Russell Joyce 9abf00e2d3
Added basic pragma parsing
Actual contents of the pragma are currently just discarded. This
supports both #pragma and _Pragma() definitions, but the pragma must end
the line it is on and cannot be in the middle of a statement.
2020-06-09 19:21:00 +01:00

741 lines
28 KiB

/* picoc main header file - this has all the main data structures and
* function prototypes. If you're just calling picoc you should look at the
* external interface instead, in picoc.h */
#include "platform.h"
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
#ifndef min
#define min(x,y) (((x)<(y))?(x):(y))
#ifndef min
#define max(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
/* Get the name of a type */
// #define typename(x) _Generic((x), \
// _Bool: "_Bool", \
// unsigned char: "unsigned char", \
// char: "char", \
// signed char: "signed char", \
// short int: "short int", \
// unsigned short int: "unsigned short int", \
// int: "int", \
// unsigned int: "unsigned int", \
// long int: "long int", \
// unsigned long int: "unsigned long int", \
// long long int: "long long int", \
// unsigned long long int: "unsigned long long int", \
// float: "float", \
// double: "double", \
// long double: "long double", \
// char *: "pointer to char", \
// void *: "pointer to void", \
// int *: "pointer to int", \
// default: "other") (x)
#define MEM_ALIGN(x) (((x) + sizeof(ALIGN_TYPE)-1) & ~(sizeof(ALIGN_TYPE)-1))
/* for debugging */
#define PRINT_SOURCE_POS() { \
PrintSourceTextErrorLine(Parser->pc->CStdOut, \
Parser->FileName, \
Parser->SourceText, \
Parser->Line, \
Parser->CharacterPos); \
PlatformPrintf(Parser->pc->CStdOut, "\n"); \
#define PRINT_TYPE(typ) PlatformPrintf(Parser->pc->CStdOut, "%t\n", typ);
typedef FILE IOFILE;
/* coercion of numeric types to other numeric types */
#define IS_FP(v) ((v)->Typ->Base == TypeFP)
#define FP_VAL(v) ((v)->Val->FP)
/* ap -> AllowPointerCoercion = true | false */
#define IS_POINTER_COERCIBLE(v, ap) ((ap) ? ((v)->Typ->Base == TypePointer) : 0)
#define POINTER_COERCE(v) ((int)(v)->Val->Pointer)
#define IS_INTEGER_NUMERIC_TYPE(t) ((t)->Base >= TypeInt && (t)->Base <= TypeUnsignedLong)
struct Table;
struct Picoc_Struct;
typedef struct Picoc_Struct Picoc;
/* lexical tokens */
enum LexToken {
/* 0x00 */ TokenNone,
/* 0x01 */ TokenComma,
/* 0x02 */ TokenAssign,
/* 0x08 */ TokenShiftLeftAssign,
/* 0x0d */ TokenQuestionMark,
/* 0x0f */ TokenLogicalOr,
/* 0x10 */ TokenLogicalAnd,
/* 0x11 */ TokenArithmeticOr,
/* 0x12 */ TokenArithmeticExor,
/* 0x13 */ TokenAmpersand,
/* 0x14 */ TokenEqual,
/* 0x16 */ TokenLessThan,
/* 0x1a */ TokenShiftLeft,
/* 0x1c */ TokenPlus,
/* 0x1e */ TokenAsterisk,
/* 0x21 */ TokenIncrement,
/* 0x27 */ TokenLeftSquareBracket,
/* 0x2b */ TokenOpenBracket,
/* 0x2d */ TokenIdentifier,
/* 0x32 */ TokenSemicolon,
/* 0x34 */ TokenLeftBrace,
/* 0x36 */ TokenIntType,
/* 0x3c */ TokenLongType,
/* 0x46 */ TokenContinue,
/* 0x52 */ TokenHashDefine,
/* 0x59 */ TokenNew,
/* 0x5b */ TokenOpenMacroBracket,
/* 0x5c */ TokenEOF,
/* used in dynamic memory allocation */
struct AllocNode {
unsigned int Size;
struct AllocNode *NextFree;
/* whether we're running or skipping code */
enum RunMode {
RunModeRun, /* we're running code as we parse it */
RunModeSkip, /* skipping code, not running */
RunModeReturn, /* returning from a function */
RunModeCaseSearch, /* searching for a case label */
RunModeBreak, /* breaking out of a switch/while/do */
RunModeContinue, /* as above but repeat the loop */
RunModeGoto /* searching for a goto label */
/* parser state - has all this detail so we can parse nested files */
struct ParseState {
Picoc *pc; /* the picoc instance this parser is a part of */
const unsigned char *Pos; /* the character position in the source text */
char *FileName; /* what file we're executing (registered string) */
short int Line; /* line number we're executing */
short int CharacterPos; /* character/column in the line we're executing */
