Documentation for the `timesoftfloat' Program of SoftFloat Release 2b John R. Hauser 2002 May 27 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction The `timesoftfloat' program evaluates the speed of SoftFloat's floating- point routines. Each routine can be evaluated for every relevant rounding mode, tininess mode, and/or rounding precision. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents Introduction Contents Legal Notice Executing `timesoftfloat' Options -help -precision32, -precision64, -precision80 -nearesteven, -tozero, -down, -up -tininessbefore, -tininessafter Function Sets ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legal Notice The `timesoftfloat' program was written by John R. Hauser. THIS SOFTWARE IS DISTRIBUTED AS IS, FOR FREE. Although reasonable effort has been made to avoid it, THIS SOFTWARE MAY CONTAIN FAULTS THAT WILL AT TIMES RESULT IN INCORRECT BEHAVIOR. USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IS RESTRICTED TO PERSONS AND ORGANIZATIONS WHO CAN AND WILL TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL LOSSES, COSTS, OR OTHER PROBLEMS THEY INCUR DUE TO THE SOFTWARE, AND WHO FURTHERMORE EFFECTIVELY INDEMNIFY THE AUTHOR, JOHN HAUSER, (possibly via similar legal warning) AGAINST ALL LOSSES, COSTS, OR OTHER PROBLEMS INCURRED BY THEIR CUSTOMERS AND CLIENTS DUE TO THE SOFTWARE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Executing `timesoftfloat' The `timesoftfloat' program is intended to be invoked from a command line interpreter as follows: timesoftfloat [