Russell Joyce d04337125e
Added support for extern variable declarations
Effectively just ignores any declarations as global scope is shared
across files in PicoC anyway, so the ultimate definition should be
2020-06-17 19:57:10 +01:00

742 lines
28 KiB

/* picoc main header file - this has all the main data structures and
* function prototypes. If you're just calling picoc you should look at the
* external interface instead, in picoc.h */
#include "platform.h"
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
#ifndef min
#define min(x,y) (((x)<(y))?(x):(y))
#ifndef min
#define max(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
/* Get the name of a type */
// #define typename(x) _Generic((x), \
// _Bool: "_Bool", \
// unsigned char: "unsigned char", \
// char: "char", \
// signed char: "signed char", \
// short int: "short int", \
// unsigned short int: "unsigned short int", \
// int: "int", \
// unsigned int: "unsigned int", \
// long int: "long int", \
// unsigned long int: "unsigned long int", \
// long long int: "long long int", \
// unsigned long long int: "unsigned long long int", \
// float: "float", \
// double: "double", \
// long double: "long double", \
// char *: "pointer to char", \
// void *: "pointer to void", \
// int *: "pointer to int", \
// default: "other") (x)
#define MEM_ALIGN(x) (((x) + sizeof(ALIGN_TYPE)-1) & ~(sizeof(ALIGN_TYPE)-1))
/* for debugging */
#define PRINT_SOURCE_POS() { \
PrintSourceTextErrorLine(Parser->pc->CStdOut, \
Parser->FileName, \
Parser->SourceText, \
Parser->Line, \
Parser->CharacterPos); \
PlatformPrintf(Parser->pc->CStdOut, "\n"); \
#define PRINT_TYPE(typ) PlatformPrintf(Parser->pc->CStdOut, "%t\n", typ);
typedef FILE IOFILE;
/* coercion of numeric types to other numeric types */
#define IS_FP(v) ((v)->Typ->Base == TypeFP)
#define FP_VAL(v) ((v)->Val->FP)
/* ap -> AllowPointerCoercion = true | false */
#define IS_POINTER_COERCIBLE(v, ap) ((ap) ? ((v)->Typ->Base == TypePointer) : 0)
#define POINTER_COERCE(v) ((int)(v)->Val->Pointer)
#define IS_INTEGER_NUMERIC_TYPE(t) ((t)->Base >= TypeInt && (t)->Base <= TypeUnsignedLong)
struct Table;
struct Picoc_Struct;
typedef struct Picoc_Struct Picoc;
/* lexical tokens */
enum LexToken {
/* 0x00 */ TokenNone,
/* 0x01 */ TokenComma,
/* 0x02 */ TokenAssign,
/* 0x08 */ TokenShiftLeftAssign,
/* 0x0d */ TokenQuestionMark,
/* 0x0f */ TokenLogicalOr,
/* 0x10 */ TokenLogicalAnd,
/* 0x11 */ TokenArithmeticOr,
/* 0x12 */ TokenArithmeticExor,
/* 0x13 */ TokenAmpersand,
/* 0x14 */ TokenEqual,
/* 0x16 */ TokenLessThan,
/* 0x1a */ TokenShiftLeft,
/* 0x1c */ TokenPlus,
/* 0x1e */ TokenAsterisk,
/* 0x21 */ TokenIncrement,
/* 0x27 */ TokenLeftSquareBracket,
/* 0x2b */ TokenOpenBracket,
/* 0x2d */ TokenIdentifier,
/* 0x32 */ TokenSemicolon,
/* 0x34 */ TokenLeftBrace,
/* 0x36 */ TokenIntType,
/* 0x3c */ TokenLongType,
/* 0x46 */ TokenContinue,
/* 0x52 */ TokenHashDefine,
/* 0x59 */ TokenNew,
/* 0x5b */ TokenOpenMacroBracket,
/* 0x5c */ TokenEOF,
/* used in dynamic memory allocation */
struct AllocNode {
unsigned int Size;
struct AllocNode *NextFree;
/* whether we're running or skipping code */
enum RunMode {
RunModeRun, /* we're running code as we parse it */
RunModeSkip, /* skipping code, not running */
RunModeReturn, /* returning from a function */
RunModeCaseSearch, /* searching for a case label */
RunModeBreak, /* breaking out of a switch/while/do */
RunModeContinue, /* as above but repeat the loop */
RunModeGoto /* searching for a goto label */
/* parser state - has all this detail so we can parse nested files */
struct ParseState {
Picoc *pc; /* the picoc instance this parser is a part of */
const unsigned char *Pos; /* the character position in the source text */
char *FileName; /* what file we're executing (registered string) */
short int Line; /* line number we're executing */
short int CharacterPos; /* character/column in the line we're executing */
enum RunMode Mode; /* whether to skip or run code */