enum RunMode Mode; /* whether to skip or run code */
int SearchLabel; /* what case label we're searching for */
const char *SearchGotoLabel;/* what goto label we're searching for */
const char *SourceText; /* the entire source text */
short int HashIfLevel; /* how many "if"s we're nested down */
short int HashIfEvaluateToLevel; /* if we're not evaluating an if branch,
what the last evaluated level was */
char DebugMode; /* debugging mode */
int ScopeID; /* for keeping track of local variables (free them after t
hey go out of scope) */
/* values */
enum BaseType {
TypeVoid, /* no type */
TypeInt, /* integer */
TypeShort, /* short integer */
TypeChar, /* a single character (signed) */
TypeLong, /* long integer */
TypeUnsignedInt, /* unsigned integer */
TypeUnsignedShort, /* unsigned short integer */
TypeUnsignedChar, /* unsigned 8-bit number */ /* must be before unsigned long */
TypeUnsignedLong, /* unsigned long integer */
TypeFP, /* floating point */
TypeFunction, /* a function */
TypeMacro, /* a macro */
TypePointer, /* a pointer */
TypeArray, /* an array of a sub-type */
TypeStruct, /* aggregate type */
TypeUnion, /* merged type */
TypeEnum, /* enumerated integer type */
TypeGotoLabel, /* a label we can "goto" */
Type_Type /* a type for storing types */
/* data type */
struct ValueType {
enum BaseType Base; /* what kind of type this is */
int ArraySize; /* the size of an array type */
int Sizeof; /* the storage required */
int AlignBytes; /* the alignment boundary of this type */
const char *Identifier; /* the name of a struct or union */
struct ValueType *FromType; /* the type we're derived from (or NULL) */
struct ValueType *DerivedTypeList; /* first in a list of types derived from this one */
struct ValueType *Next; /* next item in the derived type list */
struct Table *Members; /* members of a struct or union */
int OnHeap; /* true if allocated on the heap */
int StaticQualifier; /* true if it's a static */
/* function definition */
struct FuncDef {
struct ValueType *ReturnType; /* the return value type */
int NumParams; /* the number of parameters */
int VarArgs; /* has a variable number of arguments after
the explicitly specified ones */
struct ValueType **ParamType; /* array of parameter types */
char **ParamName; /* array of parameter names */
void (*Intrinsic)(); /* intrinsic call address or NULL */
struct ParseState Body; /* lexical tokens of the function body if
not intrinsic */
/* macro definition */
struct MacroDef {
int NumParams; /* the number of parameters */
char **ParamName; /* array of parameter names */
struct ParseState Body; /* lexical tokens of the function body
if not intrinsic */
/* values */
union AnyValue {
char Character;
short ShortInteger;
int Integer;
long LongInteger;
unsigned short UnsignedShortInteger;
unsigned int UnsignedInteger;
unsigned long UnsignedLongInteger;
unsigned char UnsignedCharacter;
char *Identifier;
char ArrayMem[2]; /* placeholder for where the data starts,
doesn't point to it */
struct ValueType *Typ;
struct FuncDef FuncDef;
struct MacroDef MacroDef;
double FP;
void *Pointer; /* unsafe native pointers */
struct Value {
struct ValueType *Typ; /* the type of this value */
union AnyValue *Val; /* pointer to the AnyValue which holds the actual content */
struct Value *LValueFrom; /* if an LValue, this is a Value our LValue is contained within (or NULL) */
char ValOnHeap; /* this Value is on the heap */
char ValOnStack; /* the AnyValue is on the stack along with this Value */
char AnyValOnHeap; /* the AnyValue is separately allocated from the Value on the heap */
char IsLValue; /* is modifiable and is allocated somewhere we can usefully modify it */
int ScopeID; /* to know when it goes out of scope */
char OutOfScope;
/* hash table data structure */
struct TableEntry {
struct TableEntry *Next; /* next item in this hash chain */
const char *DeclFileName; /* where the variable was declared */
unsigned short DeclLine;
