2024-05-13 17:41:37 -04:00
package server
import (
var stream bool = false
func createBinFile ( t * testing . T ) string {
t . Helper ( )
f , err := os . CreateTemp ( t . TempDir ( ) , "" )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
defer f . Close ( )
if err := binary . Write ( f , binary . LittleEndian , [ ] byte ( "GGUF" ) ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
if err := binary . Write ( f , binary . LittleEndian , uint32 ( 3 ) ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
if err := binary . Write ( f , binary . LittleEndian , uint64 ( 0 ) ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
if err := binary . Write ( f , binary . LittleEndian , uint64 ( 0 ) ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
return f . Name ( )
type responseRecorder struct {
* httptest . ResponseRecorder
http . CloseNotifier
func NewRecorder ( ) * responseRecorder {
return & responseRecorder {
ResponseRecorder : httptest . NewRecorder ( ) ,
func ( t * responseRecorder ) CloseNotify ( ) <- chan bool {
return make ( chan bool )
func createRequest ( t * testing . T , fn func ( * gin . Context ) , body any ) * httptest . ResponseRecorder {
t . Helper ( )
w := NewRecorder ( )
c , _ := gin . CreateTestContext ( w )
var b bytes . Buffer
if err := json . NewEncoder ( & b ) . Encode ( body ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
c . Request = & http . Request {
Body : io . NopCloser ( & b ) ,
fn ( c )
return w . ResponseRecorder
func checkFileExists ( t * testing . T , p string , expect [ ] string ) {
t . Helper ( )
actual , err := filepath . Glob ( p )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
if ! slices . Equal ( actual , expect ) {
t . Fatalf ( "expected slices to be equal %v" , actual )
func TestCreateFromBin ( t * testing . T ) {
p := t . TempDir ( )
t . Setenv ( "OLLAMA_MODELS" , p )
var s Server
w := createRequest ( t , s . CreateModelHandler , api . CreateRequest {
Name : "test" ,
Modelfile : fmt . Sprintf ( "FROM %s" , createBinFile ( t ) ) ,
Stream : & stream ,
} )
if w . Code != http . StatusOK {
t . Fatalf ( "expected status code 200, actual %d" , w . Code )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "*" , "*" , "*" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "registry.ollama.ai" , "library" , "test" , "latest" ) ,
} )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-a4e5e156ddec27e286f75328784d7106b60a4eb1d246e950a001a3f944fbda99" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-ca239d7bd8ea90e4a5d2e6bf88f8d74a47b14336e73eb4e18bed4dd325018116" ) ,
} )
func TestCreateFromModel ( t * testing . T ) {
p := t . TempDir ( )
t . Setenv ( "OLLAMA_MODELS" , p )
var s Server
w := createRequest ( t , s . CreateModelHandler , api . CreateRequest {
Name : "test" ,
Modelfile : fmt . Sprintf ( "FROM %s" , createBinFile ( t ) ) ,
Stream : & stream ,
} )
if w . Code != http . StatusOK {
t . Fatalf ( "expected status code 200, actual %d" , w . Code )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "*" , "*" , "*" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "registry.ollama.ai" , "library" , "test" , "latest" ) ,
} )
w = createRequest ( t , s . CreateModelHandler , api . CreateRequest {
Name : "test2" ,
Modelfile : "FROM test" ,
Stream : & stream ,
} )
if w . Code != http . StatusOK {
t . Fatalf ( "expected status code 200, actual %d" , w . Code )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "*" , "*" , "*" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "registry.ollama.ai" , "library" , "test" , "latest" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "registry.ollama.ai" , "library" , "test2" , "latest" ) ,
} )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-a4e5e156ddec27e286f75328784d7106b60a4eb1d246e950a001a3f944fbda99" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-ca239d7bd8ea90e4a5d2e6bf88f8d74a47b14336e73eb4e18bed4dd325018116" ) ,
} )
2024-05-08 17:36:08 -04:00
func TestCreateRemovesLayers ( t * testing . T ) {
p := t . TempDir ( )
t . Setenv ( "OLLAMA_MODELS" , p )
var s Server
w := createRequest ( t , s . CreateModelHandler , api . CreateRequest {
Name : "test" ,
Modelfile : fmt . Sprintf ( "FROM %s\nTEMPLATE {{ .Prompt }}" , createBinFile ( t ) ) ,
Stream : & stream ,
} )
if w . Code != http . StatusOK {
t . Fatalf ( "expected status code 200, actual %d" , w . Code )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "*" , "*" , "*" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "registry.ollama.ai" , "library" , "test" , "latest" ) ,
} )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-a4e5e156ddec27e286f75328784d7106b60a4eb1d246e950a001a3f944fbda99" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-b507b9c2f6ca642bffcd06665ea7c91f235fd32daeefdf875a0f938db05fb315" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-bc80b03733773e0728011b2f4adf34c458b400e1aad48cb28d61170f3a2ad2d6" ) ,
