git-svn-id: http://picoc.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@20 21eae674-98b7-11dd-bd71-f92a316d2d60
522 lines
18 KiB
522 lines
18 KiB
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "picoc.h"
/* the table of global definitions */
struct Table GlobalTable;
struct TableEntry GlobalHashTable[GLOBAL_TABLE_SIZE];
/* the table of function definitions */
struct LexState FunctionStore[FUNCTION_STORE_MAX];
int FunctionStoreUsed = 0;
/* the stack */
struct StackFrame Stack[STACK_MAX];
int StackUsed = 0;
/* parameter passing area */
struct Value Parameter[PARAMETER_MAX];
int ParameterUsed = 0;
struct Value ReturnValue;
/* local prototypes */
int ParseExpression(struct LexState *Lexer, struct Value *Result, int RunIt);
void ParseIntExpression(struct LexState *Lexer, struct Value *Result, int RunIt);
int ParseStatement(struct LexState *Lexer, int RunIt);
int ParseArguments(struct LexState *Lexer, int RunIt);
/* initialise the parser */
void ParseInit()
TableInit(&GlobalTable, &GlobalHashTable[0], GLOBAL_TABLE_SIZE);
/* define a variable */
void VariableDefine(struct LexState *Lexer, const Str *Ident, struct Value *InitValue)
if (!TableSet((StackUsed == 0) ? &GlobalTable : &Stack[StackUsed-1].LocalTable, Ident, InitValue))
ProgramFail(Lexer, "'%S' is already defined", Ident);
/* get the value of a variable. must be defined */
void VariableGet(struct LexState *Lexer, Str *Ident, struct Value *Val, struct Value **LVal)
int Frame;
for (Frame = StackUsed-1; Frame >= 0; Frame--)
if (TableGet(&Stack[Frame].LocalTable, Ident, LVal))
*Val = **LVal;
if (!TableGet(&GlobalTable, Ident, LVal))
ProgramFail(Lexer, "'%S' is undefined", Ident);
*Val = **LVal;
/* add a stack frame when doing a function call */
void StackFrameAdd(struct LexState *Lexer)
struct StackFrame *NewFrame = &Stack[StackUsed];
if (StackUsed >= STACK_MAX)
ProgramFail(Lexer, "too many nested function calls");
NewFrame->ReturnLex = *Lexer;
TableInit(&NewFrame->LocalTable, &NewFrame->LocalHashTable[0], LOCAL_TABLE_SIZE);
/* parse a type specification */
int ParseType(struct LexState *Lexer, enum ValueType *Typ)
struct LexState Before = *Lexer;
enum LexToken Token = LexGetPlainToken(Lexer);
switch (Token)
case TokenIntType: case TokenCharType: *Typ = TypeInt; return TRUE;
case TokenVoidType: *Typ = TypeVoid; return TRUE;
default: *Lexer = Before; return FALSE;
/* parse a parameter list, defining parameters as local variables in the current scope */
void ParseParameterList(struct LexState *CallLexer, struct LexState *FuncLexer, int RunIt)
enum ValueType Typ;
union AnyValue Identifier;
enum LexToken Token = TokenNone;
int ParamCount;
ParamCount = 0;
while (ParamCount < ParameterUsed && Token != TokenCloseBracket)
ParseType(FuncLexer, &Typ);
Token = LexGetToken(FuncLexer, &Identifier);
if (Token != TokenCloseBracket)
if (Token != TokenIdentifier)
ProgramFail(FuncLexer, "invalid parameter");
if (RunIt)
if (Parameter[ParamCount].Typ != Typ)
ProgramFail(CallLexer, "parameter %d has the wrong type", ParamCount+1);
VariableDefine(FuncLexer, &Identifier.String, &Parameter[ParamCount]);
Token = LexGetPlainToken(FuncLexer);
if (Token != TokenComma && Token != TokenCloseBracket)
ProgramFail(FuncLexer, "comma expected");
if (ParamCount != 0 || Token != TokenCloseBracket)
ProgramFail(CallLexer, "wrong number of arguments");
/* do a function call */
