this is based off what i saw some other libraries doing. i'm not sure what is the "best practice" to be honest, but i definitely like this. especially the prelude is now much simpler, which is nice.
212 lines
7.8 KiB
212 lines
7.8 KiB
use std::time::Instant;
use ggdt::graphics::RgbaBitmap;
use ggdt::system::{KeyModifiers, KeyboardEvent, MouseButton, MouseEvent, Scancode, SystemEvent};
fn handle_key(io: &mut imgui::Io, key: Scancode, down: bool) {
let key = match key {
Scancode::A => imgui::Key::A,
Scancode::B => imgui::Key::B,
Scancode::C => imgui::Key::C,
Scancode::D => imgui::Key::D,
Scancode::E => imgui::Key::E,
Scancode::F => imgui::Key::F,
Scancode::G => imgui::Key::G,
Scancode::H => imgui::Key::H,
Scancode::I => imgui::Key::I,
Scancode::J => imgui::Key::J,
Scancode::K => imgui::Key::K,
Scancode::L => imgui::Key::L,
Scancode::M => imgui::Key::M,
Scancode::N => imgui::Key::N,
Scancode::O => imgui::Key::O,
Scancode::P => imgui::Key::P,
Scancode::Q => imgui::Key::Q,
Scancode::R => imgui::Key::R,
Scancode::S => imgui::Key::S,
Scancode::T => imgui::Key::T,
Scancode::U => imgui::Key::U,
Scancode::V => imgui::Key::V,
Scancode::W => imgui::Key::W,
Scancode::X => imgui::Key::X,
Scancode::Y => imgui::Key::Y,
Scancode::Z => imgui::Key::Z,
Scancode::Num1 => imgui::Key::Keypad1,
Scancode::Num2 => imgui::Key::Keypad2,
Scancode::Num3 => imgui::Key::Keypad3,
Scancode::Num4 => imgui::Key::Keypad4,
Scancode::Num5 => imgui::Key::Keypad5,
Scancode::Num6 => imgui::Key::Keypad6,
Scancode::Num7 => imgui::Key::Keypad7,
Scancode::Num8 => imgui::Key::Keypad8,
Scancode::Num9 => imgui::Key::Keypad9,
Scancode::Num0 => imgui::Key::Keypad0,
Scancode::Return => imgui::Key::Enter,
Scancode::Escape => imgui::Key::Escape,
Scancode::Backspace => imgui::Key::Backspace,
Scancode::Tab => imgui::Key::Tab,
Scancode::Space => imgui::Key::Space,
Scancode::Minus => imgui::Key::Minus,
Scancode::Equals => imgui::Key::Equal,
Scancode::LeftBracket => imgui::Key::LeftBracket,
Scancode::RightBracket => imgui::Key::RightBracket,
Scancode::Backslash => imgui::Key::Backslash,
Scancode::Semicolon => imgui::Key::Semicolon,
Scancode::Apostrophe => imgui::Key::Apostrophe,
Scancode::Grave => imgui::Key::GraveAccent,
Scancode::Comma => imgui::Key::Comma,
Scancode::Period => imgui::Key::Period,
Scancode::Slash => imgui::Key::Slash,
Scancode::CapsLock => imgui::Key::CapsLock,
Scancode::F1 => imgui::Key::F1,
Scancode::F2 => imgui::Key::F2,
Scancode::F3 => imgui::Key::F3,
Scancode::F4 => imgui::Key::F4,
Scancode::F5 => imgui::Key::F5,
Scancode::F6 => imgui::Key::F6,
Scancode::F7 => imgui::Key::F7,
Scancode::F8 => imgui::Key::F8,
Scancode::F9 => imgui::Key::F9,
Scancode::F10 => imgui::Key::F10,
Scancode::F11 => imgui::Key::F11,
Scancode::F12 => imgui::Key::F12,
Scancode::PrintScreen => imgui::Key::PrintScreen,
Scancode::ScrollLock => imgui::Key::ScrollLock,
Scancode::Pause => imgui::Key::Pause,
Scancode::Insert => imgui::Key::Insert,
Scancode::Home => imgui::Key::Home,
Scancode::PageUp => imgui::Key::PageUp,
Scancode::Delete => imgui::Key::Delete,
Scancode::End => imgui::Key::End,
Scancode::PageDown => imgui::Key::PageDown,
Scancode::Right => imgui::Key::RightArrow,
Scancode::Left => imgui::Key::LeftArrow,
Scancode::Down => imgui::Key::DownArrow,
Scancode::Up => imgui::Key::UpArrow,
Scancode::KpDivide => imgui::Key::KeypadDivide,
Scancode::KpMultiply => imgui::Key::KeypadMultiply,
Scancode::KpMinus => imgui::Key::KeypadSubtract,
Scancode::KpPlus => imgui::Key::KeypadAdd,
Scancode::KpEnter => imgui::Key::KeypadEnter,
Scancode::Kp1 => imgui::Key::Keypad1,
Scancode::Kp2 => imgui::Key::Keypad2,
Scancode::Kp3 => imgui::Key::Keypad3,
Scancode::Kp4 => imgui::Key::Keypad4,
Scancode::Kp5 => imgui::Key::Keypad5,
Scancode::Kp6 => imgui::Key::Keypad6,
Scancode::Kp7 => imgui::Key::Keypad7,