int SearchLabel; /* what case label we're searching for */
const char *SearchGotoLabel;/* what goto label we're searching for */
const char *SourceText; /* the entire source text */
short int HashIfLevel; /* how many "if"s we're nested down */
short int HashIfEvaluateToLevel; /* if we're not evaluating an if branch,
what the last evaluated level was */
char DebugMode; /* debugging mode */
int ScopeID; /* for keeping track of local variables (free them after t
hey go out of scope) */
/* values */
enum BaseType {
TypeVoid, /* no type */
TypeInt, /* integer */
TypeShort, /* short integer */
TypeChar, /* a single character (signed) */
TypeLong, /* long integer */
TypeUnsignedInt, /* unsigned integer */
TypeUnsignedShort, /* unsigned short integer */
TypeUnsignedChar, /* unsigned 8-bit number */ /* must be before unsigned long */
TypeUnsignedLong, /* unsigned long integer */
TypeFP, /* floating point */
TypeFunction, /* a function */
TypeMacro, /* a macro */
TypePointer, /* a pointer */
TypeArray, /* an array of a sub-type */
TypeStruct, /* aggregate type */
TypeUnion, /* merged type */
TypeEnum, /* enumerated integer type */
TypeGotoLabel, /* a label we can "goto" */
Type_Type /* a type for storing types */
/* data type */
struct ValueType {
enum BaseType Base; /* what kind of type this is */
int ArraySize; /* the size of an array type */
int Sizeof; /* the storage required */
int AlignBytes; /* the alignment boundary of this type */
const char *Identifier; /* the name of a struct or union */
struct ValueType *FromType; /* the type we're derived from (or NULL) */
struct ValueType *DerivedTypeList; /* first in a list of types derived from this one */
struct ValueType *Next; /* next item in the derived type list */
struct Table *Members; /* members of a struct or union */
int OnHeap; /* true if allocated on the heap */
int StaticQualifier; /* true if it's a static */
/* function definition */
struct FuncDef {
struct ValueType *ReturnType; /* the return value type */
int NumParams; /* the number of parameters */
int VarArgs; /* has a variable number of arguments after
the explicitly specified ones */
struct ValueType **ParamType; /* array of parameter types */
char **ParamName; /* array of parameter names */
void (*Intrinsic)(); /* intrinsic call address or NULL */
struct ParseState Body; /* lexical tokens of the function body if
not intrinsic */
/* macro definition */
struct MacroDef {
int NumParams; /* the number of parameters */
char **ParamName; /* array of parameter names */
struct ParseState Body; /* lexical tokens of the function body
if not intrinsic */
/* values */
union AnyValue {
char Character;
short ShortInteger;
int Integer;
long LongInteger;
unsigned short UnsignedShortInteger;
unsigned int UnsignedInteger;
unsigned long UnsignedLongInteger;
unsigned char UnsignedCharacter;
char *Identifier;
char ArrayMem[2]; /* placeholder for where the data starts,
doesn't point to it */
struct ValueType *Typ;
struct FuncDef FuncDef;
struct MacroDef MacroDef;
double FP;
void *Pointer; /* unsafe native pointers */
struct Value {
struct ValueType *Typ; /* the type of this value */
union AnyValue *Val; /* pointer to the AnyValue which holds the actual content */
struct Value *LValueFrom; /* if an LValue, this is a Value our LValue is contained within (or NULL) */
char ValOnHeap; /* this Value is on the heap */
char ValOnStack; /* the AnyValue is on the stack along with this Value */
char AnyValOnHeap; /* the AnyValue is separately allocated from the Value on the heap */
char IsLValue; /* is modifiable and is allocated somewhere we can usefully modify it */
int ScopeID; /* to know when it goes out of scope */
char OutOfScope;
/* hash table data structure */
struct TableEntry {
struct TableEntry *Next; /* next item in this hash chain */
const char *DeclFileName; /* where the variable was declared */
unsigned short DeclLine;
unsigned short DeclColumn;