void ParseFunctionCall(struct LexState *Lexer, struct Value *Result, Str *FuncName, int RunIt)
enum LexToken Token = LexGetPlainToken(Lexer); /* open bracket */
/* parse arguments */
ParameterUsed = 0;
do {
if (ParseExpression(Lexer, &Parameter[ParameterUsed], RunIt))
if (RunIt && ParameterUsed >= PARAMETER_MAX)
ProgramFail(Lexer, "too many arguments");
Token = LexGetPlainToken(Lexer);
if (Token != TokenComma && Token != TokenCloseBracket)
ProgramFail(Lexer, "comma expected");
Token = LexGetPlainToken(Lexer);
if (TokenCloseBracket)
ProgramFail(Lexer, "bad argument");
} while (Token != TokenCloseBracket);
if (RunIt)
struct LexState FuncLexer;
enum ValueType ReturnType;
struct Value *LValue;
VariableGet(Lexer, FuncName, Result, &LValue);
if (Result->Typ != TypeFunction)
ProgramFail(Lexer, "not a function - can't call");
FuncLexer = FunctionStore[Result->Val.Integer];
ParseType(&FuncLexer, &ReturnType); /* return type */
Result->Typ = TypeVoid;
LexGetPlainToken(&FuncLexer); /* function name again */
ParseParameterList(Lexer, &FuncLexer, TRUE); /* parameters */
if (LexPeekPlainToken(&FuncLexer) != TokenLeftBrace || !ParseStatement(&FuncLexer, TRUE))
ProgramFail(&FuncLexer, "function body expected");
if (ReturnType != Result->Typ)
ProgramFail(&FuncLexer, "bad return value");
/* parse a single value */
int ParseValue(struct LexState *Lexer, struct Value *Result, struct Value **LValue, int RunIt)
struct LexState PreState = *Lexer;
enum LexToken Token = LexGetToken(Lexer, &Result->Val);
*LValue = NULL;
switch (Token)
case TokenIntegerConstant: case TokenCharacterConstant: case TokenStringConstant:
Result->Typ = TypeInt;
if (Token == TokenStringConstant)
Result->Typ = TypeString;
case TokenMinus: case TokenUnaryExor: case TokenUnaryNot:
ParseIntExpression(Lexer, Result, RunIt);
if (RunIt)
case TokenMinus: Result->Val.Integer = -(Result->Val.Integer); break;
case TokenUnaryExor: Result->Val.Integer = ~(Result->Val.Integer); break;
case TokenUnaryNot: Result->Val.Integer = !(Result->Val.Integer); break;
default: break;
case TokenOpenBracket:
if (!ParseExpression(Lexer, Result, RunIt))
ProgramFail(Lexer, "invalid expression");
if (LexGetPlainToken(Lexer) != TokenCloseBracket)
ProgramFail(Lexer, "')' expected");
case TokenAsterisk:
case TokenAmpersand:
ProgramFail(Lexer, "not implemented");
case TokenIdentifier:
if (LexPeekPlainToken(Lexer) == TokenOpenBracket)
ParseFunctionCall(Lexer, Result, &Result->Val.String, RunIt);
if (RunIt)
VariableGet(Lexer, &Result->Val.String, Result, LValue);
*Lexer = PreState;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
/* parse an expression. operator precedence is not supported */
int ParseExpression(struct LexState *Lexer, struct Value *Result, int RunIt)
struct Value CurrentValue;
struct Value *CurrentLValue;
struct Value TotalValue;
struct Value *TotalLValue;
if (!ParseValue(Lexer, &TotalValue, &TotalLValue, RunIt))
return FALSE;
while (TRUE)
enum LexToken Token = LexPeekToken(Lexer, &CurrentValue.Val);
switch (Token)
case TokenPlus: case TokenMinus: case TokenAsterisk: case TokenSlash:
case TokenEquality: case TokenLessThan: case TokenGreaterThan:
case TokenLessEqual: case TokenGreaterEqual: case TokenLogicalAnd:
case TokenLogicalOr: case TokenAmpersand: case TokenArithmeticOr:
case TokenArithmeticExor: case TokenDot:
case TokenAssign: case TokenAddAssign: case TokenSubtractAssign:
