add scryfall price scraper

This commit is contained in:
Gered 2018-06-13 19:44:18 -04:00
parent 29a1ad04d8
commit 3c511f710b
4 changed files with 97 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -28,6 +28,25 @@
(vec x))}]
(seq (sql/query db (hsql/format q) {:row-fn :id}))))
(defn get-card-id-by-multiverse
[multiverse-id set-code & [card-name split?]]
(if split?
(sql/query db ["select id
from cards
where multiverseid = ?
and set_code = ?
and name = ?
and layout = 'split'"
multiverse-id set-code card-name]
{:row-fn :id})
(sql/query db ["select id
from cards
where multiverseid = ?
and set_code = ?"
multiverse-id set-code]
{:row-fn :id}))))
(defn update-price!
[card-id price-source price online?]
;; written assuming postgresql server is _not_ 9.5+ (so, without access to UPSERT functionality)
@ -55,11 +74,13 @@
(defn update-prices!
[price-source prices & [{:keys [normalized-name?]}]]
(doseq [{:keys [card-name online? set-code price] :as card-price} prices]
(if-let [card-ids (get-matching-card-ids card-name set-code
{:split? (:split? card-price)
:normalized-name? normalized-name?})]
[price-source prices & [{:keys [normalized-name? multiverse-id?]}]]
(doseq [{:keys [card-name online? set-code price multiverseid split?] :as card-price} prices]
(if-let [card-ids (if multiverse-id?
(get-card-id-by-multiverse multiverseid set-code card-name split?)
(get-matching-card-ids card-name set-code
{:split? split?
:normalized-name? normalized-name?}))]
(doseq [card-id card-ids]
(update-price! card-id price-source price online?))
(println "no card match found for:" card-name "," set-code))))

View file

@ -14,9 +14,10 @@
(doseq [{:keys [code gatherer_code] :as set} (sets/get-set-codes)]
(println "Scraping prices for set:" code (if gatherer_code (str "(" gatherer_code ")") ""))
(let [{:keys [source prices normalized-name?]} (scrape price-scraper set)]
(if prices
(cards/update-prices! source prices {:normalized-name? normalized-name?})
(let [{:keys [source prices normalized-name? multiverse-id?]} (scrape price-scraper set)]
(if (seq prices)
(cards/update-prices! source prices {:normalized-name? normalized-name?
:multiverse-id? multiverse-id?})
(println "Could not obtain prices for set:" code (if gatherer_code (str "(" gatherer_code ")") ""))))))
(println "No price scraper \"" source "\" found.")))

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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
(ns mtgcoll.scrapers.prices.scryfall
[clojure.string :as string]
[cheshire.core :as json]
[clj-http.client :as http]
[mtgcoll.scrapers.protocols :refer [PriceScraper]]
[mtgcoll.utils :as u]))
(def ^:private http-options
{:headers u/chrome-osx-request-headers
:throw-exceptions false})
(defn- get-set-list
[{:keys [code]}]
(loop [cards []
page 1]
(let [url (str "" code (if (> page 1) (str "&page=" page)))
result (http/get url http-options)]
(Thread/sleep 200)
(if (= 200 (:status result))
(let [result (json/parse-string (:body result) true)]
(if (:has_more result)
(recur (:data result) (inc page))
(concat cards (:data result))))))))
(defrecord ScryfallPriceScraper []
(scrape [_ {:keys [code] :as set}]
(let [cards (get-set-list set)]
(as-> cards x
(fn [{:keys [name digital set rarity foil usd eur lang multiverse_ids collector_number]}]
{:card-name name
:online? digital
:set-code code
:rarity rarity
:price (u/parse-currency-string usd)
:number collector_number
:multiverseid (first multiverse_ids)})
#(or (nil? (:price %))
(nil? (:multiverseid %)))
(fn [coll {:keys [^String card-name price] :as card}]
(if (.contains card-name " // ")
(let [[left right] (string/split card-name #" // ")
card (assoc card :price (/ price 2)
:split? true)]
(-> coll
(conj (assoc card :card-name left))
(conj (assoc card :card-name right))))
(conj coll card)))
{:set-code code
:source :scryfall
:multiverse-id? true}
:prices x)))))

View file

@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
(ns mtgcoll.scrapers.registered
(mtgcoll.scrapers.prices.mtggoldfish MTGGoldFishPriceScraper)))
(mtgcoll.scrapers.prices.mtggoldfish MTGGoldFishPriceScraper)
(mtgcoll.scrapers.prices.scryfall ScryfallPriceScraper)))
(def price-scrapers
{:mtggoldfish (MTGGoldFishPriceScraper.)})
{:mtggoldfish (MTGGoldFishPriceScraper.)
:scryfall (ScryfallPriceScraper.)})