union TableEntryPayload {
struct ValueEntry {
char *Key; /* points to the shared string table */
struct Value *Val; /* the value we're storing */
} v; /* used for tables of values */
char Key[1]; /* dummy size - used for the shared string table */
/* defines a breakpoint */
struct BreakpointEntry {
const char *FileName;
short int Line;
short int CharacterPos;
} b;
} p;
struct Table {
short Size;
short OnHeap;
struct TableEntry **HashTable;
/* stack frame for function calls */
struct StackFrame {
struct ParseState ReturnParser; /* how we got here */
const char *FuncName; /* the name of the function we're in */
struct Value *ReturnValue; /* copy the return value here */
struct Value **Parameter; /* array of parameter values */
int NumParams; /* the number of parameters */
struct Table LocalTable; /* the local variables and parameters */
struct TableEntry *LocalHashTable[LOCAL_TABLE_SIZE];
struct StackFrame *PreviousStackFrame; /* the next lower stack frame */
/* lexer state */
enum LexMode {
struct LexState {
const char *Pos;
const char *End;
const char *FileName;
int Line;
int CharacterPos;
const char *SourceText;
enum LexMode Mode;
int EmitExtraNewlines;
/* library function definition */
struct LibraryFunction {
void (*Func)(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *, struct Value **, int);
const char *Prototype;
/* output stream-type specific state information */
union OutputStreamInfo {
struct StringOutputStream {
struct ParseState *Parser;
char *WritePos;
} Str;
/* stream-specific method for writing characters to the console */
typedef void CharWriter(unsigned char, union OutputStreamInfo *);
/* used when writing output to a string - eg. sprintf() */
struct OutputStream {
CharWriter *Putch;
union OutputStreamInfo i;
/* possible results of parsing a statement */
enum ParseResult { ParseResultEOF, ParseResultError, ParseResultOk };
/* a chunk of heap-allocated tokens we'll cleanup when we're done */
struct CleanupTokenNode {
void *Tokens;
const char *SourceText;
struct CleanupTokenNode *Next;
/* linked list of lexical tokens used in interactive mode */
struct TokenLine {
struct TokenLine *Next;
unsigned char *Tokens;
int NumBytes;
/* a list of libraries we can include */
struct IncludeLibrary {
char *IncludeName;
void (*SetupFunction)(Picoc *pc);
struct LibraryFunction *FuncList;
const char *SetupCSource;
struct IncludeLibrary *NextLib;
#define FREELIST_BUCKETS (8) /* freelists for 4, 8, 12 ... 32 byte allocs */
#define SPLIT_MEM_THRESHOLD (16) /* don't split memory which is close in size */
/* the entire state of the picoc system */
struct Picoc_Struct {
/* parser global data */
struct Table GlobalTable;
struct CleanupTokenNode *CleanupTokenList;
struct TableEntry *GlobalHashTable[GLOBAL_TABLE_SIZE];
/* lexer global data */
struct TokenLine *InteractiveHead;
struct TokenLine *InteractiveTail;
struct TokenLine *InteractiveCurrentLine;
int LexUseStatementPrompt;
union AnyValue LexAnyValue;
struct Value LexValue;
struct Table ReservedWordTable;
struct TableEntry *ReservedWordHashTable[RESERVED_WORD_TABLE_SIZE];
/* the table of string literal values */
struct Table StringLiteralTable;
struct TableEntry *StringLiteralHashTable[STRING_LITERAL_TABLE_SIZE];
/* the stack */
struct StackFrame *TopStackFrame;
/* the value passed to exit() */
int PicocExitValue;
/* a list of libraries we can include */
struct IncludeLibrary *IncludeLibList;
/* heap memory */
unsigned char *HeapMemory; /* stack memory since our heap is malloc()ed */
void *HeapBottom; /* the bottom of the (downward-growing) heap */
void *StackFrame; /* the current stack frame */
void *HeapStackTop; /* the top of the stack */
struct AllocNode *FreeListBucket[FREELIST_BUCKETS]; /* we keep a pool of freelist buckets to reduce fragmentation */
struct AllocNode *FreeListBig; /* free memory which doesn't fit in a bucket */
/* types */
struct ValueType UberType;
struct ValueType IntType;
struct ValueType ShortType;