unsigned short DeclColumn;
union TableEntryPayload {
struct ValueEntry {
char *Key; /* points to the shared string table */
struct Value *Val; /* the value we're storing */
} v; /* used for tables of values */
char Key[1]; /* dummy size - used for the shared string table */
/* defines a breakpoint */
struct BreakpointEntry {
const char *FileName;
short int Line;
short int CharacterPos;
} b;
} p;
struct Table {
short Size;
short OnHeap;
struct TableEntry **HashTable;
/* stack frame for function calls */
struct StackFrame {
struct ParseState ReturnParser; /* how we got here */
const char *FuncName; /* the name of the function we're in */
struct Value *ReturnValue; /* copy the return value here */
struct Value **Parameter; /* array of parameter values */
int NumParams; /* the number of parameters */
struct Table LocalTable; /* the local variables and parameters */
struct TableEntry *LocalHashTable[LOCAL_TABLE_SIZE];
struct StackFrame *PreviousStackFrame; /* the next lower stack frame */
/* lexer state */
enum LexMode {
struct LexState {
const char *Pos;
const char *End;
const char *FileName;
int Line;
int CharacterPos;
const char *SourceText;
enum LexMode Mode;
int EmitExtraNewlines;
/* library function definition */
struct LibraryFunction {
void (*Func)(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *, struct Value **, int);
const char *Prototype;
/* output stream-type specific state information */
union OutputStreamInfo {
struct StringOutputStream {
struct ParseState *Parser;
char *WritePos;
} Str;
/* stream-specific method for writing characters to the console */
typedef void CharWriter(unsigned char, union OutputStreamInfo *);
/* used when writing output to a string - eg. sprintf() */
struct OutputStream {
CharWriter *Putch;
union OutputStreamInfo i;
/* possible results of parsing a statement */
enum ParseResult { ParseResultEOF, ParseResultError, ParseResultOk };
/* a chunk of heap-allocated tokens we'll cleanup when we're done */
struct CleanupTokenNode {
void *Tokens;
const char *SourceText;
struct CleanupTokenNode *Next;
/* linked list of lexical tokens used in interactive mode */
struct TokenLine {
struct TokenLine *Next;
unsigned char *Tokens;
int NumBytes;
/* a list of libraries we can include */
struct IncludeLibrary {
char *IncludeName;
void (*SetupFunction)(Picoc *pc);
struct LibraryFunction *FuncList;
const char *SetupCSource;
struct IncludeLibrary *NextLib;
#define FREELIST_BUCKETS (8) /* freelists for 4, 8, 12 ... 32 byte allocs */
#define SPLIT_MEM_THRESHOLD (16) /* don't split memory which is close in size */
/* the entire state of the picoc system */
struct Picoc_Struct {
/* parser global data */
struct Table GlobalTable;
struct CleanupTokenNode *CleanupTokenList;
struct TableEntry *GlobalHashTable[GLOBAL_TABLE_SIZE];
/* lexer global data */
struct TokenLine *InteractiveHead;
struct TokenLine *InteractiveTail;
struct TokenLine *InteractiveCurrentLine;
int LexUseStatementPrompt;
union AnyValue LexAnyValue;
struct Value LexValue;
struct Table ReservedWordTable;
struct TableEntry *ReservedWordHashTable[RESERVED_WORD_TABLE_SIZE];
/* the table of string literal values */
struct Table StringLiteralTable;
struct TableEntry *StringLiteralHashTable[STRING_LITERAL_TABLE_SIZE];
/* the stack */
struct StackFrame *TopStackFrame;
/* the value passed to exit() */
int PicocExitValue;
/* a list of libraries we can include */
struct IncludeLibrary *IncludeLibList;
/* heap memory */
unsigned char *HeapMemory; /* stack memory since our heap is malloc()ed */
void *HeapBottom; /* the bottom of the (downward-growing) heap */
void *StackFrame; /* the current stack frame */
void *HeapStackTop; /* the top of the stack */
struct AllocNode *FreeListBucket[FREELIST_BUCKETS]; /* we keep a pool of freelist buckets to reduce fragmentation */
struct AllocNode *FreeListBig; /* free memory which doesn't fit in a bucket */
/* types */
struct ValueType UberType;
struct ValueType IntType;
