This commit is contained in:
@ -39,8 +39,7 @@ void LibraryAdd(Picoc *pc, struct Table *GlobalTable, const char *LibraryName, s
char *IntrinsicName = TableStrRegister(pc, "c library");
/* read all the library definitions */
for (Count = 0; FuncList[Count].Prototype != NULL; Count++)
for (Count = 0; FuncList[Count].Prototype != NULL; Count++) {
Tokens = LexAnalyse(pc, IntrinsicName, FuncList[Count].Prototype, strlen((char *)FuncList[Count].Prototype), NULL);
LexInitParser(&Parser, pc, FuncList[Count].Prototype, Tokens, IntrinsicName, TRUE, FALSE);
TypeParse(&Parser, &ReturnType, &Identifier, NULL);
@ -53,29 +52,28 @@ void LibraryAdd(Picoc *pc, struct Table *GlobalTable, const char *LibraryName, s
/* print a type to a stream without using printf/sprintf */
void PrintType(struct ValueType *Typ, IOFILE *Stream)
switch (Typ->Base)
case TypeVoid: PrintStr("void", Stream); break;
case TypeInt: PrintStr("int", Stream); break;
case TypeShort: PrintStr("short", Stream); break;
case TypeChar: PrintStr("char", Stream); break;
case TypeLong: PrintStr("long", Stream); break;
case TypeUnsignedInt: PrintStr("unsigned int", Stream); break;
case TypeUnsignedShort: PrintStr("unsigned short", Stream); break;
case TypeUnsignedLong: PrintStr("unsigned long", Stream); break;
case TypeUnsignedChar: PrintStr("unsigned char", Stream); break;
switch (Typ->Base) {
case TypeVoid: PrintStr("void", Stream); break;
case TypeInt: PrintStr("int", Stream); break;
case TypeShort: PrintStr("short", Stream); break;
case TypeChar: PrintStr("char", Stream); break;
case TypeLong: PrintStr("long", Stream); break;
case TypeUnsignedInt: PrintStr("unsigned int", Stream); break;
case TypeUnsignedShort: PrintStr("unsigned short", Stream); break;
case TypeUnsignedLong: PrintStr("unsigned long", Stream); break;
case TypeUnsignedChar: PrintStr("unsigned char", Stream); break;
#ifndef NO_FP
case TypeFP: PrintStr("double", Stream); break;
case TypeFP: PrintStr("double", Stream); break;
case TypeFunction: PrintStr("function", Stream); break;
case TypeMacro: PrintStr("macro", Stream); break;
case TypePointer: if (Typ->FromType) PrintType(Typ->FromType, Stream); PrintCh('*', Stream); break;
case TypeArray: PrintType(Typ->FromType, Stream); PrintCh('[', Stream); if (Typ->ArraySize != 0) PrintSimpleInt(Typ->ArraySize, Stream); PrintCh(']', Stream); break;
case TypeStruct: PrintStr("struct ", Stream); PrintStr( Typ->Identifier, Stream); break;
case TypeUnion: PrintStr("union ", Stream); PrintStr(Typ->Identifier, Stream); break;
case TypeEnum: PrintStr("enum ", Stream); PrintStr(Typ->Identifier, Stream); break;
case TypeGotoLabel: PrintStr("goto label ", Stream); break;
case Type_Type: PrintStr("type ", Stream); break;
case TypeFunction: PrintStr("function", Stream); break;
case TypeMacro: PrintStr("macro", Stream); break;
case TypePointer: if (Typ->FromType) PrintType(Typ->FromType, Stream); PrintCh('*', Stream); break;
case TypeArray: PrintType(Typ->FromType, Stream); PrintCh('[', Stream); if (Typ->ArraySize != 0) PrintSimpleInt(Typ->ArraySize, Stream); PrintCh(']', Stream); break;
case TypeStruct: PrintStr("struct ", Stream); PrintStr( Typ->Identifier, Stream); break;
case TypeUnion: PrintStr("union ", Stream); PrintStr(Typ->Identifier, Stream); break;
case TypeEnum: PrintStr("enum ", Stream); PrintStr(Typ->Identifier, Stream); break;
case TypeGotoLabel: PrintStr("goto label ", Stream); break;
case Type_Type: PrintStr("type ", Stream); break;
@ -144,8 +142,7 @@ void PrintUnsigned(unsigned long Num, unsigned int Base, int FieldWidth, int Zer
if (Num == 0)
Result[--ResPos] = '0';
while (Num > 0)
while (Num > 0) {
unsigned long NextNum = Num / Base;
unsigned long Digit = Num - NextNum * Base;
if (Digit < 10)
@ -174,8 +171,7 @@ void PrintSimpleInt(long Num, struct OutputStream *Stream)
/* print an integer to a stream without using printf/sprintf */
void PrintInt(long Num, int FieldWidth, int ZeroPad, int LeftJustify, struct OutputStream *Stream)
if (Num < 0)
if (Num < 0) {
PrintCh('-', Stream);
Num = -Num;
if (FieldWidth != 0)
@ -192,8 +188,7 @@ void PrintFP(double Num, struct OutputStream *Stream)
int Exponent = 0;
int MaxDecimal;
if (Num < 0)
if (Num < 0) {
PrintCh('-', Stream);
Num = -Num;
@ -207,16 +202,14 @@ void PrintFP(double Num, struct OutputStream *Stream)
PrintInt((long)Num, 0, FALSE, FALSE, Stream);
PrintCh('.', Stream);
Num = (Num - (long)Num) * 10;
if (abs(Num) >= 1e-7)
if (abs(Num) >= 1e-7) {
for (MaxDecimal = 6; MaxDecimal > 0 && abs(Num) >= 1e-7; Num = (Num - (long)(Num + 1e-7)) * 10, MaxDecimal--)
PrintCh('0' + (long)(Num + 1e-7), Stream);
} else {
PrintCh('0', Stream);
if (Exponent != 0)
if (Exponent != 0) {
PrintCh('e', Stream);
PrintInt(Exponent, 0, FALSE, FALSE, Stream);
@ -235,21 +228,17 @@ void GenericPrintf(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *ReturnValue, struct
int FieldWidth = 0;
char *Format = Param[0]->Val->Pointer;
for (FPos = Format; *FPos != '\0'; FPos++)
if (*FPos == '%')
for (FPos = Format; *FPos != '\0'; FPos++) {
if (*FPos == '%') {
FieldWidth = 0;
if (*FPos == '-')
FieldWidth = 0;
if (*FPos == '-') {
/* a leading '-' means left justify */
LeftJustify = TRUE;
if (*FPos == '0')
if (*FPos == '0') {
/* a leading zero means zero pad a decimal number */
ZeroPad = TRUE;
@ -260,36 +249,31 @@ void GenericPrintf(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *ReturnValue, struct
FieldWidth = FieldWidth * 10 + (*FPos++ - '0');
/* now check the format type */
switch (*FPos)
case 's': FormatType = CharPtrType; break;
case 'd': case 'u': case 'x': case 'b': case 'c': FormatType = &IntType; break;
switch (*FPos) {
case 's': FormatType = CharPtrType; break;
case 'd': case 'u': case 'x': case 'b': case 'c': FormatType = &IntType; break;
#ifndef NO_FP
case 'f': FormatType = &FPType; break;
case 'f': FormatType = &FPType; break;
case '%': PrintCh('%', Stream); FormatType = NULL; break;
case '\0': FPos--; FormatType = NULL; break;
default: PrintCh(*FPos, Stream); FormatType = NULL; break;
case '%': PrintCh('%', Stream); FormatType = NULL; break;
case '\0': FPos--; FormatType = NULL; break;
default: PrintCh(*FPos, Stream); FormatType = NULL; break;
if (FormatType != NULL)
if (FormatType != NULL) {
/* we have to format something */
if (ArgCount >= NumArgs)
PrintStr("XXX", Stream); /* not enough parameters for format */
else {
NextArg = (struct Value *)((char *)NextArg + MEM_ALIGN(sizeof(struct Value) + TypeStackSizeValue(NextArg)));
if (NextArg->Typ != FormatType &&
!((FormatType == &IntType || *FPos == 'f') && IS_NUMERIC_COERCIBLE(NextArg)) &&
!(FormatType == CharPtrType && (NextArg->Typ->Base == TypePointer ||
(NextArg->Typ->Base == TypeArray && NextArg->Typ->FromType->Base == TypeChar) ) ) )
PrintStr("XXX", Stream); /* bad type for format */
switch (*FPos)
case 's':
else {
switch (*FPos) {
case 's':
char *Str;
@ -304,13 +288,13 @@ void GenericPrintf(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *ReturnValue, struct
PrintStr(Str, Stream);
case 'd': PrintInt(ExpressionCoerceInteger(NextArg), FieldWidth, ZeroPad, LeftJustify, Stream); break;
case 'u': PrintUnsigned(ExpressionCoerceUnsignedInteger(NextArg), 10, FieldWidth, ZeroPad, LeftJustify, Stream); break;
case 'x': PrintUnsigned(ExpressionCoerceUnsignedInteger(NextArg), 16, FieldWidth, ZeroPad, LeftJustify, Stream); break;
case 'b': PrintUnsigned(ExpressionCoerceUnsignedInteger(NextArg), 2, FieldWidth, ZeroPad, LeftJustify, Stream); break;
case 'c': PrintCh(ExpressionCoerceUnsignedInteger(NextArg), Stream); break;
case 'd': PrintInt(ExpressionCoerceInteger(NextArg), FieldWidth, ZeroPad, LeftJustify, Stream); break;
case 'u': PrintUnsigned(ExpressionCoerceUnsignedInteger(NextArg), 10, FieldWidth, ZeroPad, LeftJustify, Stream); break;
case 'x': PrintUnsigned(ExpressionCoerceUnsignedInteger(NextArg), 16, FieldWidth, ZeroPad, LeftJustify, Stream); break;
case 'b': PrintUnsigned(ExpressionCoerceUnsignedInteger(NextArg), 2, FieldWidth, ZeroPad, LeftJustify, Stream); break;
case 'c': PrintCh(ExpressionCoerceUnsignedInteger(NextArg), Stream); break;
#ifndef NO_FP
case 'f': PrintFP(ExpressionCoerceFP(NextArg), Stream); break;
case 'f': PrintFP(ExpressionCoerceFP(NextArg), Stream); break;
@ -351,8 +335,7 @@ void LibSPrintf(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *ReturnValue, struct Val
void LibGets(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *ReturnValue, struct Value **Param, int NumArgs)
ReturnValue->Val->Pointer = PlatformGetLine(Param[0]->Val->Pointer, GETS_BUF_MAX, NULL);
if (ReturnValue->Val->Pointer != NULL)
if (ReturnValue->Val->Pointer != NULL) {
char *EOLPos = strchr(Param[0]->Val->Pointer, '\n');
if (EOLPos != NULL)
*EOLPos = '\0';
@ -516,8 +499,7 @@ void LibStrcmp(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *ReturnValue, struct Valu
char *Str2 = (char *)Param[1]->Val->Pointer;
int StrEnded;
for (StrEnded = FALSE; !StrEnded; StrEnded = (*Str1 == '\0' || *Str2 == '\0'), Str1++, Str2++)
for (StrEnded = FALSE; !StrEnded; StrEnded = (*Str1 == '\0' || *Str2 == '\0'), Str1++, Str2++) {
if (*Str1 < *Str2) { ReturnValue->Val->Integer = -1; return; }
else if (*Str1 > *Str2) { ReturnValue->Val->Integer = 1; return; }
@ -532,8 +514,7 @@ void LibStrncmp(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *ReturnValue, struct Val
int Len = Param[2]->Val->Integer;
int StrEnded;
for (StrEnded = FALSE; !StrEnded && Len > 0; StrEnded = (*Str1 == '\0' || *Str2 == '\0'), Str1++, Str2++, Len--)
for (StrEnded = FALSE; !StrEnded && Len > 0; StrEnded = (*Str1 == '\0' || *Str2 == '\0'), Str1++, Str2++, Len--) {
if (*Str1 < *Str2) { ReturnValue->Val->Integer = -1; return; }
else if (*Str1 > *Str2) { ReturnValue->Val->Integer = 1; return; }
@ -575,8 +556,7 @@ void LibRindex(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *ReturnValue, struct Valu
int SearchChar = Param[1]->Val->Integer;
ReturnValue->Val->Pointer = NULL;
for (; *Pos != '\0'; Pos++)
for (; *Pos != '\0'; Pos++) {
if (*Pos == SearchChar)
ReturnValue->Val->Pointer = Pos;