if (!ParseExpression(Lexer, &CurrentValue, RunIt))
ProgramFail(Lexer, "expression expected");
if (RunIt)
if (CurrentValue.Typ != TypeInt || TotalValue.Typ != TypeInt)
ProgramFail(Lexer, "can't assign");
switch (Token)
case TokenAddAssign: TotalValue.Val.Integer += CurrentValue.Val.Integer; break;
case TokenSubtractAssign: TotalValue.Val.Integer -= CurrentValue.Val.Integer; break;
default: TotalValue.Val.Integer = CurrentValue.Val.Integer; printf("---> %d\n", TotalValue.Val.Integer); break;
*TotalLValue = TotalValue;
// fallthrough
if (RunIt)
*Result = TotalValue;
return TRUE;
if (!ParseValue(Lexer, &CurrentValue, &CurrentLValue, RunIt))
return FALSE;
if (RunIt)
if (CurrentValue.Typ != TypeInt || TotalValue.Typ != TypeInt)
ProgramFail(Lexer, "bad operand types");
switch (Token)
case TokenPlus: TotalValue.Val.Integer += CurrentValue.Val.Integer; break;
case TokenMinus: TotalValue.Val.Integer -= CurrentValue.Val.Integer; break;
case TokenAsterisk: TotalValue.Val.Integer *= CurrentValue.Val.Integer; break;
case TokenSlash: TotalValue.Val.Integer /= CurrentValue.Val.Integer; break;
case TokenEquality: TotalValue.Val.Integer = TotalValue.Val.Integer == CurrentValue.Val.Integer; break;
case TokenLessThan: TotalValue.Val.Integer = TotalValue.Val.Integer < CurrentValue.Val.Integer; break;
case TokenGreaterThan: TotalValue.Val.Integer = TotalValue.Val.Integer > CurrentValue.Val.Integer; break;
case TokenLessEqual: printf("compare %d <= %d\n", TotalValue.Val.Integer, CurrentValue.Val.Integer); TotalValue.Val.Integer = TotalValue.Val.Integer <= CurrentValue.Val.Integer; break;
case TokenGreaterEqual: TotalValue.Val.Integer = TotalValue.Val.Integer >= CurrentValue.Val.Integer; break;
case TokenLogicalAnd: TotalValue.Val.Integer = TotalValue.Val.Integer && CurrentValue.Val.Integer; break;
case TokenLogicalOr: TotalValue.Val.Integer = TotalValue.Val.Integer || CurrentValue.Val.Integer; break;
case TokenAmpersand: TotalValue.Val.Integer = TotalValue.Val.Integer & CurrentValue.Val.Integer; break;
case TokenArithmeticOr: TotalValue.Val.Integer = TotalValue.Val.Integer | CurrentValue.Val.Integer; break;
case TokenArithmeticExor: TotalValue.Val.Integer = TotalValue.Val.Integer ^ CurrentValue.Val.Integer; break;
case TokenDot: ProgramFail(Lexer, "operator not supported"); break;
default: break;
return TRUE;
/* parse an expression. operator precedence is not supported */
void ParseIntExpression(struct LexState *Lexer, struct Value *Result, int RunIt)
if (!ParseExpression(Lexer, Result, RunIt))
ProgramFail(Lexer, "expression expected");
if (RunIt && Result->Typ != TypeInt)
ProgramFail(Lexer, "integer value expected");
/* parse a function definition and store it for later */
void ParseFunctionDefinition(struct LexState *Lexer, Str *Identifier, struct LexState *PreState)
struct Value FuncValue;
if (FunctionStoreUsed >= FUNCTION_STORE_MAX)
ProgramFail(Lexer, "too many functions defined");
FunctionStore[FunctionStoreUsed] = *PreState;
if (LexGetPlainToken(Lexer) != TokenCloseBracket || LexPeekToken(Lexer, &FuncValue.Val) != TokenLeftBrace)
ProgramFail(Lexer, "bad function definition");
if (!ParseStatement(Lexer, FALSE))
ProgramFail(Lexer, "function definition expected");
FunctionStore[FunctionStoreUsed].End = Lexer->Pos;
FuncValue.Typ = TypeFunction;
FuncValue.Val.Integer = FunctionStoreUsed;
if (!TableSet(&GlobalTable, Identifier, &FuncValue))