struct ValueType ShortType;
struct ValueType CharType;
struct ValueType LongType;
struct ValueType UnsignedIntType;
struct ValueType UnsignedShortType;
struct ValueType UnsignedLongType;
struct ValueType UnsignedCharType;
struct ValueType FPType;
struct ValueType VoidType;
struct ValueType TypeType;
struct ValueType FunctionType;
struct ValueType MacroType;
struct ValueType EnumType;
struct ValueType GotoLabelType;
struct ValueType *CharPtrType;
struct ValueType *CharPtrPtrType;
struct ValueType *CharArrayType;
struct ValueType *VoidPtrType;
/* debugger */
struct Table BreakpointTable;
struct TableEntry *BreakpointHashTable[BREAKPOINT_TABLE_SIZE];
int BreakpointCount;
int DebugManualBreak;
/* C library */
int BigEndian;
int LittleEndian;
/* the picoc version string */
const char *VersionString;
/* exit longjump buffer */
#if defined(UNIX_HOST) || defined(WIN32)
jmp_buf PicocExitBuf;
/* string table */
struct Table StringTable;
struct TableEntry *StringHashTable[STRING_TABLE_SIZE];
char *StrEmpty;
/* table.c */
extern void TableInit(Picoc *pc);
extern char *TableStrRegister(Picoc *pc, const char *Str);
extern char *TableStrRegister2(Picoc *pc, const char *Str, int Len);
extern void TableInitTable(struct Table *Tbl, struct TableEntry **HashTable,
int Size, int OnHeap);
extern int TableSet(Picoc *pc, struct Table *Tbl, char *Key, struct Value *Val,
const char *DeclFileName, int DeclLine, int DeclColumn);
extern int TableGet(struct Table *Tbl, const char *Key, struct Value **Val,
const char **DeclFileName, int *DeclLine, int *DeclColumn);
extern struct Value *TableDelete(Picoc *pc, struct Table *Tbl, const char *Key);
extern char *TableSetIdentifier(Picoc *pc, struct Table *Tbl, const char *Ident,
int IdentLen);
extern void TableStrFree(Picoc *pc);
/* lex.c */
extern void LexInit(Picoc *pc);
extern void LexCleanup(Picoc *pc);
extern void *LexAnalyse(Picoc *pc, const char *FileName, const char *Source,
int SourceLen, int *TokenLen);
extern void LexInitParser(struct ParseState *Parser, Picoc *pc,
const char *SourceText, void *TokenSource, char *FileName, int RunIt, int SetDebugMode);
extern enum LexToken LexGetToken(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value **Value,
int IncPos);
extern enum LexToken LexRawPeekToken(struct ParseState *Parser);
extern void LexToEndOfMacro(struct ParseState *Parser);
extern void *LexCopyTokens(struct ParseState *StartParser, struct ParseState *EndParser);
extern void LexInteractiveClear(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser);
extern void LexInteractiveCompleted(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser);
extern void LexInteractiveStatementPrompt(Picoc *pc);
/* parse.c */
/* the following are defined in picoc.h:
* void PicocParse(const char *FileName, const char *Source, int SourceLen, int RunIt, int CleanupNow, int CleanupSource);
* void PicocParseInteractive(); */
extern void PicocParseInteractiveNoStartPrompt(Picoc *pc, int EnableDebugger);
extern enum ParseResult ParseStatement(struct ParseState *Parser,
int CheckTrailingSemicolon);
extern struct Value *ParseFunctionDefinition(struct ParseState *Parser,
struct ValueType *ReturnType, char *Identifier);
extern void ParseCleanup(Picoc *pc);
extern void ParserCopyPos(struct ParseState *To, struct ParseState *From);
extern void ParserCopy(struct ParseState *To, struct ParseState *From);
/* expression.c */
extern int ExpressionParse(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value **Result);
extern long ExpressionParseInt(struct ParseState *Parser);
extern void ExpressionAssign(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *DestValue,
struct Value *SourceValue, int Force, const char *FuncName, int ParamNo, int AllowPointerCoercion);
extern long ExpressionCoerceInteger(struct Value *Val);
extern unsigned long ExpressionCoerceUnsignedInteger(struct Value *Val);
extern double ExpressionCoerceFP(struct Value *Val);
/* type.c */
