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* PSO EP1&2 (Gamecube) Quest .bin/.dat File to Download/Offline .qst File Converter
* This tool will take PRS-compressed quest .bin/.dat files and process them into a working .qst file that can be
* served up by a PSO server as a "download quest" which will be playable offline from a Gamecube memory card.
2021-03-27 13:30:38 -04:00
* This tool performs basically the same process that Qedit's save file type "Download Quest file(GC)" does.
* Note that .qst files created in this way cannot be used as "online" quests.
* Gered King, March 2021
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <sylverant/encryption.h>
#include <sylverant/prs.h>
#include "fuzziqer_prs.h"
#include "defs.h"
#include "quests.h"
#include "utils.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
2021-03-24 16:30:32 -04:00
int returncode, validation_result;
uint8_t *compressed_bin = NULL;
uint8_t *compressed_dat = NULL;
uint8_t *decompressed_bin = NULL;
uint8_t *decompressed_dat = NULL;
uint8_t *final_bin = NULL;
uint8_t *final_dat = NULL;
if (argc != 4) {
printf("Usage: bindat_to_gcdl quest.bin quest.dat output.qst\n");
return 1;
int result;
const char *bin_filename = argv[1];
const char *dat_filename = argv[2];
const char *output_qst_filename = argv[3];
/** validate lengths of the given quest .bin and .dat files, to make sure they fit into the packet structs **/
const char *bin_base_filename = path_to_filename(bin_filename);
2021-03-24 16:30:32 -04:00
if (strlen(bin_base_filename) > QUEST_FILENAME_MAX_LENGTH) {
printf("Bin filename is too long to fit in a QST file header. Maximum length is 16 including file extension.\n");
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goto error;
const char *dat_base_filename = path_to_filename(dat_filename);
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if (strlen(dat_base_filename) > QUEST_FILENAME_MAX_LENGTH) {
printf("Dat filename is too long to fit in a QST file header. Maximum length is 16 including file extension.\n");
2021-03-24 16:30:32 -04:00
goto error;
/** read in given quest .bin and .dat files **/
uint32_t compressed_bin_size, compressed_dat_size;
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printf("Reading quest .bin file %s ...\n", bin_filename);
returncode = read_file(bin_filename, &compressed_bin, &compressed_bin_size);
if (returncode) {
printf("Error code %d (%s) reading bin file: %s\n", returncode, get_error_message(returncode), bin_filename);
goto error;
2021-03-24 16:30:32 -04:00
printf("Reading quest .dat file %s ...\n", dat_filename);
returncode = read_file(dat_filename, &compressed_dat, &compressed_dat_size);
if (returncode) {
printf("Error code %d (%s) reading dat file: %s\n", returncode, get_error_message(returncode), dat_filename);
goto error;
2021-03-24 16:30:32 -04:00
/** prs decompress the .bin file, parse out it's header and validate it **/
printf("Decompressing and validating .bin file ...\n");
size_t decompressed_bin_size;
result = fuzziqer_prs_decompress_buf(compressed_bin, &decompressed_bin, compressed_bin_size);
if (result < 0) {
2021-03-24 16:30:32 -04:00
printf("Error code %d decompressing .dat data.\n", result);
goto error;
decompressed_bin_size = result;
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QUEST_BIN_HEADER *bin_header = (QUEST_BIN_HEADER*)decompressed_bin;
validation_result = validate_quest_bin(bin_header, decompressed_bin_size, true);
validation_result = handle_quest_bin_validation_issues(validation_result, bin_header, &decompressed_bin, &decompressed_bin_size);
2021-03-24 16:30:32 -04:00
if (validation_result) {
printf("Aborting due to invalid quest .bin data.\n");
goto error;
2021-03-24 16:30:32 -04:00
/** prs decompress the .dat file and validate it **/
printf("Decompressing and validating .dat file ...\n");
size_t decompressed_dat_size;
2021-03-24 16:30:32 -04:00
result = fuzziqer_prs_decompress_buf(compressed_dat, &decompressed_dat, compressed_dat_size);
if (result < 0) {
printf("Error code %d decompressing .dat data.\n", result);
goto error;
2021-03-24 16:30:32 -04:00
decompressed_dat_size = result;
validation_result = validate_quest_dat(decompressed_dat, decompressed_dat_size, true);
validation_result = handle_quest_dat_validation_issues(validation_result, &decompressed_dat, &decompressed_dat_size);
if (validation_result) {
2021-03-24 16:30:32 -04:00
printf("Aborting due to invalid quest .dat data.\n");
goto error;
2021-03-25 16:24:12 -04:00
print_quick_quest_info(bin_header, compressed_bin_size, compressed_dat_size);
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/** set the "download" flag in the .bin header and then re-compress the .bin data **/
printf("Setting .bin header 'download' flag and re-compressing .bin file data ...\n");
2021-03-24 16:30:32 -04:00
bin_header->download = 1; // gamecube pso client will not find quests on a memory card if this is not set!
