--- context_window: 2000 fim: enabled: true prefix: "
  middle: " "
  suffix: " "
model: codellama/CodeLlama-13b-hf
backend: huggingface
  max_new_tokens: 150
  temperature: 0.2
  do_sample: true
  top_p: 0.95
tls_skip_verify_insecure: false
  repository: codellama/CodeLlama-13b-hf
tokens_to_clear: [""]
disable_url_path_completion: false
  - source:
      type: local
      path: simple
      src_path: src
    build_command: cargo
    build_args: ["build"]
    language: rust
    runner: cargo
    holes_file: simple.json
  - source:
      type: github
      owner: mmaitre314
      name: picklescan
      revision: 108b06040de644c7aeb5f22d8b10dd9c5d282386
      src_path: src/picklescan
    build_command: picklescan-venv/bin/python3
    build_args: ["-m", "compileall", "-q", "."]
    language: python
    runner: pytest
    runner_command: picklescan-venv/bin/python3
      - ["python3", ["-m", "venv", "picklescan-venv"]]
      - ["picklescan-venv/bin/python3", ["-m", "pip", "install", "."]]
      - ["picklescan-venv/bin/python3", ["-m", "pip", "install", "-r", "requirements.txt"]]
    holes_file: picklescan-smol.json
  - source:
      type: github
      owner: huggingface
      name: huggingface_hub
      revision: a48eb89d4186bc84bca67b117cf29a0ee0b69774
      src_path: src/huggingface_hub
    build_command: huggingface_hub-venv/bin/python3
    build_args: ["-m", "compileall", "-q", "."]
    language: python
    runner: pytest
    runner_command: huggingface_hub-venv/bin/python3
      - "-k"
      - "_utils_ and not _utils_cache and not _utils_http and not paginate and not git"
      - ["python3", ["-m", "venv", "huggingface_hub-venv"]]
      - ["huggingface_hub-venv/bin/python3", ["-m", "pip", "install", ".[dev]"]]
    holes_file: huggingface_hub-smol.json
  - source:
      type: github
      owner: tiangolo
      name: fastapi
      revision: e4b21c6eab7cd58caf3c6c492ea1ce7945425dd1
      src_path: fastapi
    build_command: fastapi-venv/bin/python3
    build_args: ["-m", "compileall", "-q", "."]
    language: python
    runner: pytest
    runner_command: fastapi-venv/bin/python3
      - ["python3", ["-m", "venv", "fastapi-venv"]]
      - ["fastapi-venv/bin/python3", ["-m", "pip", "install", "--upgrade", "pip"]]
      - ["fastapi-venv/bin/python3", ["-m", "pip", "install", "-r", "requirements-tests.txt"]]
      - ["fastapi-venv/bin/python3", ["-m", "pip", "install", "pydantic"]]
    holes_file: fastapi-smol.json
  - source:
      type: github
      owner: encode
      name: starlette
      revision: 657e7e7b728e13dc66cc3f77dffd00a42545e171
      src_path: starlette
    build_command: starlette-venv/bin/python3
    build_args: ["-m", "compileall", "-q", "."]
    language: python
    runner: pytest
    runner_command: starlette-venv/bin/python3
      - ["python3", ["-m", "venv", "starlette-venv"]]
      - ["starlette-venv/bin/python3", ["-m", "pip", "install", "--upgrade", "pip"]]
      - ["starlette-venv/bin/python3", ["-m", "pip", "install", "-r", "requirements.txt"]]
    holes_file: starlette-smol.json
  - source:
      type: github
      owner: lancedb
      name: lancedb
      revision: 682e95fa8388d5839c8a782063beb307c4fca4bc
      src_path: rust/vectordb/src
    build_command: cargo
    build_args: ["build"]
    language: rust
    runner: cargo
    # this is to avoid skewing the average hole completion time
      - ["cargo", ["build"]]
    holes_file: lancedb-smol.json
  - source:
      type: github
      owner: lancedb
      name: lance
      revision: c8ee16ec31eeca884c78bd4a400404aaa994ed46
      src_path: rust
        - .cargo
        - .vscode
        - .gitignore
        - README.md
        - img.png
    build_command: cargo
    build_args: ["build", "--all-features", "--manifest-path", "rust/Cargo.toml"]
    language: rust
    runner: cargo
    runner_extra_args: ["--all-features", "--manifest-path", "rust/Cargo.toml"]
      - ["rm", ["rust/lance-core/protos", "rust/lance-index/protos"]]
      - ["ln", ["-s", "../../protos", "rust/lance-core/protos"]]
      - ["ln", ["-s", "../../protos", "rust/lance-index/protos"]]
      - ["cargo", ["build", "--all-features", "--manifest-path", "rust/Cargo.toml"]]
    holes_file: lance-smol.json
  - source:
      type: github
      owner: tkaitchuck
      name: constrandom
      revision: e9f560ba14e09ff9db9caca3f2dfa3ff52cc96de
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    language: rust
    runner: cargo
      - ["cargo", ["build"]]
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  - source:
      type: github
      owner: jaemk
      name: cached
      revision: b1015561fb121c3e5698183c39df202e5a83994a
      src_path: src
    build_command: cargo
    build_args: ["build"]
    language: rust
    runner: cargo
      - ["cargo", ["build"]]
    holes_file: cached-smol.json
  - source:
      type: github
      owner: smol-rs
      name: async-executor
      revision: b91875e73bd9aec582e099d8c792514381fc8d0f
      src_path: src
    build_command: cargo
    build_args: ["build"]
    language: rust
    runner: cargo
      - ["cargo", ["build"]]
    holes_file: async-executor-smol.json
  - source:
      type: github
      owner: gcanti
      name: io-ts
      revision: 616583de0198632cad7820ed8701b15f654c7fd2
      src_path: src
    build_command: npm
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    language: typescript
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    runner_args: ["run", "vitest", "--", "--no-color"]
      - ["npm", ["install"]]
    holes_file: io-ts-smol.json
  - source:
      type: github
      owner: colinhacks
      name: zod
      revision: 481c9ba1932203777f6fe9497bb2a8a1d33c620e
      src_path: src
      exclude_paths: ["src/__tests__"]
    build_command: yarn
    build_args: ["build"]
    language: typescript
    runner: jest
    runner_command: yarn
    runner_args: ["test", "--", "--no-colors"]
      - ["yarn", ["install"]]
    holes_file: zod-smol.json
  - source:
      type: github
      owner: McPatate
      name: helix
      revision: 01c1ebebd813c9034059a966fae2bbc487b1a69f
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        - .github
        - book
        - contrib
        - docs
        - helix-core/tests
        - helix-term/tests
        - helix-tui/tests
        - helix-view/tests
        - runtime
        - xtask
        - .envrc
        - .gitattributes
        - .gitignore
        - .ignore
        - CHANGELOG.md
        - Cargo.lock
        - LICENSE
        - README.md
        - VERSION
        - base16_theme.toml
        - default.nix
        - flake.lock
        - flake.nix
        - grammars.nix
        - languages.toml
        - logo.svg
        - logo_dark.svg
        - logo_light.svg
        - rust-toolchain.toml
        - rustfmt.toml
        - screenshot.png
        - shell.nix
        - theme.toml
    build_command: cargo
    build_args: ["build"]
    language: rust
    runner: cargo
    runner_extra_args: ["--workspace"]
      - ["cargo", ["build"]]
    holes_file: helix-smol.json