zik.saleeba c9abac9fad Fixed an EOF lexing problem.
Added some optional debug.
Turned debug off.
Fixed handling of LValues to work with stack frames better.
Fixed the handling of stack frames in function calls.
Fixed a bug in popping variable stack frames.

git-svn-id: http://picoc.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@65 21eae674-98b7-11dd-bd71-f92a316d2d60
2009-02-04 00:17:30 +00:00

415 lines
13 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "picoc.h"
#define isCidstart(c) (isalpha(c) || (c)=='_' || (c)=='#')
#define isCident(c) (isalnum(c) || (c)=='_')
#define NEXTIS(c,x,y) { if (NextChar == (c)) { Lexer->Pos++; GotToken = (x); } else GotToken = (y); }
#define NEXTIS3(c,x,d,y,z) { if (NextChar == (c)) { Lexer->Pos++; GotToken = (x); } else NEXTIS(d,y,z) }
#define NEXTIS4(c,x,d,y,e,z,a) { if (NextChar == (c)) { Lexer->Pos++; GotToken = (x); } else NEXTIS3(d,y,e,z,a) }
static union AnyValue LexAnyValue;
static struct Value LexValue = { TypeVoid, &LexAnyValue, FALSE, FALSE };
struct ReservedWord
const char *Word;
enum LexToken Token;
const char *SharedWord; /* word stored in shared string space */
static struct ReservedWord ReservedWords[] =
{ "#define", TokenHashDefine, NULL },
{ "#include", TokenHashInclude, NULL },
{ "break", TokenBreak, NULL },
{ "case", TokenCase, NULL },
{ "char", TokenCharType, NULL },
{ "default", TokenDefault, NULL },
{ "do", TokenDo, NULL },
{ "double", TokenDoubleType, NULL },
{ "else", TokenElse, NULL },
{ "enum", TokenEnumType, NULL },
{ "float", TokenFloatType, NULL },
{ "for", TokenFor, NULL },
{ "if", TokenIf, NULL },
{ "int", TokenIntType, NULL },
{ "long", TokenLongType, NULL },
{ "return", TokenReturn, NULL },
{ "signed", TokenSignedType, NULL },
{ "short", TokenShortType, NULL },
{ "struct", TokenStructType, NULL },
{ "switch", TokenSwitch, NULL },
{ "typedef", TokenTypedef, NULL },
{ "union", TokenUnionType, NULL },
{ "unsigned", TokenUnsignedType, NULL },
{ "void", TokenVoidType, NULL },
{ "while", TokenWhile, NULL }
struct LexState
const char *Pos;
const char *End;
int Line;
const char *FileName;
/* initialise the lexer */
void LexInit()
int Count;
for (Count = 0; Count < sizeof(ReservedWords) / sizeof(struct ReservedWord); Count++)
ReservedWords[Count].SharedWord = StrRegister(ReservedWords[Count].Word);
/* exit with a message */
void LexFail(struct LexState *Lexer, const char *Message, ...)
va_list Args;
printf("%s:%d: ", Lexer->FileName, Lexer->Line);
va_start(Args, Message);
vprintf(Message, Args);
/* check if a word is a reserved word - used while scanning */
enum LexToken LexCheckReservedWord(const char *Word)
int Count;
for (Count = 0; Count < sizeof(ReservedWords) / sizeof(struct ReservedWord); Count++)
if (Word == ReservedWords[Count].SharedWord)
return ReservedWords[Count].Token;
return TokenNone;
/* skip a comment - used while scanning */
enum LexToken LexGetNumber(struct LexState *Lexer, struct Value *Value)
int Result = 0;
double FPResult;
double FPDiv;
for (; Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End && isdigit(*Lexer->Pos); Lexer->Pos++)
Result = Result * 10 + (*Lexer->Pos - '0');
Value->Typ = &IntType;
Value->Val->Integer = Result;
if (Lexer->Pos == Lexer->End || *Lexer->Pos != '.')
