revert cli to use /api/generate (#1383)
This commit is contained in:
@ -159,54 +159,7 @@ func RunHandler(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return err
interactive := true
opts := runOptions{
Model: name,
WordWrap: os.Getenv("TERM") == "xterm-256color",
Options: map[string]interface{}{},
format, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("format")
if err != nil {
return err
opts.Format = format
prompts := args[1:]
// prepend stdin to the prompt if provided
if !term.IsTerminal(int(os.Stdin.Fd())) {
in, err := io.ReadAll(os.Stdin)
if err != nil {
return err
prompts = append([]string{string(in)}, prompts...)
opts.WordWrap = false
interactive = false
msg := api.Message{
Role: "user",
Content: strings.Join(prompts, " "),
opts.Messages = append(opts.Messages, msg)
if len(prompts) > 0 {
interactive = false
nowrap, err := cmd.Flags().GetBool("nowordwrap")
if err != nil {
return err
opts.WordWrap = !nowrap
if !interactive {
_, err := chat(cmd, opts)
return err
return chatInteractive(cmd, opts)
return RunGenerate(cmd, args)
func PushHandler(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
@ -458,26 +411,83 @@ func PullHandler(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return nil
type runOptions struct {
func RunGenerate(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
interactive := true
opts := generateOptions{
Model: args[0],
WordWrap: os.Getenv("TERM") == "xterm-256color",
Options: map[string]interface{}{},
format, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("format")
if err != nil {
return err
opts.Format = format
prompts := args[1:]
// prepend stdin to the prompt if provided
if !term.IsTerminal(int(os.Stdin.Fd())) {
in, err := io.ReadAll(os.Stdin)
if err != nil {
return err
prompts = append([]string{string(in)}, prompts...)
opts.WordWrap = false
interactive = false
opts.Prompt = strings.Join(prompts, " ")
if len(prompts) > 0 {
interactive = false
nowrap, err := cmd.Flags().GetBool("nowordwrap")
if err != nil {
return err
opts.WordWrap = !nowrap
if !interactive {
return generate(cmd, opts)
return generateInteractive(cmd, opts)
type generateContextKey string
type generateOptions struct {
Model string
Messages []api.Message
Prompt string
WordWrap bool
Format string
System string
Template string
Options map[string]interface{}
func chat(cmd *cobra.Command, opts runOptions) (*api.Message, error) {
func generate(cmd *cobra.Command, opts generateOptions) error {
client, err := api.ClientFromEnvironment()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return err
p := progress.NewProgress(os.Stderr)
defer p.StopAndClear()
spinner := progress.NewSpinner("")
p.Add("", spinner)
var latest api.GenerateResponse
generateContext, ok := cmd.Context().Value(generateContextKey("context")).([]int)
if !ok {
generateContext = []int{}
termWidth, _, err := term.GetSize(int(os.Stdout.Fd()))
if err != nil {
opts.WordWrap = false
@ -496,24 +506,24 @@ func chat(cmd *cobra.Command, opts runOptions) (*api.Message, error) {
var currentLineLength int
var wordBuffer string
var latest api.ChatResponse
var fullResponse strings.Builder
var role string
fn := func(response api.ChatResponse) error {
request := api.GenerateRequest{
Model: opts.Model,
Prompt: opts.Prompt,
Context: generateContext,
Format: opts.Format,
System: opts.System,
Template: opts.Template,
Options: opts.Options,
fn := func(response api.GenerateResponse) error {
latest = response
if response.Message == nil {
// warm-up response or done
return nil
role = response.Message.Role
content := response.Message.Content
termWidth, _, _ = term.GetSize(int(os.Stdout.Fd()))
if opts.WordWrap && termWidth >= 10 {
for _, ch := range content {
for _, ch := range response.Response {
if currentLineLength+1 > termWidth-5 {
if len(wordBuffer) > termWidth-10 {
fmt.Printf("%s%c", wordBuffer, ch)
@ -541,7 +551,7 @@ func chat(cmd *cobra.Command, opts runOptions) (*api.Message, error) {
} else {
fmt.Printf("%s%s", wordBuffer, content)
fmt.Printf("%s%s", wordBuffer, response.Response)
if len(wordBuffer) > 0 {
wordBuffer = ""
@ -550,35 +560,35 @@ func chat(cmd *cobra.Command, opts runOptions) (*api.Message, error) {
return nil
req := &api.ChatRequest{
Model: opts.Model,
Messages: opts.Messages,
Format: opts.Format,
Template: opts.Template,
Options: opts.Options,
if err := client.Chat(cancelCtx, req, fn); err != nil {
