Making quicksort test more real. Better error reporting for invalid parameters. git-svn-id: http://picoc.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@318 21eae674-98b7-11dd-bd71-f92a316d2d60
581 lines
19 KiB
581 lines
19 KiB
#include "picoc.h"
/* a chunk of heap-allocated tokens we should cleanup when we're done */
static void *CleanupTokens = NULL;
/* deallocate any memory */
void ParseCleanup()
if (CleanupTokens != NULL)
/* parse a statement, but only run it if Condition is TRUE */
int ParseStatementMaybeRun(struct ParseState *Parser, int Condition)
if (Parser->Mode != RunModeSkip && !Condition)
enum RunMode OldMode = Parser->Mode;
Parser->Mode = RunModeSkip;
int Result = ParseStatement(Parser);
Parser->Mode = OldMode;
return Result;
return ParseStatement(Parser);
/* parse a function definition and store it for later */
struct Value *ParseFunctionDefinition(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType *ReturnType, char *Identifier, int IsPrototype)
struct ValueType *ParamType;
char *ParamIdentifier;
enum LexToken Token;
struct Value *FuncValue;
struct ParseState ParamParser;
struct ParseState FuncBody;
int ParamCount = 0;
if (TopStackFrame != NULL)
ProgramFail(Parser, "nested function definitions are not allowed");
LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE); /* open bracket */
ParamParser = *Parser;
Token = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
if (Token != TokenCloseBracket && Token != TokenEOF)
{ /* count the number of parameters */
while ((Token = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE)) != TokenCloseBracket && Token != TokenEOF)
if (Token == TokenComma)
if (ParamCount > PARAMETER_MAX)
ProgramFail(Parser, "too many parameters");
FuncValue = VariableAllocValueAndData(Parser, sizeof(struct FuncDef) + sizeof(struct ValueType *) * ParamCount + sizeof(const char *) * ParamCount, FALSE, NULL, TRUE);
FuncValue->Typ = &FunctionType;
FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.ReturnType = ReturnType;
FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.NumParams = ParamCount;
FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.VarArgs = FALSE;
FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.ParamType = (void *)FuncValue->Val + sizeof(struct FuncDef);
FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.ParamName = (void *)FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.ParamType + sizeof(struct ValueType *) * ParamCount;
for (ParamCount = 0; ParamCount < FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.NumParams; ParamCount++)
/* harvest the parameters into the function definition */
if (ParamCount == FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.NumParams-1 && LexGetToken(&ParamParser, NULL, FALSE) == TokenEllipsis)
/* ellipsis at end */
FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.VarArgs = TRUE;
/* add a parameter */
TypeParse(&ParamParser, &ParamType, &ParamIdentifier);
FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.ParamType[ParamCount] = ParamType;
FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.ParamName[ParamCount] = ParamIdentifier;
Token = LexGetToken(&ParamParser, NULL, TRUE);
if (Token != TokenComma && ParamCount < FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.NumParams-1)
ProgramFail(&ParamParser, "comma expected");
if (!IsPrototype)
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) != TokenLeftBrace)
ProgramFail(Parser, "bad function definition");
FuncBody = *Parser;
if (!ParseStatementMaybeRun(Parser, FALSE))
ProgramFail(Parser, "function definition expected");
FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.Body = FuncBody;
FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.Body.Pos = LexCopyTokens(&FuncBody, Parser);
if (!TableSet(&GlobalTable, Identifier, FuncValue))
ProgramFail(Parser, "'%s' is already defined", Identifier);
return FuncValue;
/* declare a variable or function */
int ParseDeclaration(struct ParseState *Parser, enum LexToken Token)
char *Identifier;
struct ValueType *BasicType;
struct ValueType *Typ;
struct Value *CValue;
struct Value *NewVariable;
TypeParseFront(Parser, &BasicType);
TypeParseIdentPart(Parser, BasicType, &Typ, &Identifier);
if ((Token != TokenVoidType && Token != TokenStructType && Token != TokenUnionType && Token != TokenEnumType) && Identifier == StrEmpty)
ProgramFail(Parser, "identifier expected");
if (Identifier != StrEmpty)
/* handle function definitions */
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) == TokenOpenBracket)
ParseFunctionDefinition(Parser, Typ, Identifier, FALSE);
return FALSE;
if (Token == TokenVoidType && Identifier != StrEmpty)
ProgramFail(Parser, "can't define a void variable");
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
NewVariable = VariableDefine(Parser, Identifier, NULL, Typ, TRUE);
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) == TokenAssign)
/* we're assigning an initial value */
LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
if (!ExpressionParse(Parser, &CValue))
ProgramFail(Parser, "expression expected");
