This switches the default llama.cpp to be CPU based, and builds the GPU variants as dynamically loaded libraries which we can select at runtime. This also bumps the ROCm library to version 6 given 5.7 builds don't work on the latest ROCm library that just shipped.
153 lines
4.7 KiB
153 lines
4.7 KiB
//go:build !darwin
package llm
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "dynamic_shim.h"
import "C"
import (
//go:embed llama.cpp/gguf/build/lib/*
var libEmbed embed.FS
var RocmShimMissing = fmt.Errorf("ROCm shim library not included in this build of ollama. Radeon GPUs are not supported")
type shimExtServer struct {
s C.struct_dynamic_llama_server
options api.Options
// Note: current implementation does not support concurrent instantiations
var shimMutex sync.Mutex
var llm *shimExtServer
func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_init(sparams *C.ext_server_params_t, err *C.ext_server_resp_t) {
C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_init(llm.s, sparams, err)
func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_start() {
func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_stop() {
func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_completion(json_req *C.char, resp *C.ext_server_resp_t) {
C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_completion(llm.s, json_req, resp)
func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_completion_next_result(task_id C.int, resp *C.ext_server_task_result_t) {
C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_completion_next_result(llm.s, task_id, resp)
func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_completion_cancel(task_id C.int, err *C.ext_server_resp_t) {
C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_completion_cancel(llm.s, task_id, err)
func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_release_task_result(result *C.ext_server_task_result_t) {
C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_release_task_result(llm.s, result)
func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_tokenize(json_req *C.char, json_resp **C.char, err *C.ext_server_resp_t) {
C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_tokenize(llm.s, json_req, json_resp, err)
func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_detokenize(json_req *C.char, json_resp **C.char, err *C.ext_server_resp_t) {
C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_detokenize(llm.s, json_req, json_resp, err)
func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_embedding(json_req *C.char, json_resp **C.char, err *C.ext_server_resp_t) {
C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_embedding(llm.s, json_req, json_resp, err)
func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_release_json_resp(json_resp **C.char) {
C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_release_json_resp(llm.s, json_resp)
func newDynamicShimExtServer(library, model string, adapters, projectors []string, numLayers int64, opts api.Options) (extServer, error) {
defer shimMutex.Unlock()
libPath := C.CString(library)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(libPath))
resp := newExtServerResp(128)
defer freeExtServerResp(resp)
var srv C.struct_dynamic_llama_server
C.dynamic_shim_init(libPath, &srv, &resp)
if resp.id < 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to load dynamic library: %s", C.GoString(resp.msg))
llm = &shimExtServer{
s: srv,
options: opts,
log.Printf("Loading Dynamic Shim llm server: %s", library)
return newExtServer(llm, model, adapters, projectors, numLayers, opts)
func (llm *shimExtServer) Predict(ctx context.Context, pred PredictOpts, fn func(PredictResult)) error {
return predict(llm, llm.options, ctx, pred, fn)
func (llm *shimExtServer) Encode(ctx context.Context, prompt string) ([]int, error) {
return encode(llm, ctx, prompt)
func (llm *shimExtServer) Decode(ctx context.Context, tokens []int) (string, error) {
return decode(llm, ctx, tokens)
func (llm *shimExtServer) Embedding(ctx context.Context, input string) ([]float64, error) {
return embedding(llm, ctx, input)
func (llm *shimExtServer) Close() {
func nativeInit(workdir string) error {
libs, err := extractDynamicLibs(workdir, "llama.cpp/gguf/build/lib/*server*")
if err != nil {
if err == payloadMissing {
log.Printf("%s", payloadMissing)
return nil
return err
for _, lib := range libs {
libName := strings.Split(strings.TrimPrefix(filepath.Base(lib), "lib"), ".")[0]
AvailableShims[libName] = lib
// Only check ROCm access if we have the dynamic lib loaded
if _, rocmPresent := AvailableShims["rocm_server"]; rocmPresent {
// Verify we have permissions - either running as root, or we have group access to the driver
fd, err := os.OpenFile("/dev/kfd", os.O_RDWR, 0666)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrPermission) {
log.Fatalf("Radeon card detected, but permissions not set up properly. Either run ollama as root, or add you user account to the render group.")
return err
} else if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
// expected behavior without a radeon card
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("failed to check permission on /dev/kfd: %w", err)
return nil