52 lines
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52 lines
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(ns views.honeysql.core
[views.core :refer [hint]]
[views.honeysql.util :refer [query-tables]]
[honeysql.core :as hsql]
[clojure.tools.logging :refer [error]]
[clojure.java.jdbc :as j]))
(def send-hints! (atom (fn [hints] (error "send-hints! not configured"))))
(defmacro with-view-transaction
"Like with-db-transaction, but sends view hints at end of transaction."
[binding & forms]
(let [tvar (first binding), db (second binding), args (drop 2 binding)]
`(if (:hints ~db) ;; check if we are in a nested transaction
(let [~tvar ~db] ~@forms)
(let [hints# (atom [])
result# (j/with-db-transaction [t# ~db ~@args]
(let [~tvar (assoc ~db :hints hints#)]
(@send-hints! @hints#)
(defn execute-honeysql!
"Always return keys for inserts."
[db hsql-map]
(if-let [table (:insert-into hsql-map)]
(if (vector? table)
(j/execute! db (hsql/format hsql-map))
(apply j/insert! db table (:values hsql-map)))
(j/execute! db (hsql/format hsql-map))))
(defn vexec!
"Used to perform arbitrary insert/update/delete actions on the database,
while ensuring that view hints are sent to the view system.
Arguments are:
- db: a clojure.java.jdbc database with fid field
- action-map: the HoneySQL map for the insert/update/delete action"
[db action-map]
(let [results (execute-honeysql! db action-map)
hsql-hint (hint :views/honeysql (query-tables action-map))]
(if-let [hints (:hints db)]
(swap! hints conj hsql-hint)
(@send-hints! [hsql-hint]))
(defn set-hint-transport-fn!
"The hint transport function should take a collection of hints and
send them to the configured view system. On a non-distribued server this
can be: (fn [hints] (refresh-views! views-config hints))"
(reset! send-hints! f)) |