/* PLAYWAVE: A test application for the SDL mixer library. Copyright (C) 1997-2009 Sam Lantinga This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Sam Lantinga slouken@libsdl.org */ /* $Id: playwave.c 4211 2008-12-08 00:27:32Z slouken $ */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef unix #include #endif #include "SDL.h" #include "SDL_mixer.h" /* * rcg06132001 various mixer tests. Define the ones you want. */ /*#define TEST_MIX_VERSIONS*/ /*#define TEST_MIX_CHANNELFINISHED*/ /*#define TEST_MIX_PANNING*/ /*#define TEST_MIX_DISTANCE*/ /*#define TEST_MIX_POSITION*/ #if (defined TEST_MIX_POSITION) #if (defined TEST_MIX_PANNING) #error TEST_MIX_POSITION interferes with TEST_MIX_PANNING. #endif #if (defined TEST_MIX_DISTANCE) #error TEST_MIX_POSITION interferes with TEST_MIX_DISTANCE. #endif #endif /* rcg06192001 for debugging purposes. */ static void output_test_warnings(void) { #if (defined TEST_MIX_CHANNELFINISHED) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: TEST_MIX_CHANNELFINISHED is enabled in this binary...\n"); #endif #if (defined TEST_MIX_PANNING) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: TEST_MIX_PANNING is enabled in this binary...\n"); #endif #if (defined TEST_MIX_VERSIONS) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: TEST_MIX_VERSIONS is enabled in this binary...\n"); #endif #if (defined TEST_MIX_DISTANCE) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: TEST_MIX_DISTANCE is enabled in this binary...\n"); #endif #if (defined TEST_MIX_POSITION) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: TEST_MIX_POSITION is enabled in this binary...\n"); #endif } static int audio_open = 0; static Mix_Chunk *wave = NULL; /* rcg06192001 Check new Mixer version API. */ #if (defined TEST_MIX_VERSIONS) static void output_versions(const char *libname, const SDL_version *compiled, const SDL_version *linked) { fprintf(stderr, "This program was compiled against %s %d.%d.%d,\n" " and is dynamically linked to %d.%d.%d.\n", libname, compiled->major, compiled->minor, compiled->patch, linked->major, linked->minor, linked->patch); } static void test_versions(void) { SDL_version compiled; const SDL_version *linked; SDL_VERSION(&compiled); linked = SDL_Linked_Version(); output_versions("SDL", &compiled, linked); SDL_MIXER_VERSION(&compiled); linked = Mix_Linked_Version(); output_versions("SDL_mixer", &compiled, linked); } #endif #ifdef TEST_MIX_CHANNELFINISHED /* rcg06072001 */ static volatile int channel_is_done = 0; static void channel_complete_callback(int chan) { Mix_Chunk *done_chunk = Mix_GetChunk(chan); fprintf(stderr, "We were just alerted that Mixer channel #%d is done.\n", chan); fprintf(stderr, "Channel's chunk pointer is (%p).\n", done_chunk); fprintf(stderr, " Which %s correct.\n", (wave == done_chunk) ? "is" : "is NOT"); channel_is_done = 1; } #endif /* rcg06192001 abstract this out for testing purposes. */ static int still_playing(void) { #ifdef TEST_MIX_CHANNELFINISHED return(!channel_is_done); #else return(Mix_Playing(0)); #endif } #if (defined TEST_MIX_PANNING) static void do_panning_update(void) { static Uint8 leftvol = 128; static Uint8 rightvol = 128; static Uint8 leftincr = -1; static Uint8 rightincr = 1; static int panningok = 1; static Uint32 next_panning_update = 0; if ((panningok) && (SDL_GetTicks() >= next_panning_update)) { panningok = Mix_SetPanning(0, leftvol, rightvol); if (!panningok) { fprintf(stderr, "Mix_SetPanning(0, %d, %d) failed!\n", (int) leftvol, (int) rightvol); fprintf(stderr, "Reason: [%s].\n", Mix_GetError()); } if ((leftvol == 255) || (leftvol == 0)) { if (leftvol == 255) printf("All the way in the left speaker.\n"); leftincr *= -1; } if ((rightvol == 255) || (rightvol == 0)) { if (rightvol == 255) printf("All the way in the right speaker.\n"); rightincr *= -1; } leftvol += leftincr; rightvol += rightincr; next_panning_update = SDL_GetTicks() + 10; } } #endif #if (defined TEST_MIX_DISTANCE) static void do_distance_update(void) { static Uint8 distance = 1; static Uint8 distincr = 1; static int distanceok = 1; static Uint32 next_distance_update = 0; if ((distanceok) && (SDL_GetTicks() >= next_distance_update)) { distanceok = Mix_SetDistance(0, distance); if (!distanceok) { fprintf(stderr, "Mix_SetDistance(0, %d) failed!\n", (int) distance); fprintf(stderr, "Reason: [%s].\n", Mix_GetError()); } if (distance == 0) { printf("Distance at nearest point.\n"); distincr *= -1; } else if (distance == 255) { printf("Distance at furthest point.\n"); distincr *= -1; } distance += distincr; next_distance_update = SDL_GetTicks() + 15; } } #endif #if (defined TEST_MIX_POSITION) static void do_position_update(void) { static Sint16 distance = 1; static Sint8 distincr = 1; static Uint16 angle = 0; static Sint8 angleincr = 1; static int positionok = 1; static Uint32 next_position_update = 0; if ((positionok) && (SDL_GetTicks() >= next_position_update)) { positionok = Mix_SetPosition(0, angle, distance); if (!positionok) { fprintf(stderr, "Mix_SetPosition(0, %d, %d) failed!\n", (int) angle, (int) distance); fprintf(stderr, "Reason: [%s].\n", Mix_GetError()); } if (angle == 0) { printf("Due north; now rotating clockwise...\n"); angleincr = 1; } else if (angle == 360) { printf("Due north; now rotating counter-clockwise...