NAME=vault-sidekick AUTHOR ?= ukhomeofficedigital REGISTRY ?= HARDWARE=$(shell uname -m) VERSION=$(shell awk '/Version =/ { print $$3 }' main.go | sed 's/"//g') VETARGS?=-asmdecl -atomic -bool -buildtags -copylocks -methods -nilfunc -printf -rangeloops -shift -structtags -unsafeptr .PHONY: test authors changelog build docker static release default: build build: @echo "--> Compiling the project" mkdir -p bin go build -o bin/${NAME} static: @echo "--> Compiling the static binary" mkdir -p bin CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -tags netgo -ldflags '-w' -o bin/${NAME} docker: static @echo "--> Building the docker image" docker build -t ${REGISTRY}/${AUTHOR}/${NAME}:${VERSION} . push: docker @echo "--> Pushing the image to" docker push ${REGISTRY}/${AUTHOR}/${NAME}:${VERSION} release: static mkdir -p release gzip -c bin/${NAME} > release/${NAME}_${VERSION}_linux_${HARDWARE}.gz rm -f release/${NAME} clean: rm -rf ./bin 2>/dev/null rm -rf ./release 2>/dev/null authors: @echo "--> Updating the AUTHORS" git log --format='%aN <%aE>' | sort -u > AUTHORS deps: @echo "--> Installing build dependencies" go get -d -v ./... go get vet: @echo "--> Running go tool vet $(VETARGS) ." @go tool vet 2>/dev/null ; if [ $$? -eq 3 ]; then \ go get; \ fi @go tool vet $(VETARGS) . format: @echo "--> Running go fmt" @go fmt $(PACKAGES) cover: @echo "--> Running go cover" go list ./... | xargs -n1 go test --cover test: deps @echo "--> Running the tests" go test -v @$(MAKE) vet @$(MAKE) cover changelog: release git log $(shell git tag | tail -n1)..HEAD --no-merges --format=%B > changelog