@ -611,8 +591,7 @@ void LibMemcmp(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *ReturnValue, struct Valu
unsigned char *Mem2 = (unsigned char *)Param[1]->Val->Pointer;
int Len = Param[2]->Val->Integer;
for (; Len > 0; Mem1++, Mem2++, Len--)
for (; Len > 0; Mem1++, Mem2++, Len--) {
if (*Mem1 < *Mem2) { ReturnValue->Val->Integer = -1; return; }
else if (*Mem1 > *Mem2) { ReturnValue->Val->Integer = 1; return; }
@ -20,10 +20,8 @@ void DebugCleanup(Picoc *pc)
struct TableEntry *NextEntry;
int Count;
for (Count = 0; Count < pc->BreakpointTable.Size; Count++)
for (Entry = pc->BreakpointHashTable[Count]; Entry != NULL; Entry = NextEntry)
for (Count = 0; Count < pc->BreakpointTable.Size; Count++) {
for (Entry = pc->BreakpointHashTable[Count]; Entry != NULL; Entry = NextEntry) {
NextEntry = Entry->Next;
HeapFreeMem(pc, Entry);
@ -37,8 +35,7 @@ static struct TableEntry *DebugTableSearchBreakpoint(struct ParseState *Parser,
Picoc *pc = Parser->pc;
int HashValue = BREAKPOINT_HASH(Parser) % pc->BreakpointTable.Size;
for (Entry = pc->BreakpointHashTable[HashValue]; Entry != NULL; Entry = Entry->Next)
for (Entry = pc->BreakpointHashTable[HashValue]; Entry != NULL; Entry = Entry->Next) {
if (Entry->p.b.FileName == Parser->FileName && Entry->p.b.Line == Parser->Line && Entry->p.b.CharacterPos == Parser->CharacterPos)
return Entry; /* found */
@ -54,8 +51,7 @@ void DebugSetBreakpoint(struct ParseState *Parser)
struct TableEntry *FoundEntry = DebugTableSearchBreakpoint(Parser, &AddAt);
Picoc *pc = Parser->pc;
if (FoundEntry == NULL)
if (FoundEntry == NULL) {
/* add it to the table */
struct TableEntry *NewEntry = HeapAllocMem(pc, sizeof(struct TableEntry));
if (NewEntry == NULL)
@ -77,11 +73,9 @@ int DebugClearBreakpoint(struct ParseState *Parser)
Picoc *pc = Parser->pc;
int HashValue = BREAKPOINT_HASH(Parser) % pc->BreakpointTable.Size;
for (EntryPtr = &pc->BreakpointHashTable[HashValue]; *EntryPtr != NULL; EntryPtr = &(*EntryPtr)->Next)
for (EntryPtr = &pc->BreakpointHashTable[HashValue]; *EntryPtr != NULL; EntryPtr = &(*EntryPtr)->Next) {
struct TableEntry *DeleteEntry = *EntryPtr;
if (DeleteEntry->p.b.FileName == Parser->FileName && DeleteEntry->p.b.Line == Parser->Line && DeleteEntry->p.b.CharacterPos == Parser->CharacterPos)
if (DeleteEntry->p.b.FileName == Parser->FileName && DeleteEntry->p.b.Line == Parser->Line && DeleteEntry->p.b.CharacterPos == Parser->CharacterPos) {
*EntryPtr = DeleteEntry->Next;
HeapFreeMem(pc, DeleteEntry);
@ -101,8 +95,7 @@ void DebugCheckStatement(struct ParseState *Parser)
Picoc *pc = Parser->pc;
/* has the user manually pressed break? */
if (pc->DebugManualBreak)
if (pc->DebugManualBreak) {
PlatformPrintf(pc->CStdOut, "break\n");
DoBreak = TRUE;
pc->DebugManualBreak = FALSE;
@ -113,8 +106,7 @@ void DebugCheckStatement(struct ParseState *Parser)
DoBreak = TRUE;
/* handle a break */
if (DoBreak)
if (DoBreak) {
PlatformPrintf(pc->CStdOut, "Handling a break\n");
PicocParseInteractiveNoStartPrompt(pc, FALSE);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -118,16 +118,14 @@ void HeapPushStackFrame(Picoc *pc)
/* pop the current stack frame, freeing all memory in the frame. can return NULL */
int HeapPopStackFrame(Picoc *pc)
if (*(void **)pc->StackFrame != NULL)
if (*(void **)pc->StackFrame != NULL) {
pc->HeapStackTop = pc->StackFrame;
pc->StackFrame = *(void **)pc->StackFrame;
printf("Popping stack frame back to 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long)pc->HeapStackTop);
return TRUE;
} else
return FALSE;
@ -153,8 +151,7 @@ void *HeapAllocMem(Picoc *pc, int Size)
AllocSize = sizeof(struct AllocNode);
Bucket = AllocSize >> 2;
if (Bucket < FREELIST_BUCKETS && pc->FreeListBucket[Bucket] != NULL)
if (Bucket < FREELIST_BUCKETS && pc->FreeListBucket[Bucket] != NULL) {
/* try to allocate from a freelist bucket first */
printf("allocating %d(%d) from bucket", Size, AllocSize);
@ -164,19 +161,15 @@ void *HeapAllocMem(Picoc *pc, int Size)
pc->FreeListBucket[Bucket] = *(struct AllocNode **)NewMem;
assert(pc->FreeListBucket[Bucket] == NULL || ((unsigned long)pc->FreeListBucket[Bucket] >= (unsigned long)&(pc->HeapMemory)[0] && (unsigned char *)pc->FreeListBucket[Bucket] - &(pc->HeapMemory)[0] < HEAP_SIZE));
NewMem->Size = AllocSize;
else if (pc->FreeListBig != NULL)
} else if (pc->FreeListBig != NULL) {
/* grab the first item from the "big" freelist we can fit in */
for (FreeNode = &pc->FreeListBig; *FreeNode != NULL && (*FreeNode)->Size < AllocSize; FreeNode = &(*FreeNode)->NextFree)
for (FreeNode = &pc->FreeListBig; *FreeNode != NULL && (*FreeNode)->Size < AllocSize; FreeNode = &(*FreeNode)->NextFree) {
if (*FreeNode != NULL)
if (*FreeNode != NULL) {
assert((unsigned long)*FreeNode >= (unsigned long)&(pc->HeapMemory)[0] && (unsigned char *)*FreeNode - &(pc->HeapMemory)[0] < HEAP_SIZE);
assert((*FreeNode)->Size < HEAP_SIZE && (*FreeNode)->Size > 0);
if ((*FreeNode)->Size < AllocSize + SPLIT_MEM_THRESHOLD)
if ((*FreeNode)->Size < AllocSize + SPLIT_MEM_THRESHOLD) {
/* close in size - reduce fragmentation by not splitting */
printf("allocating %d(%d) from freelist, no split (%d)", Size, AllocSize, (*FreeNode)->Size);
@ -184,9 +177,7 @@ void *HeapAllocMem(Picoc *pc, int Size)
NewMem = *FreeNode;
assert((unsigned long)NewMem >= (unsigned long)&(pc->HeapMemory)[0] && (unsigned char *)NewMem - &(pc->HeapMemory)[0] < HEAP_SIZE);
*FreeNode = NewMem->NextFree;
} else {
/* split this big memory chunk */
printf("allocating %d(%d) from freelist, split chunk (%d)", Size, AllocSize, (*FreeNode)->Size);
@ -199,8 +190,7 @@ void *HeapAllocMem(Picoc *pc, int Size)
if (NewMem == NULL)
if (NewMem == NULL) {
/* couldn't allocate from a freelist - try to increase the size of the heap area */
printf("allocating %d(%d) at bottom of heap (0x%lx-0x%lx)", Size, AllocSize, (long)((char *)pc->HeapBottom - AllocSize), (long)HeapBottom);
@ -239,8 +229,7 @@ void HeapFreeMem(Picoc *pc, void *Mem)
if (Mem == NULL)
if ((void *)MemNode == pc->HeapBottom)
if ((void *)MemNode == pc->HeapBottom) {
/* pop it off the bottom of the heap, reducing the heap size */
printf("freeing %d from bottom of heap\n", MemNode->Size);
@ -249,9 +238,7 @@ void HeapFreeMem(Picoc *pc, void *Mem)
else if (Bucket < FREELIST_BUCKETS)
} else if (Bucket < FREELIST_BUCKETS) {
/* we can fit it in a bucket */
printf("freeing %d to bucket\n", MemNode->Size);
@ -259,9 +246,7 @@ void HeapFreeMem(Picoc *pc, void *Mem)
assert(pc->FreeListBucket[Bucket] == NULL || ((unsigned long)pc->FreeListBucket[Bucket] >= (unsigned long)&(pc->HeapMemory)[0] && (unsigned char *)FreeListBucket[Bucket] - &HeapMemory[0] < HEAP_SIZE));
*(struct AllocNode **)MemNode = pc->FreeListBucket[Bucket];
pc->FreeListBucket[Bucket] = (struct AllocNode *)MemNode;
} else {
/* put it in the big memory freelist */
printf("freeing %lx:%d to freelist\n", (unsigned long)Mem, MemNode->Size);
@ -33,8 +33,7 @@ void IncludeCleanup(Picoc *pc)
struct IncludeLibrary *ThisInclude = pc->IncludeLibList;
struct IncludeLibrary *NextInclude;
while (ThisInclude != NULL)
while (ThisInclude != NULL) {
NextInclude = ThisInclude->NextLib;
HeapFreeMem(pc, ThisInclude);
ThisInclude = NextInclude;
@ -70,13 +69,10 @@ void IncludeFile(Picoc *pc, char *FileName)
struct IncludeLibrary *LInclude;
/* scan for the include file name to see if it's in our list of predefined includes */
for (LInclude = pc->IncludeLibList; LInclude != NULL; LInclude = LInclude->NextLib)
if (strcmp(LInclude->IncludeName, FileName) == 0)
for (LInclude = pc->IncludeLibList; LInclude != NULL; LInclude = LInclude->NextLib) {
if (strcmp(LInclude->IncludeName, FileName) == 0) {
/* found it - protect against multiple inclusion */
if (!VariableDefined(pc, FileName))
if (!VariableDefined(pc, FileName)) {
VariableDefine(pc, NULL, FileName, NULL, &pc->VoidType, FALSE);
/* run an extra startup function if there is one */
@ -90,8 +90,7 @@ void LexInit(Picoc *pc)
TableInitTable(&pc->ReservedWordTable, &pc->ReservedWordHashTable[0], sizeof(ReservedWords) / sizeof(struct ReservedWord) * 2, TRUE);
for (Count = 0; Count < sizeof(ReservedWords) / sizeof(struct ReservedWord); Count++)
for (Count = 0; Count < sizeof(ReservedWords) / sizeof(struct ReservedWord); Count++) {
TableSet(pc, &pc->ReservedWordTable, TableStrRegister(pc, ReservedWords[Count].Word), (struct Value *)&ReservedWords[Count], NULL, 0, 0);
@ -142,17 +141,15 @@ enum LexToken LexGetNumber(Picoc *pc, struct LexState *Lexer, struct Value *Valu
char IsUnsigned = 0;
if (*Lexer->Pos == '0')
if (*Lexer->Pos == '0') {
/* a binary, octal or hex literal */
if (Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End)
if (*Lexer->Pos == 'x' || *Lexer->Pos == 'X')
{ Base = 16; LEXER_INC(Lexer); }
else if (*Lexer->Pos == 'b' || *Lexer->Pos == 'B')
{ Base = 2; LEXER_INC(Lexer); }
else if (*Lexer->Pos != '.')
if (Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End) {
if (*Lexer->Pos == 'x' || *Lexer->Pos == 'X') {
Base = 16; LEXER_INC(Lexer);
} else if (*Lexer->Pos == 'b' || *Lexer->Pos == 'B') {
Base = 2; LEXER_INC(Lexer);
} else if (*Lexer->Pos != '.')
Base = 8;
@ -161,13 +158,11 @@ enum LexToken LexGetNumber(Picoc *pc, struct LexState *Lexer, struct Value *Valu
for (; Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End && IS_BASE_DIGIT(*Lexer->Pos, Base); LEXER_INC(Lexer))
Result = Result * Base + GET_BASE_DIGIT(*Lexer->Pos);
if (*Lexer->Pos == 'u' || *Lexer->Pos == 'U')
if (*Lexer->Pos == 'u' || *Lexer->Pos == 'U') {
/* IsUnsigned = 1; */
if (*Lexer->Pos == 'l' || *Lexer->Pos == 'L')
if (*Lexer->Pos == 'l' || *Lexer->Pos == 'L') {
/* IsLong = 1; */
@ -181,42 +176,35 @@ enum LexToken LexGetNumber(Picoc *pc, struct LexState *Lexer, struct Value *Valu
return ResultToken;
#ifndef NO_FP
if (Lexer->Pos == Lexer->End)
if (Lexer->Pos == Lexer->End) {
return ResultToken;
if (*Lexer->Pos != '.' && *Lexer->Pos != 'e' && *Lexer->Pos != 'E')
if (*Lexer->Pos != '.' && *Lexer->Pos != 'e' && *Lexer->Pos != 'E') {
return ResultToken;
Value->Typ = &pc->FPType;
FPResult = (double)Result;
if (*Lexer->Pos == '.')
