Self Denial eb76f3e379 Fix CPU-only build under Android Termux enviornment.
Update gpu.go initGPUHandles() to declare gpuHandles variable before
reading it. This resolves an "invalid memory address or nil pointer
dereference" error.

Update dyn_ext_server.c to avoid setting the RTLD_DEEPBIND flag under
__TERMUX__ (Android).
2024-01-18 17:25:33 -07:00

290 lines
7.9 KiB

//go:build linux || windows
package gpu
#cgo linux LDFLAGS: -lrt -lpthread -ldl -lstdc++ -lm
#cgo windows LDFLAGS: -lpthread
#include "gpu_info.h"
import "C"
import (
type handles struct {
cuda *C.cuda_handle_t
rocm *C.rocm_handle_t
var gpuMutex sync.Mutex
var gpuHandles *handles = nil
// With our current CUDA compile flags, 5.2 and older will not work properly
const CudaComputeMajorMin = 6
// Possible locations for the nvidia-ml library
var CudaLinuxGlobs = []string{
var CudaWindowsGlobs = []string{
var RocmLinuxGlobs = []string{
var RocmWindowsGlobs = []string{
// Note: gpuMutex must already be held
func initGPUHandles() {
// TODO - if the ollama build is CPU only, don't do these checks as they're irrelevant and confusing
gpuHandles = &handles{nil, nil}
var cudaMgmtName string
var cudaMgmtPatterns []string
var rocmMgmtName string
var rocmMgmtPatterns []string
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "windows":
cudaMgmtName = "nvml.dll"
cudaMgmtPatterns = make([]string, len(CudaWindowsGlobs))
copy(cudaMgmtPatterns, CudaWindowsGlobs)
rocmMgmtName = "rocm_smi64.dll"
rocmMgmtPatterns = make([]string, len(RocmWindowsGlobs))
copy(rocmMgmtPatterns, RocmWindowsGlobs)
case "linux":
cudaMgmtName = "libnvidia-ml.so"
cudaMgmtPatterns = make([]string, len(CudaLinuxGlobs))
copy(cudaMgmtPatterns, CudaLinuxGlobs)
rocmMgmtName = "librocm_smi64.so"
rocmMgmtPatterns = make([]string, len(RocmLinuxGlobs))
copy(rocmMgmtPatterns, RocmLinuxGlobs)
slog.Info("Detecting GPU type")
cudaLibPaths := FindGPULibs(cudaMgmtName, cudaMgmtPatterns)
if len(cudaLibPaths) > 0 {
cuda := LoadCUDAMgmt(cudaLibPaths)
if cuda != nil {
slog.Info("Nvidia GPU detected")
gpuHandles.cuda = cuda
rocmLibPaths := FindGPULibs(rocmMgmtName, rocmMgmtPatterns)
if len(rocmLibPaths) > 0 {
rocm := LoadROCMMgmt(rocmLibPaths)
if rocm != nil {
slog.Info("Radeon GPU detected")
gpuHandles.rocm = rocm
func GetGPUInfo() GpuInfo {
// TODO - consider exploring lspci (and equivalent on windows) to check for
// GPUs so we can report warnings if we see Nvidia/AMD but fail to load the libraries
defer gpuMutex.Unlock()
if gpuHandles == nil {
var memInfo C.mem_info_t
resp := GpuInfo{}
if gpuHandles.cuda != nil {
C.cuda_check_vram(*gpuHandles.cuda, &memInfo)
if memInfo.err != nil {
slog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("error looking up CUDA GPU memory: %s", C.GoString(memInfo.err)))
} else {
// Verify minimum compute capability
var cc C.cuda_compute_capability_t
C.cuda_compute_capability(*gpuHandles.cuda, &cc)
if cc.err != nil {
slog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("error looking up CUDA GPU compute capability: %s", C.GoString(cc.err)))
} else if cc.major >= CudaComputeMajorMin {
slog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("CUDA Compute Capability detected: %d.%d", cc.major, cc.minor))
resp.Library = "cuda"
} else {
slog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("CUDA GPU is too old. Falling back to CPU mode. Compute Capability detected: %d.%d", cc.major, cc.minor))
} else if gpuHandles.rocm != nil {
C.rocm_check_vram(*gpuHandles.rocm, &memInfo)
if memInfo.err != nil {
slog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("error looking up ROCm GPU memory: %s", C.GoString(memInfo.err)))
} else {
resp.Library = "rocm"
var version C.rocm_version_resp_t
C.rocm_get_version(*gpuHandles.rocm, &version)
verString := C.GoString(version.str)