} )
w = createRequest ( t , s . CreateModelHandler , api . CreateRequest {
Name : "test" ,
Modelfile : fmt . Sprintf ( "FROM %s\nTEMPLATE {{ .System }} {{ .Prompt }}" , createBinFile ( t ) ) ,
Stream : & stream ,
} )
if w . Code != http . StatusOK {
t . Fatalf ( "expected status code 200, actual %d" , w . Code )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "*" , "*" , "*" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "registry.ollama.ai" , "library" , "test" , "latest" ) ,
} )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-8f2c2167d789c6b2302dff965160fa5029f6a24096d262c1cbb469f21a045382" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-a4e5e156ddec27e286f75328784d7106b60a4eb1d246e950a001a3f944fbda99" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-fe7ac77b725cda2ccad03f88a880ecdfd7a33192d6cae08fce2c0ee1455991ed" ) ,
} )
func TestCreateUnsetsSystem ( t * testing . T ) {
p := t . TempDir ( )
t . Setenv ( "OLLAMA_MODELS" , p )
var s Server
w := createRequest ( t , s . CreateModelHandler , api . CreateRequest {
Name : "test" ,
Modelfile : fmt . Sprintf ( "FROM %s\nSYSTEM Say hi!" , createBinFile ( t ) ) ,
Stream : & stream ,
} )
if w . Code != http . StatusOK {
t . Fatalf ( "expected status code 200, actual %d" , w . Code )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "*" , "*" , "*" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "registry.ollama.ai" , "library" , "test" , "latest" ) ,
} )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-8585df945d1069bc78b79bd10bb73ba07fbc29b0f5479a31a601c0d12731416e" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-a4e5e156ddec27e286f75328784d7106b60a4eb1d246e950a001a3f944fbda99" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-f29e82a8284dbdf5910b1555580ff60b04238b8da9d5e51159ada67a4d0d5851" ) ,
} )
w = createRequest ( t , s . CreateModelHandler , api . CreateRequest {
Name : "test" ,
Modelfile : fmt . Sprintf ( "FROM %s\nSYSTEM \"\"" , createBinFile ( t ) ) ,
Stream : & stream ,
} )
if w . Code != http . StatusOK {
t . Fatalf ( "expected status code 200, actual %d" , w . Code )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "*" , "*" , "*" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "registry.ollama.ai" , "library" , "test" , "latest" ) ,
} )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-67d4b8d106af2a5b100a46e9bdc038c71eef2a35c9abac784092654212f97cf5" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-a4e5e156ddec27e286f75328784d7106b60a4eb1d246e950a001a3f944fbda99" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855" ) ,
} )
bts , err := os . ReadFile ( filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
if string ( bts ) != "" {
t . Fatalf ( "expected empty string, actual %s" , string ( bts ) )
func TestCreateMergeParameters ( t * testing . T ) {
p := t . TempDir ( )
t . Setenv ( "OLLAMA_MODELS" , p )
var s Server
w := createRequest ( t , s . CreateModelHandler , api . CreateRequest {
Name : "test" ,
Modelfile : fmt . Sprintf ( "FROM %s\nPARAMETER temperature 1\nPARAMETER top_k 10\nPARAMETER stop USER:\nPARAMETER stop ASSISTANT:" , createBinFile ( t ) ) ,
Stream : & stream ,
} )
if w . Code != http . StatusOK {
t . Fatalf ( "expected status code 200, actual %d" , w . Code )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "*" , "*" , "*" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "registry.ollama.ai" , "library" , "test" , "latest" ) ,
} )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-1d0ad71299d48c2fb7ae2b98e683643e771f8a5b72be34942af90d97a91c1e37" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-4a384beaf47a9cbe452dfa5ab70eea691790f3b35a832d12933a1996685bf2b6" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-a4e5e156ddec27e286f75328784d7106b60a4eb1d246e950a001a3f944fbda99" ) ,
} )
// in order to merge parameters, the second model must be created FROM the first
w = createRequest ( t , s . CreateModelHandler , api . CreateRequest {
Name : "test2" ,
Modelfile : "FROM test\nPARAMETER temperature 0.6\nPARAMETER top_p 0.7" ,
Stream : & stream ,
} )
if w . Code != http . StatusOK {
t . Fatalf ( "expected status code 200, actual %d" , w . Code )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "*" , "*" , "*" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "registry.ollama.ai" , "library" , "test" , "latest" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "registry.ollama.ai" , "library" , "test2" , "latest" ) ,