if (*Lexer->Pos == '.') {
for (FPDiv = 1.0/Base; Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End && IS_BASE_DIGIT(*Lexer->Pos, Base); LEXER_INC(Lexer), FPDiv /= (double)Base)
for (FPDiv = 1.0/Base; Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End && IS_BASE_DIGIT(*Lexer->Pos, Base); LEXER_INC(Lexer), FPDiv /= (double)Base) {
FPResult += GET_BASE_DIGIT(*Lexer->Pos) * FPDiv;
if (Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End && (*Lexer->Pos == 'e' || *Lexer->Pos == 'E'))
if (Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End && (*Lexer->Pos == 'e' || *Lexer->Pos == 'E')) {
int ExponentSign = 1;
if (Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End && *Lexer->Pos == '-')
if (Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End && *Lexer->Pos == '-') {
ExponentSign = -1;
Result = 0;
while (Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End && IS_BASE_DIGIT(*Lexer->Pos, Base))
while (Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End && IS_BASE_DIGIT(*Lexer->Pos, Base)) {
Result = Result * Base + GET_BASE_DIGIT(*Lexer->Pos);
@ -249,11 +237,10 @@ enum LexToken LexGetWord(Picoc *pc, struct LexState *Lexer, struct Value *Value)
Value->Val->Identifier = TableStrRegister2(pc, StartPos, Lexer->Pos - StartPos);
Token = LexCheckReservedWord(pc, Value->Val->Identifier);
switch (Token)
case TokenHashInclude: Lexer->Mode = LexModeHashInclude; break;
case TokenHashDefine: Lexer->Mode = LexModeHashDefine; break;
default: break;
switch (Token) {
case TokenHashInclude: Lexer->Mode = LexModeHashInclude; break;
case TokenHashDefine: Lexer->Mode = LexModeHashDefine; break;
default: break;
if (Token != TokenNone)
@ -292,29 +279,27 @@ unsigned char LexUnEscapeCharacter(const char **From, const char *End)
if (*From == End)
return '\\';
if (**From == '\\')
if (**From == '\\') {
/* it's escaped */
if (*From == End)
return '\\';
ThisChar = *(*From)++;
switch (ThisChar)
case '\\': return '\\';
case '\'': return '\'';
case '"': return '"';
case 'a': return '\a';
case 'b': return '\b';
case 'f': return '\f';
case 'n': return '\n';
case 'r': return '\r';
case 't': return '\t';
case 'v': return '\v';
case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': return LexUnEscapeCharacterConstant(From, End, ThisChar, 8);
case 'x': return LexUnEscapeCharacterConstant(From, End, '0', 16);
default: return ThisChar;
switch (ThisChar) {
case '\\': return '\\';
case '\'': return '\'';
case '"': return '"';
case 'a': return '\a';
case 'b': return '\b';
case 'f': return '\f';
case 'n': return '\n';
case 'r': return '\r';
case 't': return '\t';
case 'v': return '\v';
case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': return LexUnEscapeCharacterConstant(From, End, ThisChar, 8);
case 'x': return LexUnEscapeCharacterConstant(From, End, '0', 16);
default: return ThisChar;
@ -332,16 +317,13 @@ enum LexToken LexGetStringConstant(Picoc *pc, struct LexState *Lexer, struct Val
char *RegString;
struct Value *ArrayValue;
while (Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End && (*Lexer->Pos != EndChar || Escape))
while (Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End && (*Lexer->Pos != EndChar || Escape)) {
/* find the end */
if (Escape)
if (Escape) {
if (*Lexer->Pos == '\r' && Lexer->Pos+1 != Lexer->End)
if (*Lexer->Pos == '\n' && Lexer->Pos+1 != Lexer->End)
if (*Lexer->Pos == '\n' && Lexer->Pos+1 != Lexer->End) {
Lexer->CharacterPos = 0;
@ -349,8 +331,7 @@ enum LexToken LexGetStringConstant(Picoc *pc, struct LexState *Lexer, struct Val
Escape = FALSE;
else if (*Lexer->Pos == '\\')
} else if (*Lexer->Pos == '\\')
Escape = TRUE;
@ -368,8 +349,7 @@ enum LexToken LexGetStringConstant(Picoc *pc, struct LexState *Lexer, struct Val
RegString = TableStrRegister2(pc, EscBuf, EscBufPos - EscBuf);
HeapPopStack(pc, EscBuf, EndPos - StartPos);
ArrayValue = VariableStringLiteralGet(pc, RegString);
if (ArrayValue == NULL)
if (ArrayValue == NULL) {
/* create and store this string literal */
ArrayValue = VariableAllocValueAndData(pc, NULL, 0, FALSE, NULL, TRUE);
ArrayValue->Typ = pc->CharArrayType;
@ -401,8 +381,7 @@ enum LexToken LexGetCharacterConstant(Picoc *pc, struct LexState *Lexer, struct
/* skip a comment - used while scanning */
void LexSkipComment(struct LexState *Lexer, char NextChar, enum LexToken *ReturnToken)
if (NextChar == '*')
if (NextChar == '*') {
/* conventional C comment */
while (Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End && (*(Lexer->Pos-1) != '*' || *Lexer->Pos != '/'))
@ -416,9 +395,7 @@ void LexSkipComment(struct LexState *Lexer, char NextChar, enum LexToken *Return
Lexer->Mode = LexModeNormal;
} else {
/* C++ style comment */
while (Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End && *Lexer->Pos != '\n')
@ -433,29 +410,23 @@ enum LexToken LexScanGetToken(Picoc *pc, struct LexState *Lexer, struct Value **
enum LexToken GotToken = TokenNone;
/* handle cases line multi-line comments or string constants which mess up the line count */
if (Lexer->EmitExtraNewlines > 0)
if (Lexer->EmitExtraNewlines > 0) {
return TokenEndOfLine;
/* scan for a token */
do {
*Value = &pc->LexValue;
while (Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End && isspace((int)*Lexer->Pos))
if (*Lexer->Pos == '\n')
while (Lexer->Pos != Lexer->End && isspace((int)*Lexer->Pos)) {
if (*Lexer->Pos == '\n') {
Lexer->Mode = LexModeNormal;
Lexer->CharacterPos = 0;
return TokenEndOfLine;
else if (Lexer->Mode == LexModeHashDefine || Lexer->Mode == LexModeHashDefineSpace)
} else if (Lexer->Mode == LexModeHashDefine || Lexer->Mode == LexModeHashDefineSpace)
Lexer->Mode = LexModeHashDefineSpace;
else if (Lexer->Mode == LexModeHashDefineSpaceIdent)
Lexer->Mode = LexModeNormal;
@ -474,35 +445,34 @@ enum LexToken LexScanGetToken(Picoc *pc, struct LexState *Lexer, struct Value **
NextChar = (Lexer->Pos+1 != Lexer->End) ? *(Lexer->Pos+1) : 0;
switch (ThisChar)
case '"': GotToken = LexGetStringConstant(pc, Lexer, *Value, '"'); break;
case '\'': GotToken = LexGetCharacterConstant(pc, Lexer, *Value); break;
case '(': if (Lexer->Mode == LexModeHashDefineSpaceIdent) GotToken = TokenOpenMacroBracket; else GotToken = TokenOpenBracket; Lexer->Mode = LexModeNormal; break;
case ')': GotToken = TokenCloseBracket; break;
case '=': NEXTIS('=', TokenEqual, TokenAssign); break;
case '+': NEXTIS3('=', TokenAddAssign, '+', TokenIncrement, TokenPlus); break;
case '-': NEXTIS4('=', TokenSubtractAssign, '>', TokenArrow, '-', TokenDecrement, TokenMinus); break;
case '*': NEXTIS('=', TokenMultiplyAssign, TokenAsterisk); break;
case '/': if (NextChar == '/' || NextChar == '*') { LEXER_INC(Lexer); LexSkipComment(Lexer, NextChar, &GotToken); } else NEXTIS('=', TokenDivideAssign, TokenSlash); break;
case '%': NEXTIS('=', TokenModulusAssign, TokenModulus); break;
case '<': if (Lexer->Mode == LexModeHashInclude) GotToken = LexGetStringConstant(pc, Lexer, *Value, '>'); else { NEXTIS3PLUS('=', TokenLessEqual, '<', TokenShiftLeft, '=', TokenShiftLeftAssign, TokenLessThan); } break;
case '>': NEXTIS3PLUS('=', TokenGreaterEqual, '>', TokenShiftRight, '=', TokenShiftRightAssign, TokenGreaterThan); break;
case ';': GotToken = TokenSemicolon; break;
case '&': NEXTIS3('=', TokenArithmeticAndAssign, '&', TokenLogicalAnd, TokenAmpersand); break;
case '|': NEXTIS3('=', TokenArithmeticOrAssign, '|', TokenLogicalOr, TokenArithmeticOr); break;
case '{': GotToken = TokenLeftBrace; break;
case '}': GotToken = TokenRightBrace; break;
case '[': GotToken = TokenLeftSquareBracket; break;
case ']': GotToken = TokenRightSquareBracket; break;
case '!': NEXTIS('=', TokenNotEqual, TokenUnaryNot); break;
case '^': NEXTIS('=', TokenArithmeticExorAssign, TokenArithmeticExor); break;
case '~': GotToken = TokenUnaryExor; break;
case ',': GotToken = TokenComma; break;
case '.': NEXTISEXACTLY3('.', '.', TokenEllipsis, TokenDot); break;
case '?': GotToken = TokenQuestionMark; break;
case ':': GotToken = TokenColon; break;
default: LexFail(pc, Lexer, "illegal character '%c'", ThisChar); break;
switch (ThisChar) {
case '"': GotToken = LexGetStringConstant(pc, Lexer, *Value, '"'); break;
case '\'': GotToken = LexGetCharacterConstant(pc, Lexer, *Value); break;
case '(': if (Lexer->Mode == LexModeHashDefineSpaceIdent) GotToken = TokenOpenMacroBracket; else GotToken = TokenOpenBracket; Lexer->Mode = LexModeNormal; break;
case ')': GotToken = TokenCloseBracket; break;
case '=': NEXTIS('=', TokenEqual, TokenAssign); break;
case '+': NEXTIS3('=', TokenAddAssign, '+', TokenIncrement, TokenPlus); break;
case '-': NEXTIS4('=', TokenSubtractAssign, '>', TokenArrow, '-', TokenDecrement, TokenMinus); break;
case '*': NEXTIS('=', TokenMultiplyAssign, TokenAsterisk); break;
case '/': if (NextChar == '/' || NextChar == '*') { LEXER_INC(Lexer); LexSkipComment(Lexer, NextChar, &GotToken); } else NEXTIS('=', TokenDivideAssign, TokenSlash); break;
case '%': NEXTIS('=', TokenModulusAssign, TokenModulus); break;
case '<': if (Lexer->Mode == LexModeHashInclude) GotToken = LexGetStringConstant(pc, Lexer, *Value, '>'); else { NEXTIS3PLUS('=', TokenLessEqual, '<', TokenShiftLeft, '=', TokenShiftLeftAssign, TokenLessThan); } break;
case '>': NEXTIS3PLUS('=', TokenGreaterEqual, '>', TokenShiftRight, '=', TokenShiftRightAssign, TokenGreaterThan); break;
case ';': GotToken = TokenSemicolon; break;
case '&': NEXTIS3('=', TokenArithmeticAndAssign, '&', TokenLogicalAnd, TokenAmpersand); break;
case '|': NEXTIS3('=', TokenArithmeticOrAssign, '|', TokenLogicalOr, TokenArithmeticOr); break;
case '{': GotToken = TokenLeftBrace; break;
case '}': GotToken = TokenRightBrace; break;
case '[': GotToken = TokenLeftSquareBracket; break;
case ']': GotToken = TokenRightSquareBracket; break;
case '!': NEXTIS('=', TokenNotEqual, TokenUnaryNot); break;
case '^': NEXTIS('=', TokenArithmeticExorAssign, TokenArithmeticExor); break;
case '~': GotToken = TokenUnaryExor; break;
case ',': GotToken = TokenComma; break;
case '.': NEXTISEXACTLY3('.', '.', TokenEllipsis, TokenDot); break;
case '?': GotToken = TokenQuestionMark; break;
case ':': GotToken = TokenColon; break;
default: LexFail(pc, Lexer, "illegal character '%c'", ThisChar); break;
} while (GotToken == TokenNone);
@ -512,13 +482,12 @@ enum LexToken LexScanGetToken(Picoc *pc, struct LexState *Lexer, struct Value **
/* what size value goes with each token */
int LexTokenSize(enum LexToken Token)
switch (Token)
case TokenIdentifier: case TokenStringConstant: return sizeof(char *);
case TokenIntegerConstant: return sizeof(long);
case TokenCharacterConstant: return sizeof(unsigned char);
case TokenFPConstant: return sizeof(double);
default: return 0;
switch (Token) {
case TokenIdentifier: case TokenStringConstant: return sizeof(char *);
case TokenIntegerConstant: return sizeof(long);
case TokenCharacterConstant: return sizeof(unsigned char);
case TokenFPConstant: return sizeof(double);
default: return 0;
@ -538,8 +507,7 @@ void *LexTokenise(Picoc *pc, struct LexState *Lexer, int *TokenLen)
if (TokenSpace == NULL)
LexFail(pc, Lexer, "out of memory");
do {
/* store the token at the end of the stack area */
Token = LexScanGetToken(pc, Lexer, &GotValue);
@ -555,8 +523,7 @@ void *LexTokenise(Picoc *pc, struct LexState *Lexer, int *TokenLen)
ValueSize = LexTokenSize(Token);
if (ValueSize > 0)
if (ValueSize > 0) {
/* store a value as well */
memcpy((void *)TokenPos, (void *)GotValue->Val, ValueSize);
TokenPos += ValueSize;
@ -630,39 +597,32 @@ enum LexToken LexGetRawToken(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value **Value, in
char *Prompt = NULL;
Picoc *pc = Parser->pc;
do {
/* get the next token */
if (Parser->Pos == NULL && pc->InteractiveHead != NULL)
Parser->Pos = pc->InteractiveHead->Tokens;
if (Parser->FileName != pc->StrEmpty || pc->InteractiveHead != NULL)
if (Parser->FileName != pc->StrEmpty || pc->InteractiveHead != NULL) {
/* skip leading newlines */
while ((Token = (enum LexToken)*(unsigned char *)Parser->Pos) == TokenEndOfLine)
while ((Token = (enum LexToken)*(unsigned char *)Parser->Pos) == TokenEndOfLine) {
if (Parser->FileName == pc->StrEmpty && (pc->InteractiveHead == NULL || Token == TokenEOF))
if (Parser->FileName == pc->StrEmpty && (pc->InteractiveHead == NULL || Token == TokenEOF)) {
/* we're at the end of an interactive input token list */
char LineBuffer[LINEBUFFER_MAX];
void *LineTokens;
int LineBytes;
struct TokenLine *LineNode;
if (pc->InteractiveHead == NULL || (unsigned char *)Parser->Pos == &pc->InteractiveTail->Tokens[pc->InteractiveTail->NumBytes-TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET])
if (pc->InteractiveHead == NULL || (unsigned char *)Parser->Pos == &pc->InteractiveTail->Tokens[pc->InteractiveTail->NumBytes-TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET]) {
/* get interactive input */
if (pc->LexUseStatementPrompt)
if (pc->LexUseStatementPrompt) {
pc->LexUseStatementPrompt = FALSE;
} else
if (PlatformGetLine(&LineBuffer[0], LINEBUFFER_MAX, Prompt) == NULL)
@ -673,28 +633,24 @@ enum LexToken LexGetRawToken(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value **Value, in
LineNode = VariableAlloc(pc, Parser, sizeof(struct TokenLine), TRUE);
LineNode->Tokens = LineTokens;
LineNode->NumBytes = LineBytes;
if (pc->InteractiveHead == NULL)
if (pc->InteractiveHead == NULL) {
/* start a new list */
pc->InteractiveHead = LineNode;
Parser->Line = 1;
Parser->CharacterPos = 0;
} else
pc->InteractiveTail->Next = LineNode;
pc->InteractiveTail = LineNode;
pc->InteractiveCurrentLine = LineNode;
Parser->Pos = LineTokens;
} else {
/* go to the next token line */