if version.status == 0 {
resp.Variant = "v" + verString
} else {
slog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("failed to look up ROCm version: %s", verString))
if resp.Library == "" {
resp.Library = "cpu"
resp.Variant = GetCPUVariant()
if memInfo.err != nil {
slog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("error looking up CPU memory: %s", C.GoString(memInfo.err)))
return resp
resp.DeviceCount = uint32(memInfo.count)
resp.FreeMemory = uint64(memInfo.free)
resp.TotalMemory = uint64(memInfo.total)
return resp
func getCPUMem() (memInfo, error) {
var ret memInfo
var info C.mem_info_t
if info.err != nil {
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(info.err))
return ret, fmt.Errorf(C.GoString(info.err))
ret.FreeMemory = uint64(info.free)
ret.TotalMemory = uint64(info.total)
return ret, nil
func CheckVRAM() (int64, error) {
gpuInfo := GetGPUInfo()
if gpuInfo.FreeMemory > 0 && (gpuInfo.Library == "cuda" || gpuInfo.Library == "rocm") {
// leave 10% or 512MiB of VRAM free per GPU to handle unaccounted for overhead
overhead := gpuInfo.FreeMemory / 10
gpus := uint64(gpuInfo.DeviceCount)
if overhead < gpus*512*1024*1024 {
overhead = gpus * 512 * 1024 * 1024
return int64(gpuInfo.FreeMemory - overhead), nil
return 0, fmt.Errorf("no GPU detected") // TODO - better handling of CPU based memory determiniation
func FindGPULibs(baseLibName string, patterns []string) []string {
// Multiple GPU libraries may exist, and some may not work, so keep trying until we exhaust them
var ldPaths []string
gpuLibPaths := []string{}
slog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Searching for GPU management library %s", baseLibName))
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "windows":
ldPaths = strings.Split(os.Getenv("PATH"), ";")
case "linux":
ldPaths = strings.Split(os.Getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH"), ":")
return gpuLibPaths
// Start with whatever we find in the PATH/LD_LIBRARY_PATH
for _, ldPath := range ldPaths {
d, err := filepath.Abs(ldPath)
if err != nil {
patterns = append(patterns, filepath.Join(d, baseLibName+"*"))
slog.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("gpu management search paths: %v", patterns))
for _, pattern := range patterns {
// Ignore glob discovery errors
matches, _ := filepath.Glob(pattern)
for _, match := range matches {
// Resolve any links so we don't try the same lib multiple times
// and weed out any dups across globs
libPath := match
tmp := match
var err error
for ; err == nil; tmp, err = os.Readlink(libPath) {
if !filepath.IsAbs(tmp) {
tmp = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(libPath), tmp)
libPath = tmp
new := true
for _, cmp := range gpuLibPaths {
if cmp == libPath {
new = false
if new {
gpuLibPaths = append(gpuLibPaths, libPath)
slog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Discovered GPU libraries: %v", gpuLibPaths))
return gpuLibPaths
func LoadCUDAMgmt(cudaLibPaths []string) *C.cuda_handle_t {
var resp C.cuda_init_resp_t
for _, libPath := range cudaLibPaths {
lib := C.CString(libPath)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(lib))
C.cuda_init(lib, &resp)
if resp.err != nil {
slog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to load CUDA management library %s: %s", libPath, C.GoString(resp.err)))
} else {
return &resp.ch
return nil
func LoadROCMMgmt(rocmLibPaths []string) *C.rocm_handle_t {
var resp C.rocm_init_resp_t
for _, libPath := range rocmLibPaths {
lib := C.CString(libPath)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(lib))
C.rocm_init(lib, &resp)
if resp.err != nil {
slog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to load ROCm management library %s: %s", libPath, C.GoString(resp.err)))
} else {
return &resp.rh
return nil