updates for recent views changes

This commit is contained in:
Gered 2016-05-29 19:01:36 -04:00
parent 9de07f22ef
commit 4a3916d25f

View file

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
(ns views.honeysql.core
(clojure.lang Atom))
[views.core :refer [view-system hint put-hints!]]
[views.honeysql.util :refer [query-tables]]
@ -13,7 +15,7 @@
vexec! calls which need to be run in a transaction. Holds all view system hints
generated by any vexec! calls within the transaction until the end, at which point
they are all sent to the view system."
[binding & forms]
[^Atom view-system binding & forms]
(let [tvar (first binding)
db (second binding)
args (drop 2 binding)]
@ -23,7 +25,7 @@
result# (j/with-db-transaction [t# ~db ~@args]
(let [~tvar (assoc ~db :views-honeysql/hints hints#)]
(put-hints! @hints#)
(put-hints! view-system @hints#)
(defn- execute-honeysql!
@ -46,12 +48,12 @@
- db: a clojure.java.jdbc database connection
- namespace (optional): a namespace that will be included in the hints sent out
- action-map: the HoneySQL map for the insert/update/delete SQL query"
([db namespace action-map]
([^Atom view-system db namespace action-map]
(let [results (execute-honeysql! db action-map)
hsql-hint (hint namespace (query-tables action-map) hint-type)]
(if-let [hints (:views-honeysql/hints db)]
(swap! hints conj hsql-hint)
(put-hints! [hsql-hint]))
(put-hints! view-system [hsql-hint]))
([db action-map]
(vexec! db nil action-map)))
([^Atom view-system db action-map]
(vexec! view-system db nil action-map)))