remove old argb color functions

This commit is contained in:
Gered 2023-05-05 15:32:57 -04:00
parent 02447867a9
commit ae178e1fa0

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@ -5,27 +5,6 @@ use byteorder::{ReadBytesExt, WriteBytesExt};
use crate::utils::{ReadType, WriteType};
/// Packed 32-bit color, in the format: 0xAARRGGBB
pub type Color1u32 = u32;
/// Unpacked 24-bit color as 8-bit color components in the order: red, green, blue
pub type Color3u8 = [u8; 3];
/// Unpacked 32-bit color as 8-bit color components in the order: alpha, red, green, blue
pub type Color4u8 = [u8; 4];
/// Unpacked 24-bit color as normalized f32 color components (0.0 to 1.0) in the order: red, green, blue
pub type Color3f32 = [f32; 3];
/// Unpacked 32-bit color as normalized f32 color components (0.0 to 1.0) in the order: alpha, red, green, blue
pub type Color4f32 = [f32; 4];
/// Unpacked 32-bit color in a SIMD vector that is otherwise equivalent to [`Color4u8`]
pub type SimdColor4u8 = simd::u8x4;
/// Unpacked 32-bit color in a SIMD vector that is otherwise equivalent to [`Color4f32`]
pub type SimdColor4f32 = simd::f32x4;
// these colours are taken from the default VGA palette
pub const COLOR_BLACK: ARGBu8x4 = ARGBu8x4::from_rgb([0, 0, 0]);
@ -76,459 +55,6 @@ impl BlendFunction {
/// Packs a set of individual ARGB components to a packed 32-bit color value.
/// # Arguments
/// * `argb` the 4 color components (0-255) in the order: alpha, red, green, blue
/// returns: the 32-bit packed color
pub fn to_argb32(argb: Color4u8) -> Color1u32 {
(argb[3] as u32) // b
+ ((argb[2] as u32) << 8) // g
+ ((argb[1] as u32) << 16) // r
+ ((argb[0] as u32) << 24) // a
pub fn to_argb32_simd(argb: SimdColor4u8) -> Color1u32 {
/// Packs a set of individual ARGB normalized components to a packed 32-bit color value.
/// # Arguments
/// * `argb` the 4 normalized color components (0.0 to 1.0) in the order: alpha, red, green, blue
/// returns: the 32-bit packed color
pub fn to_argb32_normalized(argb: Color4f32) -> Color1u32 {
(((argb[3] * 255.0) as u32) & 0xff) // b
+ ((((argb[2] * 255.0) as u32) & 0xff) << 8) // g
+ ((((argb[1] * 255.0) as u32) & 0xff) << 16) // r
+ ((((argb[0] * 255.0) as u32) & 0xff) << 24) // a
pub fn to_argb32_normalized_simd(argb: SimdColor4f32) -> Color1u32 {
/// Unpacks the individual ARGB components out of a packed 32-bit color value.
/// # Arguments
/// * `argb`: the 32-bit packed color to unpack
/// returns: the unpacked ARGB color components (0-255 each) in order: alpha, red, green, blue
pub fn from_argb32(argb: Color1u32) -> Color4u8 {
((argb & 0xff000000) >> 24) as u8, // a
((argb & 0x00ff0000) >> 16) as u8, // r
((argb & 0x0000ff00) >> 8) as u8, // g
(argb & 0x000000ff) as u8, // b
pub fn from_argb32_simd(argb: Color1u32) -> SimdColor4u8 {
/// Unpacks the individual ARGB normalized components out of a packed 32-bit color value.
