Fix an ordering glitch of dlerr/dlclose and add more logging to help root cause some crashes users are hitting. This also refines the function pointer names to use the underlying function names instead of simplified names for readability.
302 lines
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302 lines
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//go:build linux || windows
package gpu
#cgo linux LDFLAGS: -lrt -lpthread -ldl -lstdc++ -lm
#cgo windows LDFLAGS: -lpthread
#include "gpu_info.h"
import "C"
import (
type handles struct {
cuda *C.cuda_handle_t
rocm *C.rocm_handle_t
var gpuMutex sync.Mutex
var gpuHandles *handles = nil
// With our current CUDA compile flags, 5.2 and older will not work properly
const CudaComputeMajorMin = 6
// Possible locations for the nvidia-ml library
var CudaLinuxGlobs = []string{
// TODO: are these stubs ever valid?
var CudaWindowsGlobs = []string{
var RocmLinuxGlobs = []string{
var RocmWindowsGlobs = []string{
// Note: gpuMutex must already be held
func initGPUHandles() {
// TODO - if the ollama build is CPU only, don't do these checks as they're irrelevant and confusing
gpuHandles = &handles{nil, nil}
var cudaMgmtName string
var cudaMgmtPatterns []string
var rocmMgmtName string
var rocmMgmtPatterns []string
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "windows":
cudaMgmtName = "nvml.dll"
cudaMgmtPatterns = make([]string, len(CudaWindowsGlobs))
copy(cudaMgmtPatterns, CudaWindowsGlobs)
rocmMgmtName = "rocm_smi64.dll"
rocmMgmtPatterns = make([]string, len(RocmWindowsGlobs))
copy(rocmMgmtPatterns, RocmWindowsGlobs)
case "linux":
cudaMgmtName = "libnvidia-ml.so"
cudaMgmtPatterns = make([]string, len(CudaLinuxGlobs))
copy(cudaMgmtPatterns, CudaLinuxGlobs)
rocmMgmtName = "librocm_smi64.so"
rocmMgmtPatterns = make([]string, len(RocmLinuxGlobs))
copy(rocmMgmtPatterns, RocmLinuxGlobs)
slog.Info("Detecting GPU type")
cudaLibPaths := FindGPULibs(cudaMgmtName, cudaMgmtPatterns)
if len(cudaLibPaths) > 0 {
cuda := LoadCUDAMgmt(cudaLibPaths)
if cuda != nil {
slog.Info("Nvidia GPU detected")
gpuHandles.cuda = cuda
rocmLibPaths := FindGPULibs(rocmMgmtName, rocmMgmtPatterns)
if len(rocmLibPaths) > 0 {
rocm := LoadROCMMgmt(rocmLibPaths)
if rocm != nil {
slog.Info("Radeon GPU detected")
gpuHandles.rocm = rocm
func GetGPUInfo() GpuInfo {
// TODO - consider exploring lspci (and equivalent on windows) to check for
// GPUs so we can report warnings if we see Nvidia/AMD but fail to load the libraries
defer gpuMutex.Unlock()
if gpuHandles == nil {
var memInfo C.mem_info_t
resp := GpuInfo{}
if gpuHandles.cuda != nil {
C.cuda_check_vram(*gpuHandles.cuda, &memInfo)
if memInfo.err != nil {
slog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("error looking up CUDA GPU memory: %s", C.GoString(memInfo.err)))
} else {
// Verify minimum compute capability
var cc C.cuda_compute_capability_t
C.cuda_compute_capability(*gpuHandles.cuda, &cc)
if cc.err != nil {
slog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("error looking up CUDA GPU compute capability: %s", C.GoString(cc.err)))
} else if cc.major >= CudaComputeMajorMin {
slog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("CUDA Compute Capability detected: %d.%d", cc.major, cc.minor))
resp.Library = "cuda"
} else {
slog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("CUDA GPU is too old. Falling back to CPU mode. Compute Capability detected: %d.%d", cc.major, cc.minor))
} else if gpuHandles.rocm != nil {
C.rocm_check_vram(*gpuHandles.rocm, &memInfo)
if memInfo.err != nil {
slog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("error looking up ROCm GPU memory: %s", C.GoString(memInfo.err)))
} else {
resp.Library = "rocm"
var version C.rocm_version_resp_t
C.rocm_get_version(*gpuHandles.rocm, &version)
verString := C.GoString(version.str)
if version.status == 0 {
resp.Variant = "v" + verString
} else {