if (Parser->Pos != &pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Tokens[pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->NumBytes-TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET])
if (Parser->Pos != &pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Tokens[pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->NumBytes-TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET]) {
/* scan for the line */
for (pc->InteractiveCurrentLine = pc->InteractiveHead; Parser->Pos != &pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Tokens[pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->NumBytes-TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET]; pc->InteractiveCurrentLine = pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Next)
{ assert(pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Next != NULL); }
for (pc->InteractiveCurrentLine = pc->InteractiveHead; Parser->Pos != &pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Tokens[pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->NumBytes-TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET]; pc->InteractiveCurrentLine = pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Next) {
assert(pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Next != NULL);
assert(pc->InteractiveCurrentLine != NULL);
@ -709,21 +665,18 @@ enum LexToken LexGetRawToken(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value **Value, in
Parser->CharacterPos = *((unsigned char *)Parser->Pos + 1);
ValueSize = LexTokenSize(Token);
if (ValueSize > 0)
if (ValueSize > 0) {
/* this token requires a value - unpack it */
if (Value != NULL)
switch (Token)
case TokenStringConstant: pc->LexValue.Typ = pc->CharPtrType; break;
case TokenIdentifier: pc->LexValue.Typ = NULL; break;
case TokenIntegerConstant: pc->LexValue.Typ = &pc->LongType; break;
case TokenCharacterConstant: pc->LexValue.Typ = &pc->CharType; break;
if (Value != NULL) {
switch (Token) {
case TokenStringConstant: pc->LexValue.Typ = pc->CharPtrType; break;
case TokenIdentifier: pc->LexValue.Typ = NULL; break;
case TokenIntegerConstant: pc->LexValue.Typ = &pc->LongType; break;
case TokenCharacterConstant: pc->LexValue.Typ = &pc->CharType; break;
#ifndef NO_FP
case TokenFPConstant: pc->LexValue.Typ = &pc->FPType; break;
case TokenFPConstant: pc->LexValue.Typ = &pc->FPType; break;
default: break;
default: break;
memcpy((void *)pc->LexValue.Val, (void *)((char *)Parser->Pos + TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET), ValueSize);
@ -736,9 +689,7 @@ enum LexToken LexGetRawToken(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value **Value, in
if (IncPos)
Parser->Pos += ValueSize + TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET;
} else {
if (IncPos && Token != TokenEOF)
@ -771,8 +722,7 @@ void LexHashIfdef(struct ParseState *Parser, int IfNot)
/* is the identifier defined? */
IsDefined = TableGet(&Parser->pc->GlobalTable, IdentValue->Val->Identifier, &SavedValue, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (Parser->HashIfEvaluateToLevel == Parser->HashIfLevel && ( (IsDefined && !IfNot) || (!IsDefined && IfNot)) )
if (Parser->HashIfEvaluateToLevel == Parser->HashIfLevel && ((IsDefined && !IfNot) || (!IsDefined && IfNot))) {
/* #if is active, evaluate to this new level */
@ -789,8 +739,7 @@ void LexHashIf(struct ParseState *Parser)
struct ParseState MacroParser;
enum LexToken Token = LexGetRawToken(Parser, &IdentValue, TRUE);
if (Token == TokenIdentifier)
if (Token == TokenIdentifier) {
/* look up a value from a macro definition */
if (!TableGet(&Parser->pc->GlobalTable, IdentValue->Val->Identifier, &SavedValue, NULL, NULL, NULL))
ProgramFail(Parser, "'%s' is undefined", IdentValue->Val->Identifier);
@ -806,8 +755,7 @@ void LexHashIf(struct ParseState *Parser)
ProgramFail(Parser, "value expected");
/* is the identifier defined? */
if (Parser->HashIfEvaluateToLevel == Parser->HashIfLevel && IdentValue->Val->Character)
if (Parser->HashIfEvaluateToLevel == Parser->HashIfLevel && IdentValue->Val->Character) {
/* #if is active, evaluate to this new level */
@ -820,9 +768,7 @@ void LexHashElse(struct ParseState *Parser)
if (Parser->HashIfEvaluateToLevel == Parser->HashIfLevel - 1)
Parser->HashIfEvaluateToLevel++; /* #if was not active, make this next section active */
else if (Parser->HashIfEvaluateToLevel == Parser->HashIfLevel)
else if (Parser->HashIfEvaluateToLevel == Parser->HashIfLevel) {
/* #if was active, now go inactive */
if (Parser->HashIfLevel == 0)
ProgramFail(Parser, "#else without #if");
@ -886,19 +832,17 @@ enum LexToken LexGetToken(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value **Value, int I
int TryNextToken;
/* implements the pre-processor #if commands */
do {
int WasPreProcToken = TRUE;
Token = LexGetRawToken(Parser, Value, IncPos);
switch (Token)
case TokenHashIfdef: LexHashIncPos(Parser, IncPos); LexHashIfdef(Parser, FALSE); break;
case TokenHashIfndef: LexHashIncPos(Parser, IncPos); LexHashIfdef(Parser, TRUE); break;
case TokenHashIf: LexHashIncPos(Parser, IncPos); LexHashIf(Parser); break;
case TokenHashElse: LexHashIncPos(Parser, IncPos); LexHashElse(Parser); break;
case TokenHashEndif: LexHashIncPos(Parser, IncPos); LexHashEndif(Parser); break;
default: WasPreProcToken = FALSE; break;
switch (Token) {
case TokenHashIfdef: LexHashIncPos(Parser, IncPos); LexHashIfdef(Parser, FALSE); break;
case TokenHashIfndef: LexHashIncPos(Parser, IncPos); LexHashIfdef(Parser, TRUE); break;
case TokenHashIf: LexHashIncPos(Parser, IncPos); LexHashIf(Parser); break;
case TokenHashElse: LexHashIncPos(Parser, IncPos); LexHashElse(Parser); break;
case TokenHashEndif: LexHashIncPos(Parser, IncPos); LexHashEndif(Parser); break;
default: WasPreProcToken = FALSE; break;
/* if we're going to reject this token, increment the token pointer to the next one */
@ -920,8 +864,7 @@ enum LexToken LexRawPeekToken(struct ParseState *Parser)
/* find the end of the line */
void LexToEndOfLine(struct ParseState *Parser)
while (TRUE)
while (TRUE) {
enum LexToken Token = (enum LexToken)*(unsigned char *)Parser->Pos;
if (Token == TokenEndOfLine || Token == TokenEOF)
@ -941,28 +884,22 @@ void *LexCopyTokens(struct ParseState *StartParser, struct ParseState *EndParser
struct TokenLine *ILine;
Picoc *pc = StartParser->pc;
if (pc->InteractiveHead == NULL)
if (pc->InteractiveHead == NULL) {
/* non-interactive mode - copy the tokens */
MemSize = EndParser->Pos - StartParser->Pos;
NewTokens = VariableAlloc(pc, StartParser, MemSize + TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET, TRUE);
memcpy(NewTokens, (void *)StartParser->Pos, MemSize);
} else {
/* we're in interactive mode - add up line by line */
for (pc->InteractiveCurrentLine = pc->InteractiveHead; pc->InteractiveCurrentLine != NULL && (Pos < &pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Tokens[0] || Pos >= &pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Tokens[pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->NumBytes]); pc->InteractiveCurrentLine = pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Next)
{} /* find the line we just counted */
for (pc->InteractiveCurrentLine = pc->InteractiveHead; pc->InteractiveCurrentLine != NULL && (Pos < &pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Tokens[0] || Pos >= &pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Tokens[pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->NumBytes]); pc->InteractiveCurrentLine = pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Next) {
} /* find the line we just counted */
if (EndParser->Pos >= StartParser->Pos && EndParser->Pos < &pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Tokens[pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->NumBytes])
if (EndParser->Pos >= StartParser->Pos && EndParser->Pos < &pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Tokens[pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->NumBytes]) {
/* all on a single line */
MemSize = EndParser->Pos - StartParser->Pos;
NewTokens = VariableAlloc(pc, StartParser, MemSize + TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET, TRUE);
memcpy(NewTokens, (void *)StartParser->Pos, MemSize);
} else {
/* it's spread across multiple lines */
MemSize = &pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Tokens[pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->NumBytes-TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET] - Pos;
@ -976,8 +913,7 @@ void *LexCopyTokens(struct ParseState *StartParser, struct ParseState *EndParser
CopySize = &pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Tokens[pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->NumBytes-TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET] - Pos;
memcpy(NewTokens, Pos, CopySize);
NewTokenPos = NewTokens + CopySize;
for (ILine = pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Next; ILine != NULL && (EndParser->Pos < &ILine->Tokens[0] || EndParser->Pos >= &ILine->Tokens[ILine->NumBytes]); ILine = ILine->Next)
for (ILine = pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Next; ILine != NULL && (EndParser->Pos < &ILine->Tokens[0] || EndParser->Pos >= &ILine->Tokens[ILine->NumBytes]); ILine = ILine->Next) {
memcpy(NewTokenPos, &ILine->Tokens[0], ILine->NumBytes - TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET);
NewTokenPos += ILine->NumBytes-TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET;
@ -994,8 +930,7 @@ void *LexCopyTokens(struct ParseState *StartParser, struct ParseState *EndParser
/* indicate that we've completed up to this point in the interactive input and free expired tokens */
void LexInteractiveClear(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser)
while (pc->InteractiveHead != NULL)
while (pc->InteractiveHead != NULL) {
struct TokenLine *NextLine = pc->InteractiveHead->Next;
HeapFreeMem(pc, pc->InteractiveHead->Tokens);
@ -1012,8 +947,7 @@ void LexInteractiveClear(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser)
/* indicate that we've completed up to this point in the interactive input and free expired tokens */
void LexInteractiveCompleted(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser)
while (pc->InteractiveHead != NULL && !(Parser->Pos >= &pc->InteractiveHead->Tokens[0] && Parser->Pos < &pc->InteractiveHead->Tokens[pc->InteractiveHead->NumBytes]))
while (pc->InteractiveHead != NULL && !(Parser->Pos >= &pc->InteractiveHead->Tokens[0] && Parser->Pos < &pc->InteractiveHead->Tokens[pc->InteractiveHead->NumBytes])) {
/* this token line is no longer needed - free it */
struct TokenLine *NextLine = pc->InteractiveHead->Next;
@ -1021,8 +955,7 @@ void LexInteractiveCompleted(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser)
HeapFreeMem(pc, pc->InteractiveHead);
pc->InteractiveHead = NextLine;
if (pc->InteractiveHead == NULL)
if (pc->InteractiveHead == NULL) {
/* we've emptied the list */
Parser->Pos = NULL;
pc->InteractiveTail = NULL;
@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
/* deallocate any memory */
void ParseCleanup(Picoc *pc)
while (pc->CleanupTokenList != NULL)
while (pc->CleanupTokenList != NULL) {
struct CleanupTokenNode *Next = pc->CleanupTokenList->Next;
HeapFreeMem(pc, pc->CleanupTokenList->Tokens);
@ -22,16 +21,14 @@ void ParseCleanup(Picoc *pc)
/* parse a statement, but only run it if Condition is TRUE */
enum ParseResult ParseStatementMaybeRun(struct ParseState *Parser, int Condition, int CheckTrailingSemicolon)
if (Parser->Mode != RunModeSkip && !Condition)
if (Parser->Mode != RunModeSkip && !Condition) {
enum RunMode OldMode = Parser->Mode;
int Result;
Parser->Mode = RunModeSkip;
Result = ParseStatement(Parser, CheckTrailingSemicolon);
Parser->Mode = OldMode;
return Result;
} else
return ParseStatement(Parser, CheckTrailingSemicolon);
@ -41,12 +38,10 @@ int ParseCountParams(struct ParseState *Parser)
int ParamCount = 0;
enum LexToken Token = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
if (Token != TokenCloseBracket && Token != TokenEOF)
if (Token != TokenCloseBracket && Token != TokenEOF) {
/* count the number of parameters */
while ((Token = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE)) != TokenCloseBracket && Token != TokenEOF)
while ((Token = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE)) != TokenCloseBracket && Token != TokenEOF) {
if (Token == TokenComma)
@ -85,28 +80,21 @@ struct Value *ParseFunctionDefinition(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueTyp
FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.ParamType = (struct ValueType **)((char *)FuncValue->Val + sizeof(struct FuncDef));
FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.ParamName = (char **)((char *)FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.ParamType + sizeof(struct ValueType *) * ParamCount);
for (ParamCount = 0; ParamCount < FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.NumParams; ParamCount++)
for (ParamCount = 0; ParamCount < FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.NumParams; ParamCount++) {
/* harvest the parameters into the function definition */
if (ParamCount == FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.NumParams-1 && LexGetToken(&ParamParser, NULL, FALSE) == TokenEllipsis)
if (ParamCount == FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.NumParams-1 && LexGetToken(&ParamParser, NULL, FALSE) == TokenEllipsis) {
/* ellipsis at end */
FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.VarArgs = TRUE;
} else {
/* add a parameter */
TypeParse(&ParamParser, &ParamType, &ParamIdentifier, NULL);
if (ParamType->Base == TypeVoid)
if (ParamType->Base == TypeVoid) {
/* this isn't a real parameter at all - delete it */
