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Sublime Text .tmTheme to CSS File Converter

This is a very simple utility that exposes syntect's built in capability to load and parse Sublime Text .tmTheme-format themes and emit equivalent CSS themes for use with syntect's syntax highlighting.

This utility was put together so that it is a simple matter of running a quick command via the CLI to do this rather than having to write some small bit of code yourself to do the same thing via syntect.


syntax_to_css /path/to/your-theme.tmTheme

This will result in a CSS file being written to /path/to/your-theme.css.

Obtaining Themes

You can of course use anyone's custom Sublime Text themes with this tool, provided they are distributed in .tmTheme format and not as .sublime-theme files.

Alternatively, if you just want to generate CSS files from Sublime Text's default built-in themes, you can grab these from your Sublime Text install. The location of these files will vary, but for example if on a Linux system you installed Sublime Text to /opt/sublime_text, you can find a file at /opt/sublime_text/Packages/Color Scheme - Legacy.sublime-package which is actually just a ZIP archive with a different file extension. Inside this archive you can find a number of different .tmTheme-format themes that you can use with this tool to generate CSS files from.