2016-06-01 16:59:40 -04:00
(ns views.honeysql.honeysql-analysis-tests
2022-01-12 16:21:36 -05:00
[honey.sql :as hsql]))
2016-06-01 16:59:40 -04:00
(deftest simple-from-clause
(is (= #{:foo}
{:select [:a :b :c]
:from [:foo]}))))
(deftest from-clause-with-multiple-tables
(is (= #{:foo :bar}
{:select [:foo.a :foo.b :foo.c :bar.d]
:from [:foo :bar]}))))
(deftest inner-join
(is (= #{:foo :bar}
{:select [:a :b :c]
:from [:foo]
:join [:bar [:= :d :a]]}))))
(deftest left-join
(is (= #{:foo :bar}
{:select [:a :b :c]
:from [:foo]
:left-join [:bar [:= :d :a]]}))))
(deftest right-join
(is (= #{:foo :bar}
{:select [:a :b :c]
:from [:foo]
:right-join [:bar [:= :d :a]]}))))
(deftest table-names-with-aliases
(is (= #{:foo :bar}
{:select [:a :b :c]
:from [[:foo :f]]
:join [[:bar :b] [:= :b.foo_id :f.foo_id]]}))))
(deftest where-clause-subquery
(is (= #{:foo :bar}
{:select [:*]
:from [[:foo :f]]
:where [:in :f.foo_id {:select [:b.foo_id]
:from [[:bar :b]]}]}))))
(deftest insert-query
(is (= #{:foo}
{:insert-into :foo
:values [{:a "a" :b "b" :c "c"}]}))))
(deftest update-query
(is (= #{:foo}
{:update :foo
:set {:a "aaa" :b "bbb" :c "ccc"}
:where [:= :foo_id 42]}))))
(deftest delete-query
(is (= #{:foo}
{:delete-from :foo
:where [:= :foo_id 42]}))))
(deftest with-clause
; this query shamelessly taken from https://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/queries-with.html
; and converted to honeysql for this test
; NOTE: tables returned include the names of the CTE temp tables which is
; probably not really desired behaviour. should fix this.
; however, for now this test does demonstrate it is correctly looking at sub-queries
; inside of the with-clause.
(is (= #{:orders :top_regions :regional_sales}
{:with [[:regional_sales
{:select [:region [(hsql/call :sum :amount) "total_sales"]]
:from [:orders]
:group-by [:region]}]
{:select [:region]
:from [:regional_sales]
2022-01-12 16:21:36 -05:00
:where [:> :total_sales {:select [[:raw "SUM(total_sales) / 10"]]
2016-06-01 16:59:40 -04:00
:from [:regional_sales]}]}]]
:select [:region :product [(hsql/call :sum :quantity) "product_units"] [(hsql/call :sum :amount) "product_sales"]]
:from [:orders]
:where [:in :region {:select [:region]
:from [:top_regions]}]
:group-by [:region :product]}))))