Daniel Hiltgen 089daaeabc Add CUDA Driver API for GPU discovery
We're seeing some corner cases with cudart which might be resolved by
switching to the driver API which comes bundled with the driver package
2024-04-30 18:00:45 -07:00

357 lines
10 KiB

//go:build linux || windows
package gpu
#cgo linux LDFLAGS: -lrt -lpthread -ldl -lstdc++ -lm
#cgo windows LDFLAGS: -lpthread
#include "gpu_info.h"
import "C"
import (
type handles struct {
deviceCount int
cudart *C.cudart_handle_t
nvcuda *C.nvcuda_handle_t
const (
cudaMinimumMemory = 457 * format.MebiByte
rocmMinimumMemory = 457 * format.MebiByte
var gpuMutex sync.Mutex
// With our current CUDA compile flags, older than 5.0 will not work properly
var CudaComputeMin = [2]C.int{5, 0}
var RocmComputeMin = 9
// TODO find a better way to detect iGPU instead of minimum memory
const IGPUMemLimit = 1 * format.GibiByte // 512G is what they typically report, so anything less than 1G must be iGPU
var CudartLinuxGlobs = []string{
var CudartWindowsGlobs = []string{
"c:\\Program Files\\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\\CUDA\\v*\\bin\\cudart64_*.dll",
var NvcudaLinuxGlobs = []string{
var NvcudaWindowsGlobs = []string{
// Jetson devices have JETSON_JETPACK="x.y.z" factory set to the Jetpack version installed.
// Included to drive logic for reducing Ollama-allocated overhead on L4T/Jetson devices.
var CudaTegra string = os.Getenv("JETSON_JETPACK")
// Note: gpuMutex must already be held
func initGPUHandles() *handles {
// TODO - if the ollama build is CPU only, don't do these checks as they're irrelevant and confusing
gpuHandles := &handles{}
var cudartMgmtName string
var cudartMgmtPatterns []string
var nvcudaMgmtName string
var nvcudaMgmtPatterns []string
tmpDir, _ := PayloadsDir()
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "windows":
cudartMgmtName = "cudart64_*.dll"
localAppData := os.Getenv("LOCALAPPDATA")
cudartMgmtPatterns = []string{filepath.Join(localAppData, "Programs", "Ollama", cudartMgmtName)}
cudartMgmtPatterns = append(cudartMgmtPatterns, CudartWindowsGlobs...)
// Aligned with driver, we can't carry as payloads
nvcudaMgmtName = "nvcuda.dll"
nvcudaMgmtPatterns = NvcudaWindowsGlobs
case "linux":
cudartMgmtName = "libcudart.so*"
if tmpDir != "" {
// TODO - add "payloads" for subprocess
cudartMgmtPatterns = []string{filepath.Join(tmpDir, "cuda*", cudartMgmtName)}
cudartMgmtPatterns = append(cudartMgmtPatterns, CudartLinuxGlobs...)
// Aligned with driver, we can't carry as payloads
nvcudaMgmtName = "libcuda.so*"
nvcudaMgmtPatterns = NvcudaLinuxGlobs
return gpuHandles
slog.Info("Detecting GPUs")
nvcudaLibPaths := FindGPULibs(nvcudaMgmtName, nvcudaMgmtPatterns)
if len(nvcudaLibPaths) > 0 {
deviceCount, nvcuda, libPath := LoadNVCUDAMgmt(nvcudaLibPaths)
if nvcuda != nil {
slog.Info("detected GPUs", "count", deviceCount, "library", libPath)
gpuHandles.nvcuda = nvcuda
gpuHandles.deviceCount = deviceCount
return gpuHandles
cudartLibPaths := FindGPULibs(cudartMgmtName, cudartMgmtPatterns)
if len(cudartLibPaths) > 0 {
deviceCount, cudart, libPath := LoadCUDARTMgmt(cudartLibPaths)
if cudart != nil {
slog.Info("detected GPUs", "library", libPath, "count", deviceCount)
gpuHandles.cudart = cudart
gpuHandles.deviceCount = deviceCount
return gpuHandles
return gpuHandles
func GetGPUInfo() GpuInfoList {
// TODO - consider exploring lspci (and equivalent on windows) to check for
// GPUs so we can report warnings if we see Nvidia/AMD but fail to load the libraries
defer gpuMutex.Unlock()
gpuHandles := initGPUHandles()
defer func() {
if gpuHandles.cudart != nil {
if gpuHandles.nvcuda != nil {
// All our GPU builds on x86 have AVX enabled, so fallback to CPU if we don't detect at least AVX
cpuVariant := GetCPUVariant()
if cpuVariant == "" && runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" {
slog.Warn("CPU does not have AVX or AVX2, disabling GPU support.")
var memInfo C.mem_info_t
resp := []GpuInfo{}
// NVIDIA first
for i := 0; i < gpuHandles.deviceCount; i++ {
// TODO once we support CPU compilation variants of GPU libraries refine this...
