modify stats page to allow display list-specific stats
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
(defroute "/card/:id" [id] (page/page [cards/card-details id 0]))
(defroute "/lists" [] (page/page [lists/lists-list]))
(defroute "/list/:id" [id] (page/page [lists/list-details (parse-int id)]))
(defroute "/stats" [] (page/page [stats/stats-page]))
(defroute "/stats/list/:list-id" [list-id] (page/page [stats/stats-page (parse-int list-id)]))
(defroute "/stats" [] (page/page [stats/stats-page 0]))
(defroute "*" [] (page/barebones-page [:div "not found"]))
(defn ^:export run
@ -185,15 +185,19 @@
(if (auth/can-modify-data?)
(if-not (:is_public @list) [:span.large-font [bs/Label {:bsStyle "danger"} "Private"] " "])
(if (:require_qualities @list) [:span.large-font [bs/Label {:bsStyle "primary"} "Card Qualities"] " "])
[bs/DropdownButton {:title "Actions"}
[bs/MenuItem {:on-click #(js/alert "TODO: Copy to Owned")} "Copy to Owned"]
(if (auth/auth-required?)
[bs/MenuItem {:on-click #(change-list-visibility! list-id (not (:is_public @list)))} (if (:is_public @list) "Make Private" "Make Public")])
[bs/MenuItem {:on-click #(reset! show-delete-confirm? true)} "Delete"]]])
[:span [bs/Button {:bsStyle "info"
:href (->url "#/stats/list/" list-id)} "List Statistics"]]
" "
(if (auth/can-modify-data?)
(if-not (:is_public @list) [:span.large-font [bs/Label {:bsStyle "danger"} "Private"] " "])
(if (:require_qualities @list) [:span.large-font [bs/Label {:bsStyle "primary"} "Card Qualities"] " "])
[bs/DropdownButton {:title "Actions"}
[bs/MenuItem {:on-click #(js/alert "TODO: Copy to Owned")} "Copy to Owned"]
(if (auth/auth-required?)
[bs/MenuItem {:on-click #(change-list-visibility! list-id (not (:is_public @list)))} (if (:is_public @list) "Make Private" "Make Public")])
[bs/MenuItem {:on-click #(reset! show-delete-confirm? true)} "Delete"]]])]
[bs/PageHeader (:name @list)]
@ -239,45 +239,48 @@
:pricing-source nil}))
(defvc stats-page
(let [pricing-sources (view-cursor :pricing-sources)
list-info (view-cursor :list-info list-id (auth/get-username))
online? (:online? @settings)
pricing-source (:pricing-source @settings)
list-id c/owned-list-id]
pricing-source (:pricing-source @settings)]
(set-active-breadcrumb! :stats)
(if (and (not (vc/loading? pricing-sources))
(nil? (:pricing-source @settings)))
(swap! settings assoc :pricing-source (->> @pricing-sources first :source)))
[bs/PageHeader "Collection Statistics"]
[bs/Form {:inline true}
[bs/FormGroup {:bsSize "large"}
{:component-class "select"
:value (if online? "Online" "Paper")
:on-change #(swap! settings assoc :online? (= "Online" (get-field-value %)))}
[:option "Paper"]
[:option "Online"]]]
[bs/FormGroup {:bsSize "large"}
{:component-class "select"
:value (or (:pricing-source @settings) "")
:on-change #(swap! settings assoc :pricing-source (get-field-value %))}
(fn [{:keys [source]}]
^{:key source} [:option {:value (or source "")} source])
[bs/Grid {:fluid true :class "statistics"}
[bs/Col {:sm 4}
[widget-row [widget-summary-stats online? list-id pricing-source]]
[widget-row [widget-rarity-totals online? list-id]]
[widget-row [widget-most-owned-sets online? list-id]]]
[bs/Col {:sm 8}
[widget-row [widget-color-totals online? list-id]]
[widget-row [widget-basic-type-totals online? list-id]]
[widget-row [widget-most-valuable-cards online? list-id pricing-source {:width 10}]]
[widget-row [widget-most-copies-of-card online? list-id {:width 10}]]
[widget-row [widget-most-nonland-copies-of-card online? list-id {:width 10}]]]]]]))
(if (and (not (vc/loading? list-info))
(not (vc/loading? pricing-sources)))
[bs/PageHeader "Statistics " [:small (if (= c/owned-list-id list-id) "Owned Cards" (:name @list-info))]]
[bs/Form {:inline true}
[bs/FormGroup {:bsSize "large"}
{:component-class "select"
:value (if online? "Online" "Paper")
:on-change #(swap! settings assoc :online? (= "Online" (get-field-value %)))}
[:option "Paper"]
[:option "Online"]]]
[bs/FormGroup {:bsSize "large"}
{:component-class "select"
:value (or (:pricing-source @settings) "")
:on-change #(swap! settings assoc :pricing-source (get-field-value %))}
(fn [{:keys [source]}]
^{:key source} [:option {:value (or source "")} source])
[bs/Grid {:fluid true :class "statistics"}
[bs/Col {:sm 4}
[widget-row [widget-summary-stats online? list-id pricing-source]]
[widget-row [widget-rarity-totals online? list-id]]
[widget-row [widget-most-owned-sets online? list-id]]]
[bs/Col {:sm 8}
[widget-row [widget-color-totals online? list-id]]
[widget-row [widget-basic-type-totals online? list-id]]
[widget-row [widget-most-valuable-cards online? list-id pricing-source {:width 10}]]
[widget-row [widget-most-copies-of-card online? list-id {:width 10}]]
[widget-row [widget-most-nonland-copies-of-card online? list-id {:width 10}]]]]]]
[:div "Loading ..."])))
Reference in a new issue