} else {
FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.ParamType[ParamCount] = ParamType;
FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.ParamName[ParamCount] = ParamIdentifier;
@ -120,8 +108,7 @@ struct Value *ParseFunctionDefinition(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueTyp
if (FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.NumParams != 0 && Token != TokenCloseBracket && Token != TokenComma && Token != TokenEllipsis)
ProgramFail(&ParamParser, "bad parameter");
if (strcmp(Identifier, "main") == 0)
if (strcmp(Identifier, "main") == 0) {
/* make sure it's int main() */
if ( FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.ReturnType != &pc->IntType &&
FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.ReturnType != &pc->VoidType )
@ -136,8 +123,7 @@ struct Value *ParseFunctionDefinition(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueTyp
Token = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE);
if (Token == TokenSemicolon)
LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE); /* it's a prototype, absorb the trailing semicolon */
else {
/* it's a full function definition with a body */
if (Token != TokenLeftBrace)
ProgramFail(Parser, "bad function definition");
@ -150,14 +136,11 @@ struct Value *ParseFunctionDefinition(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueTyp
FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.Body.Pos = LexCopyTokens(&FuncBody, Parser);
/* is this function already in the global table? */
if (TableGet(&pc->GlobalTable, Identifier, &OldFuncValue, NULL, NULL, NULL))
if (OldFuncValue->Val->FuncDef.Body.Pos == NULL)
if (TableGet(&pc->GlobalTable, Identifier, &OldFuncValue, NULL, NULL, NULL)) {
if (OldFuncValue->Val->FuncDef.Body.Pos == NULL) {
/* override an old function prototype */
VariableFree(pc, TableDelete(pc, &pc->GlobalTable, Identifier));
} else
ProgramFail(Parser, "'%s' is already defined", Identifier);
@ -176,8 +159,7 @@ int ParseArrayInitialiser(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *NewVariable,
struct Value *CValue;
/* count the number of elements in the array */
if (DoAssignment && Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
if (DoAssignment && Parser->Mode == RunModeRun) {
struct ParseState CountParser;
int NumElements;
@ -187,55 +169,47 @@ int ParseArrayInitialiser(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *NewVariable,
if (NewVariable->Typ->Base != TypeArray)
AssignFail(Parser, "%t from array initializer", NewVariable->Typ, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0);
if (NewVariable->Typ->ArraySize == 0)
if (NewVariable->Typ->ArraySize == 0) {
NewVariable->Typ = TypeGetMatching(Parser->pc, Parser, NewVariable->Typ->FromType, NewVariable->Typ->Base, NumElements, NewVariable->Typ->Identifier, TRUE);
VariableRealloc(Parser, NewVariable, TypeSizeValue(NewVariable, FALSE));
printf("array size: %d \n", NewVariable->Typ->ArraySize);
/* parse the array initialiser */
Token = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE);
while (Token != TokenRightBrace)
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) == TokenLeftBrace)
while (Token != TokenRightBrace) {
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) == TokenLeftBrace) {
/* this is a sub-array initialiser */
int SubArraySize = 0;
struct Value *SubArray = NewVariable;
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun && DoAssignment)
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun && DoAssignment) {
SubArraySize = TypeSize(NewVariable->Typ->FromType, NewVariable->Typ->FromType->ArraySize, TRUE);
SubArray = VariableAllocValueFromExistingData(Parser, NewVariable->Typ->FromType, (union AnyValue *)(&NewVariable->Val->ArrayMem[0] + SubArraySize * ArrayIndex), TRUE, NewVariable);
int FullArraySize = TypeSize(NewVariable->Typ, NewVariable->Typ->ArraySize, TRUE);
printf("[%d] subarray size: %d (full: %d,%d) \n", ArrayIndex, SubArraySize, FullArraySize, NewVariable->Typ->ArraySize);
if (ArrayIndex >= NewVariable->Typ->ArraySize)
ProgramFail(Parser, "too many array elements");
LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
ParseArrayInitialiser(Parser, SubArray, DoAssignment);
} else {
struct Value *ArrayElement = NULL;
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun && DoAssignment)
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun && DoAssignment) {
struct ValueType * ElementType = NewVariable->Typ;
int TotalSize = 1;
int ElementSize = 0;
/* int x[3][3] = {1,2,3,4} => handle it just like int x[9] = {1,2,3,4} */
while (ElementType->Base == TypeArray)
while (ElementType->Base == TypeArray) {
TotalSize *= ElementType->ArraySize;
ElementType = ElementType->FromType;
@ -244,10 +218,10 @@ int ParseArrayInitialiser(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *NewVariable,
ElementSize = TypeSize(ElementType, ElementType->ArraySize, TRUE);
printf("[%d/%d] element size: %d (x%d) \n", ArrayIndex, TotalSize, ElementSize, ElementType->ArraySize);
if (ArrayIndex >= TotalSize)
ProgramFail(Parser, "too many array elements");
ArrayElement = VariableAllocValueFromExistingData(Parser, ElementType, (union AnyValue *)(&NewVariable->Val->ArrayMem[0] + ElementSize * ArrayIndex), TRUE, NewVariable);
@ -257,8 +231,7 @@ int ParseArrayInitialiser(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *NewVariable,
if (!ExpressionParse(Parser, &CValue))
ProgramFail(Parser, "expression expected");
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun && DoAssignment)
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun && DoAssignment) {
ExpressionAssign(Parser, ArrayElement, CValue, FALSE, NULL, 0, FALSE);
VariableStackPop(Parser, CValue);
VariableStackPop(Parser, ArrayElement);
@ -268,12 +241,10 @@ int ParseArrayInitialiser(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *NewVariable,
Token = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE);
if (Token == TokenComma)
if (Token == TokenComma) {
LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
Token = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE);
else if (Token != TokenRightBrace)
} else if (Token != TokenRightBrace)
ProgramFail(Parser, "comma expected");
@ -290,20 +261,16 @@ void ParseDeclarationAssignment(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *NewVari
struct Value *CValue;
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) == TokenLeftBrace)
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) == TokenLeftBrace) {
/* this is an array initialiser */
LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
ParseArrayInitialiser(Parser, NewVariable, DoAssignment);
} else {
/* this is a normal expression initialiser */
if (!ExpressionParse(Parser, &CValue))
ProgramFail(Parser, "expression expected");
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun && DoAssignment)
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun && DoAssignment) {
ExpressionAssign(Parser, NewVariable, CValue, FALSE, NULL, 0, FALSE);
VariableStackPop(Parser, CValue);
@ -322,30 +289,25 @@ int ParseDeclaration(struct ParseState *Parser, enum LexToken Token)
Picoc *pc = Parser->pc;
TypeParseFront(Parser, &BasicType, &IsStatic);
do {
TypeParseIdentPart(Parser, BasicType, &Typ, &Identifier);
if ((Token != TokenVoidType && Token != TokenStructType && Token != TokenUnionType && Token != TokenEnumType) && Identifier == pc->StrEmpty)
ProgramFail(Parser, "identifier expected");
if (Identifier != pc->StrEmpty)
if (Identifier != pc->StrEmpty) {
/* handle function definitions */
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) == TokenOpenBracket)
ParseFunctionDefinition(Parser, Typ, Identifier);
return FALSE;
} else {
if (Typ == &pc->VoidType && Identifier != pc->StrEmpty)
ProgramFail(Parser, "can't define a void variable");
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun || Parser->Mode == RunModeGoto)
NewVariable = VariableDefineButIgnoreIdentical(Parser, Identifier, Typ, IsStatic, &FirstVisit);
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) == TokenAssign)
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) == TokenAssign) {
/* we're assigning an initial value */
LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
ParseDeclarationAssignment(Parser, NewVariable, !IsStatic || FirstVisit);
@ -375,8 +337,7 @@ void ParseMacroDefinition(struct ParseState *Parser)
MacroNameStr = MacroName->Val->Identifier;
if (LexRawPeekToken(Parser) == TokenOpenMacroBracket)
if (LexRawPeekToken(Parser) == TokenOpenMacroBracket) {
/* it's a parameterised macro, read the parameters */
enum LexToken Token = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
struct ParseState ParamParser;
@ -391,8 +352,7 @@ void ParseMacroDefinition(struct ParseState *Parser)
Token = LexGetToken(Parser, &ParamName, TRUE);
while (Token == TokenIdentifier)
while (Token == TokenIdentifier) {
/* store a parameter name */
MacroValue->Val->MacroDef.ParamName[ParamCount++] = ParamName->Val->Identifier;
@ -407,9 +367,7 @@ void ParseMacroDefinition(struct ParseState *Parser)
if (Token != TokenCloseBracket)
ProgramFail(Parser, "close bracket expected");
} else {
/* allocate a simple unparameterised macro */
MacroValue = VariableAllocValueAndData(Parser->pc, Parser, sizeof(struct MacroDef), FALSE, NULL, TRUE);
MacroValue->Val->MacroDef.NumParams = 0;
@ -484,8 +442,7 @@ void ParseFor(struct ParseState *Parser)
ParserCopyPos(&After, Parser);
while (Condition && Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
while (Condition && Parser->Mode == RunModeRun) {
ParserCopyPos(Parser, &PreIncrement);
ParseStatement(Parser, FALSE);
@ -495,8 +452,7 @@ void ParseFor(struct ParseState *Parser)
Condition = ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
if (Condition)
if (Condition) {
ParserCopyPos(Parser, &PreStatement);
ParseStatement(Parser, TRUE);
@ -521,20 +477,17 @@ enum RunMode ParseBlock(struct ParseState *Parser, int AbsorbOpenBrace, int Cond
if (AbsorbOpenBrace && LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenLeftBrace)
ProgramFail(Parser, "'{' expected");
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeSkip || !Condition)
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeSkip || !Condition) {
/* condition failed - skip this block instead */
enum RunMode OldMode = Parser->Mode;
Parser->Mode = RunModeSkip;
while (ParseStatement(Parser, TRUE) == ParseResultOk)
while (ParseStatement(Parser, TRUE) == ParseResultOk) {
Parser->Mode = OldMode;
} else {
/* just run it in its current mode */
while (ParseStatement(Parser, TRUE) == ParseResultOk)
while (ParseStatement(Parser, TRUE) == ParseResultOk) {
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenRightBrace)
@ -555,8 +508,7 @@ void ParseTypedef(struct ParseState *Parser)
TypeParse(Parser, &Typ, &TypeName, NULL);
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun) {
TypPtr = &Typ;
InitValue.Typ = &Parser->pc->TypeType;
InitValue.Val = (union AnyValue *)TypPtr;
@ -582,334 +534,254 @@ enum ParseResult ParseStatement(struct ParseState *Parser, int CheckTrailingSemi
ParserCopy(&PreState, Parser);
Token = LexGetToken(Parser, &LexerValue, TRUE);
switch (Token)
case TokenEOF:
return ParseResultEOF;
case TokenIdentifier:
/* might be a typedef-typed variable declaration or it might be an expression */
if (VariableDefined(Parser->pc, LexerValue->Val->Identifier))
VariableGet(Parser->pc, Parser, LexerValue->Val->Identifier, &VarValue);
if (VarValue->Typ->Base == Type_Type)
*Parser = PreState;
ParseDeclaration(Parser, Token);
switch (Token) {
case TokenEOF:
return ParseResultEOF;
case TokenIdentifier:
/* might be a typedef-typed variable declaration or it might be an expression */
if (VariableDefined(Parser->pc, LexerValue->Val->Identifier)) {
VariableGet(Parser->pc, Parser, LexerValue->Val->Identifier, &VarValue);
if (VarValue->Typ->Base == Type_Type) {
*Parser = PreState;
ParseDeclaration(Parser, Token);
} else {
/* it might be a goto label */
enum LexToken NextToken = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE);
if (NextToken == TokenColon) {
/* declare the identifier as a goto label */
LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeGoto && LexerValue->Val->Identifier == Parser->SearchGotoLabel)
Parser->Mode = RunModeRun;
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
/* it might be a goto label */
enum LexToken NextToken = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE);
if (NextToken == TokenColon)
/* declare the identifier as a goto label */
LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeGoto && LexerValue->Val->Identifier == Parser->SearchGotoLabel)
Parser->Mode = RunModeRun;
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
else /* new_identifier = something */
{ /* try to guess type and declare the variable based on assigned value */
if (NextToken == TokenAssign && !VariableDefinedAndOutOfScope(Parser->pc, LexerValue->Val->Identifier))
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
struct Value *CValue;
char* Identifier = LexerValue->Val->Identifier;
LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
if (!ExpressionParse(Parser, &CValue))
ProgramFail(Parser, "expected: expression");
#if 0
PlatformPrintf(Parser->pc->CStdOut, "%t %s = %d;\n", CValue->Typ, Identifier, CValue->Val->Integer);
printf("%d\n", VariableDefined(Parser->pc, Identifier));
VariableDefine(Parser->pc, Parser, Identifier, CValue, CValue->Typ, TRUE);
else /* new_identifier = something */ {
/* try to guess type and declare the variable based on assigned value */
if (NextToken == TokenAssign && !VariableDefinedAndOutOfScope(Parser->pc, LexerValue->Val->Identifier)) {