extern void TypeInit(Picoc *pc);
extern void TypeCleanup(Picoc *pc);
extern int TypeSize(struct ValueType *Typ, int ArraySize, int Compact);
extern int TypeSizeValue(struct Value *Val, int Compact);
extern int TypeStackSizeValue(struct Value *Val);
extern int TypeLastAccessibleOffset(Picoc *pc, struct Value *Val);
extern int TypeParseFront(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType **Typ,
int *IsStatic, int *IsVolatile);
extern void TypeParseIdentPart(struct ParseState *Parser,
struct ValueType *BasicTyp, struct ValueType **Typ, char **Identifier);
extern void TypeParse(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType **Typ,
char **Identifier, int *IsStatic, int *IsVolatile);
extern struct ValueType *TypeGetMatching(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser,
struct ValueType *ParentType, enum BaseType Base, int ArraySize, const char *Identifier, int AllowDuplicates);
extern struct ValueType *TypeCreateOpaqueStruct(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser,
const char *StructName, int Size);
extern int TypeIsForwardDeclared(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType *Typ);
/* heap.c */
extern void ShowBigList(Picoc *pc);
extern void HeapInit(Picoc *pc, int StackSize);
extern void HeapCleanup(Picoc *pc);
extern void *HeapAllocStack(Picoc *pc, int Size);
extern int HeapPopStack(Picoc *pc, void *Addr, int Size);
extern void HeapUnpopStack(Picoc *pc, int Size);
extern void HeapPushStackFrame(Picoc *pc);
extern int HeapPopStackFrame(Picoc *pc);
extern void *HeapAllocMem(Picoc *pc, int Size);
extern void HeapFreeMem(Picoc *pc, void *Mem);
/* variable.c */
extern void VariableInit(Picoc *pc);
extern void VariableCleanup(Picoc *pc);
extern void VariableFree(Picoc *pc, struct Value *Val);
extern void VariableTableCleanup(Picoc *pc, struct Table *HashTable);
extern void *VariableAlloc(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser, int Size, int OnHeap);
extern void VariableStackPop(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *Var);
extern struct Value *VariableAllocValueAndData(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser,
int DataSize, int IsLValue, struct Value *LValueFrom, int OnHeap);
extern struct Value *VariableAllocValueAndCopy(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser,
struct Value *FromValue, int OnHeap);
extern struct Value *VariableAllocValueFromType(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser,
struct ValueType *Typ, int IsLValue, struct Value *LValueFrom, int OnHeap);
extern struct Value *VariableAllocValueFromExistingData(struct ParseState *Parser,
struct ValueType *Typ, union AnyValue *FromValue, int IsLValue,
struct Value *LValueFrom);
extern struct Value *VariableAllocValueShared(struct ParseState *Parser,
struct Value *FromValue);
extern struct Value *VariableDefine(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser,
char *Ident, struct Value *InitValue, struct ValueType *Typ, int MakeWritable);
extern struct Value *VariableDefineButIgnoreIdentical(struct ParseState *Parser,
char *Ident, struct ValueType *Typ, int IsStatic, int *FirstVisit);
extern int VariableDefined(Picoc *pc, const char *Ident);
extern int VariableDefinedAndOutOfScope(Picoc *pc, const char *Ident);
extern void VariableRealloc(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *FromValue,
int NewSize);
extern void VariableGet(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser, const char *Ident,
struct Value **LVal);
extern void VariableDefinePlatformVar(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser,
char *Ident, struct ValueType *Typ, union AnyValue *FromValue, int IsWritable);
extern void VariableStackFrameAdd(struct ParseState *Parser, const char *FuncName,
int NumParams);
extern void VariableStackFramePop(struct ParseState *Parser);
extern struct Value *VariableStringLiteralGet(Picoc *pc, char *Ident);
