execute! was called which is correct behaviour since the returning option was not specified.
; if jdbc/execute! was really called it would throw an exception since the INSERT query used has a RETURNING clause
(is (= [test-db sqlvec] (:jdbc/execute! @redefs-called)))
(is (= :jdbc/execute!-return-value result))
(is (= [test-view-system [(views/hint nil #{:foo :bar} hint-type)]]
(:views/put-hints! @redefs-called))))
; manually reset some things
(reset! redefs-called {})
(reset! query-info-cache {})
(let [sqlvec ["INSERT INTO example (field1, field2, field3) VALUES ('test', 'N', NULL) RETURNING *"]
result (vexec! test-view-system test-db sqlvec [:foo :bar] {:returning? true})]
(is (= [test-db sqlvec] (:jdbc/query @redefs-called)))
(is (= :jdbc/query-return-value result))
(is (= [test-view-system [(views/hint nil #{:foo :bar} hint-type)]]
(:views/put-hints! @redefs-called)))))