/// # Arguments
/// * `argb`: the 32-bit packed color to unpack
/// returns: the unpacked ARGB normalized color components (0.0 to 1.0 each) in order: alpha, red, green, blue
pub fn from_argb32_normalized(argb: Color1u32) -> Color4f32 {
((argb & 0xff000000) >> 24) as f32 / 255.0, // a
((argb & 0x00ff0000) >> 16) as f32 / 255.0, // r
((argb & 0x0000ff00) >> 8) as f32 / 255.0, // g
(argb & 0x000000ff) as f32 / 255.0, // b
pub fn from_argb32_normalized_simd(argb: Color1u32) -> SimdColor4f32 {
/// Packs a set of individual RGB components to a combined 32-bit color value. Substitutes a value of 255 for
/// the missing alpha component.
/// # Arguments
/// * `rgb` the 3 color components (0-255) to be packed, in the order: red, green, blue
/// returns: the 32-bit packed color
pub fn to_rgb32(rgb: Color3u8) -> Color1u32 {
to_argb32([255, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]])
pub fn to_rgb32_simd(argb: SimdColor4u8) -> Color1u32 {
to_argb32([255, argb[1], argb[2], argb[3]])
/// PAcks a set of individual RGB normalized components to a combined 32-bit color value. Substitutes a value of
/// 1.0 for the missing alpha component.
/// # Arguments
/// * `rgb` the 3 normalized color components (0.0 to 1.0) to be packed, in the order: red, green, blue
/// returns: the u32 packed color
pub fn to_rgb32_normalized(rgb: Color3f32) -> Color1u32 {
to_argb32_normalized([1.0, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]])
/// Unpacks the individual RGB components out of a combined 32-bit color value. Ignores the alpha component.
/// # Arguments
/// * `argb`: the 32-bit packed color
/// returns: the unpacked ARGB color components (0-255 each) in order: red, green, blue
pub fn from_rgb32(rgb: Color1u32) -> Color3u8 {
// ignore alpha component at 0xff000000 ...
((rgb & 0x00ff0000) >> 16) as u8, // r
((rgb & 0x0000ff00) >> 8) as u8, // g
(rgb & 0x000000ff) as u8, // b
pub fn from_rgb32_simd(rgb: Color1u32) -> SimdColor4u8 {
let [r, g, b] = from_rgb32(rgb);
SimdColor4u8::from_array([255, r, g, b])
/// Unpacks the individual RGB normalized components out of a combined 32-bit color value. Ignores the alpha component.
/// # Arguments
/// * `argb`: the 32-bit packed color
/// returns: the unpacked ARGB normalized color components (0.0 to 1.0 each) in order: red, green, blue
pub fn from_rgb32_normalized(rgb: Color1u32) -> Color3f32 {
// ignore alpha component at 0xff000000 ...
((rgb & 0x00ff0000) >> 16) as f32 / 255.0, // r
((rgb & 0x0000ff00) >> 8) as f32 / 255.0, // g
(rgb & 0x000000ff) as f32 / 255.0, // b
/// Blends two color components together using a "strength" factor to control how much of the source
/// color versus destination color is represented in the result. This is using the formula:
/// `(source * strength) + (dest * (1 - strength))`
/// # Arguments
/// * `strength`: controls how much of the source versus destination is represented in the final output,
/// where 0 means the source component is 100% present in the output while 255 means the
/// destination component is 100% present in the output and 128 means 50% of each.
/// * `src`: the source component to be blended
/// * `dest`: the destination component to be blended
/// returns: the blended component result
pub fn blend_components(strength: u8, src: u8, dest: u8) -> u8 {
(((src as u16 * strength as u16) + (dest as u16 * (255 - strength as u16))) / 255) as u8
pub fn blend_components_simd(strength: u8, src: SimdColor4u8, dest: SimdColor4u8) -> SimdColor4u8 {
let strength = simd::u16x4::splat(strength as u16);
let max = simd::u16x4::splat(255);
(((src.cast() * strength) + (dest.cast() * (max - strength))) / max).cast()
/// Alpha blends two colors together.