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
ExpressionAssign(Parser, NewVariable, CValue, FALSE);
VariableStackPop(Parser, CValue);
Token = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE);
if (Token == TokenComma)
LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
} while (Token == TokenComma);
return TRUE;
/* parse a #define macro definition and store it for later */
void ParseMacroDefinition(struct ParseState *Parser)
struct Value *MacroName;
struct Value *MacroValue = VariableAllocValueAndData(Parser, sizeof(struct ParseState), FALSE, NULL, TRUE);
if (LexGetToken(Parser, &MacroName, TRUE) != TokenIdentifier)
ProgramFail(Parser, "identifier expected");
MacroValue->Val->Parser = *Parser;
MacroValue->Typ = &MacroType;
MacroValue->Val->Parser.Pos = LexCopyTokens(&MacroValue->Val->Parser, Parser);
if (!TableSet(&GlobalTable, MacroName->Val->Identifier, MacroValue))
ProgramFail(Parser, "'%s' is already defined", &MacroName->Val->Identifier);
/* copy where we're at in the parsing */
void ParserCopyPos(struct ParseState *To, struct ParseState *From)
To->Pos = From->Pos;
To->Line = From->Line;
/* parse a "for" statement */
void ParseFor(struct ParseState *Parser)
int Condition;
struct ParseState PreConditional;
struct ParseState PreIncrement;
struct ParseState PreStatement;
struct ParseState After;
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenOpenBracket)
ProgramFail(Parser, "'(' expected");
if (!ParseStatement(Parser))
ProgramFail(Parser, "statement expected");
ParserCopyPos(&PreConditional, Parser);
Condition = ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenSemicolon)
ProgramFail(Parser, "';' expected");
ParserCopyPos(&PreIncrement, Parser);
ParseStatementMaybeRun(Parser, FALSE);
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenCloseBracket)
ProgramFail(Parser, "')' expected");
ParserCopyPos(&PreStatement, Parser);
if (!ParseStatementMaybeRun(Parser, Condition))
ProgramFail(Parser, "statement expected");
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeContinue)
Parser->Mode = RunModeRun;
ParserCopyPos(&After, Parser);
while (Condition && Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
ParserCopyPos(Parser, &PreIncrement);
ParserCopyPos(Parser, &PreConditional);
Condition = ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
if (Condition)
ParserCopyPos(Parser, &PreStatement);
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeContinue)
Parser->Mode = RunModeRun;
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeBreak)
Parser->Mode = RunModeRun;
ParserCopyPos(Parser, &After);
/* parse a block of code and return what mode it returned in */
enum RunMode ParseBlock(struct ParseState *Parser, int AbsorbOpenBrace, int Condition)
if (AbsorbOpenBrace && LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenLeftBrace)
ProgramFail(Parser, "'{' expected");
if (Parser->Mode != RunModeSkip && !Condition)
{ /* condition failed - skip this block instead */
enum RunMode OldMode = Parser->Mode;
Parser->Mode = RunModeSkip;
while (ParseStatement(Parser))
Parser->Mode = OldMode;
{ /* just run it in its current mode */
while (ParseStatement(Parser))
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenRightBrace)
ProgramFail(Parser, "'}' expected");
return Parser->Mode;
/* parse a statement */
int ParseStatement(struct ParseState *Parser)
struct Value *CValue;
struct Value *LexerValue;
int Condition;
int CheckTrailingSemicolon = TRUE;
struct ParseState PreState = *Parser;
enum LexToken Token = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
switch (Token)
case TokenEOF:
return FALSE;
case TokenIdentifier:
*Parser = PreState;
ExpressionParse(Parser, &CValue);
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
VariableStackPop(Parser, CValue);
case TokenLeftBrace:
ParseBlock(Parser, FALSE, TRUE);
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenIf:
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenOpenBracket)
ProgramFail(Parser, "'(' expected");
Condition = ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenCloseBracket)
ProgramFail(Parser, "')' expected");
if (!ParseStatementMaybeRun(Parser, Condition))
ProgramFail(Parser, "statement expected");
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) == TokenElse)
LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
if (!ParseStatementMaybeRun(Parser, !Condition))
ProgramFail(Parser, "statement expected");
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenWhile:
struct ParseState PreConditional;
ParserCopyPos(&PreConditional, Parser);
ParserCopyPos(Parser, &PreConditional);
Condition = ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
ParseBlock(Parser, TRUE, Condition);
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeContinue)
Parser->Mode = RunModeRun;
} while (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun && Condition);
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeBreak)
Parser->Mode = RunModeRun;
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenDo:
struct ParseState PreStatement;
ParserCopyPos(&PreStatement, Parser);
ParserCopyPos(Parser, &PreStatement);
