/* SDL_mixer: An audio mixer library based on the SDL library Copyright (C) 1997-2009 Sam Lantinga This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Sam Lantinga slouken@libsdl.org */ #ifdef MP3_MAD_MUSIC #include #include "music_mad.h" mad_data * mad_openFile(const char *filename, SDL_AudioSpec *mixer) { SDL_RWops *rw; mad_data *mp3_mad; rw = SDL_RWFromFile(filename, "rb"); if (rw == NULL) { return NULL; } mp3_mad = mad_openFileRW(rw, mixer); if (mp3_mad == NULL) { SDL_FreeRW(rw); return NULL; } mp3_mad->freerw = SDL_TRUE; return mp3_mad; } mad_data * mad_openFileRW(SDL_RWops *rw, SDL_AudioSpec *mixer) { mad_data *mp3_mad; mp3_mad = (mad_data *)malloc(sizeof(mad_data)); if (mp3_mad) { mp3_mad->rw = rw; mp3_mad->freerw = SDL_FALSE; mad_stream_init(&mp3_mad->stream); mad_frame_init(&mp3_mad->frame); mad_synth_init(&mp3_mad->synth); mp3_mad->frames_read = 0; mad_timer_reset(&mp3_mad->next_frame_start); mp3_mad->volume = MIX_MAX_VOLUME; mp3_mad->status = 0; mp3_mad->output_begin = 0; mp3_mad->output_end = 0; mp3_mad->mixer = *mixer; } return mp3_mad; } void mad_closeFile(mad_data *mp3_mad) { mad_stream_finish(&mp3_mad->stream); mad_frame_finish(&mp3_mad->frame); mad_synth_finish(&mp3_mad->synth); if (mp3_mad->freerw) { SDL_FreeRW(mp3_mad->rw); } free(mp3_mad); } /* Starts the playback. */ void mad_start(mad_data *mp3_mad) { mp3_mad->status |= MS_playing; } /* Stops the playback. */ void mad_stop(mad_data *mp3_mad) { mp3_mad->status &= ~MS_playing; } /* Returns true if the playing is engaged, false otherwise. */ int mad_isPlaying(mad_data *mp3_mad) { return ((mp3_mad->status & MS_playing) != 0); } /* Reads the next frame from the file. Returns true on success or false on failure. */ static int read_next_frame(mad_data *mp3_mad) { if (mp3_mad->stream.buffer == NULL || mp3_mad->stream.error == MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN) { size_t read_size; size_t remaining; unsigned char *read_start; /* There might be some bytes in the buffer left over from last time. If so, move them down and read more bytes following them. */ if (mp3_mad->stream.next_frame != NULL) { remaining = mp3_mad->stream.bufend - mp3_mad->stream.next_frame; memmove(mp3_mad->input_buffer, mp3_mad->stream.next_frame, remaining); read_start = mp3_mad->input_buffer + remaining; read_size = MAD_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE - remaining; } else { read_size = MAD_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE; read_start = mp3_mad->input_buffer; remaining = 0; } /* Now read additional bytes from the input file. */ read_size = SDL_RWread(mp3_mad->rw, read_start, 1, read_size); if (read_size <= 0) { if ((mp3_mad->status & (MS_input_eof | MS_input_error)) == 0) { if (read_size == 0) { mp3_mad->status |= MS_input_eof; } else { mp3_mad->status |= MS_input_error; } /* At the end of the file, we must stuff MAD_BUFFER_GUARD number of 0 bytes. */ memset(read_start + read_size, 0, MAD_BUFFER_GUARD); read_size += MAD_BUFFER_GUARD; } } /* Now feed those bytes into the libmad stream. */ mad_stream_buffer(&mp3_mad->stream, mp3_mad->input_buffer, read_size + remaining); mp3_mad->stream.error = MAD_ERROR_NONE; } /* Now ask libmad to extract a frame from the data we just put in its buffer. */ if (mad_frame_decode(&mp3_mad->frame, &mp3_mad->stream)) { if (MAD_RECOVERABLE(mp3_mad->stream.error)) { return 0; } else if (mp3_mad->stream.error == MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN) { return 0; } else { mp3_mad->status |= MS_decode_error; return 0; } } mp3_mad->frames_read++; mad_timer_add(&mp3_mad->next_frame_start, mp3_mad->frame.header.duration); return 1; } /* Scale a MAD sample to 16 bits for output. */ static signed int scale(mad_fixed_t sample) { /* round */ sample += (1L << (MAD_F_FRACBITS - 16)); /* clip */ if (sample >= MAD_F_ONE) sample = MAD_F_ONE - 1; else if (sample < -MAD_F_ONE) sample = -MAD_F_ONE; /* quantize */ return sample >> (MAD_F_FRACBITS + 1 - 16); } /* Once the frame has been read, copies its samples into the output buffer. */ static void decode_frame(mad_data *mp3_mad) { struct mad_pcm *pcm; unsigned int nchannels, nsamples; mad_fixed_t const *left_ch, *right_ch; unsigned