//go:build !darwin package llm /* #include #include "dynamic_shim.h" */ import "C" import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "io" "io/fs" "log" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "sync" "unsafe" "github.com/jmorganca/ollama/api" ) type shimExtServer struct { s C.struct_dynamic_llama_server options api.Options } // Note: current implementation does not support concurrent instantiations var shimMutex sync.Mutex var llm *shimExtServer func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_init(sparams *C.ext_server_params_t, err *C.ext_server_resp_t) { C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_init(llm.s, sparams, err) } func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_start() { C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_start(llm.s) } func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_stop() { C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_stop(llm.s) } func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_completion(json_req *C.char, resp *C.ext_server_resp_t) { C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_completion(llm.s, json_req, resp) } func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_completion_next_result(task_id C.int, resp *C.ext_server_task_result_t) { C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_completion_next_result(llm.s, task_id, resp) } func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_completion_cancel(task_id C.int, err *C.ext_server_resp_t) { C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_completion_cancel(llm.s, task_id, err) } func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_release_task_result(result *C.ext_server_task_result_t) { C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_release_task_result(llm.s, result) } func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_tokenize(json_req *C.char, json_resp **C.char, err *C.ext_server_resp_t) { C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_tokenize(llm.s, json_req, json_resp, err) } func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_detokenize(json_req *C.char, json_resp **C.char, err *C.ext_server_resp_t) { C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_detokenize(llm.s, json_req, json_resp, err) } func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_embedding(json_req *C.char, json_resp **C.char, err *C.ext_server_resp_t) { C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_embedding(llm.s, json_req, json_resp, err) } func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_release_json_resp(json_resp **C.char) { C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_release_json_resp(llm.s, json_resp) } func newDynamicShimExtServer(library, model string, adapters, projectors []string, numLayers int64, opts api.Options) (extServer, error) { shimMutex.Lock() defer shimMutex.Unlock() updatePath(filepath.Dir(library)) libPath := C.CString(library) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(libPath)) resp := newExtServerResp(128) defer freeExtServerResp(resp) var srv C.struct_dynamic_llama_server C.dynamic_shim_init(libPath, &srv, &resp) if resp.id < 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to load dynamic library: %s", C.GoString(resp.msg)) } llm = &shimExtServer{ s: srv, options: opts, } log.Printf("Loading Dynamic Shim llm server: %s", library) return newExtServer(llm, model, adapters, projectors, numLayers, opts) } func (llm *shimExtServer) Predict(ctx context.Context, pred PredictOpts, fn func(PredictResult)) error { return predict(ctx, llm, pred, fn) } func (llm *shimExtServer) Encode(ctx context.Context, prompt string) ([]int, error) { return encode(llm, ctx, prompt) } func (llm *shimExtServer) Decode(ctx context.Context, tokens []int) (string, error) { return decode(llm, ctx, tokens) } func (llm *shimExtServer) Embedding(ctx context.Context, input string) ([]float64, error) { return embedding(llm, ctx, input) } func (llm *shimExtServer) Close() { close(llm) } func nativeInit(workdir string) error { libs, err := extractDynamicLibs(workdir, "llama.cpp/gguf/build/*/*/lib/*") if err != nil { if err == payloadMissing { log.Printf("%s", payloadMissing) return nil } return err } for _, lib := range libs { // The last dir component is the variant name variant := filepath.Base(filepath.Dir(lib)) AvailableShims[variant] = lib } if err := verifyDriverAccess(); err != nil { return err } // Report which dynamic libraries we have loaded to assist troubleshooting variants := make([]string, len(AvailableShims)) i := 0 for variant := range AvailableShims { variants[i] = variant i++ } log.Printf("Dynamic LLM variants %v", variants) return nil } func extractDynamicLibs(workDir, glob string) ([]string, error) { files, err := fs.Glob(libEmbed, glob) if err != nil || len(files) == 0 { return nil, payloadMissing } libs := make([]string, len(files)) for i, file := range files { pathComps := strings.Split(file, "/") if len(pathComps) != 7 { log.Printf("unexpected payload components: %v", pathComps) continue } // llama.cpp/gguf/build/$OS/$VARIANT/lib/$LIBRARY // Include the variant in the path to avoid conflicts between multiple server libs targetDir := filepath.Join(workDir, pathComps[4]) srcFile, err := libEmbed.Open(file) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("read payload %s: %v", file, err) } defer srcFile.Close() if err := os.MkdirAll(targetDir, 0o755); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("create payload temp dir %s: %v", workDir, err) } destFile := filepath.Join(targetDir, filepath.Base(file)) if strings.Contains(destFile, "server") { libs[i] = destFile } _, err = os.Stat(destFile) switch { case errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist): destFile, err := os.OpenFile(destFile, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0o755) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("write payload %s: %v", file, err) } defer destFile.Close() if _, err := io.Copy(destFile, srcFile); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("copy payload %s: %v", file, err) } case err != nil: return nil, fmt.Errorf("stat payload %s: %v", file, err) } } return libs, nil }