ParseBlock(Parser, TRUE, TRUE);
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeContinue)
Parser->Mode = RunModeRun;
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenWhile)
ProgramFail(Parser, "'while' expected");
Condition = ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
} while (Condition && Parser->Mode == RunModeRun);
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeBreak)
Parser->Mode = RunModeRun;
case TokenFor:
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenSemicolon: break;
case TokenIntType:
case TokenCharType:
case TokenFloatType:
case TokenDoubleType:
case TokenVoidType:
case TokenStructType:
case TokenUnionType:
case TokenEnumType:
*Parser = PreState;
CheckTrailingSemicolon = ParseDeclaration(Parser, Token);
case TokenHashDefine:
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenHashInclude:
if (LexGetToken(Parser, &LexerValue, TRUE) != TokenStringConstant)
ProgramFail(Parser, "\"filename.h\" expected");
PlatformScanFile(((struct Value *)(LexerValue->Val->NativePointer))->Val->Array.Data);
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenSwitch:
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenOpenBracket)
ProgramFail(Parser, "'(' expected");
Condition = ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenCloseBracket)
ProgramFail(Parser, "')' expected");
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) != TokenLeftBrace)
ProgramFail(Parser, "'{' expected");
{ /* new block so we can store parser state */
enum RunMode OldMode = Parser->Mode;
int OldSearchLabel = Parser->SearchLabel;
Parser->Mode = RunModeCaseSearch;
Parser->SearchLabel = Condition;
ParseBlock(Parser, TRUE, TRUE);
Parser->Mode = OldMode;
Parser->SearchLabel = OldSearchLabel;
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenCase:
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeCaseSearch)
Parser->Mode = RunModeRun;
Condition = ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
Parser->Mode = RunModeCaseSearch;
Condition = ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenColon)
ProgramFail(Parser, "':' expected");
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeCaseSearch && Condition == Parser->SearchLabel)
Parser->Mode = RunModeRun;
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenDefault:
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenColon)
ProgramFail(Parser, "':' expected");
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeCaseSearch)
Parser->Mode = RunModeRun;
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenBreak:
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
Parser->Mode = RunModeBreak;
case TokenContinue:
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
Parser->Mode = RunModeContinue;
case TokenReturn:
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
if (!ExpressionParse(Parser, &CValue) && TopStackFrame->ReturnValue->Typ->Base != TypeVoid)
ProgramFail(Parser, "value required in return");
if (TopStackFrame->ReturnValue->Typ->Base != TypeVoid)
ExpressionAssign(Parser, TopStackFrame->ReturnValue, CValue, TRUE);
VariableStackPop(Parser, CValue);
Parser->Mode = RunModeReturn;
ExpressionParse(Parser, &CValue);
case TokenDelete:
/* first try to parse this as "delete a pointer from an expression" */
struct ParseState PreExpression = *Parser;
int WasPointer = FALSE;
if (ExpressionParse(Parser, &CValue))
{ /* found an expression */
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
if (TopStackFrame->ReturnValue->Typ->Base == TypePointer)
{ /* this was a pointer to something - delete the object we're pointing to */
// XXX - now I'm having second thoughts about this
WasPointer = TRUE;
VariableStackPop(Parser, CValue);
if (!WasPointer)
{ /* go back and try it as a function or variable name to delete */
*Parser = PreExpression;
if (LexGetToken(Parser, &LexerValue, TRUE) != TokenIdentifier)
ProgramFail(Parser, "identifier expected");
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
{ /* delete this variable or function */
CValue = TableDelete(&GlobalTable, LexerValue->Val->Identifier);
if (CValue == NULL)
ProgramFail(Parser, "'%s' is not defined", LexerValue->Val->Identifier);
*Parser = PreState;
return FALSE;
if (CheckTrailingSemicolon && LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) == TokenSemicolon)
LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
return TRUE;
/* quick scan a source file for definitions */
void Parse(const char *FileName, const char *Source, int SourceLen, int RunIt)
struct ParseState Parser;
void *OldCleanupTokens = CleanupTokens;
void *Tokens = LexAnalyse(FileName, Source, SourceLen, NULL);
if (OldCleanupTokens == NULL)
CleanupTokens = Tokens;
LexInitParser(&Parser, Tokens, FileName, 1, RunIt);
while (ParseStatement(&Parser))
if (LexGetToken(&Parser, NULL, FALSE) != TokenEOF)
ProgramFail(&Parser, "parse error");
if (OldCleanupTokens == NULL)
CleanupTokens = NULL;
/* parse interactively */
void ParseInteractive()
struct ParseState Parser;
int Ok;
LexInitParser(&Parser, NULL, StrEmpty, 1, TRUE);
Ok = ParseStatement(&Parser);
} while (Ok);