extern void VariableStringLiteralDefine(Picoc *pc, char *Ident, struct Value *Val);
extern void *VariableDereferencePointer(struct Value *PointerValue,
struct Value **DerefVal, int *DerefOffset, struct ValueType **DerefType,
int *DerefIsLValue);
extern int VariableScopeBegin(struct ParseState *Parser, int *PrevScopeID);
extern void VariableScopeEnd(struct ParseState *Parser, int ScopeID, int PrevScopeID);
/* clibrary.c */
extern void BasicIOInit(Picoc *pc);
extern void LibraryInit(Picoc *pc);
extern void LibraryAdd(Picoc *pc, struct LibraryFunction *FuncList);
extern void CLibraryInit(Picoc *pc);
extern void PrintCh(char OutCh, IOFILE *Stream);
extern void PrintSimpleInt(long Num, IOFILE *Stream);
extern void PrintInt(long Num, int FieldWidth, int ZeroPad, int LeftJustify,
IOFILE *Stream);
extern void PrintStr(const char *Str, IOFILE *Stream);
extern void PrintFP(double Num, IOFILE *Stream);
extern void PrintType(struct ValueType *Typ, IOFILE *Stream);
extern void LibPrintf(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *ReturnValue,
struct Value **Param, int NumArgs);
/* platform.c */
/* the following are defined in picoc.h:
* void PicocCallMain(int argc, char **argv);
* int PicocPlatformSetExitPoint();
* void PicocInitialize(int StackSize);
* void PicocCleanup();
* void PicocPlatformScanFile(const char *FileName);
* extern int PicocExitValue; */
extern void ProgramFail(struct ParseState *Parser, const char *Message, ...);
extern void ProgramFailNoParser(Picoc *pc, const char *Message, ...);
extern void AssignFail(struct ParseState *Parser, const char *Format,
struct ValueType *Type1, struct ValueType *Type2, int Num1, int Num2,
const char *FuncName, int ParamNo);
extern void LexFail(Picoc *pc, struct LexState *Lexer, const char *Message, ...);
extern void PlatformInit(Picoc *pc);
extern void PlatformCleanup(Picoc *pc);
extern char *PlatformGetLine(char *Buf, int MaxLen, const char *Prompt);
extern int PlatformGetCharacter();
extern void PlatformPutc(unsigned char OutCh, union OutputStreamInfo *);
extern void PlatformPrintf(IOFILE *Stream, const char *Format, ...);
extern void PlatformVPrintf(IOFILE *Stream, const char *Format, va_list Args);
extern void PlatformExit(Picoc *pc, int ExitVal);
extern char *PlatformMakeTempName(Picoc *pc, char *TempNameBuffer);
extern void PlatformLibraryInit(Picoc *pc);
/* include.c */
extern void IncludeInit(Picoc *pc);
extern void IncludeCleanup(Picoc *pc);
extern void IncludeRegister(Picoc *pc, const char *IncludeName,
void (*SetupFunction)(Picoc *pc), struct LibraryFunction *FuncList,
const char *SetupCSource);
extern void IncludeFile(Picoc *pc, char *Filename);
/* the following is defined in picoc.h:
* void PicocIncludeAllSystemHeaders(); */
/* debug.c */
extern void DebugInit(Picoc *pc);
extern void DebugCleanup(Picoc *pc);
extern void DebugCheckStatement(struct ParseState *Parser);
extern void DebugSetBreakpoint(struct ParseState *Parser);
extern int DebugClearBreakpoint(struct ParseState *Parser);
extern void DebugStep(void)
/* stdio.c */
extern const char StdioDefs[];
extern struct LibraryFunction StdioFunctions[];
extern void StdioSetupFunc(Picoc *pc);
/* math.c */
extern struct LibraryFunction MathFunctions[];
extern void MathSetupFunc(Picoc *pc);
/* string.c */
extern struct LibraryFunction StringFunctions[];
extern void StringSetupFunc(Picoc *pc);
/* stdlib.c */
extern struct LibraryFunction StdlibFunctions[];
extern void StdlibSetupFunc(Picoc *pc);
/* time.c */
extern const char StdTimeDefs[];
extern struct LibraryFunction StdTimeFunctions[];
extern void StdTimeSetupFunc(Picoc *pc);
/* errno.c */
extern void StdErrnoSetupFunc(Picoc *pc);
/* ctype.c */
extern struct LibraryFunction StdCtypeFunctions[];
/* stdbool.c */
extern const char StdboolDefs[];
extern void StdboolSetupFunc(Picoc *pc);
/* unistd.c */
extern const char UnistdDefs[];
extern struct LibraryFunction UnistdFunctions[];
extern void UnistdSetupFunc(Picoc *pc);
#endif /* INTERPRETER_H */