/* picoc hash table module. This hash table code is used for both symbol tables * and the shared string table. */ #include "interpreter.h" /* initialise the shared string system */ void TableInit(Picoc *pc) { TableInitTable(&pc->StringTable, &pc->StringHashTable[0], STRING_TABLE_SIZE, true); pc->StrEmpty = TableStrRegister(pc, ""); } /* hash function for strings */ static unsigned int TableHash(const char *Key, int Len) { unsigned int Hash = Len; int Offset; int Count; for (Count = 0, Offset = 8; Count < Len; Count++, Offset+=7) { if (Offset > sizeof(unsigned int) * 8 - 7) Offset -= sizeof(unsigned int) * 8 - 6; Hash ^= *Key++ << Offset; } return Hash; } /* initialise a table */ void TableInitTable(struct Table *Tbl, struct TableEntry **HashTable, int Size, int OnHeap) { Tbl->Size = Size; Tbl->OnHeap = OnHeap; Tbl->HashTable = HashTable; memset((void*)HashTable, '\0', sizeof(struct TableEntry*) * Size); } /* check a hash table entry for a key */ static struct TableEntry *TableSearch(struct Table *Tbl, const char *Key, int *AddAt) { int HashValue = ((unsigned long)Key) % Tbl->Size; /* shared strings have unique addresses so we don't need to hash them */ struct TableEntry *Entry; for (Entry = Tbl->HashTable[HashValue]; Entry != NULL; Entry = Entry->Next) { if (Entry->p.v.Key == Key) return Entry; /* found */ } *AddAt = HashValue; /* didn't find it in the chain */ return NULL; } /* set an identifier to a value. returns FALSE if it already exists. * Key must be a shared string from TableStrRegister() */ int TableSet(Picoc *pc, struct Table *Tbl, char *Key, struct Value *Val, const char *DeclFileName, int DeclLine, int DeclColumn) { int AddAt; struct TableEntry *FoundEntry = TableSearch(Tbl, Key, &AddAt); if (FoundEntry == NULL) { /* add it to the table */ struct TableEntry *NewEntry = VariableAlloc(pc, NULL, sizeof(struct TableEntry), Tbl->OnHeap); NewEntry->DeclFileName = DeclFileName; NewEntry->DeclLine = DeclLine; NewEntry->DeclColumn = DeclColumn; NewEntry->p.v.Key = Key; NewEntry->p.v.Val = Val; NewEntry->Next = Tbl->HashTable[AddAt]; Tbl->HashTable[AddAt] = NewEntry; return true; } return false; } /* find a value in a table. returns FALSE if not found. * Key must be a shared string from TableStrRegister() */ int TableGet(struct Table *Tbl, const char *Key, struct Value **Val, const char **DeclFileName, int *DeclLine, int *DeclColumn) { int AddAt; struct TableEntry *FoundEntry = TableSearch(Tbl, Key, &AddAt); if (FoundEntry == NULL) return false; *Val = FoundEntry->p.v.Val; if (DeclFileName != NULL) { *DeclFileName = FoundEntry->DeclFileName; *DeclLine = FoundEntry->DeclLine; *DeclColumn = FoundEntry->DeclColumn; } return true; } /* remove an entry from the table */ struct Value *TableDelete(Picoc *pc, struct Table *Tbl, const char *Key) { int HashValue = ((unsigned long)Key) % Tbl->Size; /* shared strings have unique addresses so we don't need to hash them */ struct TableEntry **EntryPtr; for (EntryPtr = &Tbl->HashTable[HashValue]; *EntryPtr != NULL; EntryPtr = &(*EntryPtr)->Next) { if ((*EntryPtr)->p.v.Key == Key) { struct TableEntry *DeleteEntry = *EntryPtr; struct Value *Val = DeleteEntry->p.v.Val; *EntryPtr = DeleteEntry->Next; HeapFreeMem(pc, DeleteEntry); return Val; } } return NULL; } /* check a hash table entry for an identifier */ static struct TableEntry *TableSearchIdentifier(struct Table *Tbl, const char *Key, int Len, int *AddAt) { int HashValue = TableHash(Key, Len) % Tbl->Size; struct TableEntry *Entry; for (Entry = Tbl->HashTable[HashValue]; Entry != NULL; Entry = Entry->Next) { if (strncmp(&Entry->p.Key[0], (char *)Key, Len) == 0 && Entry->p.Key[Len] == '\0') return Entry; /* found */ } *AddAt = HashValue; /* didn't find it in the chain */ return NULL; } /* set an identifier and return the identifier. share if possible */ char *TableSetIdentifier(Picoc *pc, struct Table *Tbl, const char *Ident, int IdentLen) { int AddAt; struct TableEntry *FoundEntry = TableSearchIdentifier(Tbl, Ident, IdentLen, &AddAt); if (FoundEntry != NULL) return &FoundEntry->p.Key[0]; else { /* add it to the table - we economise by not allocating the whole structure here */ struct TableEntry *NewEntry = HeapAllocMem(pc, sizeof(struct TableEntry) - sizeof(union TableEntryPayload) + IdentLen + 1); if (NewEntry == NULL) ProgramFailNoParser(pc, "(TableSetIdentifier) out of memory"); strncpy((char *)&NewEntry->p.Key[0], (char *)Ident, IdentLen); NewEntry->p.Key[IdentLen] = '\0'; NewEntry->Next = Tbl->HashTable[AddAt]; Tbl->HashTable[AddAt] = NewEntry; return &NewEntry->p.Key[0]; } } /* register a string in the shared string store */ char *TableStrRegister2(Picoc *pc, const char *Str, int Len) { return TableSetIdentifier(pc, &pc->StringTable, Str, Len); } char *TableStrRegister(Picoc *pc, const char *Str) { return TableStrRegister2(pc, Str, strlen((char *)Str)); } /* free all the strings */ void TableStrFree(Picoc *pc) { int Count; struct TableEntry *Entry; struct TableEntry *NextEntry; for (Count = 0; Count < pc->StringTable.Size; Count++) { for (Entry = pc->StringTable.HashTable[Count]; Entry != NULL; Entry = NextEntry) { NextEntry = Entry->Next; HeapFreeMem(pc, Entry); } } }