ProgramFail(Lexer, "'%S' is already defined", Identifier);
/* parse a statement */
int ParseStatement(struct LexState *Lexer, int RunIt)
struct Value Conditional;
struct LexState PreState = *Lexer;
union AnyValue LexerValue;
enum ValueType Typ;
enum LexToken Token = LexGetToken(Lexer, &LexerValue);
printf("Token=%d\n", (int)Token);
switch (Token)
case TokenEOF:
return FALSE;
case TokenIdentifier:
*Lexer = PreState;
ParseExpression(Lexer, &Conditional, RunIt);
case TokenLeftBrace:
while (ParseStatement(Lexer, RunIt))
if (LexGetPlainToken(Lexer) != TokenRightBrace)
ProgramFail(Lexer, "'}' expected");
case TokenIf:
ParseIntExpression(Lexer, &Conditional, RunIt);
if (!ParseStatement(Lexer, RunIt && Conditional.Val.Integer))
ProgramFail(Lexer, "statement expected");
if (LexPeekToken(Lexer, &LexerValue) == TokenElse)
LexGetToken(Lexer, &LexerValue);
if (!ParseStatement(Lexer, RunIt && !Conditional.Val.Integer))
ProgramFail(Lexer, "statement expected");
case TokenWhile:
struct LexState PreConditional = *Lexer;
*Lexer = PreConditional;
ParseIntExpression(Lexer, &Conditional, RunIt);
if (!ParseStatement(Lexer, RunIt && Conditional.Val.Integer))
ProgramFail(Lexer, "statement expected");
} while (RunIt && Conditional.Val.Integer);
case TokenDo:
struct LexState PreStatement = *Lexer;
*Lexer = PreStatement;
if (!ParseStatement(Lexer, RunIt))
ProgramFail(Lexer, "statement expected");
ParseIntExpression(Lexer, &Conditional, RunIt);
} while (Conditional.Val.Integer && RunIt);
case TokenFor:
struct LexState PreConditional;
struct LexState PreIncrement;
struct LexState PreStatement;
struct LexState After;
if (LexGetToken(Lexer, &LexerValue) != TokenOpenBracket)
ProgramFail(Lexer, "'(' expected");
if (!ParseStatement(Lexer, RunIt))
ProgramFail(Lexer, "statement expected");
PreConditional = *Lexer;
ParseIntExpression(Lexer, &Conditional, RunIt);
if (LexGetToken(Lexer, &LexerValue) != TokenSemicolon)
ProgramFail(Lexer, "';' expected");
PreIncrement = *Lexer;
ParseStatement(Lexer, FALSE);
if (LexGetToken(Lexer, &LexerValue) != TokenCloseBracket)
ProgramFail(Lexer, "')' expected");
PreStatement = *Lexer;
if (!ParseStatement(Lexer, RunIt && Conditional.Val.Integer))
ProgramFail(Lexer, "statement expected");
After = *Lexer;
while (Conditional.Val.Integer && RunIt)
*Lexer = PreIncrement;
ParseStatement(Lexer, TRUE);
*Lexer = PreConditional;
ParseIntExpression(Lexer, &Conditional, RunIt);
if (Conditional.Val.Integer)
*Lexer = PreStatement;
ParseStatement(Lexer, TRUE);
*Lexer = After;
case TokenSemicolon: break;
case TokenIntType:
case TokenCharType:
case TokenVoidType:
*Lexer = PreState;
ParseType(Lexer, &Typ);
if (LexGetToken(Lexer, &LexerValue) != TokenIdentifier)
ProgramFail(Lexer, "identifier expected");
/* handle function definitions */
if (LexPeekPlainToken(Lexer) == TokenOpenBracket)
ParseFunctionDefinition(Lexer, &LexerValue.String, &PreState);
struct Value InitValue;
InitValue.Val.Integer = 0;
InitValue.Typ = Typ;
VariableDefine(Lexer, &LexerValue.String, &InitValue);
*Lexer = PreState;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
/* quick scan a source file for definitions */
void Parse(const Str *FileName, const Str *Source, int RunIt)
struct LexState Lexer;
LexInit(&Lexer, Source, FileName, 1);
while (ParseStatement(&Lexer, RunIt))
if (Lexer.Pos != Lexer.End)
ProgramFail(&Lexer, "parse error");