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun) {
struct Value *CValue;
char* Identifier = LexerValue->Val->Identifier;
LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
if (!ExpressionParse(Parser, &CValue)) {
ProgramFail(Parser, "expected: expression");
#if 0
PlatformPrintf(Parser->pc->CStdOut, "%t %s = %d;\n", CValue->Typ, Identifier, CValue->Val->Integer);
printf("%d\n", VariableDefined(Parser->pc, Identifier));
VariableDefine(Parser->pc, Parser, Identifier, CValue, CValue->Typ, TRUE);
/* else fallthrough to expression */
/* else fallthrough to expression */
/* no break */
case TokenAsterisk:
case TokenAmpersand:
case TokenIncrement:
case TokenDecrement:
case TokenOpenBracket:
*Parser = PreState;
ExpressionParse(Parser, &CValue);
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
VariableStackPop(Parser, CValue);
case TokenLeftBrace:
ParseBlock(Parser, FALSE, TRUE);
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenIf:
case TokenAsterisk:
case TokenAmpersand:
case TokenIncrement:
case TokenDecrement:
case TokenOpenBracket:
*Parser = PreState;
ExpressionParse(Parser, &CValue);
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
VariableStackPop(Parser, CValue);
case TokenLeftBrace:
ParseBlock(Parser, FALSE, TRUE);
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenIf:
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenOpenBracket)
ProgramFail(Parser, "'(' expected");
Condition = ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenCloseBracket)
ProgramFail(Parser, "')' expected");
if (ParseStatementMaybeRun(Parser, Condition, TRUE) != ParseResultOk)
ProgramFail(Parser, "statement expected");
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) == TokenElse) {
LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
if (ParseStatementMaybeRun(Parser, !Condition, TRUE) != ParseResultOk)
ProgramFail(Parser, "statement expected");
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenWhile:
struct ParseState PreConditional;
enum RunMode PreMode = Parser->Mode;
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenOpenBracket)
ProgramFail(Parser, "'(' expected");
Condition = ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenCloseBracket)
ProgramFail(Parser, "')' expected");
if (ParseStatementMaybeRun(Parser, Condition, TRUE) != ParseResultOk)
ProgramFail(Parser, "statement expected");
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) == TokenElse)
LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
if (ParseStatementMaybeRun(Parser, !Condition, TRUE) != ParseResultOk)
ParserCopyPos(&PreConditional, Parser);
do {
ParserCopyPos(Parser, &PreConditional);
Condition = ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenCloseBracket)
ProgramFail(Parser, "')' expected");
if (ParseStatementMaybeRun(Parser, Condition, TRUE) != ParseResultOk)
ProgramFail(Parser, "statement expected");
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeContinue)
Parser->Mode = PreMode;
} while (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun && Condition);
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeBreak)
Parser->Mode = PreMode;
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenWhile:
struct ParseState PreConditional;
enum RunMode PreMode = Parser->Mode;
case TokenDo:
struct ParseState PreStatement;
enum RunMode PreMode = Parser->Mode;
ParserCopyPos(&PreStatement, Parser);
do {
ParserCopyPos(Parser, &PreStatement);
if (ParseStatement(Parser, TRUE) != ParseResultOk)
ProgramFail(Parser, "statement expected");
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeContinue)
Parser->Mode = PreMode;
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenWhile)
ProgramFail(Parser, "'while' expected");
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenOpenBracket)
ProgramFail(Parser, "'(' expected");
ParserCopyPos(&PreConditional, Parser);
ParserCopyPos(Parser, &PreConditional);
Condition = ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenCloseBracket)
ProgramFail(Parser, "')' expected");
if (ParseStatementMaybeRun(Parser, Condition, TRUE) != ParseResultOk)
ProgramFail(Parser, "statement expected");
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeContinue)
Parser->Mode = PreMode;
} while (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun && Condition);
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeBreak)
Parser->Mode = PreMode;
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenDo:
struct ParseState PreStatement;
enum RunMode PreMode = Parser->Mode;
ParserCopyPos(&PreStatement, Parser);
ParserCopyPos(Parser, &PreStatement);
if (ParseStatement(Parser, TRUE) != ParseResultOk)
ProgramFail(Parser, "statement expected");
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeContinue)
Parser->Mode = PreMode;
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenWhile)
ProgramFail(Parser, "'while' expected");
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenOpenBracket)
ProgramFail(Parser, "'(' expected");
Condition = ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenCloseBracket)
ProgramFail(Parser, "')' expected");
} while (Condition && Parser->Mode == RunModeRun);
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeBreak)
Parser->Mode = PreMode;
case TokenFor:
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenSemicolon:
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenIntType:
case TokenShortType:
case TokenCharType:
case TokenLongType:
case TokenFloatType:
case TokenDoubleType:
case TokenVoidType:
case TokenStructType:
case TokenUnionType:
case TokenEnumType:
case TokenSignedType:
case TokenUnsignedType:
case TokenStaticType:
case TokenAutoType:
case TokenRegisterType:
case TokenExternType:
*Parser = PreState;
CheckTrailingSemicolon = ParseDeclaration(Parser, Token);
case TokenHashDefine:
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
Condition = ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenCloseBracket)
ProgramFail(Parser, "')' expected");
} while (Condition && Parser->Mode == RunModeRun);
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeBreak)
Parser->Mode = PreMode;
case TokenFor:
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenSemicolon:
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenIntType:
case TokenShortType:
case TokenCharType:
case TokenLongType:
case TokenFloatType:
case TokenDoubleType:
case TokenVoidType:
case TokenStructType:
case TokenUnionType:
case TokenEnumType:
case TokenSignedType:
case TokenUnsignedType:
case TokenStaticType:
case TokenAutoType:
case TokenRegisterType:
case TokenExternType:
*Parser = PreState;
CheckTrailingSemicolon = ParseDeclaration(Parser, Token);
case TokenHashDefine:
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenHashInclude:
if (LexGetToken(Parser, &LexerValue, TRUE) != TokenStringConstant)
ProgramFail(Parser, "\"filename.h\" expected");
IncludeFile(Parser->pc, (char *)LexerValue->Val->Pointer);
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenHashInclude:
if (LexGetToken(Parser, &LexerValue, TRUE) != TokenStringConstant)
ProgramFail(Parser, "\"filename.h\" expected");
IncludeFile(Parser->pc, (char *)LexerValue->Val->Pointer);
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenSwitch:
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenOpenBracket)
ProgramFail(Parser, "'(' expected");
case TokenSwitch:
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenOpenBracket)
ProgramFail(Parser, "'(' expected");
Condition = ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenCloseBracket)
ProgramFail(Parser, "')' expected");
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) != TokenLeftBrace)
ProgramFail(Parser, "'{' expected");
/* new block so we can store parser state */
enum RunMode OldMode = Parser->Mode;
int OldSearchLabel = Parser->SearchLabel;
Parser->Mode = RunModeCaseSearch;
Parser->SearchLabel = Condition;
ParseBlock(Parser, TRUE, (OldMode != RunModeSkip) && (OldMode != RunModeReturn));
if (Parser->Mode != RunModeReturn)
Parser->Mode = OldMode;
Parser->SearchLabel = OldSearchLabel;
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenCase:
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeCaseSearch) {
Parser->Mode = RunModeRun;
Condition = ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenCloseBracket)
ProgramFail(Parser, "')' expected");
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) != TokenLeftBrace)
ProgramFail(Parser, "'{' expected");
/* new block so we can store parser state */
enum RunMode OldMode = Parser->Mode;
int OldSearchLabel = Parser->SearchLabel;
Parser->Mode = RunModeCaseSearch;
Parser->SearchLabel = Condition;
ParseBlock(Parser, TRUE, (OldMode != RunModeSkip) && (OldMode != RunModeReturn));
if (Parser->Mode != RunModeReturn)
Parser->Mode = OldMode;
Parser->SearchLabel = OldSearchLabel;
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenCase:
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeCaseSearch)
Parser->Mode = RunModeRun;
Condition = ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
Parser->Mode = RunModeCaseSearch;
Condition = ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenColon)
ProgramFail(Parser, "':' expected");
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeCaseSearch && Condition == Parser->SearchLabel)
Parser->Mode = RunModeRun;
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenDefault:
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenColon)
ProgramFail(Parser, "':' expected");
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeCaseSearch)
Parser->Mode = RunModeRun;
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenBreak:
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
Parser->Mode = RunModeBreak;
case TokenContinue:
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
Parser->Mode = RunModeContinue;
case TokenReturn:
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
if (!Parser->pc->TopStackFrame || Parser->pc->TopStackFrame->ReturnValue->Typ->Base != TypeVoid)
if (!ExpressionParse(Parser, &CValue))
ProgramFail(Parser, "value required in return");
if (!Parser->pc->TopStackFrame) /* return from top-level program? */
PlatformExit(Parser->pc, ExpressionCoerceInteger(CValue));
ExpressionAssign(Parser, Parser->pc->TopStackFrame->ReturnValue, CValue, TRUE, NULL, 0, FALSE);
VariableStackPop(Parser, CValue);
Parser->Mode = RunModeCaseSearch;
} else
Condition = ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenColon)
ProgramFail(Parser, "':' expected");
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeCaseSearch && Condition == Parser->SearchLabel)
Parser->Mode = RunModeRun;
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenDefault:
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenColon)
ProgramFail(Parser, "':' expected");
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeCaseSearch)
Parser->Mode = RunModeRun;
CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
case TokenBreak:
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
Parser->Mode = RunModeBreak;
case TokenContinue:
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
Parser->Mode = RunModeContinue;
case TokenReturn:
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun) {
if (!Parser->pc->TopStackFrame || Parser->pc->TopStackFrame->ReturnValue->Typ->Base != TypeVoid) {
if (!ExpressionParse(Parser, &CValue))
ProgramFail(Parser, "value required in return");
if (!Parser->pc->TopStackFrame) /* return from top-level program? */
PlatformExit(Parser->pc, ExpressionCoerceInteger(CValue));
if (ExpressionParse(Parser, &CValue))
ProgramFail(Parser, "value in return from a void function");
Parser->Mode = RunModeReturn;
ExpressionAssign(Parser, Parser->pc->TopStackFrame->ReturnValue, CValue, TRUE, NULL, 0, FALSE);
VariableStackPop(Parser, CValue);
} else {
if (ExpressionParse(Parser, &CValue))
ProgramFail(Parser, "value in return from a void function");
ExpressionParse(Parser, &CValue);
case TokenTypedef:
case TokenGoto:
if (LexGetToken(Parser, &LexerValue, TRUE) != TokenIdentifier)
ProgramFail(Parser, "identifier expected");
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
/* start scanning for the goto label */
Parser->SearchGotoLabel = LexerValue->Val->Identifier;
Parser->Mode = RunModeGoto;
case TokenDelete:
Parser->Mode = RunModeReturn;
ExpressionParse(Parser, &CValue);
case TokenTypedef:
case TokenGoto:
if (LexGetToken(Parser, &LexerValue, TRUE) != TokenIdentifier)
ProgramFail(Parser, "identifier expected");
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun) {
/* start scanning for the goto label */
Parser->SearchGotoLabel = LexerValue->Val->Identifier;
Parser->Mode = RunModeGoto;
case TokenDelete:
/* try it as a function or variable name to delete */
if (LexGetToken(Parser, &LexerValue, TRUE) != TokenIdentifier)
ProgramFail(Parser, "identifier expected");
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun) {
/* delete this variable or function */
CValue = TableDelete(Parser->pc, &Parser->pc->GlobalTable, LexerValue->Val->Identifier);
if (CValue == NULL)
ProgramFail(Parser, "'%s' is not defined", LexerValue->Val->Identifier);
@ -917,14 +789,12 @@ enum ParseResult ParseStatement(struct ParseState *Parser, int CheckTrailingSemi
*Parser = PreState;
return ParseResultError;
*Parser = PreState;
return ParseResultError;
if (CheckTrailingSemicolon)
if (CheckTrailingSemicolon) {
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenSemicolon)
ProgramFail(Parser, "';' expected");
@ -943,8 +813,7 @@ void PicocParse(Picoc *pc, const char *FileName, const char *Source, int SourceL