char *out; int ret; mad_synth_frame(&mp3_mad->synth, &mp3_mad->frame); pcm = &mp3_mad->synth.pcm; out = mp3_mad->output_buffer + mp3_mad->output_end; if ((mp3_mad->status & MS_cvt_decoded) == 0) { mp3_mad->status |= MS_cvt_decoded; /* The first frame determines some key properties of the stream. In particular, it tells us enough to set up the convert structure now. */ SDL_BuildAudioCVT(&mp3_mad->cvt, AUDIO_S16, pcm->channels, mp3_mad->frame.header.samplerate, mp3_mad->mixer.format, mp3_mad->mixer.channels, mp3_mad->mixer.freq); } /* pcm->samplerate contains the sampling frequency */ nchannels = pcm->channels; nsamples = pcm->length; left_ch = pcm->samples[0]; right_ch = pcm->samples[1]; while (nsamples--) { signed int sample; /* output sample(s) in 16-bit signed little-endian PCM */ sample = scale(*left_ch++); *out++ = ((sample >> 0) & 0xff); *out++ = ((sample >> 8) & 0xff); if (nchannels == 2) { sample = scale(*right_ch++); *out++ = ((sample >> 0) & 0xff); *out++ = ((sample >> 8) & 0xff); } } mp3_mad->output_end = out - mp3_mad->output_buffer; /*assert(mp3_mad->output_end <= MAD_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);*/ } void mad_getSamples(mad_data *mp3_mad, Uint8 *stream, int len) { int bytes_remaining; int num_bytes; Uint8 *out; if ((mp3_mad->status & MS_playing) == 0) { /* We're not supposed to be playing, so send silence instead. */ memset(stream, 0, len); return; } out = stream; bytes_remaining = len; while (bytes_remaining > 0) { if (mp3_mad->output_end == mp3_mad->output_begin) { /* We need to get a new frame. */ mp3_mad->output_begin = 0; mp3_mad->output_end = 0; if (!read_next_frame(mp3_mad)) { if ((mp3_mad->status & MS_error_flags) != 0) { /* Couldn't read a frame; either an error condition or end-of-file. Stop. */ memset(out, 0, bytes_remaining); mp3_mad->status &= ~MS_playing; return; } } else { decode_frame(mp3_mad); /* Now convert the frame data to the appropriate format for output. */ mp3_mad->cvt.buf = mp3_mad->output_buffer; mp3_mad->cvt.len = mp3_mad->output_end; mp3_mad->output_end = (int)(mp3_mad->output_end * mp3_mad->cvt.len_ratio); /*assert(mp3_mad->output_end <= MAD_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);*/ SDL_ConvertAudio(&mp3_mad->cvt); } } num_bytes = mp3_mad->output_end - mp3_mad->output_begin; if (bytes_remaining < num_bytes) { num_bytes = bytes_remaining; } if (mp3_mad->volume == MIX_MAX_VOLUME) { memcpy(out, mp3_mad->output_buffer + mp3_mad->output_begin, num_bytes); } else { SDL_MixAudio(out, mp3_mad->output_buffer + mp3_mad->output_begin, num_bytes, mp3_mad->volume); } out += num_bytes; mp3_mad->output_begin += num_bytes; bytes_remaining -= num_bytes; } } void mad_seek(mad_data *mp3_mad, double position) { mad_timer_t target; int int_part; int_part = (int)position; mad_timer_set(&target, int_part, (int)((position - int_part) * 1000000), 1000000); if (mad_timer_compare(mp3_mad->next_frame_start, target) > 0) { /* In order to seek backwards in a VBR file, we have to rewind and start again from the beginning. This isn't necessary if the file happens to be CBR, of course; in that case we could seek directly to the frame we want. But I leave that little optimization for the future developer who discovers she really needs it. */ mp3_mad->frames_read = 0; mad_timer_reset(&mp3_mad->next_frame_start); mp3_mad->status &= ~MS_error_flags; mp3_mad->output_begin = 0; mp3_mad->output_end = 0; SDL_RWseek(mp3_mad->rw, 0, SEEK_SET); } /* Now we have to skip frames until we come to the right one. Again, only truly necessary if the file is VBR. */ while (mad_timer_compare(mp3_mad->next_frame_start, target) < 0) { if (!read_next_frame(mp3_mad)) { if ((mp3_mad->status & MS_error_flags) != 0) { /* Couldn't read a frame; either an error condition or end-of-file. Stop. */ mp3_mad->status &= ~MS_playing; return; } } } /* Here we are, at the beginning of the frame that contains the target time. Ehh, I say that's close enough. If we wanted to, we could get more precise by decoding the frame now and counting the appropriate number of samples out of it. */ } void mad_setVolume(mad_data *mp3_mad, int volume) { mp3_mad->volume = volume; } #endif /* MP3_MAD_MUSIC */