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uint8_t *recompressed_bin;
result = fuzziqer_prs_compress(decompressed_bin, &recompressed_bin, decompressed_bin_size);
if (result < 0) {
2021-03-24 16:30:32 -04:00
printf("Error code %d re-compressing .bin file data.\n", result);
goto error;
// overwrite old compressed bin data, since we don't need it anymore
compressed_bin = recompressed_bin;
compressed_bin_size = (uint32_t)result;
/** encrypt compressed .bin and .dat file data, using PC crypt method with randomly generated crypt key.
prefix unencrypted download quest chunks header to prs compressed + encrypted .bin and .dat file data. **/
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printf("Preparing final .qst file data ... \n");
uint32_t final_bin_size = compressed_bin_size + sizeof(DOWNLOAD_QUEST_CHUNKS_HEADER);
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final_bin = malloc(final_bin_size);
memset(final_bin, 0, final_bin_size);
uint8_t *crypt_compressed_bin = final_bin + sizeof(DOWNLOAD_QUEST_CHUNKS_HEADER);
bin_dlchunks_header->decompressed_size = decompressed_bin_size + sizeof(DOWNLOAD_QUEST_CHUNKS_HEADER);
bin_dlchunks_header->crypt_key = rand();
memcpy(crypt_compressed_bin, compressed_bin, compressed_bin_size);
uint32_t final_dat_size = compressed_dat_size + sizeof(DOWNLOAD_QUEST_CHUNKS_HEADER);
2021-03-24 16:30:32 -04:00
final_dat = malloc(final_dat_size);
memset(final_dat, 0, final_dat_size);
uint8_t *crypt_compressed_dat = final_dat + sizeof(DOWNLOAD_QUEST_CHUNKS_HEADER);
dat_dlchunks_header->decompressed_size = decompressed_dat_size + sizeof(DOWNLOAD_QUEST_CHUNKS_HEADER);
dat_dlchunks_header->crypt_key = rand();
memcpy(crypt_compressed_dat, compressed_dat, compressed_dat_size);
CRYPT_SETUP bin_cs, dat_cs;
// yes, we need to use PC encryption even for gamecube download quests
CRYPT_CreateKeys(&bin_cs, &bin_dlchunks_header->crypt_key, CRYPT_PC);
CRYPT_CreateKeys(&dat_cs, &dat_dlchunks_header->crypt_key, CRYPT_PC);
// NOTE: encrypts the compressed bin/dat data in-place
CRYPT_CryptData(&bin_cs, crypt_compressed_bin, final_bin_size - sizeof(DOWNLOAD_QUEST_CHUNKS_HEADER), 1);
CRYPT_CryptData(&dat_cs, crypt_compressed_dat, final_dat_size - sizeof(DOWNLOAD_QUEST_CHUNKS_HEADER), 1);
/** generate .qst file header for both the encrypted+compressed .bin and .dat file data, using the .bin header data **/
QST_HEADER qst_bin_header, qst_dat_header;
generate_qst_header(bin_base_filename, final_bin_size, bin_header, &qst_bin_header);
generate_qst_header(dat_base_filename, final_dat_size, bin_header, &qst_dat_header);
/** write out the .qst file. chunk data is written out as interleaved 0xA7 packets containing 1024 bytes each */
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printf("Writing out %s ...\n", output_qst_filename);
FILE *fp = fopen(output_qst_filename, "wb");
if (!fp) {
printf("Error creating output .qst file: %s\n", output_qst_filename);
2021-03-24 16:30:32 -04:00
goto error;
fwrite(&qst_bin_header, sizeof(qst_bin_header), 1, fp);
fwrite(&qst_dat_header, sizeof(qst_dat_header), 1, fp);
uint32_t bin_pos = 0, bin_done = 0;
uint32_t dat_pos = 0, dat_done = 0;
uint8_t bin_counter = 0, dat_counter = 0;
// note: .qst files actually do NOT need to be interleaved like this to work with the gamecube pso client. the
// khyller server did not do this. it is possible that some .qst file tools (qedit?) expect it though? so, meh,
// we'll just do it here because it's easy enough. also worth mentioning that khyller also put the .dat file data
// first. so the order seems unimportant too ... ?
while (!bin_done || !dat_done) {
if (!bin_done) {
uint32_t size = (final_bin_size - bin_pos >= 1024) ? 1024 : (final_bin_size - bin_pos);
generate_qst_data_chunk(bin_base_filename, bin_counter, final_bin + bin_pos, size, &chunk);
fwrite(&chunk, sizeof(QST_DATA_CHUNK), 1, fp);
bin_pos += size;
if (bin_pos >= final_bin_size)
bin_done = 1;
if (!dat_done) {
uint32_t size = (final_dat_size - dat_pos >= 1024) ? 1024 : (final_dat_size - dat_pos);
generate_qst_data_chunk(dat_base_filename, dat_counter, final_dat + dat_pos, size, &chunk);
fwrite(&chunk, sizeof(QST_DATA_CHUNK), 1, fp);
dat_pos += size;
if (dat_pos >= final_dat_size)
dat_done = 1;
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returncode = 0;
goto quit;
returncode = 1;
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return returncode;