/// # Arguments
/// * `src`: the 32-bit packed source color that is to be blended onto the destination
/// * `dest`: the 32-bit packed destination color that the source is being blended into
/// returns: the 32-bit packed blended color result
pub fn blend_argb32(src: Color1u32, dest: Color1u32) -> Color1u32 {
let unpacked_src = from_argb32(src);
let unpacked_dest = from_argb32(dest);
to_argb32(blend_argb(unpacked_src, unpacked_dest))
/// Alpha blends two colors together.
/// # Arguments
/// * `src`: the 32-bit unpacked source color that is to be blended onto the destination
/// * `dest`: the 32-bit unpacked destination color that the source is being blended into
/// returns: the 32-bit unpacked blended color result
pub fn blend_argb(src: Color4u8, dest: Color4u8) -> Color4u8 {
blend_components(src[0], src[0], dest[0]),
blend_components(src[0], src[1], dest[1]),
blend_components(src[0], src[2], dest[2]),
blend_components(src[0], src[3], dest[3]),
pub fn blend_argb_simd(src: SimdColor4u8, dest: SimdColor4u8) -> SimdColor4u8 {
blend_components_simd(src[0], src, dest)
/// Blends the source and destination colors together, where the alpha value used to blend the two
/// colors is derived from the given alpha value multiplied with the source color's alpha component.
/// This allows for more flexibility in directly controling how transparent the source
/// color is overtop of the destination.
/// # Arguments
/// * `src`: the 32-bit packed source color that is to be blended onto the destination. the alpha component of this
/// color is used during the blend.
/// * `dest`: the 32-bit packed destination color that the source is being blended into. the alpha component of this
/// color is ignored.
/// * `alpha`: the transparency or opacity of the source color over the destination color. this is
/// multipled together with the source color's alpha component to arrive at the final
/// alpha value used for blending the source and destination color's RGB components.
/// returns: the 32-bit packed blended color result
pub fn blend_argb32_source_by(src: Color1u32, dest: Color1u32, alpha: u8) -> Color1u32 {
let unpacked_src = from_argb32(src);
let unpacked_dest = from_argb32(dest);
to_argb32(blend_argb_source_by(unpacked_src, unpacked_dest, alpha))
/// Blends the source and destination colors together, where the alpha value used to blend the two
/// colors is derived from the given alpha value multiplied with the source color's alpha component.
/// This allows for more flexibility in directly controling how transparent the source
/// color is overtop of the destination.
/// # Arguments
/// * `src`: the 32-bit unpacked source color that is to be blended onto the destination. the alpha component of this
/// color is used during the blend.
/// * `dest`: the 32-bit unpacked destination color that the source is being blended into. the alpha component of this
/// color is ignored.
/// * `alpha`: the transparency or opacity of the source color over the destination color. this is
/// multipled together with the source color's alpha component to arrive at the final
/// alpha value used for blending the source and destination color's RGB components.
/// returns: the 32-bit unpacked blended color result
pub fn blend_argb_source_by(src: Color4u8, dest: Color4u8, alpha: u8) -> Color4u8 {
let alpha = ((alpha as u16 * src[0] as u16) / 255) as u8;
blend_components(alpha, src[1], dest[1]),
blend_components(alpha, src[2], dest[2]),
blend_components(alpha, src[3], dest[3]),
pub fn blend_argb_simd_source_by(src: SimdColor4u8, dest: SimdColor4u8, alpha: u8) -> SimdColor4u8 {
let alpha = ((alpha as u16 * src[0] as u16) / 255) as u8;
let mut blended = blend_components_simd(alpha, src, dest);
blended[0] = alpha;
/// Applies a tint to a color, using the tint color's alpha component as the strength of the tint,
/// where 0 means no tint and 255 means full tint. The original color's alpha component is preserved in
/// the result.
