#include "picoc.h" /* initialise a library */ void LibraryInit(struct Table *GlobalTable, const char *LibraryName, struct LibraryFunction (*FuncList)[]) { struct ParseState Parser; int Count; char *Identifier; struct ValueType *ReturnType; struct Value *NewValue; void *Tokens; const char *IntrinsicName = TableStrRegister("c library"); for (Count = 0; (*FuncList)[Count].Prototype != NULL; Count++) { Tokens = LexAnalyse(IntrinsicName, (*FuncList)[Count].Prototype, strlen((*FuncList)[Count].Prototype), NULL); LexInitParser(&Parser, Tokens, IntrinsicName, Count+1, TRUE); TypeParse(&Parser, &ReturnType, &Identifier); NewValue = ParseFunctionDefinition(&Parser, ReturnType, Identifier, TRUE); NewValue->Val->FuncDef.Intrinsic = (*FuncList)[Count].Func; HeapFree(Tokens); } } /* print a string to a stream without using printf/sprintf */ void PrintStr(const char *Str, CharWriter *PutCh) { while (*Str != 0) PutCh(*Str++); } /* print an integer to a stream without using printf/sprintf */ void PrintInt(int Num, CharWriter *PutCh) { int Div; int Remainder = 0; int Printing = FALSE; if (Num < 0) { PutCh('-'); Num = -Num; } if (Num == 0) PutCh('0'); else { Div = LARGE_INT_POWER_OF_TEN; while (Div > 0) { Remainder = Num / Div; if (Printing || Remainder > 0) { PutCh('0' + Remainder); Printing = TRUE; } Num -= Remainder * Div; Div /= 10; } } } #ifndef NO_FP /* print a double to a stream without using printf/sprintf */ void PrintFP(double Num, CharWriter *PutCh) { int Exponent = 0; if (abs(Num) >= 1e7) Exponent = log(Num) / LOG10E; else if (abs(Num) <= 1e-7) Exponent = log(Num) / LOG10E - 0.999999999; Num /= pow(10.0, Exponent); PrintInt((int)Num, PutCh); PutCh('.'); for (Num -= (int)Num; Num != 0.0; Num *= 10.0) PutCh('0' + (int)Num); if (Exponent) { PutCh('e'); PrintInt(Exponent, PutCh); } } #endif /* intrinsic functions made available to the language */ void LibPrintf(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *ReturnValue, struct Value **Param, int NumArgs) { struct Value *CharArray = Param[0]->Val->Pointer.Segment; char *Format; char *FPos; struct Value *NextArg = Param[0]; struct ValueType *FormatType; int ArgCount = 1; if (Param[0]->Val->Pointer.Offset < 0 || Param[0]->Val->Pointer.Offset >= CharArray->Val->Array.Size) Format = StrEmpty; else Format = CharArray->Val->Array.Data + Param[0]->Val->Pointer.Offset; for (FPos = Format; *FPos != '\0'; FPos++) { if (*FPos == '%') { FPos++; switch (*FPos) { case 's': FormatType = CharPtrType; break; case 'd': case 'c': FormatType = &IntType; break; #ifndef NO_FP case 'f': FormatType = &FPType; break; #endif case '%': PlatformPutc('%'); FormatType = NULL; break; case '\0': FPos--; FormatType = NULL; break; default: PlatformPutc(*FPos); FormatType = NULL; break; } if (FormatType != NULL) { /* we have to format something */ if (ArgCount >= NumArgs) PrintStr("XXX", PlatformPutc); /* not enough parameters for format */ else { NextArg = (struct Value *)((void *)NextArg + sizeof(struct Value) + TypeStackSizeValue(NextArg)); if (NextArg->Typ != FormatType) PrintStr("XXX", PlatformPutc); /* bad type for format */ else { switch (*FPos) { case 's': { struct Value *CharArray = NextArg->Val->Pointer.Segment; char *Str; if (NextArg->Val->Pointer.Offset < 0 || NextArg->Val->Pointer.Offset >= CharArray->Val->Array.Size) Str = StrEmpty; else Str = CharArray->Val->Array.Data + NextArg->Val->Pointer.Offset; PrintStr(Str, PlatformPutc); break; } case 'd': PrintInt(NextArg->Val->Integer, PlatformPutc); break; case 'c': PlatformPutc(NextArg->Val->Integer); break; #ifndef NO_FP case 'f': PrintFP(NextArg->Val->FP, PlatformPutc); break; #endif } } } ArgCount++; } } else PlatformPutc(*FPos); } } void LibGets(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *ReturnValue, struct Value **Param, int NumArgs) { } void LibGetc(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *ReturnValue, struct Value **Param, int NumArgs) { } /* list of all library functions and their prototypes */ struct LibraryFunction CLibrary[] = { { LibPrintf, "void printf(char *, ...)" }, { LibGets, "void gets(char *, int)" }, { LibGetc, "int getc()" }, { NULL, NULL } };