struct ValueType CharType;
struct ValueType LongType;
struct ValueType UnsignedIntType;
struct ValueType UnsignedShortType;
struct ValueType UnsignedLongType;
struct ValueType UnsignedCharType;
struct ValueType FPType;
struct ValueType VoidType;
struct ValueType TypeType;
struct ValueType FunctionType;
struct ValueType MacroType;
struct ValueType EnumType;
struct ValueType GotoLabelType;
struct ValueType *CharPtrType;
struct ValueType *CharPtrPtrType;
struct ValueType *CharArrayType;
struct ValueType *VoidPtrType;
/* debugger */
struct Table BreakpointTable;
struct TableEntry *BreakpointHashTable[BREAKPOINT_TABLE_SIZE];
int BreakpointCount;
int DebugManualBreak;
/* C library */
int BigEndian;
int LittleEndian;
/* the picoc version string */
const char *VersionString;
/* exit longjump buffer */
#if defined(UNIX_HOST) || defined(WIN32)
jmp_buf PicocExitBuf;
/* string table */
struct Table StringTable;
struct TableEntry *StringHashTable[STRING_TABLE_SIZE];
char *StrEmpty;
/* table.c */
extern void TableInit(Picoc *pc);
extern char *TableStrRegister(Picoc *pc, const char *Str);
extern char *TableStrRegister2(Picoc *pc, const char *Str, int Len);
extern void TableInitTable(struct Table *Tbl, struct TableEntry **HashTable,
int Size, int OnHeap);
extern int TableSet(Picoc *pc, struct Table *Tbl, char *Key, struct Value *Val,
const char *DeclFileName, int DeclLine, int DeclColumn);
extern int TableGet(struct Table *Tbl, const char *Key, struct Value **Val,
const char **DeclFileName, int *DeclLine, int *DeclColumn);
extern struct Value *TableDelete(Picoc *pc, struct Table *Tbl, const char *Key);
extern char *TableSetIdentifier(Picoc *pc, struct Table *Tbl, const char *Ident,
int IdentLen);
extern void TableStrFree(Picoc *pc);
/* lex.c */
extern void LexInit(Picoc *pc);
extern void LexCleanup(Picoc *pc);
extern void *LexAnalyse(Picoc *pc, const char *FileName, const char *Source,
int SourceLen, int *TokenLen);
extern void LexInitParser(struct ParseState *Parser, Picoc *pc,
const char *SourceText, void *TokenSource, char *FileName, int RunIt, int SetDebugMode);
extern enum LexToken LexGetToken(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value **Value,
int IncPos);
extern enum LexToken LexRawPeekToken(struct ParseState *Parser);
extern void LexToEndOfMacro(struct ParseState *Parser);
extern void *LexCopyTokens(struct ParseState *StartParser, struct ParseState *EndParser);
extern void LexInteractiveClear(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser);
extern void LexInteractiveCompleted(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser);
extern void LexInteractiveStatementPrompt(Picoc *pc);
/* parse.c */
/* the following are defined in picoc.h:
* void PicocParse(const char *FileName, const char *Source, int SourceLen, int RunIt, int CleanupNow, int CleanupSource);
* void PicocParseInteractive(); */
extern void PicocParseInteractiveNoStartPrompt(Picoc *pc, int EnableDebugger);
extern enum ParseResult ParseStatement(struct ParseState *Parser,
int CheckTrailingSemicolon);
extern struct Value *ParseFunctionDefinition(struct ParseState *Parser,
struct ValueType *ReturnType, char *Identifier);
extern void ParseCleanup(Picoc *pc);
extern void ParserCopyPos(struct ParseState *To, struct ParseState *From);
extern void ParserCopy(struct ParseState *To, struct ParseState *From);
/* expression.c */
extern int ExpressionParse(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value **Result);
extern long ExpressionParseInt(struct ParseState *Parser);
extern void ExpressionAssign(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *DestValue,
struct Value *SourceValue, int Force, const char *FuncName, int ParamNo, int AllowPointerCoercion);
extern long ExpressionCoerceInteger(struct Value *Val);
extern unsigned long ExpressionCoerceUnsignedInteger(struct Value *Val);
extern double ExpressionCoerceFP(struct Value *Val);
/* type.c */
extern void TypeInit(Picoc *pc);