/// # Arguments
/// * `color`: the 32-bit packed color to be tinted
/// * `tint`: the 32-bit packed tint color to be applied to the color, where the alpha component represents
/// the tint strength
/// returns: the resulting 32-bit packed tinted color
pub fn tint_argb32(color: Color1u32, tint: Color1u32) -> Color1u32 {
let unpacked_color = from_argb32(color);
let unpacked_tint = from_argb32(tint);
to_argb32(tint_argb(unpacked_color, unpacked_tint))
/// Applies a tint to a color, using the tint color's alpha component as the strength of the tint,
/// where 0 means no tint and 255 means full tint. The original color's alpha component is preserved in
/// the result.
/// # Arguments
/// * `color`: the 32-bit unpacked color to be tinted
/// * `tint`: the 32-bit unpacked tint color to be applied to the color, where the alpha component represents
/// the tint strength
/// returns: the resulting 32-bit unpacked tinted color
pub fn tint_argb(color: Color4u8, tint: Color4u8) -> Color4u8 {
blend_components(tint[0], tint[1], color[1]),
blend_components(tint[0], tint[2], color[2]),
blend_components(tint[0], tint[3], color[3]),
pub fn tint_argb_simd(color: SimdColor4u8, mut tint: SimdColor4u8) -> SimdColor4u8 {
let strength = tint[0];
tint[0] = color[0];
blend_components_simd(strength, tint, color)
/// Multiplies two colors together, returing the result. The multiplication is performed by
/// individually multiplying each color component using the formula `(component * component) / 255`.
/// # Arguments
/// * `a`: the first 32-bit packed color
/// * `b`: the second 32-bit packed color
/// returns: the resulting 32-bit packed color from the multiplication
pub fn multiply_argb32(a: Color1u32, b: Color1u32) -> Color1u32 {
let unpacked_a = from_argb32(a);
let unpacked_b = from_argb32(b);
to_argb32(multiply_argb(unpacked_a, unpacked_b))
/// Multiplies two colors together, returing the result. The multiplication is performed by
/// individually multiplying each color component using the formula `(component * component) / 255`.
/// # Arguments
/// * `a`: the first 32-bit unpacked color
/// * `b`: the second 32-bit unpacked color
/// returns: the resulting 32-bit unpacked color from the multiplication
pub fn multiply_argb(a: Color4u8, b: Color4u8) -> Color4u8 {
((a[0] as u32 * b[0] as u32) / 255) as u8,
((a[1] as u32 * b[1] as u32) / 255) as u8,
((a[2] as u32 * b[2] as u32) / 255) as u8,
((a[3] as u32 * b[3] as u32) / 255) as u8,
pub fn multiply_argb_simd(a: SimdColor4u8, b: SimdColor4u8) -> SimdColor4u8 {
((a.cast::<u32>() * b.cast::<u32>()) / simd::u32x4::splat(255)).cast()
/// Linearly interpolates between two colors.
/// # Arguments
/// * `a`: the first 32-bit packed color
/// * `b`: the second 32-bit packed color
/// * `t`: the amount to interpolate between the two values, specified as a fraction.
/// returns: the interpolated 32-bit packed color result
pub fn lerp_argb32(a: Color1u32, b: Color1u32, t: f32) -> Color1u32 {
let unpacked_a = from_argb32(a);
let unpacked_b = from_argb32(b);
to_argb32(lerp_argb(unpacked_a, unpacked_b, t))
/// Linearly interpolates between two colors.
/// # Arguments
/// * `a`: the first 32-bit unpacked color
/// * `b`: the second 32-bit unpacked color
/// * `t`: the amount to interpolate between the two values, specified as a fraction.