void *Tokens = LexAnalyse(pc, RegFileName, Source, SourceLen, NULL);
/* allocate a cleanup node so we can clean up the tokens later */
if (!CleanupNow)
if (!CleanupNow) {
NewCleanupNode = HeapAllocMem(pc, sizeof(struct CleanupTokenNode));
if (NewCleanupNode == NULL)
ProgramFailNoParser(pc, "out of memory");
@ -984,8 +853,7 @@ void PicocParseInteractiveNoStartPrompt(Picoc *pc, int EnableDebugger)
LexInteractiveClear(pc, &Parser);
do {
Ok = ParseStatement(&Parser, TRUE);
LexInteractiveCompleted(pc, &Parser);
@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
int StackSize = getenv("STACKSIZE") ? atoi(getenv("STACKSIZE")) : PICOC_STACK_SIZE;
Picoc pc;
if (argc < 2)
if (argc < 2) {
printf(PICOC_VERSION " \n"
"Format: picoc <file1.c>... [- <arg1>...] : run a program (calls main() to start it)\n"
" picoc -s <file1.c>... [- <arg1>...] : script mode - runs the program without calling main()\n"
@ -31,22 +30,17 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
PicocInitialise(&pc, StackSize);
if (strcmp(argv[ParamCount], "-s") == 0 || strcmp(argv[ParamCount], "-m") == 0)
if (strcmp(argv[ParamCount], "-s") == 0 || strcmp(argv[ParamCount], "-m") == 0) {
DontRunMain = TRUE;
if (argc > ParamCount && strcmp(argv[ParamCount], "-i") == 0)
if (argc > ParamCount && strcmp(argv[ParamCount], "-i") == 0) {
if (PicocPlatformSetExitPoint(&pc))
} else {
if (PicocPlatformSetExitPoint(&pc)) {
return pc.PicocExitValue;
@ -62,11 +56,12 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
return pc.PicocExitValue;
#elif defined(SURVEYOR_HOST)
# include <setjmp.h>
# include "../srv.h"
# include "../print.h"
# include "../string.h"
#include <setjmp.h>
#include "../srv.h"
#include "../print.h"
#include "../string.h"
int picoc(char *SourceStr)
@ -74,12 +69,9 @@ int picoc(char *SourceStr)
if (SourceStr)
for (pos = SourceStr; *pos != 0; pos++)
if (*pos == 0x1a)
if (SourceStr) {
for (pos = SourceStr; *pos != 0; pos++) {
if (*pos == 0x1a) {
*pos = 0x20;
@ -64,22 +64,18 @@ void PicocCallMain(Picoc *pc, int argc, char **argv)
if (FuncValue->Typ->Base != TypeFunction)
ProgramFailNoParser(pc, "main is not a function - can't call it");
if (FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.NumParams != 0)
if (FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.NumParams != 0) {
/* define the arguments */
VariableDefinePlatformVar(pc, NULL, "__argc", &pc->IntType, (union AnyValue *)&argc, FALSE);
VariableDefinePlatformVar(pc, NULL, "__argv", pc->CharPtrPtrType, (union AnyValue *)&argv, FALSE);
if (FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.ReturnType == &pc->VoidType)
if (FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.ReturnType == &pc->VoidType) {
if (FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.NumParams == 0)
} else {
VariableDefinePlatformVar(pc, NULL, "__exit_value", &pc->IntType, (union AnyValue *)&pc->PicocExitValue, TRUE);
if (FuncValue->Val->FuncDef.NumParams == 0)
@ -97,11 +93,9 @@ void PrintSourceTextErrorLine(IOFILE *Stream, const char *FileName, const char *
const char *CPos;
int CCount;
if (SourceText != NULL)
if (SourceText != NULL) {
/* find the source line */
for (LinePos = SourceText, LineCount = 1; *LinePos != '\0' && LineCount < Line; LinePos++)
for (LinePos = SourceText, LineCount = 1; *LinePos != '\0' && LineCount < Line; LinePos++) {
if (*LinePos == '\n')
@ -112,16 +106,13 @@ void PrintSourceTextErrorLine(IOFILE *Stream, const char *FileName, const char *
PrintCh('\n', Stream);
/* display the error position */
for (CPos = LinePos, CCount = 0; *CPos != '\n' && *CPos != '\0' && (CCount < CharacterPos || *CPos == ' '); CPos++, CCount++)
for (CPos = LinePos, CCount = 0; *CPos != '\n' && *CPos != '\0' && (CCount < CharacterPos || *CPos == ' '); CPos++, CCount++) {
if (*CPos == '\t')
PrintCh('\t', Stream);
PrintCh(' ', Stream);
} else {
/* assume we're in interactive mode - try to make the arrow match up with the input text */
for (CCount = 0; CCount < CharacterPos + (int)strlen(INTERACTIVE_PROMPT_STATEMENT); CCount++)
PrintCh(' ', Stream);
@ -202,13 +193,10 @@ void PlatformVPrintf(IOFILE *Stream, const char *Format, va_list Args)
const char *FPos;
for (FPos = Format; *FPos != '\0'; FPos++)
if (*FPos == '%')
for (FPos = Format; *FPos != '\0'; FPos++) {
if (*FPos == '%') {
switch (*FPos)
switch (*FPos) {
case 's': PrintStr(va_arg(Args, char *), Stream); break;
case 'd': PrintSimpleInt(va_arg(Args, int), Stream); break;
case 'c': PrintCh(va_arg(Args, int), Stream); break;
@ -231,15 +219,11 @@ char *PlatformMakeTempName(Picoc *pc, char *TempNameBuffer)
int CPos = 5;
while (CPos > 1)
if (TempNameBuffer[CPos] < '9')
while (CPos > 1) {
if (TempNameBuffer[CPos] < '9') {
return TableStrRegister(pc, TempNameBuffer);
} else {
TempNameBuffer[CPos] = '0';
@ -17,8 +17,7 @@ static unsigned int TableHash(const char *Key, int Len)
int Offset;
int Count;
for (Count = 0, Offset = 8; Count < Len; Count++, Offset+=7)
for (Count = 0, Offset = 8; Count < Len; Count++, Offset+=7) {
if (Offset > sizeof(unsigned int) * 8 - 7)
Offset -= sizeof(unsigned int) * 8 - 6;
@ -43,8 +42,7 @@ static struct TableEntry *TableSearch(struct Table *Tbl, const char *Key, int *A
struct TableEntry *Entry;
int HashValue = ((unsigned long)Key) % Tbl->Size; /* shared strings have unique addresses so we don't need to hash them */
for (Entry = Tbl->HashTable[HashValue]; Entry != NULL; Entry = Entry->Next)
for (Entry = Tbl->HashTable[HashValue]; Entry != NULL; Entry = Entry->Next) {
if (Entry->p.v.Key == Key)
return Entry; /* found */
@ -60,8 +58,7 @@ int TableSet(Picoc *pc, struct Table *Tbl, char *Key, struct Value *Val, const c
int AddAt;
struct TableEntry *FoundEntry = TableSearch(Tbl, Key, &AddAt);
if (FoundEntry == NULL)
{ /* add it to the table */
if (FoundEntry == NULL) { /* add it to the table */
struct TableEntry *NewEntry = VariableAlloc(pc, NULL, sizeof(struct TableEntry), Tbl->OnHeap);
NewEntry->DeclFileName = DeclFileName;
NewEntry->DeclLine = DeclLine;
@ -87,8 +84,7 @@ int TableGet(struct Table *Tbl, const char *Key, struct Value **Val, const char
*Val = FoundEntry->p.v.Val;
if (DeclFileName != NULL)
if (DeclFileName != NULL) {
*DeclFileName = FoundEntry->DeclFileName;
*DeclLine = FoundEntry->DeclLine;
*DeclColumn = FoundEntry->DeclColumn;
@ -103,10 +99,8 @@ struct Value *TableDelete(Picoc *pc, struct Table *Tbl, const char *Key)
struct TableEntry **EntryPtr;
int HashValue = ((unsigned long)Key) % Tbl->Size; /* shared strings have unique addresses so we don't need to hash them */
for (EntryPtr = &Tbl->HashTable[HashValue]; *EntryPtr != NULL; EntryPtr = &(*EntryPtr)->Next)
if ((*EntryPtr)->p.v.Key == Key)
for (EntryPtr = &Tbl->HashTable[HashValue]; *EntryPtr != NULL; EntryPtr = &(*EntryPtr)->Next) {
if ((*EntryPtr)->p.v.Key == Key) {
struct TableEntry *DeleteEntry = *EntryPtr;
struct Value *Val = DeleteEntry->p.v.Val;
*EntryPtr = DeleteEntry->Next;
@ -125,8 +119,7 @@ static struct TableEntry *TableSearchIdentifier(struct Table *Tbl, const char *K
struct TableEntry *Entry;
int HashValue = TableHash(Key, Len) % Tbl->Size;
for (Entry = Tbl->HashTable[HashValue]; Entry != NULL; Entry = Entry->Next)
for (Entry = Tbl->HashTable[HashValue]; Entry != NULL; Entry = Entry->Next) {
if (strncmp(&Entry->p.Key[0], (char *)Key, Len) == 0 && Entry->p.Key[Len] == '\0')
return Entry; /* found */
@ -143,8 +136,7 @@ char *TableSetIdentifier(Picoc *pc, struct Table *Tbl, const char *Ident, int Id
if (FoundEntry != NULL)
return &FoundEntry->p.Key[0];
{ /* add it to the table - we economise by not allocating the whole structure here */
else { /* add it to the table - we economise by not allocating the whole structure here */
struct TableEntry *NewEntry = HeapAllocMem(pc, sizeof(struct TableEntry) - sizeof(union TableEntryPayload) + IdentLen + 1);
if (NewEntry == NULL)
ProgramFailNoParser(pc, "out of memory");
@ -175,10 +167,8 @@ void TableStrFree(Picoc *pc)
struct TableEntry *NextEntry;
int Count;
for (Count = 0; Count < pc->StringTable.Size; Count++)
for (Entry = pc->StringTable.HashTable[Count]; Entry != NULL; Entry = NextEntry)
for (Count = 0; Count < pc->StringTable.Size; Count++) {
for (Entry = pc->StringTable.HashTable[Count]; Entry != NULL; Entry = NextEntry) {
NextEntry = Entry->Next;
HeapFreeMem(pc, Entry);
@ -37,20 +37,18 @@ struct ValueType *TypeGetMatching(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser, struct V
while (ThisType != NULL && (ThisType->Base != Base || ThisType->ArraySize != ArraySize || ThisType->Identifier != Identifier))
ThisType = ThisType->Next;
if (ThisType != NULL)
if (ThisType != NULL) {
if (AllowDuplicates)
return ThisType;
ProgramFail(Parser, "data type '%s' is already defined", Identifier);
switch (Base)
case TypePointer: Sizeof = sizeof(void *); AlignBytes = PointerAlignBytes; break;
case TypeArray: Sizeof = ArraySize * ParentType->Sizeof; AlignBytes = ParentType->AlignBytes; break;
case TypeEnum: Sizeof = sizeof(int); AlignBytes = IntAlignBytes; break;
default: Sizeof = 0; AlignBytes = 0; break; /* structs and unions will get bigger when we add members to them */
switch (Base) {
case TypePointer: Sizeof = sizeof(void *); AlignBytes = PointerAlignBytes; break;
case TypeArray: Sizeof = ArraySize * ParentType->Sizeof; AlignBytes = ParentType->AlignBytes; break;
case TypeEnum: Sizeof = sizeof(int); AlignBytes = IntAlignBytes; break;
default: Sizeof = 0; AlignBytes = 0; break; /* structs and unions will get bigger when we add members to them */
return TypeAdd(pc, Parser, ParentType, Base, ArraySize, Identifier, Sizeof, AlignBytes);
@ -150,15 +148,12 @@ void TypeCleanupNode(Picoc *pc, struct ValueType *Typ)
struct ValueType *NextSubType;
/* clean up and free all the sub-nodes */
for (SubType = Typ->DerivedTypeList; SubType != NULL; SubType = NextSubType)
for (SubType = Typ->DerivedTypeList; SubType != NULL; SubType = NextSubType) {
NextSubType = SubType->Next;
TypeCleanupNode(pc, SubType);
if (SubType->OnHeap)
if (SubType->OnHeap) {
/* if it's a struct or union deallocate all the member values */
if (SubType->Members != NULL)
if (SubType->Members != NULL) {
VariableTableCleanup(pc, SubType->Members);
HeapFreeMem(pc, SubType->Members);
@ -187,14 +182,11 @@ void TypeParseStruct(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType **Typ, int IsSt
Picoc *pc = Parser->pc;
Token = LexGetToken(Parser, &LexValue, FALSE);
if (Token == TokenIdentifier)
if (Token == TokenIdentifier) {
LexGetToken(Parser, &LexValue, TRUE);
StructIdentifier = LexValue->Val->Identifier;
Token = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE);
} else {
static char TempNameBuf[7] = "^s0000";
StructIdentifier = PlatformMakeTempName(pc, TempNameBuf);
@ -204,8 +196,7 @@ void TypeParseStruct(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType **Typ, int IsSt
ProgramFail(Parser, "data type '%t' is already defined", *Typ);
Token = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE);
if (Token != TokenLeftBrace)
if (Token != TokenLeftBrace) {
/* use the already defined structure */
#if 0
if ((*Typ)->Members == NULL)
@ -229,8 +220,7 @@ void TypeParseStruct(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType **Typ, int IsSt
MemberValue = VariableAllocValueAndData(pc, Parser, sizeof(int), FALSE, NULL, TRUE);
MemberValue->Typ = MemberType;
if (IsStruct)
if (IsStruct) {
/* allocate this member's location in the struct */
AlignBoundary = MemberValue->Typ->AlignBytes;
if (((*Typ)->Sizeof & (AlignBoundary-1)) != 0)
@ -238,9 +228,7 @@ void TypeParseStruct(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType **Typ, int IsSt
MemberValue->Val->Integer = (*Typ)->Sizeof;
(*Typ)->Sizeof += TypeSizeValue(MemberValue, TRUE);
} else {
/* union members always start at 0, make sure it's big enough to hold the largest member */
MemberValue->Val->Integer = 0;
if (MemberValue->Typ->Sizeof > (*Typ)->Sizeof)
@ -293,22 +281,18 @@ void TypeParseEnum(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType **Typ)
Picoc *pc = Parser->pc;
Token = LexGetToken(Parser, &LexValue, FALSE);
if (Token == TokenIdentifier)
if (Token == TokenIdentifier) {
LexGetToken(Parser, &LexValue, TRUE);
EnumIdentifier = LexValue->Val->Identifier;
Token = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE);
} else {
static char TempNameBuf[7] = "^e0000";
EnumIdentifier = PlatformMakeTempName(pc, TempNameBuf);
TypeGetMatching(pc, Parser, &pc->UberType, TypeEnum, 0, EnumIdentifier, Token != TokenLeftBrace);
*Typ = &pc->IntType;
if (Token != TokenLeftBrace)
if (Token != TokenLeftBrace) {
/* use the already defined enum */
if ((*Typ)->Members == NULL)
ProgramFail(Parser, "enum '%s' isn't defined", EnumIdentifier);
@ -329,8 +313,7 @@ void TypeParseEnum(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType **Typ)
ProgramFail(Parser, "identifier expected");
EnumIdentifier = LexValue->Val->Identifier;
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) == TokenAssign)
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) == TokenAssign) {
LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
EnumValue = ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
@ -342,7 +325,6 @@ void TypeParseEnum(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType **Typ)
ProgramFail(Parser, "comma expected");
} while (Token == TokenComma);
@ -361,8 +343,7 @@ int TypeParseFront(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType **Typ, int *IsSta
/* ignore leading type qualifiers */
ParserCopy(&Before, Parser);
Token = LexGetToken(Parser, &LexerValue, TRUE);
while (Token == TokenStaticType || Token == TokenAutoType || Token == TokenRegisterType || Token == TokenExternType)