slog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("failed to look up ROCm version: %s", verString))
if resp.Library == "" {
resp.Library = "cpu"
resp.Variant = GetCPUVariant()
if memInfo.err != nil {
slog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("error looking up CPU memory: %s", C.GoString(memInfo.err)))
return resp
resp.DeviceCount = uint32(memInfo.count)
resp.FreeMemory = uint64(memInfo.free)
resp.TotalMemory = uint64(memInfo.total)
return resp
func getCPUMem() (memInfo, error) {
var ret memInfo
var info C.mem_info_t
if info.err != nil {
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(info.err))
return ret, fmt.Errorf(C.GoString(info.err))
ret.FreeMemory = uint64(info.free)
ret.TotalMemory = uint64(info.total)
return ret, nil
func CheckVRAM() (int64, error) {
gpuInfo := GetGPUInfo()
if gpuInfo.FreeMemory > 0 && (gpuInfo.Library == "cuda" || gpuInfo.Library == "rocm") {
// leave 10% or 1024MiB of VRAM free per GPU to handle unaccounted for overhead
overhead := gpuInfo.FreeMemory / 10
gpus := uint64(gpuInfo.DeviceCount)
if overhead < gpus*1024*1024*1024 {
overhead = gpus * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
return int64(gpuInfo.FreeMemory - overhead), nil
return 0, fmt.Errorf("no GPU detected") // TODO - better handling of CPU based memory determiniation
func FindGPULibs(baseLibName string, patterns []string) []string {
// Multiple GPU libraries may exist, and some may not work, so keep trying until we exhaust them
var ldPaths []string
gpuLibPaths := []string{}
slog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Searching for GPU management library %s", baseLibName))
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "windows":
ldPaths = strings.Split(os.Getenv("PATH"), ";")
case "linux":
ldPaths = strings.Split(os.Getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH"), ":")
return gpuLibPaths
// Start with whatever we find in the PATH/LD_LIBRARY_PATH
for _, ldPath := range ldPaths {
d, err := filepath.Abs(ldPath)
if err != nil {
patterns = append(patterns, filepath.Join(d, baseLibName+"*"))
slog.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("gpu management search paths: %v", patterns))
for _, pattern := range patterns {
// Ignore glob discovery errors
matches, _ := filepath.Glob(pattern)
for _, match := range matches {
// Resolve any links so we don't try the same lib multiple times
// and weed out any dups across globs
libPath := match
tmp := match
var err error
for ; err == nil; tmp, err = os.Readlink(libPath) {
if !filepath.IsAbs(tmp) {
tmp = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(libPath), tmp)
libPath = tmp
new := true
for _, cmp := range gpuLibPaths {
if cmp == libPath {
new = false
if new {
gpuLibPaths = append(gpuLibPaths, libPath)
slog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Discovered GPU libraries: %v", gpuLibPaths))
return gpuLibPaths
func LoadCUDAMgmt(cudaLibPaths []string) *C.cuda_handle_t {
var resp C.cuda_init_resp_t
resp.ch.verbose = getVerboseState()
for _, libPath := range cudaLibPaths {
lib := C.CString(libPath)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(lib))
C.cuda_init(lib, &resp)
if resp.err != nil {
slog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to load CUDA management library %s: %s", libPath, C.GoString(resp.err)))
} else {
return &resp.ch
return nil
func LoadROCMMgmt(rocmLibPaths []string) *C.rocm_handle_t {
var resp C.rocm_init_resp_t
resp.rh.verbose = getVerboseState()
for _, libPath := range rocmLibPaths {
lib := C.CString(libPath)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(lib))
C.rocm_init(lib, &resp)
if resp.err != nil {
slog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to load ROCm management library %s: %s", libPath, C.GoString(resp.err)))
} else {
return &resp.rh
return nil
func getVerboseState() C.uint16_t {
if debug := os.Getenv("OLLAMA_DEBUG"); debug != "" {
return C.uint16_t(1)
return C.uint16_t(0)