return TokenIntegerConstant;
Value->Typ = &FPType;
for (FPDiv = 0.1, FPResult = (double)Result; Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End && isdigit(*Lexer->Pos); Lexer->Pos++, FPDiv /= 10.0)
FPResult += (*Lexer->Pos - '0') * FPDiv;
if (Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End && (*Lexer->Pos == 'e' || *Lexer->Pos == 'E'))
for (Result = 0; Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End && isdigit(*Lexer->Pos); Lexer->Pos++)
Result = Result * 10 + (*Lexer->Pos - '0');
FPResult *= pow(10.0, (double)Result);
return TokenFPConstant;
/* get a reserved word or identifier - used while scanning */
enum LexToken LexGetWord(struct LexState *Lexer, struct Value *Value)
const char *Pos = Lexer->Pos + 1;
enum LexToken Token;
while (Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End && isCident(*Pos))
Value->Typ = &StringType;
Value->Val->String = (char *)StrRegister2(Lexer->Pos, Pos - Lexer->Pos);
Lexer->Pos = Pos;
Token = LexCheckReservedWord(Value->Val->String);
if (Token != TokenNone)
return Token;
return TokenIdentifier;
/* get a string constant - used while scanning */
enum LexToken LexGetStringConstant(struct LexState *Lexer, struct Value *Value)
int Escape = FALSE;
const char *StartPos = Lexer->Pos;
// XXX - do escaping here
Value->Typ = &StringType;
while (Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End && (*Lexer->Pos != '"' || Escape))
if (Escape)
Escape = FALSE;
else if (*Lexer->Pos == '\\')
Escape = TRUE;
Value->Val->String = (char *)StrRegister2(StartPos, Lexer->Pos - StartPos);
if (*Lexer->Pos == '"')
return TokenStringConstant;
/* get a character constant - used while scanning */
enum LexToken LexGetCharacterConstant(struct LexState *Lexer, struct Value *Value)
Value->Typ = &IntType;
Value->Val->Integer = Lexer->Pos[1];
if (Lexer->Pos[2] != '\'')
LexFail(Lexer, "illegal character '%c'", Lexer->Pos[2]);
Lexer->Pos += 3;
return TokenCharacterConstant;
/* skip a comment - used while scanning */
void LexSkipComment(struct LexState *Lexer, char NextChar)
if (NextChar == '*')
{ /* conventional C comment */
while (Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End && (*(Lexer->Pos-1) != '*' || *Lexer->Pos != '/'))
if (Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End)
{ /* C++ style comment */
while (Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End && *Lexer->Pos != '\n')
/* get a single token from the source - used while scanning */
enum LexToken LexScanGetToken(struct LexState *Lexer, struct Value **Value)
char ThisChar;
char NextChar;
enum LexToken GotToken = TokenNone;
*Value = &LexValue;
while (Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End && isspace(*Lexer->Pos))
if (*Lexer->Pos == '\n')
if (Lexer->Pos == Lexer->End)
{ /* end of input */
if (Lexer->FileName == StrEmpty)
{ /* get interactive input */
char LineBuffer[LINEBUFFER_MAX];
if (fgets(&LineBuffer[0], LINEBUFFER_MAX, stdin) == NULL)
return TokenEOF;
// XXX - finish this
return TokenEOF;
ThisChar = *Lexer->Pos;
if (isCidstart(ThisChar))
return LexGetWord(Lexer, *Value);
if (isdigit(ThisChar))
return LexGetNumber(Lexer, *Value);
NextChar = (Lexer->Pos+1 != Lexer->End) ? *(Lexer->Pos+1) : 0;
switch (ThisChar)
case '"': GotToken = LexGetStringConstant(Lexer, *Value); break;
case '\'': GotToken = LexGetCharacterConstant(Lexer, *Value); break;
case '(': GotToken = TokenOpenBracket; break;
case ')': GotToken = TokenCloseBracket; break;
case '=': NEXTIS('=', TokenEquality, TokenAssign); break;
case '+': NEXTIS3('=', TokenAddAssign, '+', TokenIncrement, TokenPlus); break;
case '-': NEXTIS4('=', TokenSubtractAssign, '>', TokenArrow, '-', TokenDecrement, TokenMinus); break;
case '*': GotToken = TokenAsterisk; break;
case '/': if (NextChar == '/' || NextChar == '*') LexSkipComment(Lexer, NextChar); else GotToken = TokenSlash; break;