while (Token == TokenStaticType || Token == TokenAutoType || Token == TokenRegisterType || Token == TokenExternType) {
if (Token == TokenStaticType)
StaticQualifier = TRUE;
@ -373,13 +354,11 @@ int TypeParseFront(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType **Typ, int *IsSta
*IsStatic = StaticQualifier;
/* handle signed/unsigned with no trailing type */
if (Token == TokenSignedType || Token == TokenUnsignedType)
if (Token == TokenSignedType || Token == TokenUnsignedType) {
enum LexToken FollowToken = LexGetToken(Parser, &LexerValue, FALSE);
Unsigned = (Token == TokenUnsignedType);
if (FollowToken != TokenIntType && FollowToken != TokenLongType && FollowToken != TokenShortType && FollowToken != TokenCharType)
if (FollowToken != TokenIntType && FollowToken != TokenLongType && FollowToken != TokenShortType && FollowToken != TokenCharType) {
if (Token == TokenUnsignedType)
*Typ = &pc->UnsignedIntType;
@ -391,38 +370,36 @@ int TypeParseFront(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType **Typ, int *IsSta
Token = LexGetToken(Parser, &LexerValue, TRUE);
switch (Token)
case TokenIntType: *Typ = Unsigned ? &pc->UnsignedIntType : &pc->IntType; break;
case TokenShortType: *Typ = Unsigned ? &pc->UnsignedShortType : &pc->ShortType; break;
case TokenCharType: *Typ = Unsigned ? &pc->UnsignedCharType : &pc->CharType; break;
case TokenLongType: *Typ = Unsigned ? &pc->UnsignedLongType : &pc->LongType; break;
switch (Token) {
case TokenIntType: *Typ = Unsigned ? &pc->UnsignedIntType : &pc->IntType; break;
case TokenShortType: *Typ = Unsigned ? &pc->UnsignedShortType : &pc->ShortType; break;
case TokenCharType: *Typ = Unsigned ? &pc->UnsignedCharType : &pc->CharType; break;
case TokenLongType: *Typ = Unsigned ? &pc->UnsignedLongType : &pc->LongType; break;
#ifndef NO_FP
case TokenFloatType: case TokenDoubleType: *Typ = &pc->FPType; break;
case TokenFloatType: case TokenDoubleType: *Typ = &pc->FPType; break;
case TokenVoidType: *Typ = &pc->VoidType; break;
case TokenVoidType: *Typ = &pc->VoidType; break;
case TokenStructType: case TokenUnionType:
if (*Typ != NULL)
ProgramFail(Parser, "bad type declaration");
case TokenStructType: case TokenUnionType:
if (*Typ != NULL)
ProgramFail(Parser, "bad type declaration");
TypeParseStruct(Parser, Typ, Token == TokenStructType);
TypeParseStruct(Parser, Typ, Token == TokenStructType);
case TokenEnumType:
if (*Typ != NULL)
ProgramFail(Parser, "bad type declaration");
case TokenEnumType:
if (*Typ != NULL)
ProgramFail(Parser, "bad type declaration");
TypeParseEnum(Parser, Typ);
TypeParseEnum(Parser, Typ);
case TokenIdentifier:
/* we already know it's a typedef-defined type because we got here */
VariableGet(pc, Parser, LexerValue->Val->Identifier, &VarValue);
*Typ = VarValue->Val->Typ;
case TokenIdentifier:
/* we already know it's a typedef-defined type because we got here */
VariableGet(pc, Parser, LexerValue->Val->Identifier, &VarValue);
*Typ = VarValue->Val->Typ;
default: ParserCopy(Parser, &Before); return FALSE;
default: ParserCopy(Parser, &Before); return FALSE;
return TRUE;
@ -436,17 +413,13 @@ struct ValueType *TypeParseBack(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType *Fro
ParserCopy(&Before, Parser);
Token = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
if (Token == TokenLeftSquareBracket)
if (Token == TokenLeftSquareBracket) {
/* add another array bound */
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) == TokenRightSquareBracket)
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) == TokenRightSquareBracket) {
/* an unsized array */
LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
return TypeGetMatching(Parser->pc, Parser, TypeParseBack(Parser, FromType), TypeArray, 0, Parser->pc->StrEmpty, TRUE);
} else {
/* get a numeric array size */
enum RunMode OldMode = Parser->Mode;
int ArraySize;
@ -459,9 +432,7 @@ struct ValueType *TypeParseBack(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType *Fro
return TypeGetMatching(Parser->pc, Parser, TypeParseBack(Parser, FromType), TypeArray, ArraySize, Parser->pc->StrEmpty, TRUE);
} else {
/* the type specification has finished */
ParserCopy(Parser, &Before);
return FromType;
@ -478,45 +449,42 @@ void TypeParseIdentPart(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType *BasicTyp, s
*Typ = BasicTyp;
*Identifier = Parser->pc->StrEmpty;
while (!Done)
while (!Done) {
ParserCopy(&Before, Parser);
Token = LexGetToken(Parser, &LexValue, TRUE);
switch (Token)
case TokenOpenBracket:
if (*Typ != NULL)
ProgramFail(Parser, "bad type declaration");
switch (Token) {
case TokenOpenBracket:
if (*Typ != NULL)
ProgramFail(Parser, "bad type declaration");
TypeParse(Parser, Typ, Identifier, NULL);
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenCloseBracket)
ProgramFail(Parser, "')' expected");
TypeParse(Parser, Typ, Identifier, NULL);
if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenCloseBracket)
ProgramFail(Parser, "')' expected");
case TokenAsterisk:
if (*Typ == NULL)
ProgramFail(Parser, "bad type declaration");
case TokenAsterisk:
if (*Typ == NULL)
ProgramFail(Parser, "bad type declaration");
*Typ = TypeGetMatching(Parser->pc, Parser, *Typ, TypePointer, 0, Parser->pc->StrEmpty, TRUE);
*Typ = TypeGetMatching(Parser->pc, Parser, *Typ, TypePointer, 0, Parser->pc->StrEmpty, TRUE);
case TokenIdentifier:
if (*Typ == NULL || *Identifier != Parser->pc->StrEmpty)
ProgramFail(Parser, "bad type declaration");
case TokenIdentifier:
if (*Typ == NULL || *Identifier != Parser->pc->StrEmpty)
ProgramFail(Parser, "bad type declaration");
*Identifier = LexValue->Val->Identifier;
Done = TRUE;
*Identifier = LexValue->Val->Identifier;
Done = TRUE;
default: ParserCopy(Parser, &Before); Done = TRUE; break;
default: ParserCopy(Parser, &Before); Done = TRUE; break;
if (*Typ == NULL)
ProgramFail(Parser, "bad type declaration");
if (*Identifier != Parser->pc->StrEmpty)
if (*Identifier != Parser->pc->StrEmpty) {
/* parse stuff after the identifier */
*Typ = TypeParseBack(Parser, *Typ);
@ -18,8 +18,7 @@ void VariableInit(Picoc *pc)
/* deallocate the contents of a variable */
void VariableFree(Picoc *pc, struct Value *Val)
if (Val->ValOnHeap || Val->AnyValOnHeap)
if (Val->ValOnHeap || Val->AnyValOnHeap) {
/* free function bodies */
if (Val->Typ == &pc->FunctionType && Val->Val->FuncDef.Intrinsic == NULL && Val->Val->FuncDef.Body.Pos != NULL)
HeapFreeMem(pc, (void *)Val->Val->FuncDef.Body.Pos);
@ -45,10 +44,8 @@ void VariableTableCleanup(Picoc *pc, struct Table *HashTable)
struct TableEntry *NextEntry;
int Count;
for (Count = 0; Count < HashTable->Size; Count++)
for (Entry = HashTable->HashTable[Count]; Entry != NULL; Entry = NextEntry)
for (Count = 0; Count < HashTable->Size; Count++) {
for (Entry = HashTable->HashTable[Count]; Entry != NULL; Entry = NextEntry) {
NextEntry = Entry->Next;
VariableFree(pc, Entry->p.v.Val);
@ -168,9 +165,9 @@ int VariableScopeBegin(struct ParseState * Parser, int* OldScopeID)
struct TableEntry *NextEntry;
Picoc * pc = Parser->pc;
int Count;
int FirstPrint = 0;
struct Table * HashTable = (pc->TopStackFrame == NULL) ? &(pc->GlobalTable) : &(pc->TopStackFrame)->LocalTable;
@ -182,20 +179,17 @@ int VariableScopeBegin(struct ParseState * Parser, int* OldScopeID)
/* or maybe a more human-readable hash for debugging? */
/* Parser->ScopeID = Parser->Line * 0x10000 + Parser->CharacterPos; */
for (Count = 0; Count < HashTable->Size; Count++)
for (Entry = HashTable->HashTable[Count]; Entry != NULL; Entry = NextEntry)
for (Count = 0; Count < HashTable->Size; Count++) {
for (Entry = HashTable->HashTable[Count]; Entry != NULL; Entry = NextEntry) {
NextEntry = Entry->Next;
if (Entry->p.v.Val->ScopeID == Parser->ScopeID && Entry->p.v.Val->OutOfScope)
if (Entry->p.v.Val->ScopeID == Parser->ScopeID && Entry->p.v.Val->OutOfScope) {
Entry->p.v.Val->OutOfScope = FALSE;
Entry->p.v.Key = (char*)((intptr_t)Entry->p.v.Key & ~1);
if (!FirstPrint) { PRINT_SOURCE_POS; }
FirstPrint = 1;
printf(">>> back into scope: %s %x %d\n", Entry->p.v.Key, Entry->p.v.Val->ScopeID, Entry->p.v.Val->Val->Integer);
@ -209,26 +203,25 @@ void VariableScopeEnd(struct ParseState * Parser, int ScopeID, int PrevScopeID)
struct TableEntry *NextEntry;
Picoc * pc = Parser->pc;
int Count;
int FirstPrint = 0;
struct Table * HashTable = (pc->TopStackFrame == NULL) ? &(pc->GlobalTable) : &(pc->TopStackFrame)->LocalTable;
if (ScopeID == -1) return;
for (Count = 0; Count < HashTable->Size; Count++)
for (Entry = HashTable->HashTable[Count]; Entry != NULL; Entry = NextEntry)
for (Count = 0; Count < HashTable->Size; Count++) {
for (Entry = HashTable->HashTable[Count]; Entry != NULL; Entry = NextEntry) {
NextEntry = Entry->Next;
if (Entry->p.v.Val->ScopeID == ScopeID && !Entry->p.v.Val->OutOfScope)
if (!FirstPrint) { PRINT_SOURCE_POS; }
if (Entry->p.v.Val->ScopeID == ScopeID && !Entry->p.v.Val->OutOfScope) {
if (!FirstPrint) {
FirstPrint = 1;
printf(">>> out of scope: %s %x %d\n", Entry->p.v.Key, Entry->p.v.Val->ScopeID, Entry->p.v.Val->Val->Integer);
Entry->p.v.Val->OutOfScope = TRUE;
Entry->p.v.Key = (char*)((intptr_t)Entry->p.v.Key | 1); /* alter the key so it won't be found by normal searches */
@ -244,10 +237,8 @@ int VariableDefinedAndOutOfScope(Picoc * pc, const char* Ident)
int Count;
struct Table * HashTable = (pc->TopStackFrame == NULL) ? &(pc->GlobalTable) : &(pc->TopStackFrame)->LocalTable;
for (Count = 0; Count < HashTable->Size; Count++)
for (Entry = HashTable->HashTable[Count]; Entry != NULL; Entry = Entry->Next)
for (Count = 0; Count < HashTable->Size; Count++) {
for (Entry = HashTable->HashTable[Count]; Entry != NULL; Entry = Entry->Next) {
if (Entry->p.v.Val->OutOfScope && (char*)((intptr_t)Entry->p.v.Key & ~1) == Ident)
return TRUE;
@ -294,8 +285,7 @@ struct Value *VariableDefineButIgnoreIdentical(struct ParseState *Parser, char *
if (TypeIsForwardDeclared(Parser, Typ))
ProgramFail(Parser, "type '%t' isn't defined", Typ);
if (IsStatic)
if (IsStatic) {
char MangledName[LINEBUFFER_MAX];
char *MNPos = &MangledName[0];
char *MNEnd = &MangledName[LINEBUFFER_MAX-1];
@ -307,8 +297,7 @@ struct Value *VariableDefineButIgnoreIdentical(struct ParseState *Parser, char *
strncpy(MNPos, (char *)Parser->FileName, MNEnd - MNPos);
MNPos += strlen(MNPos);
if (pc->TopStackFrame != NULL)
if (pc->TopStackFrame != NULL) {
/* we're inside a function */
if (MNEnd - MNPos > 0) *MNPos++ = '/';
strncpy(MNPos, (char *)pc->TopStackFrame->FuncName, MNEnd - MNPos);
@ -320,8 +309,7 @@ struct Value *VariableDefineButIgnoreIdentical(struct ParseState *Parser, char *
RegisteredMangledName = TableStrRegister(pc, MangledName);
/* is this static already defined? */
if (!TableGet(&pc->GlobalTable, RegisteredMangledName, &ExistingValue, &DeclFileName, &DeclLine, &DeclColumn))
if (!TableGet(&pc->GlobalTable, RegisteredMangledName, &ExistingValue, &DeclFileName, &DeclLine, &DeclColumn)) {
/* define the mangled-named static variable store in the global scope */
ExistingValue = VariableAllocValueFromType(Parser->pc, Parser, Typ, TRUE, NULL, TRUE);
TableSet(pc, &pc->GlobalTable, (char *)RegisteredMangledName, ExistingValue, (char *)Parser->FileName, Parser->Line, Parser->CharacterPos);
@ -331,9 +319,7 @@ struct Value *VariableDefineButIgnoreIdentical(struct ParseState *Parser, char *
/* static variable exists in the global scope - now make a mirroring variable in our own scope with the short name */
VariableDefinePlatformVar(Parser->pc, Parser, Ident, ExistingValue->Typ, ExistingValue->Val, TRUE);
return ExistingValue;
} else {
if (Parser->Line != 0 && TableGet((pc->TopStackFrame == NULL) ? &pc->GlobalTable : &pc->TopStackFrame->LocalTable, Ident, &ExistingValue, &DeclFileName, &DeclLine, &DeclColumn)
&& DeclFileName == Parser->FileName && DeclLine == Parser->Line && DeclColumn == Parser->CharacterPos)
return ExistingValue;
@ -347,8 +333,7 @@ int VariableDefined(Picoc *pc, const char *Ident)
struct Value *FoundValue;
if (pc->TopStackFrame == NULL || !TableGet(&pc->TopStackFrame->LocalTable, Ident, &FoundValue, NULL, NULL, NULL))
if (pc->TopStackFrame == NULL || !TableGet(&pc->TopStackFrame->LocalTable, Ident, &FoundValue, NULL, NULL, NULL)) {
if (!TableGet(&pc->GlobalTable, Ident, &FoundValue, NULL, NULL, NULL))
return FALSE;
@ -359,10 +344,8 @@ int VariableDefined(Picoc *pc, const char *Ident)
/* get the value of a variable. must be defined. Ident must be registered */
void VariableGet(Picoc *pc, struct ParseState *Parser, const char *Ident, struct Value **LVal)
if (pc->TopStackFrame == NULL || !TableGet(&pc->TopStackFrame->LocalTable, Ident, LVal, NULL, NULL, NULL))
if (!TableGet(&pc->GlobalTable, Ident, LVal, NULL, NULL, NULL))
if (pc->TopStackFrame == NULL || !TableGet(&pc->TopStackFrame->LocalTable, Ident, LVal, NULL, NULL, NULL)) {
if (!TableGet(&pc->GlobalTable, Ident, LVal, NULL, NULL, NULL)) {
if (VariableDefinedAndOutOfScope(pc, Ident))
ProgramFail(Parser, "'%s' is out of scope", Ident);
@ -392,14 +375,12 @@ void VariableStackPop(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *Var)
printf("popping %ld at 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long)(sizeof(struct Value) + TypeSizeValue(Var, FALSE)), (unsigned long)Var);
if (Var->ValOnHeap)
if (Var->ValOnHeap) {
if (Var->Val != NULL)
HeapFreeMem(Parser->pc, Var->Val);
Success = HeapPopStack(Parser->pc, Var, sizeof(struct Value)); /* free from heap */
else if (Var->ValOnStack)
} else if (Var->ValOnStack)
Success = HeapPopStack(Parser->pc, Var, sizeof(struct Value) + TypeSizeValue(Var, FALSE)); /* free from stack */
Success = HeapPopStack(Parser->pc, Var, sizeof(struct Value)); /* value isn't our problem */
Reference in a new issue