if err := client.Generate(cancelCtx, &request, fn); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
return nil, nil
return nil
return nil, err
return err
if opts.Prompt != "" {
if len(opts.Messages) > 0 {
if !latest.Done {
return nil
verbose, err := cmd.Flags().GetBool("verbose")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return err
if verbose {
return &api.Message{Role: role, Content: fullResponse.String()}, nil
ctx := cmd.Context()
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, generateContextKey("context"), latest.Context)
return nil
type MultilineState int
@ -590,10 +600,13 @@ const (
func chatInteractive(cmd *cobra.Command, opts runOptions) error {
func generateInteractive(cmd *cobra.Command, opts generateOptions) error {
// load the model
loadOpts := runOptions{Model: opts.Model}
if _, err := chat(cmd, loadOpts); err != nil {
loadOpts := generateOptions{
Model: opts.Model,
Prompt: "",
if err := generate(cmd, loadOpts); err != nil {
return err
@ -664,9 +677,7 @@ func chatInteractive(cmd *cobra.Command, opts runOptions) error {
defer fmt.Printf(readline.EndBracketedPaste)
var multiline MultilineState
var content string
var systemContent string
opts.Messages = make([]api.Message, 0)
var prompt string
for {
line, err := scanner.Readline()
@ -680,7 +691,7 @@ func chatInteractive(cmd *cobra.Command, opts runOptions) error {
scanner.Prompt.UseAlt = false
content = ""
prompt = ""
case err != nil:
@ -688,37 +699,37 @@ func chatInteractive(cmd *cobra.Command, opts runOptions) error {
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(content, `"""`):
case strings.HasPrefix(prompt, `"""`):
// if the prompt so far starts with """ then we're in multiline mode
// and we need to keep reading until we find a line that ends with """
cut, found := strings.CutSuffix(line, `"""`)
content += cut + "\n"
prompt += cut + "\n"
if !found {
content = strings.TrimPrefix(content, `"""`)
prompt = strings.TrimPrefix(prompt, `"""`)
scanner.Prompt.UseAlt = false
switch multiline {
case MultilineSystem:
systemContent = content
content = ""
opts.System = prompt
prompt = ""
fmt.Println("Set system template.\n")
case MultilineTemplate:
opts.Template = content
content = ""
opts.Template = prompt
prompt = ""
fmt.Println("Set model template.\n")
multiline = MultilineNone
case strings.HasPrefix(line, `"""`) && len(content) == 0:
case strings.HasPrefix(line, `"""`) && len(prompt) == 0:
scanner.Prompt.UseAlt = true
multiline = MultilinePrompt
content += line + "\n"
prompt += line + "\n"
case scanner.Pasting:
content += line + "\n"
prompt += line + "\n"
case strings.HasPrefix(line, "/list"):
args := strings.Fields(line)
@ -780,17 +791,17 @@ func chatInteractive(cmd *cobra.Command, opts runOptions) error {
line = strings.TrimPrefix(line, `"""`)
if strings.HasPrefix(args[2], `"""`) {
cut, found := strings.CutSuffix(line, `"""`)
content += cut + "\n"
prompt += cut + "\n"
if found {
systemContent = content
opts.System = prompt
if args[1] == "system" {
fmt.Println("Set system template.\n")
} else {
fmt.Println("Set prompt template.\n")
content = ""
prompt = ""
} else {
content = `"""` + content
prompt = `"""` + prompt
if args[1] == "system" {
multiline = MultilineSystem
} else {
@ -799,7 +810,7 @@ func chatInteractive(cmd *cobra.Command, opts runOptions) error {
scanner.Prompt.UseAlt = true
} else {
systemContent = line
opts.System = line
fmt.Println("Set system template.\n")
@ -847,8 +858,8 @@ func chatInteractive(cmd *cobra.Command, opts runOptions) error {
case "system":
switch {
case systemContent != "":
fmt.Println(systemContent + "\n")
case opts.System != "":
fmt.Println(opts.System + "\n")
case resp.System != "":
fmt.Println(resp.System + "\n")
@ -888,23 +899,16 @@ func chatInteractive(cmd *cobra.Command, opts runOptions) error {
fmt.Printf("Unknown command '%s'. Type /? for help\n", args[0])
content += line
prompt += line
if len(content) > 0 && multiline == MultilineNone {
if systemContent != "" {
opts.Messages = append(opts.Messages, api.Message{Role: "system", Content: systemContent})
opts.Messages = append(opts.Messages, api.Message{Role: "user", Content: content})
assistant, err := chat(cmd, opts)
if err != nil {
if len(prompt) > 0 && multiline == MultilineNone {
opts.Prompt = prompt
if err := generate(cmd, opts); err != nil {
return err
if assistant != nil {
opts.Messages = append(opts.Messages, *assistant)
content = ""
prompt = ""
Reference in a new issue