Contains changes from "gwen-dotnet" removing dependancies on Windows, which ultimately means certain features (e.g. file load/save dialogs) do not work. Those classes still exist, but the code has been commented out.
257 lines
8.8 KiB
257 lines
8.8 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using Gwen.ControlInternal;
namespace Gwen.Control
/// <summary>
/// RGBA color picker.
/// </summary>
public class ColorPicker : Base, IColorPicker
private Color m_Color;
/// <summary>
/// Selected color.
/// </summary>
public Color SelectedColor { get { return m_Color; } set { m_Color = value; UpdateControls(); } }
/// <summary>
/// Red value of the selected color.
/// </summary>
public int R { get { return m_Color.R; } set { m_Color = Color.FromArgb(m_Color.A, value, m_Color.G, m_Color.B); } }
/// <summary>
/// Green value of the selected color.
/// </summary>
public int G { get { return m_Color.G; } set { m_Color = Color.FromArgb(m_Color.A, m_Color.R, value, m_Color.B); } }
/// <summary>
/// Blue value of the selected color.
/// </summary>
public int B { get { return m_Color.B; } set { m_Color = Color.FromArgb(m_Color.A, m_Color.R, m_Color.G, value); } }
/// <summary>
/// Alpha value of the selected color.
/// </summary>
public int A { get { return m_Color.A; } set { m_Color = Color.FromArgb(value, m_Color.R, m_Color.G, m_Color.B); } }
/// <summary>
/// Invoked when the selected color has been changed.
/// </summary>
public event GwenEventHandler ColorChanged;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ColorPicker"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parent">Parent control.</param>
public ColorPicker(Base parent) : base(parent)
MouseInputEnabled = true;
SetSize(256, 150);
SelectedColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 50, 60, 70);
private void CreateColorControl(String name, int y)
const int colorSize = 12;
GroupBox colorGroup = new GroupBox(this);
colorGroup.SetPosition(10, y);
colorGroup.SetSize(160, 35);
colorGroup.Name = name + "groupbox";
ColorDisplay disp = new ColorDisplay(colorGroup);
disp.Name = name;
disp.SetBounds(0, 10, colorSize, colorSize);
TextBoxNumeric numeric = new TextBoxNumeric(colorGroup);
numeric.Name = name + "Box";
numeric.SetPosition(105, 7);
numeric.SetSize(26, 16);
numeric.SelectAllOnFocus = true;
numeric.TextChanged += NumericTyped;
HorizontalSlider slider = new HorizontalSlider(colorGroup);
slider.SetPosition(colorSize + 5, 10);
slider.SetRange(0, 255);
slider.SetSize(80, colorSize);
slider.Name = name + "Slider";
slider.ValueChanged += SlidersMoved;
private void NumericTyped(Base control)
TextBoxNumeric box = control as TextBoxNumeric;
if (null == box)
if (box.Text == string.Empty)
int textValue = (int) box.Value;
if (textValue < 0) textValue = 0;
if (textValue > 255) textValue = 255;
if (box.Name.Contains("Red"))
R = textValue;
if (box.Name.Contains("Green"))
G = textValue;
if (box.Name.Contains("Blue"))
B = textValue;
if (box.Name.Contains("Alpha"))
A = textValue;
private void CreateControls()
const int startY = 5;
const int height = 35;
CreateColorControl("Red", startY);
CreateColorControl("Green", startY + height);
CreateColorControl("Blue", startY + height*2);
CreateColorControl("Alpha", startY + height*3);
GroupBox finalGroup = new GroupBox(this);
finalGroup.SetPosition(180, 40);
finalGroup.SetSize(60, 60);
finalGroup.Name = "ResultGroupBox";
ColorDisplay disp = new ColorDisplay(finalGroup);
disp.Name = "Result";
disp.SetBounds(0, 10, 32, 32);
//disp.DrawCheckers = true;
private void UpdateColorControls(String name, Color col, int sliderVal)
ColorDisplay disp = FindChildByName(name, true) as ColorDisplay;
disp.Color = col;
HorizontalSlider slider = FindChildByName(name + "Slider", true) as HorizontalSlider;
slider.Value = sliderVal;
TextBoxNumeric box = FindChildByName(name + "Box", true) as TextBoxNumeric;
box.Value = sliderVal;
private void UpdateControls()
{ //This is a little weird, but whatever for now
UpdateColorControls("Red", Color.FromArgb(255, SelectedColor.R, 0, 0), SelectedColor.R);
UpdateColorControls("Green", Color.FromArgb(255, 0, SelectedColor.G, 0), SelectedColor.G);
UpdateColorControls("Blue", Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, SelectedColor.B), SelectedColor.B);
UpdateColorControls("Alpha", Color.FromArgb(SelectedColor.A, 255, 255, 255), SelectedColor.A);
ColorDisplay disp = FindChildByName("Result", true) as ColorDisplay;
disp.Color = SelectedColor;
if (ColorChanged != null)
private void SlidersMoved(Base control)
HorizontalSlider* redSlider = gwen_cast<HorizontalSlider>( FindChildByName( "RedSlider", true ) );
HorizontalSlider* greenSlider = gwen_cast<HorizontalSlider>( FindChildByName( "GreenSlider", true ) );
HorizontalSlider* blueSlider = gwen_cast<HorizontalSlider>( FindChildByName( "BlueSlider", true ) );
HorizontalSlider* alphaSlider = gwen_cast<HorizontalSlider>( FindChildByName( "AlphaSlider", true ) );
HorizontalSlider slider = control as HorizontalSlider;
if (slider != null)
SetColorByName(GetColorFromName(slider.Name), (int)slider.Value);
//SetColor( Gwen::Color( redSlider->GetValue(), greenSlider->GetValue(), blueSlider->GetValue(), alphaSlider->GetValue() ) );
/// <summary>
/// Lays out the control's interior according to alignment, padding, dock etc.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="skin">Skin to use.</param>
protected override void Layout(Skin.Base skin)
SizeToChildren(false, true);
SetSize(Width, Height + 5);
GroupBox groupBox = FindChildByName("ResultGroupBox", true) as GroupBox;
if (groupBox != null)
groupBox.SetPosition(groupBox.X, Height * 0.5f - groupBox.Height * 0.5f);
//UpdateControls(); // this spams events continuously every tick
private int GetColorByName(String colorName)
if (colorName == "Red")
return SelectedColor.R;
if (colorName == "Green")
return SelectedColor.G;
if (colorName == "Blue")
return SelectedColor.B;
if (colorName == "Alpha")
return SelectedColor.A;
return 0;
private static String GetColorFromName(String name)
if (name.Contains("Red"))
return "Red";
if (name.Contains("Green"))
return "Green";
if (name.Contains("Blue"))
return "Blue";
if (name.Contains("Alpha"))
return "Alpha";
return String.Empty;
private void SetColorByName(String colorName, int colorValue)
if (colorName == "Red")
R = colorValue;
else if (colorName == "Green")
G = colorValue;
else if (colorName == "Blue")
B = colorValue;
else if (colorName == "Alpha")
A = colorValue;
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the Alpha control is visible.
/// </summary>
public bool AlphaVisible
GroupBox gb = FindChildByName("Alphagroupbox", true) as GroupBox;
return !gb.IsHidden;
GroupBox gb = FindChildByName("Alphagroupbox", true) as GroupBox;
gb.IsHidden = !value;