extern crate core; extern crate sdl2; pub mod entities; pub mod events; pub mod graphics; pub mod math; pub mod states; pub mod system; pub mod utils; pub const LOW_RES: bool = if cfg!(feature = "low_res") { true } else { false }; pub const WIDE_SCREEN: bool = if cfg!(feature = "wide") { true } else { false }; pub const SCREEN_WIDTH: u32 = if cfg!(feature = "low_res") { if cfg!(feature = "wide") { 214 } else { 160 } } else { if cfg!(feature = "wide") { 428 } else { 320 } }; pub const SCREEN_HEIGHT: u32 = if cfg!(feature = "low_res") { 120 } else { 240 }; pub const SCREEN_TOP: u32 = 0; pub const SCREEN_LEFT: u32 = 0; pub const SCREEN_RIGHT: u32 = SCREEN_WIDTH - 1; pub const SCREEN_BOTTOM: u32 = SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1; pub const DEFAULT_SCALE_FACTOR: u32 = if cfg!(feature = "low_res") { 6 } else { 3 }; pub const NUM_COLORS: usize = 256; // i mean ... the number of colors is really defined by the size of u8 ...