module.exports = grammar({ name: "dockerfile", extras: ($) => [/\s+/, $.line_continuation], externals: ($) => [ $.heredoc_marker, $.heredoc_line, $.heredoc_end, $.heredoc_nl, $.error_sentinel, ], rules: { source_file: ($) => repeat(seq(choice($._instruction, $.comment), "\n")), _instruction: ($) => choice( $.from_instruction, $.run_instruction, $.cmd_instruction, $.label_instruction, $.expose_instruction, $.env_instruction, $.add_instruction, $.copy_instruction, $.entrypoint_instruction, $.volume_instruction, $.user_instruction, $.workdir_instruction, $.arg_instruction, $.onbuild_instruction, $.stopsignal_instruction, $.healthcheck_instruction, $.shell_instruction, $.maintainer_instruction, $.cross_build_instruction, ), from_instruction: ($) => seq( alias(/[fF][rR][oO][mM]/, "FROM"), optional($.param), $.image_spec, optional(seq(alias(/[aA][sS]/, "AS"), field("as", $.image_alias))) ), run_instruction: ($) => seq( alias(/[rR][uU][nN]/, "RUN"), repeat( choice( $.param, $.mount_param ) ), choice($.json_string_array, $.shell_command), repeat($.heredoc_block) ), cmd_instruction: ($) => seq( alias(/[cC][mM][dD]/, "CMD"), choice($.json_string_array, $.shell_command) ), label_instruction: ($) => seq(alias(/[lL][aA][bB][eE][lL]/, "LABEL"), repeat1($.label_pair)), expose_instruction: ($) => seq( alias(/[eE][xX][pP][oO][sS][eE]/, "EXPOSE"), repeat1(choice($.expose_port, $.expansion)) ), env_instruction: ($) => seq( alias(/[eE][nN][vV]/, "ENV"), choice(repeat1($.env_pair), alias($._spaced_env_pair, $.env_pair)) ), add_instruction: ($) => seq( alias(/[aA][dD][dD]/, "ADD"), repeat($.param), repeat1( seq(alias($.path_with_heredoc, $.path), $._non_newline_whitespace) ), alias($.path_with_heredoc, $.path), repeat($.heredoc_block) ), copy_instruction: ($) => seq( alias(/[cC][oO][pP][yY]/, "COPY"), repeat($.param), repeat1( seq(alias($.path_with_heredoc, $.path), $._non_newline_whitespace) ), alias($.path_with_heredoc, $.path), repeat($.heredoc_block) ), entrypoint_instruction: ($) => seq( alias(/[eE][nN][tT][rR][yY][pP][oO][iI][nN][tT]/, "ENTRYPOINT"), choice($.json_string_array, $.shell_command) ), volume_instruction: ($) => seq( alias(/[vV][oO][lL][uU][mM][eE]/, "VOLUME"), choice( $.json_string_array, seq($.path, repeat(seq($._non_newline_whitespace, $.path))) ) ), user_instruction: ($) => seq( alias(/[uU][sS][eE][rR]/, "USER"), field("user", alias($._user_name_or_group, $.unquoted_string)), optional( seq( token.immediate(":"), field("group", alias($._immediate_user_name_or_group, $.unquoted_string)) ) ) ), _user_name_or_group: ($) => seq( choice(/([a-zA-Z][-A-Za-z0-9_]*|[0-9]+)/, $.expansion), repeat($._immediate_user_name_or_group_fragment) ), // same as _user_name_or_group but sticks to previous token _immediate_user_name_or_group: ($) => repeat1($._immediate_user_name_or_group_fragment), _immediate_user_name_or_group_fragment: ($) => choice( token.immediate(/([a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9_]*|[0-9]+)/), $._immediate_expansion ), workdir_instruction: ($) => seq(alias(/[wW][oO][rR][kK][dD][iI][rR]/, "WORKDIR"), $.path), arg_instruction: ($) => seq( alias(/[aA][rR][gG]/, "ARG"), field("name", alias(/[a-zA-Z0-9_]+/, $.unquoted_string)), optional( seq( token.immediate("="), field("default", choice( $.double_quoted_string, $.single_quoted_string, $.unquoted_string )) ) ) ), onbuild_instruction: ($) => seq(alias(/[oO][nN][bB][uU][iI][lL][dD]/, "ONBUILD"), $._instruction), stopsignal_instruction: ($) => seq( alias(/[sS][tT][oO][pP][sS][iI][gG][nN][aA][lL]/, "STOPSIGNAL"), $._stopsignal_value ), _stopsignal_value: ($) => seq( choice(/[A-Z0-9]+/, $.expansion), repeat(choice(token.immediate(/[A-Z0-9]+/), $._immediate_expansion)) ), healthcheck_instruction: ($) => seq( alias(/[hH][eE][aA][lL][tT][hH][cC][hH][eE][cC][kK]/, "HEALTHCHECK"), choice("NONE", seq(repeat($.param), $.cmd_instruction)) ), shell_instruction: ($) => seq(alias(/[sS][hH][eE][lL][lL]/, "SHELL"), $.json_string_array), maintainer_instruction: ($) => seq( alias(/[mM][aA][iI][nN][tT][aA][iI][nN][eE][rR]/, "MAINTAINER"), /.*/ ), cross_build_instruction: ($) => seq( alias( /[cC][rR][oO][sS][sS]_[bB][uU][iI][lL][dD][a-zA-Z_]*/, "CROSS_BUILD" ), /.*/ ), heredoc_block: ($) => seq( // A heredoc block starts with a line break after the instruction it // belongs to. The herdoc_nl token is a special token that only matches // \n if there's at least one open heredoc to avoid conflicts. // We also alias this token to hide it from the output like all other // whitespace. alias($.heredoc_nl, "_heredoc_nl"), repeat(seq($.heredoc_line, "\n")), $.heredoc_end ), path: ($) => seq( choice( /[^-\s\$<]/, // cannot start with a '-' to avoid conflicts with params /<[^<]/, // cannot start with a '<<' to avoid conflicts with heredocs (a single < is fine, though) $.expansion ), repeat(choice(token.immediate(/[^\s\$]+/), $._immediate_expansion)) ), path_with_heredoc: ($) => choice( $.heredoc_marker, seq( choice( /[^-\s\$<]/, // cannot start with a '-' to avoid conflicts with params /<[^-\s\$<]/, $.expansion ), repeat(choice(token.immediate(/[^\s\$]+/), $._immediate_expansion)) ) ), expansion: $ => seq("$", $._expansion_body), // we have 2 rules b/c aliases don't work as expected on seq() directly _immediate_expansion: $ => alias($._imm_expansion, $.expansion), _imm_expansion: $ => seq(token.immediate("$"), $._expansion_body), _expansion_body: $ => choice( $.variable, seq( token.immediate("{"), alias(token.immediate(/[^\}]+/), $.variable), token.immediate("}") ) ), variable: ($) => token.immediate(/[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/), env_pair: ($) => seq( field("name", $._env_key), token.immediate("="), optional( field("value", choice( $.double_quoted_string, $.single_quoted_string, $.unquoted_string )) ) ), _spaced_env_pair: ($) => seq( field("name", $._env_key), token.immediate(/\s+/), field("value", choice( $.double_quoted_string, $.single_quoted_string, $.unquoted_string )) ), _env_key: ($) => alias(/[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/, $.unquoted_string), expose_port: ($) => seq(/\d+(-\d+)?/, optional(choice("/tcp", "/udp"))), label_pair: ($) => seq( field("key", choice( alias(/[-a-zA-Z0-9\._]+/, $.unquoted_string), $.double_quoted_string, $.single_quoted_string )), token.immediate("="), field("value", choice( $.double_quoted_string, $.single_quoted_string, $.unquoted_string )) ), image_spec: ($) => seq( field("name", $.image_name), seq( field("tag", optional($.image_tag)), field("digest", optional($.image_digest)) ) ), image_name: ($) => seq( choice(/[^@:\s\$-]/, $.expansion), repeat(choice(token.immediate(/[^@:\s\$]+/), $._immediate_expansion)) ), image_tag: ($) => seq( token.immediate(":"), repeat1(choice(token.immediate(/[^@\s\$]+/), $._immediate_expansion)) ), image_digest: ($) => seq( token.immediate("@"), repeat1(choice(token.immediate(/[a-zA-Z0-9:]+/), $._immediate_expansion)) ), // Generic parsing of options passed right after an instruction name. param: ($) => seq( "--", field("name", token.immediate(/[a-z][-a-z]*/)), token.immediate("="), field("value", token.immediate(/[^\s]+/)) ), // Specific parsing of the --mount option e.g. // // --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/go-build // mount_param: ($) => seq( "--", field("name", token.immediate("mount")), token.immediate("="), field( "value", seq( $.mount_param_param, repeat( seq(token.immediate(","), $.mount_param_param) ) ) ) ), mount_param_param: ($) => seq( token.immediate(/[^\s=,]+/), token.immediate("="), token.immediate(/[^\s=,]+/) ), image_alias: ($) => seq( choice(/[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+/, $.expansion), repeat(choice(token.immediate(/[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+/), $._immediate_expansion)) ), shell_command: ($) => seq( repeat($._comment_line), $.shell_fragment, repeat( seq( alias($.required_line_continuation, $.line_continuation), repeat($._comment_line), $.shell_fragment ) ) ), shell_fragment: ($) => repeat1( choice( // A shell fragment is broken into the same tokens as other // constructs because the lexer prefers the longer tokens // when it has a choice. The example below shows the tokenization // of the --mount parameter. // // RUN --mount=foo=bar,baz=42 ls --all // ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ // ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ // |--------param-------| // |--shell_command--| // seq($.heredoc_marker, /[ \t]*/), /[,=-]/, /[^\\\[\n#\s,=-][^\\\n<]*/, /\\[^\n,=-]/, /<[^<]/, ) ), line_continuation: ($) => /\\[ \t]*\n/, required_line_continuation: ($) => "\\\n", _comment_line: ($) => seq(alias($._anon_comment, $.comment), "\n"), _anon_comment: ($) => seq("#", /.*/), json_string_array: ($) => seq( "[", optional( seq($.json_string, repeat(seq(",", $.json_string))) ), "]" ), // Note that JSON strings are different from the other double-quoted // strings. They don't support $-expansions. // Convenient reference: json_string: ($) => seq( '"', repeat( choice( token.immediate(/[^"\\]+/), alias($.json_escape_sequence, $.escape_sequence) ) ), '"' ), json_escape_sequence: ($) => token.immediate( /\\(?:["\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4})/ ), double_quoted_string: ($) => seq( '"', repeat( choice( token.immediate(/[^"\n\\\$]+/), alias($.double_quoted_escape_sequence, $.escape_sequence), "\\", $._immediate_expansion ) ), '"' ), // same as double_quoted_string but without $-expansions: single_quoted_string: ($) => seq( "'", repeat( choice( token.immediate(/[^'\n\\]+/), alias($.single_quoted_escape_sequence, $.escape_sequence), "\\", ) ), "'" ), unquoted_string: ($) => repeat1( choice( token.immediate(/[^\s\n\"'\\\$]+/), token.immediate("\\ "), $._immediate_expansion ) ), double_quoted_escape_sequence: ($) => token.immediate( choice( "\\\\", "\\\"" ) ), single_quoted_escape_sequence: ($) => token.immediate( choice( "\\\\", "\\'" ) ), _non_newline_whitespace: ($) => token.immediate(/[\t ]+/), comment: ($) => /#.*/, }, });