if cpuVariant == "" && runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" {
gpuInfo := GpuInfo{
Library: "cuda",
if gpuHandles.cudart != nil {
C.cudart_check_vram(*gpuHandles.cudart, C.int(i), &memInfo)
} else {
C.nvcuda_check_vram(*gpuHandles.nvcuda, C.int(i), &memInfo)
if memInfo.err != nil {
slog.Info("error looking up nvidia GPU memory", "error", C.GoString(memInfo.err))
if memInfo.major < CudaComputeMin[0] || (memInfo.major == CudaComputeMin[0] && memInfo.minor < CudaComputeMin[1]) {
slog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("[%d] CUDA GPU is too old. Compute Capability detected: %d.%d", i, memInfo.major, memInfo.minor))
gpuInfo.TotalMemory = uint64(memInfo.total)
gpuInfo.FreeMemory = uint64(memInfo.free)
gpuInfo.ID = C.GoString(&memInfo.gpu_id[0])
gpuInfo.Major = int(memInfo.major)
gpuInfo.Minor = int(memInfo.minor)
gpuInfo.MinimumMemory = cudaMinimumMemory
// TODO potentially sort on our own algorithm instead of what the underlying GPU library does...
resp = append(resp, gpuInfo)
// Then AMD
resp = append(resp, AMDGetGPUInfo()...)
if len(resp) == 0 {
if memInfo.err != nil {
slog.Info("error looking up CPU memory", "error", C.GoString(memInfo.err))
return resp
gpuInfo := GpuInfo{
Library: "cpu",
Variant: cpuVariant,
gpuInfo.TotalMemory = uint64(memInfo.total)
gpuInfo.FreeMemory = uint64(memInfo.free)
gpuInfo.ID = C.GoString(&memInfo.gpu_id[0])
resp = append(resp, gpuInfo)
return resp
func GetCPUMem() (memInfo, error) {
var ret memInfo
var info C.mem_info_t
if info.err != nil {
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(info.err))
return ret, fmt.Errorf(C.GoString(info.err))
ret.FreeMemory = uint64(info.free)
ret.TotalMemory = uint64(info.total)
return ret, nil
func FindGPULibs(baseLibName string, defaultPatterns []string) []string {
// Multiple GPU libraries may exist, and some may not work, so keep trying until we exhaust them
var ldPaths []string
var patterns []string
gpuLibPaths := []string{}
slog.Debug("Searching for GPU library", "name", baseLibName)
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "windows":
ldPaths = strings.Split(os.Getenv("PATH"), ";")
case "linux":
ldPaths = strings.Split(os.Getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH"), ":")
return gpuLibPaths
// Start with whatever we find in the PATH/LD_LIBRARY_PATH
for _, ldPath := range ldPaths {
d, err := filepath.Abs(ldPath)
if err != nil {
patterns = append(patterns, filepath.Join(d, baseLibName+"*"))
patterns = append(patterns, defaultPatterns...)
slog.Debug("gpu library search", "globs", patterns)
for _, pattern := range patterns {
// Ignore glob discovery errors
matches, _ := filepath.Glob(pattern)
for _, match := range matches {
// Resolve any links so we don't try the same lib multiple times
// and weed out any dups across globs
libPath := match
tmp := match
var err error
for ; err == nil; tmp, err = os.Readlink(libPath) {
if !filepath.IsAbs(tmp) {
tmp = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(libPath), tmp)
libPath = tmp
new := true
for _, cmp := range gpuLibPaths {
if cmp == libPath {
new = false
if new {
gpuLibPaths = append(gpuLibPaths, libPath)
slog.Debug("discovered GPU libraries", "paths", gpuLibPaths)
return gpuLibPaths
func LoadCUDARTMgmt(cudartLibPaths []string) (int, *C.cudart_handle_t, string) {
var resp C.cudart_init_resp_t
resp.ch.verbose = getVerboseState()
for _, libPath := range cudartLibPaths {
lib := C.CString(libPath)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(lib))
C.cudart_init(lib, &resp)
if resp.err != nil {
slog.Debug("Unable to load cudart", "library", libPath, "error", C.GoString(resp.err))
} else {
return int(resp.num_devices), &resp.ch, libPath
return 0, nil, ""
func LoadNVCUDAMgmt(nvcudaLibPaths []string) (int, *C.nvcuda_handle_t, string) {
var resp C.nvcuda_init_resp_t
resp.ch.verbose = getVerboseState()
for _, libPath := range nvcudaLibPaths {
lib := C.CString(libPath)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(lib))
C.nvcuda_init(lib, &resp)
if resp.err != nil {
slog.Debug("Unable to load nvcuda", "library", libPath, "error", C.GoString(resp.err))
} else {
return int(resp.num_devices), &resp.ch, libPath
return 0, nil, ""
func getVerboseState() C.uint16_t {
if debug := os.Getenv("OLLAMA_DEBUG"); debug != "" {
return C.uint16_t(1)
return C.uint16_t(0)
// Given the list of GPUs this instantiation is targeted for,
// figure out the visible devices environment variable
// If different libraries are detected, the first one is what we use
func (l GpuInfoList) GetVisibleDevicesEnv() (string, string) {
if len(l) == 0 {
return "", ""
switch l[0].Library {
case "cuda":
return cudaGetVisibleDevicesEnv(l)
case "rocm":
return rocmGetVisibleDevicesEnv(l)
slog.Debug("no filter required for library " + l[0].Library)
return "", ""