case '<': NEXTIS('=', TokenLessEqual, TokenLessThan); break;
case '>': NEXTIS('=', TokenGreaterEqual, TokenGreaterThan); break;
case ';': GotToken = TokenSemicolon; break;
case '&': NEXTIS('&', TokenLogicalAnd, TokenAmpersand); break;
case '|': NEXTIS('|', TokenLogicalOr, TokenArithmeticOr); break;
case '{': GotToken = TokenLeftBrace; break;
case '}': GotToken = TokenRightBrace; break;
case '[': GotToken = TokenLeftSquareBracket; break;
case ']': GotToken = TokenRightSquareBracket; break;
case '!': GotToken = TokenUnaryNot; break;
case '^': GotToken = TokenArithmeticExor; break;
case '~': GotToken = TokenUnaryExor; break;
case ',': GotToken = TokenComma; break;
case '.': GotToken = TokenDot; break;
default: LexFail(Lexer, "illegal character '%c'", ThisChar); break;
} while (GotToken == TokenNone);
return GotToken;
/* what size value goes with each token */
int LexTokenSize(enum LexToken Token)
switch (Token)
case TokenIdentifier: case TokenStringConstant: return sizeof(char *);
case TokenIntegerConstant: case TokenCharacterConstant: return sizeof(int);
case TokenFPConstant: return sizeof(double);
default: return 0;
/* produce tokens from the lexer and return a heap buffer with the result - used for scanning */
void *LexTokenise(struct LexState *Lexer)
enum LexToken Token;
void *HeapMem;
struct Value *GotValue;
int MemAvailable;
int MemUsed = 0;
int ValueSize;
void *TokenSpace = HeapStackGetFreeSpace(&MemAvailable);
{ /* store the token at the end of the stack area */
Token = LexScanGetToken(Lexer, &GotValue);
printf("Token: %02x\n", Token);
*(char *)TokenSpace = Token;
ValueSize = LexTokenSize(Token);
if (ValueSize > 0)
{ /* store a value as well */
if (MemAvailable - MemUsed <= ValueSize)
LexFail(Lexer, "out of memory while lexing");
memcpy(TokenSpace, GotValue->Val, ValueSize);
TokenSpace += ValueSize;
MemUsed += ValueSize;
if (MemAvailable <= MemUsed)
LexFail(Lexer, "out of memory while lexing");
} while (Token != TokenEOF);
if (MemAvailable < MemUsed*2 + sizeof(struct AllocNode)) /* need memory for stack copy + heap copy */
LexFail(Lexer, "out of memory while lexing");
HeapMem = HeapAlloc(MemUsed);
memcpy(HeapMem, HeapStackGetFreeSpace(&MemAvailable), MemUsed);
int Count;
for (Count = 0; Count < MemUsed; Count++)
printf("%02x ", *(unsigned char *)(HeapMem+Count));
return HeapMem;
/* lexically analyse some source text */
void *LexAnalyse(const char *FileName, const char *Source, int SourceLen)
struct LexState Lexer;
Lexer.Pos = Source;
Lexer.End = Source + SourceLen;
Lexer.Line = 1;
Lexer.FileName = FileName;
return LexTokenise(&Lexer);
/* prepare to parse a pre-tokenised buffer */
void LexInitParser(struct ParseState *Parser, void *TokenSource, const char *FileName, int Line)
Parser->Pos = TokenSource;
Parser->Line = Line;
Parser->FileName = FileName;
/* get the next token given a parser state */
enum LexToken LexGetToken(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value **Value, int IncPos)
enum LexToken Token;
int ValueSize;
while ((enum LexToken)*(unsigned char *)Parser->Pos == TokenEndOfLine)
{ /* skip leading newlines */
Token = (enum LexToken)*(unsigned char *)Parser->Pos;
ValueSize = LexTokenSize(Token);
if (ValueSize > 0)
{ /* this token requires a value - unpack it */
if (Value != NULL)
switch (Token)
case TokenStringConstant: case TokenIdentifier: LexValue.Typ = &StringType; break;
case TokenIntegerConstant: LexValue.Typ = &IntType; break;
case TokenCharacterConstant: LexValue.Typ = &CharType; break;
case TokenFPConstant: LexValue.Typ = &FPType; break;
default: break;
memcpy(LexValue.Val, Parser->Pos+1, ValueSize);
LexValue.ValOnHeap = FALSE;
LexValue.ValOnStack = FALSE;
*Value = &LexValue;
if (IncPos)
Parser->Pos += ValueSize + 1;
if (IncPos && Token != TokenEOF)
printf("Got token=%02x inc=%d\n", Token, IncPos);
return Token;