Scancode::Kp8 => imgui::Key::Keypad8,
Scancode::Kp9 => imgui::Key::Keypad9,
Scancode::Kp0 => imgui::Key::Keypad0,
Scancode::KpPeriod => imgui::Key::KeypadDecimal,
Scancode::Application => imgui::Key::Menu,
Scancode::KpEquals => imgui::Key::KeypadEqual,
Scancode::Menu => imgui::Key::Menu,
Scancode::LCtrl => imgui::Key::LeftCtrl,
Scancode::LShift => imgui::Key::LeftShift,
Scancode::LAlt => imgui::Key::LeftAlt,
Scancode::LGui => imgui::Key::LeftSuper,
Scancode::RCtrl => imgui::Key::RightCtrl,
Scancode::RShift => imgui::Key::RightShift,
Scancode::RAlt => imgui::Key::RightAlt,
Scancode::RGui => imgui::Key::RightSuper,
_ => return,
io.add_key_event(key, down);
fn handle_key_modifier(io: &mut imgui::Io, keymod: KeyModifiers) {
io.add_key_event(imgui::Key::ModShift, keymod.intersects(KeyModifiers::LSHIFTMOD | KeyModifiers::RSHIFTMOD));
io.add_key_event(imgui::Key::ModCtrl, keymod.intersects(KeyModifiers::LCTRLMOD | KeyModifiers::RCTRLMOD));
io.add_key_event(imgui::Key::ModAlt, keymod.intersects(KeyModifiers::LALTMOD | KeyModifiers::RALTMOD));
io.add_key_event(imgui::Key::ModSuper, keymod.intersects(KeyModifiers::LGUIMOD | KeyModifiers::RGUIMOD));
fn handle_mouse_button_event(io: &mut imgui::Io, button: MouseButton, down: bool) {
match button {
MouseButton::Left => io.add_mouse_button_event(imgui::MouseButton::Left, down),
MouseButton::Right => io.add_mouse_button_event(imgui::MouseButton::Right, down),
MouseButton::Middle => io.add_mouse_button_event(imgui::MouseButton::Middle, down),
MouseButton::X1 => io.add_mouse_button_event(imgui::MouseButton::Extra1, down),
MouseButton::X2 => io.add_mouse_button_event(imgui::MouseButton::Extra2, down),
_ => {}
pub struct Platform {
last_frame: Instant,
impl Platform {
pub fn new(imgui: &mut imgui::Context) -> Self {
// most of these rounding values default to 0.0 anyway, but explicitly defaulting them all to 0.0 for us
// purely just to simplify the geometry. our triangle renderer isn't some super powerhouse after all ;-)
imgui.style_mut().tab_rounding = 0.0;
imgui.style_mut().grab_rounding = 0.0;
imgui.style_mut().scrollbar_rounding = 0.0;
imgui.style_mut().frame_rounding = 0.0;
imgui.style_mut().popup_rounding = 0.0;
imgui.style_mut().window_rounding = 0.0;
imgui.style_mut().child_rounding = 0.0;
// these cause some visible issues in window bordering rendering (maybe other places too).
// TODO: investigate this more. my best guess is this is a problem with texture/bitmap sampling in
// the current texture_2d implementation...
imgui.style_mut().anti_aliased_lines = false;
imgui.style_mut().anti_aliased_lines_use_tex = false;
Platform { last_frame: Instant::now() }
pub fn handle_event(&mut self, context: &mut imgui::Context, event: &SystemEvent) -> bool {
let io = context.io_mut();
match *event {
SystemEvent::Mouse(MouseEvent::MouseMotion { x, y, .. }) => {
io.add_mouse_pos_event([x as f32, y as f32]);
SystemEvent::Mouse(MouseEvent::MouseButtonUp { button, .. }) => {
handle_mouse_button_event(io, button, false);
SystemEvent::Mouse(MouseEvent::MouseButtonDown { button, .. }) => {
handle_mouse_button_event(io, button, true);
SystemEvent::Keyboard(KeyboardEvent::KeyUp { scancode: Some(scancode), keymod, .. }) => {
handle_key_modifier(io, keymod);
handle_key(io, scancode, false);
SystemEvent::Keyboard(KeyboardEvent::KeyDown { scancode: Some(scancode), keymod, .. }) => {
handle_key_modifier(io, keymod);
handle_key(io, scancode, true);
SystemEvent::Keyboard(KeyboardEvent::TextInput { ref text }) => {
for ch in text.chars() {
_ => false,
pub fn prepare_frame(&mut self, context: &mut imgui::Context, dest: &RgbaBitmap) {
let io = context.io_mut();
let now = Instant::now();
self.last_frame = now;
io.display_size = [dest.width() as f32, dest.height() as f32];
io.display_framebuffer_scale = [1.0, 1.0];