extern void TypeCleanup(Picoc *pc);
extern int TypeSize(struct ValueType *Typ, int ArraySize, int Compact);
extern int TypeSizeValue(struct Value *Val, int Compact);
extern int TypeStackSizeValue(struct Value *Val);
extern int TypeLastAccessibleOffset(Picoc *pc, struct Value *Val);
extern int TypeParseFront(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType **Typ,
int *IsStatic, int *IsExtern, int *IsVolatile);
extern void TypeParseIdentPart(struct ParseState *Parser,
struct ValueType *BasicTyp, struct ValueType **Typ, char **Identifier);
extern void TypeParse(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType **Typ,
char **Identifier, int *IsStatic, int *IsExtern, int *IsVolatile);
extern struct ValueType *TypeGetMatching(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser,
struct ValueType *ParentType, enum BaseType Base, int ArraySize, const char *Identifier, int AllowDuplicates);
extern struct ValueType *TypeCreateOpaqueStruct(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser,
const char *StructName, int Size);
extern int TypeIsForwardDeclared(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType *Typ);
/* heap.c */
extern void ShowBigList(Picoc *pc);
extern void HeapInit(Picoc *pc, int StackSize);
extern void HeapCleanup(Picoc *pc);
extern void *HeapAllocStack(Picoc *pc, int Size);
extern int HeapPopStack(Picoc *pc, void *Addr, int Size);
extern void HeapUnpopStack(Picoc *pc, int Size);
extern void HeapPushStackFrame(Picoc *pc);
extern int HeapPopStackFrame(Picoc *pc);
extern void *HeapAllocMem(Picoc *pc, int Size);
extern void HeapFreeMem(Picoc *pc, void *Mem);
/* variable.c */
extern void VariableInit(Picoc *pc);
extern void VariableCleanup(Picoc *pc);
extern void VariableFree(Picoc *pc, struct Value *Val);
extern void VariableTableCleanup(Picoc *pc, struct Table *HashTable);
extern void *VariableAlloc(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser, int Size, int OnHeap);
extern void VariableStackPop(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *Var);
extern struct Value *VariableAllocValueAndData(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser,
int DataSize, int IsLValue, struct Value *LValueFrom, int OnHeap);
extern struct Value *VariableAllocValueAndCopy(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser,
struct Value *FromValue, int OnHeap);
extern struct Value *VariableAllocValueFromType(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser,
struct ValueType *Typ, int IsLValue, struct Value *LValueFrom, int OnHeap);
extern struct Value *VariableAllocValueFromExistingData(struct ParseState *Parser,
struct ValueType *Typ, union AnyValue *FromValue, int IsLValue,
struct Value *LValueFrom);
extern struct Value *VariableAllocValueShared(struct ParseState *Parser,
struct Value *FromValue);
extern struct Value *VariableDefine(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser,
char *Ident, struct Value *InitValue, struct ValueType *Typ, int MakeWritable);
extern struct Value *VariableDefineButIgnoreIdentical(struct ParseState *Parser,
char *Ident, struct ValueType *Typ, int IsStatic, int *FirstVisit);
extern int VariableDefined(Picoc *pc, const char *Ident);
extern int VariableDefinedAndOutOfScope(Picoc *pc, const char *Ident);
extern void VariableRealloc(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *FromValue,
int NewSize);
extern void VariableGet(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser, const char *Ident,
struct Value **LVal);
extern void VariableDefinePlatformVar(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser,
char *Ident, struct ValueType *Typ, union AnyValue *FromValue, int IsWritable);
extern void VariableStackFrameAdd(struct ParseState *Parser, const char *FuncName,
int NumParams);
extern void VariableStackFramePop(struct ParseState *Parser);
extern struct Value *VariableStringLiteralGet(Picoc *pc, char *Ident);
