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//go:build !darwin
package llm
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "dynamic_shim.h"
import "C"
import (
//go:embed llama.cpp/gguf/build/lib/*
var libEmbed embed.FS
var RocmShimMissing = fmt.Errorf("ROCm shim library not included in this build of ollama. Radeon GPUs are not supported")
type shimExtServer struct {
s C.struct_dynamic_llama_server
options api.Options
// Note: current implementation does not support concurrent instantiations
var shimMutex sync.Mutex
var llm *shimExtServer
func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_init(sparams *C.ext_server_params_t, err *C.ext_server_resp_t) {
C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_init(llm.s, sparams, err)
func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_start() {
func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_stop() {
func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_completion(json_req *C.char, resp *C.ext_server_resp_t) {
C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_completion(llm.s, json_req, resp)
func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_completion_next_result(task_id C.int, resp *C.ext_server_task_result_t) {
C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_completion_next_result(llm.s, task_id, resp)
func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_completion_cancel(task_id C.int, err *C.ext_server_resp_t) {
C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_completion_cancel(llm.s, task_id, err)
func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_release_task_result(result *C.ext_server_task_result_t) {
C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_release_task_result(llm.s, result)
func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_tokenize(json_req *C.char, json_resp **C.char, err *C.ext_server_resp_t) {
C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_tokenize(llm.s, json_req, json_resp, err)
func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_detokenize(json_req *C.char, json_resp **C.char, err *C.ext_server_resp_t) {
C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_detokenize(llm.s, json_req, json_resp, err)
func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_embedding(json_req *C.char, json_resp **C.char, err *C.ext_server_resp_t) {
C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_embedding(llm.s, json_req, json_resp, err)
func (llm *shimExtServer) llama_server_release_json_resp(json_resp **C.char) {
C.dynamic_shim_llama_server_release_json_resp(llm.s, json_resp)
func newDynamicShimExtServer(library, model string, adapters, projectors []string, numLayers int64, opts api.Options) (extServer, error) {
defer shimMutex.Unlock()
libPath := C.CString(library)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(libPath))
resp := newExtServerResp(128)
defer freeExtServerResp(resp)
var srv C.struct_dynamic_llama_server
C.dynamic_shim_init(libPath, &srv, &resp)
if resp.id < 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to load dynamic library: %s", C.GoString(resp.msg))
llm = &shimExtServer{
s: srv,
options: opts,
log.Printf("Loading Dynamic Shim llm server: %s", library)
return newExtServer(llm, model, adapters, projectors, numLayers, opts)
func (llm *shimExtServer) Predict(ctx context.Context, pred PredictOpts, fn func(PredictResult)) error {
return predict(llm, llm.options, ctx, pred, fn)
func (llm *shimExtServer) Encode(ctx context.Context, prompt string) ([]int, error) {
return encode(llm, ctx, prompt)
func (llm *shimExtServer) Decode(ctx context.Context, tokens []int) (string, error) {
return decode(llm, ctx, tokens)
func (llm *shimExtServer) Embedding(ctx context.Context, input string) ([]float64, error) {
return embedding(llm, ctx, input)
func (llm *shimExtServer) Close() {
func nativeInit(workdir string) error {
libs, err := extractDynamicLibs(workdir, "llama.cpp/gguf/build/lib/*server*")
if err != nil {
2023-12-18 21:32:04 -05:00
if err == payloadMissing {
log.Printf("%s", payloadMissing)
return nil
return err
for _, lib := range libs {
libName := strings.Split(strings.TrimPrefix(filepath.Base(lib), "lib"), ".")[0]
AvailableShims[libName] = lib
// Only check ROCm access if we have the dynamic lib loaded
if _, rocmPresent := AvailableShims["rocm_server"]; rocmPresent {
// Verify we have permissions - either running as root, or we have group access to the driver
fd, err := os.OpenFile("/dev/kfd", os.O_RDWR, 0666)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrPermission) {
log.Fatalf("Radeon card detected, but permissions not set up properly. Either run ollama as root, or add you user account to the render group.")
return err
} else if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
// expected behavior without a radeon card
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("failed to check permission on /dev/kfd: %w", err)
return nil