CC=gcc # Use $ xxd -i ./LICENSE > LICENSE.h # to create the license info file. Should be signed char, add a # null character to the end of the array. # -O3 -g # -std=gnu11 CFLAGS=-Wall -g -std=gnu11 -pedantic -DUNIX_HOST -DVER=\"`git show-ref --abbrev=8 --head --hash head`\" -DTAG=\"`git describe --abbrev=0 --tags`\" LIBS=-lm -lreadline TARGET = picoc SRCS = picoc.c table.c lex.c parse.c expression.c heap.c type.c \ variable.c clibrary.c platform.c include.c debug.c \ platform/platform_unix.c platform/library_unix.c \ cstdlib/stdio.c cstdlib/math.c cstdlib/string.c cstdlib/stdlib.c \ cstdlib/time.c cstdlib/errno.c cstdlib/ctype.c cstdlib/stdbool.c \ cstdlib/unistd.c OBJS := $(SRCS:%.c=%.o) all: $(TARGET) $(TARGET): $(OBJS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $(TARGET) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) test: all @(cd tests; make -s test) @(cd tests; make -s csmith) @(cd tests; make -s jpoirier) clean: rm -f $(TARGET) $(OBJS) *~ count: @echo "Core:" @cat picoc.h interpreter.h picoc.c table.c lex.c parse.c expression.c platform.c heap.c type.c variable.c include.c debug.c | grep -v '^[ ]*/\*' | grep -v '^[ ]*$$' | wc @echo "" @echo "Everything:" @cat $(SRCS) *.h */*.h | wc .PHONY: clibrary.c picoc.o: picoc.c picoc.h table.o: table.c interpreter.h platform.h lex.o: lex.c interpreter.h platform.h parse.o: parse.c picoc.h interpreter.h platform.h expression.o: expression.c interpreter.h platform.h heap.o: heap.c interpreter.h platform.h type.o: type.c interpreter.h platform.h variable.o: variable.c interpreter.h platform.h clibrary.o: clibrary.c picoc.h interpreter.h platform.h platform.o: platform.c picoc.h interpreter.h platform.h include.o: include.c picoc.h interpreter.h platform.h debug.o: debug.c interpreter.h platform.h platform/platform_unix.o: platform/platform_unix.c picoc.h interpreter.h platform.h platform/library_unix.o: platform/library_unix.c interpreter.h platform.h cstdlib/stdio.o: cstdlib/stdio.c interpreter.h platform.h cstdlib/math.o: cstdlib/math.c interpreter.h platform.h cstdlib/string.o: cstdlib/string.c interpreter.h platform.h cstdlib/stdlib.o: cstdlib/stdlib.c interpreter.h platform.h cstdlib/time.o: cstdlib/time.c interpreter.h platform.h cstdlib/errno.o: cstdlib/errno.c interpreter.h platform.h cstdlib/ctype.o: cstdlib/ctype.c interpreter.h platform.h cstdlib/stdbool.o: cstdlib/stdbool.c interpreter.h platform.h cstdlib/unistd.o: cstdlib/unistd.c interpreter.h platform.h