The **chat** endpoint is one of two ways to generate text from an LLM with Ollama, and is introduced in version 0.1.14. At a high level, you provide the endpoint an array of objects with a role and content specified.Then with each output and prompt, you add more of those role/content objects, which builds up the history.
With the **generate** endpoint, you need to provide a `prompt`. But with **chat**, you provide `messages`. And the resulting stream of responses includes a `message` object with a `content` field.
The final JSON object doesn't provide the full content, so you will need to build the content yourself.
In the **main** function, we collect `user_input` and add it as a message to our messages and that is passed to the chat function. When the LLM is done responding the output is added as another message.
In this example, all generations are kept. You might want to experiment with summarizing everything older than 10 conversations to enable longer history with less context being used.