/// returns: the interpolated 32-bit unpacked color result
pub fn lerp_argb(a: Color4u8, b: Color4u8, t: f32) -> Color4u8 {
((a[0] as f32) + ((b[0] as f32) - (a[0] as f32)) * t) as u8,
((a[1] as f32) + ((b[1] as f32) - (a[1] as f32)) * t) as u8,
((a[2] as f32) + ((b[2] as f32) - (a[2] as f32)) * t) as u8,
((a[3] as f32) + ((b[3] as f32) - (a[3] as f32)) * t) as u8,
pub fn lerg_argb_simd(a: SimdColor4u8, b: SimdColor4u8, t: f32) -> SimdColor4u8 {
(a.cast() + (b - a).cast() * simd::f32x4::splat(t)).cast()
/// Linearly interpolates between two colors. Ignores the alpha component, which will always be
/// set to 255 in the return value.
/// # Arguments
/// * `a`: the first 32-bit unpacked color
/// * `b`: the second 32-bit unpacked color
/// * `t`: the amount to interpolate between the two values, specified as a fraction.
/// returns: the interpolated 32-bit unpacked color result, which will always have an alpha component of 255
pub fn lerp_rgb32(a: Color1u32, b: Color1u32, t: f32) -> Color1u32 {
let [r1, g1, b1] = from_rgb32(a);
let [r2, g2, b2] = from_rgb32(b);
((r1 as f32) + ((r2 as f32) - (r1 as f32)) * t) as u8,
((g1 as f32) + ((g2 as f32) - (g1 as f32)) * t) as u8,
((b1 as f32) + ((b2 as f32) - (b1 as f32)) * t) as u8,
pub fn multiplied_blend_argb32(color: Color1u32, src: Color1u32, dest: Color1u32) -> Color1u32 {
blend_argb32(multiply_argb32(src, color), dest)
pub fn multiplied_blend_argb(color: Color4u8, src: Color4u8, dest: Color4u8) -> Color4u8 {
blend_argb(multiply_argb(src, color), dest)
pub fn multiplied_blend_argb_simd(color: SimdColor4u8, src: SimdColor4u8, dest: SimdColor4u8) -> SimdColor4u8 {
blend_argb_simd(multiply_argb_simd(src, color), dest)
pub fn tinted_blend_argb32(tint: Color1u32, src: Color1u32, dest: Color1u32) -> Color1u32 {
blend_argb32(tint_argb32(src, tint), dest)
pub fn tinted_blend_argb(tint: Color4u8, src: Color4u8, dest: Color4u8) -> Color4u8 {
blend_argb(tint_argb(src, tint), dest)
pub fn tinted_blend_argb_simd(tint: SimdColor4u8, src: SimdColor4u8, dest: SimdColor4u8) -> SimdColor4u8 {
blend_argb_simd(tint_argb_simd(src, tint), dest)
pub trait BytesAsColors<T> {
@ -1066,109 +592,6 @@ mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::math::NearlyEqual;
fn argb_conversions() {
let argb = to_argb32([0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44]);
assert_eq!(argb, 0x11223344);
let argb = to_rgb32([0x22, 0x33, 0x44]);
assert_eq!(argb, 0xff223344);
let [a, r, g, b] = from_argb32(0x11223344);
assert_eq!(0x11, a);
assert_eq!(0x22, r);
assert_eq!(0x33, g);
assert_eq!(0x44, b);
let [r, g, b] = from_rgb32(0x11223344);
assert_eq!(0x22, r);
assert_eq!(0x33, g);
assert_eq!(0x44, b);
fn normalized_argb_conversions() {
let argb = to_argb32_normalized([0.5, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3]);
assert_eq!(argb, 0x7f19334c);
let argb = to_rgb32_normalized([0.1, 0.2, 0.3]);
assert_eq!(argb, 0xff19334c);
// floating-point accuracy is a real bitch here ... lol.
