using System;
using System.Drawing;
using Gwen.Input;
namespace Gwen.Control
/// Vertical scrollbar.
public class VerticalScrollBar : ScrollBar
/// Bar size (in pixels).
public override int BarSize
get { return m_Bar.Height; }
set { m_Bar.Height = value; }
/// Bar position (in pixels).
public override int BarPos
get { return m_Bar.Y - Width; }
/// Button size (in pixels).
public override int ButtonSize
get { return Width; }
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
/// Parent control.
public VerticalScrollBar(Base parent)
: base(parent)
m_Bar.IsVertical = true;
m_ScrollButton[0].Clicked += NudgeUp;
m_ScrollButton[1].Clicked += NudgeDown;
m_Bar.Dragged += OnBarMoved;
/// Lays out the control's interior according to alignment, padding, dock etc.
/// Skin to use.
protected override void Layout(Skin.Base skin)
m_ScrollButton[0].Height = Width;
m_ScrollButton[0].Dock = Pos.Top;
m_ScrollButton[1].Height = Width;
m_ScrollButton[1].Dock = Pos.Bottom;
m_Bar.Width = ButtonSize;
m_Bar.Padding = new Padding(0, ButtonSize, 0, ButtonSize);
float barHeight = 0.0f;
if (m_ContentSize > 0.0f) barHeight = (m_ViewableContentSize/m_ContentSize)*(Height - (ButtonSize*2));
if (barHeight < ButtonSize*0.5f)
barHeight = (int) (ButtonSize*0.5f);
m_Bar.Height = (int) (barHeight);
m_Bar.IsHidden = Height - (ButtonSize*2) <= barHeight;
//Based on our last scroll amount, produce a position for the bar
if (!m_Bar.IsHeld)
SetScrollAmount(ScrollAmount, true);
public virtual void NudgeUp(Base control)
if (!IsDisabled)
SetScrollAmount(ScrollAmount - NudgeAmount, true);
public virtual void NudgeDown(Base control)
if (!IsDisabled)
SetScrollAmount(ScrollAmount + NudgeAmount, true);
public override void ScrollToTop()
SetScrollAmount(0, true);
public override void ScrollToBottom()
SetScrollAmount(1, true);
public override float NudgeAmount
if (m_Depressed)
return m_ViewableContentSize / m_ContentSize;
return base.NudgeAmount;
base.NudgeAmount = value;
/// Handler invoked on mouse click (left) event.
/// X coordinate.
/// Y coordinate.
/// If set to true mouse button is down.
protected override void OnMouseClickedLeft(int x, int y, bool down)
if (down)
m_Depressed = true;
InputHandler.MouseFocus = this;
Point clickPos = CanvasPosToLocal(new Point(x, y));
if (clickPos.Y < m_Bar.Y)
else if (clickPos.Y > m_Bar.Y + m_Bar.Height)
m_Depressed = false;
InputHandler.MouseFocus = null;
protected override float CalculateScrolledAmount()
return (float)(m_Bar.Y - ButtonSize) / (Height - m_Bar.Height - (ButtonSize * 2));
/// Sets the scroll amount (0-1).
/// Scroll amount.
/// Determines whether the control should be updated.
/// True if control state changed.
public override bool SetScrollAmount(float value, bool forceUpdate = false)
value = Util.Clamp(value, 0, 1);
if (!base.SetScrollAmount(value, forceUpdate))
return false;
if (forceUpdate)
int newY = (int)(ButtonSize + (value * ((Height - m_Bar.Height) - (ButtonSize * 2))));
m_Bar.MoveTo(m_Bar.X, newY);
return true;
/// Handler for the BarMoved event.
/// The control.
protected override void OnBarMoved(Base control)
if (m_Bar.IsHeld)
SetScrollAmount(CalculateScrolledAmount(), false);