Once started up, connect to the nREPL and manually run `(start)`. This will start up the Figwheel build (in exactly the
same manner as the `fig:build` alias does), but also give you a ClojureScript REPL in your connect nREPL session.
Note that a [lein-cljsbuild](https://github.com/emezeske/lein-cljsbuild) configuration is included _purely_ because
it has superior integration with Leiningen for automatically performing release ClojureScript compilation when
generating uber JARs. This lein-cljsbuild configuration will be automatically utilized at such time, no special action
is needed, so it can be entirely ignored during development!
## Other Templates!
I have a few other "simple" Leiningen project templates that are along the same vein as this one:
* [Simple Clojure App](https://github.com/gered/simple-app-template) - Very simple starter base for non-web projects.
* [Simple Clojure Web Service](https://github.com/gered/simple-web-service-template) - For web services to be consumed by other apps.
* [Simple Clojure Web Site](https://github.com/gered/simple-web-site-template) - For web sites using only server-side rendered HTML (**no** ClojureScript!).