extern void VariableStringLiteralDefine(Picoc *pc, char *Ident, struct Value *Val);
extern void *VariableDereferencePointer(struct Value *PointerValue,
struct Value **DerefVal, int *DerefOffset, struct ValueType **DerefType,
int *DerefIsLValue);
extern int VariableScopeBegin(struct ParseState *Parser, int *PrevScopeID);
extern void VariableScopeEnd(struct ParseState *Parser, int ScopeID, int PrevScopeID);
/* clibrary.c */
extern void BasicIOInit(Picoc *pc);
extern void LibraryInit(Picoc *pc);
extern void LibraryAdd(Picoc *pc, struct LibraryFunction *FuncList);
extern void CLibraryInit(Picoc *pc);
extern void PrintCh(char OutCh, IOFILE *Stream);
extern void PrintSimpleInt(long Num, IOFILE *Stream);
extern void PrintInt(long Num, int FieldWidth, int ZeroPad, int LeftJustify,
IOFILE *Stream);
extern void PrintStr(const char *Str, IOFILE *Stream);
extern void PrintFP(double Num, IOFILE *Stream);
extern void PrintType(struct ValueType *Typ, IOFILE *Stream);
extern void LibPrintf(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *ReturnValue,
struct Value **Param, int NumArgs);
/* platform.c */
/* the following are defined in picoc.h:
* void PicocCallMain(int argc, char **argv);
* int PicocPlatformSetExitPoint();
* void PicocInitialize(int StackSize);
* void PicocCleanup();
* void PicocPlatformScanFile(const char *FileName);
* extern int PicocExitValue; */
extern void ProgramFail(struct ParseState *Parser, const char *Message, ...);
extern void ProgramFailNoParser(Picoc *pc, const char *Message, ...);
extern void AssignFail(struct ParseState *Parser, const char *Format,
struct ValueType *Type1, struct ValueType *Type2, int Num1, int Num2,
const char *FuncName, int ParamNo);
extern void LexFail(Picoc *pc, struct LexState *Lexer, const char *Message, ...);
extern void PlatformInit(Picoc *pc);
extern void PlatformCleanup(Picoc *pc);
extern char *PlatformGetLine(char *Buf, int MaxLen, const char *Prompt);
extern int PlatformGetCharacter();
extern void PlatformPutc(unsigned char OutCh, union OutputStreamInfo *);
extern void PlatformPrintf(IOFILE *Stream, const char *Format, ...);
extern void PlatformVPrintf(IOFILE *Stream, const char *Format, va_list Args);
extern void PlatformExit(Picoc *pc, int ExitVal);
extern char *PlatformMakeTempName(Picoc *pc, char *TempNameBuffer);
extern void PlatformLibraryInit(Picoc *pc);
/* include.c */
extern void IncludeInit(Picoc *pc);
extern void IncludeCleanup(Picoc *pc);
extern void IncludeRegister(Picoc *pc, const char *IncludeName,
void (*SetupFunction)(Picoc *pc), struct LibraryFunction *FuncList,
const char *SetupCSource);
extern void IncludeFile(Picoc *pc, char *Filename);
/* the following is defined in picoc.h:
* void PicocIncludeAllSystemHeaders(); */
/* debug.c */
extern void DebugInit(Picoc *pc);
extern void DebugCleanup(Picoc *pc);
extern void DebugCheckStatement(struct ParseState *Parser);
extern void DebugSetBreakpoint(struct ParseState *Parser);
extern int DebugClearBreakpoint(struct ParseState *Parser);
extern void DebugStep(void)
/* stdio.c */
extern const char StdioDefs[];
extern struct LibraryFunction StdioFunctions[];
extern void StdioSetupFunc(Picoc *pc);
/* math.c */
extern struct LibraryFunction MathFunctions[];
extern void MathSetupFunc(Picoc *pc);
/* string.c */
extern struct LibraryFunction StringFunctions[];
extern void StringSetupFunc(Picoc *pc);
/* stdlib.c */
extern struct LibraryFunction StdlibFunctions[];
extern void StdlibSetupFunc(Picoc *pc);
/* time.c */
extern const char StdTimeDefs[];
extern struct LibraryFunction StdTimeFunctions[];
extern void StdTimeSetupFunc(Picoc *pc);
/* errno.c */
extern void StdErrnoSetupFunc(Picoc *pc);
/* ctype.c */
extern struct LibraryFunction StdCtypeFunctions[];
/* stdbool.c */
extern const char StdboolDefs[];
extern void StdboolSetupFunc(Picoc *pc);
/* unistd.c */
extern const char UnistdDefs[];
extern struct LibraryFunction UnistdFunctions[];
extern void UnistdSetupFunc(Picoc *pc);
#endif /* INTERPRETER_H */