At the top of the **mkb_generate** script there are some config
variables that can and should be modified to your needs.
+ **DIR\_SOURCES** is a space-separated list of directories that are to be scanned for source files. All child directories of the directories specified here will also be scanned and do not need to be individually specified.
+ **DIR\_SOURCES\_EXCLUDE** is a space-separated list of directories that are contained somewhere in DIR_SOURCES that should *not* be included in the output MKB file listing. Any child directories of these will also be excluded.
+ **PROJECT\_NAME** is the name of the project. This will become the name of the output MKB file. For example, if this is set to "MyProject" the output MKB file will be MyProject.mkb. By default, PROJECT\_NAME will be automatically set based on a specific assumption about the way the project is structured. More on this below.
The rest of the config variables probably don't need to be modified.