} )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-1d0ad71299d48c2fb7ae2b98e683643e771f8a5b72be34942af90d97a91c1e37" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-4a384beaf47a9cbe452dfa5ab70eea691790f3b35a832d12933a1996685bf2b6" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-4cd9d4ba6b734d9b4cbd1e5caa60374c00722e993fce5e1e2d15a33698f71187" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-a4e5e156ddec27e286f75328784d7106b60a4eb1d246e950a001a3f944fbda99" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-e29a7b3c47287a2489c895d21fe413c20f859a85d20e749492f52a838e36e1ba" ) ,
} )
actual , err := os . ReadFile ( filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-e29a7b3c47287a2489c895d21fe413c20f859a85d20e749492f52a838e36e1ba" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
expect , err := json . Marshal ( map [ string ] any { "temperature" : 0.6 , "top_k" : 10 , "top_p" : 0.7 , "stop" : [ ] string { "USER:" , "ASSISTANT:" } } )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
if ! bytes . Equal ( bytes . TrimSpace ( expect ) , bytes . TrimSpace ( actual ) ) {
t . Errorf ( "expected %s, actual %s" , string ( expect ) , string ( actual ) )
// slices are replaced
w = createRequest ( t , s . CreateModelHandler , api . CreateRequest {
Name : "test2" ,
Modelfile : "FROM test\nPARAMETER temperature 0.6\nPARAMETER top_p 0.7\nPARAMETER stop <|endoftext|>" ,
Stream : & stream ,
} )
if w . Code != http . StatusOK {
t . Fatalf ( "expected status code 200, actual %d" , w . Code )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "*" , "*" , "*" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "registry.ollama.ai" , "library" , "test" , "latest" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "registry.ollama.ai" , "library" , "test2" , "latest" ) ,
} )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-12f58bb75cb3042d69a7e013ab87fb3c3c7088f50ddc62f0c77bd332f0d44d35" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-1d0ad71299d48c2fb7ae2b98e683643e771f8a5b72be34942af90d97a91c1e37" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-257aa726584f24970a4f240765e75a7169bfbe7f4966c1f04513d6b6c860583a" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-4a384beaf47a9cbe452dfa5ab70eea691790f3b35a832d12933a1996685bf2b6" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-a4e5e156ddec27e286f75328784d7106b60a4eb1d246e950a001a3f944fbda99" ) ,
} )
actual , err = os . ReadFile ( filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-12f58bb75cb3042d69a7e013ab87fb3c3c7088f50ddc62f0c77bd332f0d44d35" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
expect , err = json . Marshal ( map [ string ] any { "temperature" : 0.6 , "top_k" : 10 , "top_p" : 0.7 , "stop" : [ ] string { "<|endoftext|>" } } )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
if ! bytes . Equal ( bytes . TrimSpace ( expect ) , bytes . TrimSpace ( actual ) ) {
t . Errorf ( "expected %s, actual %s" , string ( expect ) , string ( actual ) )
func TestCreateReplacesMessages ( t * testing . T ) {
p := t . TempDir ( )
t . Setenv ( "OLLAMA_MODELS" , p )
var s Server
w := createRequest ( t , s . CreateModelHandler , api . CreateRequest {
Name : "test" ,
Modelfile : fmt . Sprintf ( "FROM %s\nMESSAGE assistant \"What is my purpose?\"\nMESSAGE user \"You run tests.\"\nMESSAGE assistant \"Oh, my god.\"" , createBinFile ( t ) ) ,
Stream : & stream ,
} )
if w . Code != http . StatusOK {
t . Fatalf ( "expected status code 200, actual %d" , w . Code )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "*" , "*" , "*" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "registry.ollama.ai" , "library" , "test" , "latest" ) ,
} )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-298baeaf6928a60cf666d88d64a1ba606feb43a2865687c39e40652e407bffc4" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-a4e5e156ddec27e286f75328784d7106b60a4eb1d246e950a001a3f944fbda99" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-e0e27d47045063ccb167ae852c51d49a98eab33fabaee4633fdddf97213e40b5" ) ,
} )
w = createRequest ( t , s . CreateModelHandler , api . CreateRequest {
Name : "test2" ,
Modelfile : "FROM test\nMESSAGE assistant \"You're a test, Harry.\"\nMESSAGE user \"I-I'm a what?\"\nMESSAGE assistant \"A test. And a thumping good one at that, I'd wager.\"" ,
Stream : & stream ,
} )
if w . Code != http . StatusOK {
t . Fatalf ( "expected status code 200, actual %d" , w . Code )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "*" , "*" , "*" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "registry.ollama.ai" , "library" , "test" , "latest" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "registry.ollama.ai" , "library" , "test2" , "latest" ) ,
