#ifndef PICOC_H #define PICOC_H #include /* configurable options */ #define USE_MALLOC #define GLOBAL_TABLE_SIZE 199 #define LARGE_INT_POWER_OF_TEN 1000000000 /* the largest power of ten which fits in an int on this architecture */ /* handy definitions */ #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #endif #ifndef NULL #define NULL 0 #endif #ifndef min #define min(x,y) (((x)<(y))?(x):(y)) #endif #ifndef PATH_MAX #define PATH_MAX 1024 #endif /* lexical tokens */ enum LexToken { TokenNone, TokenEOF, TokenIdentifier, TokenIntegerConstant, TokenStringConstant, TokenCharacterConstant, TokenType, TokenOpenBracket, TokenCloseBracket, TokenAssign, TokenPlus, TokenMinus, TokenAsterisk, TokenSlash, TokenEquality, TokenLessThan, TokenGreaterThan, TokenLessEqual, TokenGreaterEqual, TokenSemicolon, TokenArrow, TokenAmpersand, TokenLeftBrace, TokenRightBrace, TokenLeftAngleBracket, TokenRightAngleBracket, TokenLogicalAnd, TokenLogicalOr, TokenArithmeticOr, TokenArithmeticExor, TokenUnaryExor, TokenComma, TokenDot, TokenAddAssign, TokenSubtractAssign, TokenIncrement, TokenDecrement, TokenIntType, TokenCharType, TokenVoidType, TokenDo, TokenElse, TokenFor, TokenIf, TokenWhile }; /* string type so we can use source file strings */ typedef struct _Str { int Len; const char *Str; } Str; /* hash table data structure */ struct TableEntry { Str Key; void *Value; }; struct Table { const char *Name; short Size; struct TableEntry *HashTable; }; /* function definition - really just where it is in the source file */ struct FuncDef { Str Source; Str FileName; int StartLine; }; union AnyValue { int Integer; Str String; }; /* lexer state - so we can lex nested files */ struct LexState { int Line; const char *Pos; const char *End; const Str *FileName; union AnyValue Value; }; /* str.c */ void StrToC(char *Dest, int DestSize, const Str *Source); void StrFromC(Str *Dest, const char *Source); int StrEqual(const Str *Str1, const Str *Str2); int StrEqualC(const Str *Str1, const char *Str2); void StrPrintf(const char *Format, ...); void vStrPrintf(const char *Format, va_list Args); /* picoc.c */ void Fail(const char *Message, ...); void ProgramError(const Str *FileName, int Line, const char *Message, ...); void ScanFile(const Str *FileName); /* table.c */ void TableInit(struct Table *Tbl, struct TableEntry *HashTable, const char *Name, int Size); void TableSet(struct Table *Tbl, const Str *Key, void *Value); void *TableLookup(struct Table *Tbl, const Str *Key); /* lex.c */ void LexInit(struct LexState *Lexer, const Str *Source, const Str *FileName, int Line); enum LexToken LexGetToken(struct LexState *Lexer); /* parse.c */ void ParseInit(void); void ParseScan(const Str *FileName, const Str *Source); void ParseCallFunction(const Str *FuncIdent, int argc, char **argv); #endif /* PICOC_H */