\n"); angleincr = -1; } distance += distincr; if (distance < 0) { distance = 0; distincr = 3; printf("Distance is very, very near. Stepping away by threes...\n"); } else if (distance > 255) { distance = 255; distincr = -3; printf("Distance is very, very far. Stepping towards by threes...\n"); } angle += angleincr; next_position_update = SDL_GetTicks() + 30; } } #endif static void CleanUp(int exitcode) { if ( wave ) { Mix_FreeChunk(wave); wave = NULL; } if ( audio_open ) { Mix_CloseAudio(); audio_open = 0; } SDL_Quit(); exit(exitcode); } static void Usage(char *argv0) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-8] [-r rate] [-c channels] [-f] [-F] [-l] [-m] \n", argv0); } /* * rcg06182001 This is sick, but cool. * * Actually, it's meant to be an example of how to manipulate a voice * without having to use the mixer effects API. This is more processing * up front, but no extra during the mixing process. Also, in a case like * this, when you need to touch the whole sample at once, it's the only * option you've got. And, with the effects API, you are altering a copy of * the original sample for each playback, and thus, your changes aren't * permanent; here, you've got a reversed sample, and that's that until * you either reverse it again, or reload it. */ static void flip_sample(Mix_Chunk *wave) { Uint16 format; int channels, i, incr; Uint8 *start = wave->abuf; Uint8 *end = wave->abuf + wave->alen; Mix_QuerySpec(NULL, &format, &channels); incr = (format & 0xFF) * channels; end -= incr; switch (incr) { case 8: for (i = wave->alen / 2; i >= 0; i -= 1) { Uint8 tmp = *start; *start = *end; *end = tmp; start++; end--; } break; case 16: for (i = wave->alen / 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) { Uint16 tmp = *start; *((Uint16 *) start) = *((Uint16 *) end); *((Uint16 *) end) = tmp; start += 2; end -= 2; } break; case 32: for (i = wave->alen / 2; i >= 0; i -= 4) { Uint32 tmp = *start; *((Uint32 *) start) = *((Uint32 *) end); *((Uint32 *) end) = tmp; start += 4; end -= 4; } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unhandled format in sample flipping.\n"); return; } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int audio_rate; Uint16 audio_format; int audio_channels; int loops = 0; int i; int reverse_stereo = 0; int reverse_sample = 0; setbuf(stdout, NULL); /* rcg06132001 for debugging purposes. */ setbuf(stderr, NULL); /* rcg06192001 for debugging purposes, too. */ output_test_warnings(); /* Initialize variables */ audio_rate = MIX_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY; audio_format = MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT; audio_channels = 2; /* Check command line usage */ for ( i=1; argv[i] && (*argv[i] == '-'); ++i ) { if ( (strcmp(argv[i], "-r") == 0) && argv[i+1] ) { ++i; audio_rate = atoi(argv[i]); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i], "-m") == 0 ) { audio_channels = 1; } else if ( (strcmp(argv[i], "-c") == 0) && argv[i+1] ) { ++i; audio_channels = atoi(argv[i]); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i], "-l") == 0 ) { loops = -1; } else if ( strcmp(argv[i], "-8") == 0 ) { audio_format = AUDIO_U8; } else if ( strcmp(argv[i], "-f") == 0 ) { /* rcg06122001 flip stereo */ reverse_stereo = 1; } else if ( strcmp(argv[i], "-F") == 0 ) { /* rcg06172001 flip sample */ reverse_sample = 1; } else { Usage(argv[0]); return(1); } } if ( ! argv[i] ) { Usage(argv[0]); return(1); } /* Initialize the SDL library */ if ( SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n",SDL_GetError()); return(255); } signal(SIGINT, CleanUp); signal(SIGTERM, CleanUp); /* Open the audio device */ if (Mix_OpenAudio(audio_rate, audio_format, audio_channels, 4096) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open audio: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); CleanUp(2); } else { Mix_QuerySpec(&audio_rate, &audio_format, &audio_channels); printf("Opened audio at %d Hz %d bit %s", audio_rate, (audio_format&0xFF), (audio_channels > 2) ? "surround" : (audio_channels > 1) ? "stereo" : "mono"); if ( loops ) { printf(" (looping)\n"); } else { putchar('\n'); } } audio_open = 1; #if (defined TEST_MIX_VERSIONS) test_versions(); #endif /* Load the requested wave file */ wave = Mix_LoadWAV(argv[i]); if ( wave == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't load %s: %s\n", argv[i], SDL_GetError()); CleanUp(2); } if (reverse_sample) { flip_sample(wave); } #ifdef TEST_MIX_CHANNELFINISHED /* rcg06072001 */ Mix_ChannelFinished(channel_complete_callback); #endif if ( (!Mix_SetReverseStereo(MIX_CHANNEL_POST, reverse_stereo)) && (reverse_stereo) ) { printf("Failed to set up reverse stereo effect!\n"); printf("Reason: [%s].\n", Mix_GetError()); } /* Play and then exit */ Mix_PlayChannel(0, wave, loops); while (still_playing()) { #if (defined TEST_MIX_PANNING) /* rcg06132001 */ do_panning_update(); #endif #if (defined TEST_MIX_DISTANCE) /* rcg06192001 */ do_distance_update(); #endif #if (defined TEST_MIX_POSITION) /* rcg06202001 */ do_position_update(); #endif SDL_Delay(1); } /* while still_playing() loop... */ CleanUp(0); /* Not reached, but fixes compiler warnings */ return 0; } /* end of playwave.c ... */