using System;
using Gwen.ControlInternal;
namespace Gwen.Control
/// Base class for scrollbars.
public class ScrollBar : Base
protected readonly ScrollBarButton[] m_ScrollButton;
protected readonly ScrollBarBar m_Bar;
protected bool m_Depressed;
protected float m_ScrollAmount;
protected float m_ContentSize;
protected float m_ViewableContentSize;
protected float m_NudgeAmount;
/// Invoked when the bar is moved.
public event GwenEventHandler BarMoved;
/// Bar size (in pixels).
public virtual int BarSize { get; set; }
/// Bar position (in pixels).
public virtual int BarPos { get { return 0; } }
/// Button size (in pixels).
public virtual int ButtonSize { get { return 0; } }
public virtual float NudgeAmount { get { return m_NudgeAmount / m_ContentSize; } set { m_NudgeAmount = value; } }
public float ScrollAmount { get { return m_ScrollAmount; } }
public float ContentSize { get { return m_ContentSize; } set { if (m_ContentSize != value) Invalidate(); m_ContentSize = value; } }
public float ViewableContentSize { get { return m_ViewableContentSize; } set { if (m_ViewableContentSize != value) Invalidate(); m_ViewableContentSize = value; } }
/// Indicates whether the bar is horizontal.
public virtual bool IsHorizontal { get { return false; } }
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
/// Parent control.
protected ScrollBar(Base parent) : base(parent)
m_ScrollButton = new ScrollBarButton[2];
m_ScrollButton[0] = new ScrollBarButton(this);
m_ScrollButton[1] = new ScrollBarButton(this);
m_Bar = new ScrollBarBar(this);
SetBounds(0, 0, 15, 15);
m_Depressed = false;
m_ScrollAmount = 0;
m_ContentSize = 0;
m_ViewableContentSize = 0;
NudgeAmount = 20;
/// Sets the scroll amount (0-1).
/// Scroll amount.
/// Determines whether the control should be updated.
/// True if control state changed.
public virtual bool SetScrollAmount(float value, bool forceUpdate = false)
if (m_ScrollAmount == value && !forceUpdate)
return false;
m_ScrollAmount = value;
return true;
/// Handler invoked on mouse click (left) event.
/// X coordinate.
/// Y coordinate.
/// If set to true mouse button is down.
protected override void OnMouseClickedLeft(int x, int y, bool down)
/// Renders the control using specified skin.
/// Skin to use.
protected override void Render(Skin.Base skin)
skin.DrawScrollBar(this, IsHorizontal, m_Depressed);
/// Handler for the BarMoved event.
/// The control.
protected virtual void OnBarMoved(Base control)
if (BarMoved != null)
protected virtual float CalculateScrolledAmount()
return 0;
protected virtual int CalculateBarSize()
return 0;
public virtual void ScrollToLeft() { }
public virtual void ScrollToRight() { }
public virtual void ScrollToTop() { }
public virtual void ScrollToBottom() { }