// the low-accuracy epsilon values in these asserts is not an accident or oversight
let [a, r, g, b] = from_argb32_normalized(0x7f19334c);
assert!(a.nearly_equal(0.5, 0.01));
assert!(r.nearly_equal(0.1, 0.01));
assert!(g.nearly_equal(0.2, 0.01));
assert!(b.nearly_equal(0.3, 0.01));
let [r, g, b] = from_rgb32_normalized(0x7f19334c);
assert!(r.nearly_equal(0.1, 0.01));
assert!(g.nearly_equal(0.2, 0.01));
assert!(b.nearly_equal(0.3, 0.01));
fn blending() {
// TODO: for blend_argb32, is this really the behaviour we want? the output value's alpha
// is blended, but the source color's alpha is what is ultimately used to control
// the blend operation. what is best here? the output RGB color looks correct at
// any rate, just not sure what the proper output alpha component *should* be in
// all cases.
assert_eq!(0xff112233, blend_argb32(0xff112233, 0xff555555));
assert_eq!(0xbf333b44, blend_argb32(0x7f112233, 0xff555555));
assert_eq!(0xff555555, blend_argb32(0x00112233, 0xff555555));
assert_eq!(0xff112233, blend_argb32(0xff112233, 0x7f555555));
assert_eq!(0x7f333b44, blend_argb32(0x7f112233, 0x7f555555));
assert_eq!(0x7f555555, blend_argb32(0x00112233, 0x7f555555));
assert_eq!(0xff112233, blend_argb32_source_by(0xff112233, 0xff555555, 255));
assert_eq!(0x7f333b44, blend_argb32_source_by(0x7f112233, 0xff555555, 255));
assert_eq!(0x00555555, blend_argb32_source_by(0x00112233, 0xff555555, 255));
assert_eq!(0xff112233, blend_argb32_source_by(0xff112233, 0x7f555555, 255));
assert_eq!(0x7f333b44, blend_argb32_source_by(0x7f112233, 0x7f555555, 255));
assert_eq!(0x00555555, blend_argb32_source_by(0x00112233, 0x7f555555, 255));
assert_eq!(0x80323b43, blend_argb32_source_by(0xff112233, 0xff555555, 128));
assert_eq!(0x3f44484c, blend_argb32_source_by(0x7f112233, 0xff555555, 128));
assert_eq!(0x00555555, blend_argb32_source_by(0x00112233, 0xff555555, 128));
assert_eq!(0x00555555, blend_argb32_source_by(0xff112233, 0xff555555, 0));
assert_eq!(0x00555555, blend_argb32_source_by(0x7f112233, 0xff555555, 0));
assert_eq!(0x00555555, blend_argb32_source_by(0x00112233, 0xff555555, 0));
fn tinting() {
assert_eq!(0xff112233, tint_argb32(0xffffffff, 0xff112233));
assert_eq!(0xff889099, tint_argb32(0xffffffff, 0x7f112233));
assert_eq!(0xffffffff, tint_argb32(0xffffffff, 0x00112233));
fn multiplying() {
assert_eq!(0xff112233, multiply_argb32(0xffffffff, 0xff112233));
assert_eq!(0xff112233, multiply_argb32(0xff112233, 0xffffffff));
assert_eq!(0x7f030014, multiply_argb32(0x7f330066, 0xff112233));
assert_eq!(0x7f030014, multiply_argb32(0xff112233, 0x7f330066));
fn lerping() {
assert_eq!(0x7f112233, lerp_argb32(0x7f112233, 0xffaabbcc, 0.0));
assert_eq!(0xbf5d6e7f, lerp_argb32(0x7f112233, 0xffaabbcc, 0.5));
assert_eq!(0xffaabbcc, lerp_argb32(0x7f112233, 0xffaabbcc, 1.0));
assert_eq!(0xff112233, lerp_rgb32(0x7f112233, 0xffaabbcc, 0.0));
assert_eq!(0xff5d6e7f, lerp_rgb32(0x7f112233, 0xffaabbcc, 0.5));
assert_eq!(0xffaabbcc, lerp_rgb32(0x7f112233, 0xffaabbcc, 1.0));
fn argbu8x4() {
let mut color = ARGBu8x4(simd::u8x4::from_array([0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44]));