} )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-298baeaf6928a60cf666d88d64a1ba606feb43a2865687c39e40652e407bffc4" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-4f48b25fe9969564c82f58eb1cedbdff6484cc0baf474bc6c2a9b37c8da3362a" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-a4e5e156ddec27e286f75328784d7106b60a4eb1d246e950a001a3f944fbda99" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-a60ecc9da299ec7ede453f99236e5577fd125e143689b646d9f0ddc9971bf4db" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-e0e27d47045063ccb167ae852c51d49a98eab33fabaee4633fdddf97213e40b5" ) ,
} )
type message struct {
Role string ` json:"role" `
Content string ` json:"content" `
f , err := os . Open ( filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-a60ecc9da299ec7ede453f99236e5577fd125e143689b646d9f0ddc9971bf4db" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
defer f . Close ( )
var actual [ ] message
if err := json . NewDecoder ( f ) . Decode ( & actual ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
expect := [ ] message {
{ Role : "assistant" , Content : "You're a test, Harry." } ,
{ Role : "user" , Content : "I-I'm a what?" } ,
{ Role : "assistant" , Content : "A test. And a thumping good one at that, I'd wager." } ,
if ! slices . Equal ( actual , expect ) {
t . Errorf ( "expected %s, actual %s" , expect , actual )
func TestCreateTemplateSystem ( t * testing . T ) {
p := t . TempDir ( )
t . Setenv ( "OLLAMA_MODELS" , p )
var s Server
w := createRequest ( t , s . CreateModelHandler , api . CreateRequest {
Name : "test" ,
Modelfile : fmt . Sprintf ( "FROM %s\nTEMPLATE {{ .Prompt }}\nSYSTEM Say hello!\nTEMPLATE {{ .System }} {{ .Prompt }}\nSYSTEM Say bye!" , createBinFile ( t ) ) ,
Stream : & stream ,
} )
if w . Code != http . StatusOK {
t . Fatalf ( "expected status code 200, actual %d" , w . Code )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "*" , "*" , "*" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "registry.ollama.ai" , "library" , "test" , "latest" ) ,
} )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-2b5e330885117c82f3fd75169ea323e141070a2947c11ddb9f79ee0b01c589c1" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-4c5f51faac758fecaff8db42f0b7382891a4d0c0bb885f7b86be88c814a7cc86" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-a4e5e156ddec27e286f75328784d7106b60a4eb1d246e950a001a3f944fbda99" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-fe7ac77b725cda2ccad03f88a880ecdfd7a33192d6cae08fce2c0ee1455991ed" ) ,
} )
template , err := os . ReadFile ( filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-fe7ac77b725cda2ccad03f88a880ecdfd7a33192d6cae08fce2c0ee1455991ed" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
if string ( template ) != "{{ .System }} {{ .Prompt }}" {
t . Errorf ( "expected \"{{ .System }} {{ .Prompt }}\", actual %s" , template )
system , err := os . ReadFile ( filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-4c5f51faac758fecaff8db42f0b7382891a4d0c0bb885f7b86be88c814a7cc86" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
if string ( system ) != "Say bye!" {
t . Errorf ( "expected \"Say bye!\", actual %s" , system )
func TestCreateLicenses ( t * testing . T ) {
p := t . TempDir ( )
t . Setenv ( "OLLAMA_MODELS" , p )
var s Server
w := createRequest ( t , s . CreateModelHandler , api . CreateRequest {
Name : "test" ,
Modelfile : fmt . Sprintf ( "FROM %s\nLICENSE MIT\nLICENSE Apache-2.0" , createBinFile ( t ) ) ,
Stream : & stream ,
} )
if w . Code != http . StatusOK {
t . Fatalf ( "expected status code 200, actual %d" , w . Code )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "*" , "*" , "*" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "manifests" , "registry.ollama.ai" , "library" , "test" , "latest" ) ,
} )
checkFileExists ( t , filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "*" ) , [ ] string {
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-2af71558e438db0b73a20beab92dc278a94e1bbe974c00c1a33e3ab62d53a608" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-79a39c37536ddee29cbadd5d5e2dcba8ed7f03e431f626ff38432c1c866bb7e2" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-a4e5e156ddec27e286f75328784d7106b60a4eb1d246e950a001a3f944fbda99" ) ,
filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-e5dcffe836b6ec8a58e492419b550e65fb8cbdc308503979e5dacb33ac7ea3b7" ) ,
} )
mit , err := os . ReadFile ( filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-e5dcffe836b6ec8a58e492419b550e65fb8cbdc308503979e5dacb33ac7ea3b7" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
if string ( mit ) != "MIT" {
t . Errorf ( "expected MIT, actual %s" , mit )
apache , err := os . ReadFile ( filepath . Join ( p , "blobs" , "sha256-2af71558e438db0b73a20beab92dc278a94e1bbe974c00c1a33e3ab62d53a608" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
if string ( apache ) != "Apache-2.0" {
t . Errorf ( "expected Apache-2.0, actual %s" , apache )